Connie Ann Winesett

Born 10-Sep-1946 in War, McDowell County, WV.
Daughter of Harold R. Winesett and Goldie Withheld

Married and Divorced James Withheld

Married Richard U. Withheld

Connie and Richard live in Ohio.

James and Connie's children are:
1. Kimberly Sue who married Thomas Withheld; whose children are Danielle Elizabeth (1-Nov-1985) and Thomas (10-Jun-1993); and
2. Deborah Lynn (9-Jun-1967). Debroah has a son, David Lee Harley Donley 13-Nov-1967 and a grandson Darko Harley Donley 7-Jul-2007

Any information about the members of this family would be appreciated.

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