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---As of 8:13pm Tuesday March 29 2009---
Ciatyl isn't live yet. We are in an extreme beta phase. If you're interested in joining us and seeing how things look, please use UOLauncher and the information on how to set this up on our forums. This is a custom map, custom scripts, and completely new UO experiance. I am currently looking for spawners and decorators with enough knowledge to work with little assistance. I have bigger things to worry about. You must go through a lengthy interview and an easygoing attitude are a must.
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Name: Siliqui
Ciatyl is a very custom shard with emphasis on crafting and exploration. We are slowly rebuiling the UO world to offer familiar places with fresh new faces, so pardon our patches and come enjoy Ciatyl.

We are commited to keeping UO interesting even for players that have been everywhere. Thats why we are interested in what you have to say. Join the forums and see what we have in store next and feel free to offer your own suggestions as well.

Some features in planning are:
     - Brand new, custom ores never before seen.
     - Enchanting system to give you more control of your magical creations.
     - Marketplaces with vendors selling everything from cheese to artifacts.
     - PVM, PVP and NonCombat events so there is something for everyone.