

The Red Hawk

March 21 - April 19

Those born under the sun sign of the Red Hawk are likely
to be adventurious and assertive. Along with creativity,
they harbor a desire to be free and unencumbered. Those
people closest to them may consider them to be a bit
headstrong at times.

The Beaver

April 20 - May 20

Beaver people are industrious and hardworking folks
who are generally blessed with good health. They
cherish peace and security, and those who are born
under this sign are thought to be loyal and stable.

The Deer

May 21 - June 21

Deer people are very often clever, talented individuals
who have a knack for bringing their enthusiasm to their
environment. Those born under this sign love change and
seem to be almost constantly in motion.

The Brown Flicker

June 22 - July 21

Those born under this sign have a strong nesting instinct
and are generally deemed good parents who provide
lovingly for thier children. Brown Flicker people also
seem to have an ability to head problems off before they
really begin.

The Sturgeon

July 22 - August 21

Sturgeon people have a great talent for teaching others.
If they can avoid the tendency to be a bit to domineering,
they are able to hide all their insecurities behind a
positive approach to life.

The Bear

August 22 - September 22

Those born under this sign are usually slow and
cautious, quiet and careful individuals. Bear people
are generally no-nonsense types who do not tolerate
deceit and insecurity in others.

The Raven

September 23 - October 22

Raven people are sociable, talkative folks, full of nervous
energy and fluctuating moods. They are usually very
flexible and adapt well to new environments and

The Snake

October 23 - November 21

Charismatic, but often difficult to understand. Snake
people are often thought of as those who may delve to
deeply into the mysterious and forbidden. Those born
under this sign have the ability to deceive, as well as

The Elk

November 22 - December 21

Elk people are competitive and athletic individuals who
serve as teachers and coaches. Those born under this sign
enjoy traveling and cherish their personal independence.

The Snow Goose

December 22 - January 20

Tradition is important to those born under this sign,
and they search the past in order to find meaningful
guidelines for the future. Hard working folks with
great stamina, they are cautious about making to many
changes in their lives.

The Otter

January 21 - February 18

Although those born under this sign can be thought
unpredictable, they usually prove to be good-natured
friends who seem truly to enjoy helping others. Otter
people are often found in service occupations.

The Cougar

February 19 - March 20

Cougar people, very mystical in nature, are often artists,
writers, and healers, who rely on their intuition to
help them avoid trouble. Perhaps a bit too sensitive,
those born under this sign are easily hurt by rejection
and disapproval.

A totem animal is different than a birth totem.
A birth totem is just that, a totem animal
that follows the sign of your birth. A totem
animal is your "power animal", one which comes
to you in different situations such as:
A dream
A vision
A quest
But it must come to you more than once,
and never display anger. Its purpose is to
guide you on your path. The next time you
dream of your power animal, or see it in a vision,
talk to it and allow it to guide you.

~Totem Animals~

WOLF - Earth wisdom, protection

BEAR - Healing, Inner knowing

FOX - Elusiveness, ogility, cleverness

HAWK - Perception, Focus, protection

MOUSE - Innocence, faith, trust

EAGLE - High ideals, spiritual philosophy

DOLPHIN - Psychic abilities, initiators

HERON - Intuition, organization

HORSE - Stability, courage

RABBIT - faith, nurturance

JAGUAR - shamanic wisdom, focused power

DEER - physical pacing, body awareness

RAVEN - Inner journeys, dreams

OWL - symbolic wisdom, shadow work

MOUNTAIN LION - Strength, elusiveness

In the beginning of all things,
wisdom and knowledge were with
the animals, for the Great One above,
did not speak directly to man.
He sent certain animals to tell man
that he showed himself through the beasts,
and that from them, and from the stars,
and the sun, and the moon, should man learn...
All things tell of the Great Spirit.

Eagle Chief [Letakots-Lesa](late 19th century)

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Totem descriptions by Brad Steiger

"Proud to promote the heritage of the Native people"

This page last updated on 13 January 2003