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everyone thinks its a memory problem. Well I will show you its really a timing problem so watch:

Geocities currently encourages you to use a value for sleeptime equal to 5. 5 happens to be 5 milliseconds. If you are using Windows, well 30 milliseconds is equivalent to a timeslice... Just imagine the thrashing you are doing to your computer's CPU!!

Geocities Default time steals your cpu time

Sleep 25ms Not so bad

Sleep 50ms still a squeeze
Sleep 100ms .1 sec interval

Sleep 200ms .2 sec interval

Sleep 400ms .4 sec interval

Sleep 1000ms 1 second intervals

Sleep 10000ms 10 second intervals

I tested these pages using a running chat session, a cpu monitor program, and the actual pages. The results are here. The results prove its a thread starvation problem and not memory as everyone always thought it was.

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