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About these web page 's
The contents of this page are in no way sympathetic or apologetic to any Nazi, white power, militia, or other hate group's thoughts or policies!
This page was created to help foster interest and spread information about re-enacting the German Army of WW2, and to provide information on joining a German unit, or for finding WW2 events in your area.
The goal is for German re enactors to use this page to share information, photos and stories about their units and experiences. Please E-mail me with any comments, suggestions, or items for inclusion.

Re-enacting the German Soldier of WW2
People always ask -
"How can you dress up as a "Nazi" and parade around in that uniform and not feel guilty about what the Germans did in WW2?"
Well, this is how I look at it. You can't help feeling a greater sense of self-consciousness when you are at an event dressed as a "Nazi" because the majority of the people in the world view you as just that - a Nazi... the embodiment of evil in the 20th century.
But, for those of us who study the subject, we know that the average German soldier was not unlike his Allied counterpart. The German soldier was a man called about to do a job. He had not made this war come about, nor was he a political fanatic. He was well disciplined, obeyed his orders and fought bravely. Toward the end of the war he became disillusioned, but nevertheless he did his duty well. If displeased, the German soldier was not inclined to revolt. In defeat, the German soldier retained his pride and self esteem. Even when his country lay in ruin, every man a prisoner and the people of his nation refugees, he knew that he had belonged to what was once considered the best armed forces in the world.

In the end, the German soldier realised that he had fought for the wrong ideals and the wrong causes. He was misled by the leaders into which he had placed his trust. He was ashamed of the atrocities. He was trapped in history as an instrument of war.
Nevertheless, he remained true to his sworn oath,
"For Fuhrer and Fatherland..."

The German soldier fought bravely and died with honour.