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Brought to you by Wilson

Here are more drum tracks that Jason (FlyAngler18) has made available (with the drummer's generous permission) for the Tribe:

                    1. Suku

                    2. Sunguru Ensemble

                    3. Kuku Ensemble

                    4. Tiriba Ensemble

                    5. Kuku

Jason's notes:

These tracks are all played by Sidi Mohamed "Joh" Camara, a Malinko djembefola (master djembe drummer) from Bamaka, Mali. Mali djembes are among the best in the world- tuned amazingly high with some SUPER crisp tones and slaps. Lead djembes are usually fitted with metal shakers called ksink-ksink that round out the texture of the rhythm. In ensemble drumming, dun-duns (doubled-headed barrel drums) and bells add some bottom and pulse to the relatively higher pitch of djembes, and give the rhythms their distinctive character.

As far as the rhythms go, they are West African djembe rhythms ranging from Aconcon through more complex Senegalese rhythms.