Wisdom and Tomfoolery

Phil: “So Bush is going to go and bomb all the terrorists.”

Billie: “Yeah, in Terroristville where they all live.”

Phil: “No, common mistake—they all live in Terrorstburg.”

Katy: “Yeah, Terroristville is full of innocent people.”

Phil: “I could see Bush making that mistake.”


Mike: “The key is, of course, to look as disheveled as possible when they walk through the door.”


Katy: “I have to call my parents every week or I’m out of the will.  Seriously—my brother’s out of the will.  But he’s getting a second chance.”


Billie: “This story is about my friend Amy the Wiccan lesbian—as opposed to Katy’s friend Amy the Wiccan lesbian.”

Phil: “Hey, I know an Amy the Wiccan lesbian, too.”

Katy: “I swear, they’re everywhere.”

Phil: “No wait, I know two of them!”


Chelle: “...and I don’t like addition and subtraction.”

Mike: “Well, I don’t like differential equations, but do you see me bitching and moaning about it?”

Chelle and Em: “Yes!”


Evil Joel: “Oh Chelle, you’re a feminist?  How cute!”

Mike: “You know Joel, maybe you should go down to the feminist house with Em—it’d be a great place for you to try to pick up chicks.”


Katy: “Despite my promiscuous dreams, I really am a one woman guy—oh crap, I mean girl.”

Billie: “So you’re a one woman girl?”

Katy: “Damn it.”


Phil: “Yeah right, like they’re going to interrupt The Simpsons for news.  As if FOX cares about news.”

Mike: “They interrupted football for news today.”

Phil (eyes the size of saucers): “They interrupted... football?”


(In the kitchen)

Mike: “Hey—there’s a timer in here!”

Phil: “Oh, sweet!”

(In the living room)

Billie: (smirk)

Katy: “Shh....  They’re guys.”


(After all the shot glasses are full and there’s still Jello left.)

Billie: “We could just put the rest in a bowl and then cut it up and use a fork.”

Evil Joel: “Man, eating alcohol with a fork.  It’s just... not right.”


Zahnnie: “My friend Toh is exactly like you.  If you were a guy, the two of you would be the cutest gay couple in the UNIVERSE.  Will you get a sex change for me?”


Katy: “And I’m surprisingly not uncomfortable, even though I’m the only one here not attracted to women.”

Off-Duty Bartender: “Don’t be so sure about that.  There’s nothing like a nice stiffy in your mouth.”


Katy: “Wow.  Now, whenever I close my eyes I can see naked women dancing.”

Billie: “Hey, that’s cool!  But Phil can’t try because he’s driving.”

Phil: “Mmm, naked women.”

Katy: “Phil!  Stop it!”


Joel: “I’m sorry.  I’m like—“ (crashes into door) “...you can see what I’m like, and it’s not good.”


Annie: “I had a Halloween party for my Moroccan friends so they could experience this fabulous holiday. When I first explained it, they asked if it was that day when American children pretend to be dead people and beg for food. I had to say yes, but fervently claimed it was all in good fun.”


Billie: “Is this the part where you smash my face into your cleavage?”

Katy: “No, because I’m not Zahnnie.”

Katy: “Ah, Zahnnie.  Random person I’ve never met.”


Sarah the English Major: “I think I can just tell English majors by sight.  We all have that same look that says, ‘Yeah, we read too much.’”


Billie: “You know where I’d really like to go right now?  IHOP.”

Katy: “We don’t have IHOPs in Minnesota.  But you know where you should go instead?  The International Hou... no wait, cause that’d be dumb.  The Original Pancake House.”


Katy: “Oh—yeah!  Hoo ya!

Katy (hiding her face): “Oh my God—I just said ‘hoo ya’ because I know the definition of manifest destiny.  I’m so disappointed in myself!”


Adela: “I could have friends with benefits.  I wouldn’t make out with them or anything, but—you know—I could make them furniture.”


Ari: “But if God is dead, who will save the queen?”


Kelly: “I’m in Gryffindor.”

Sandra: “Me too!”

Billie: “I’m in Ravenclaw.”

Sandra: “That’s still a very good dorm.  Wow, we have too much time on our hands.”

Kelly: “And too much internet access.”


Weldon: “Of course I’m coughing!  I haven’t drank in three years.  Wait—am I nineteen or twenty?”


Billie’s Mom: “I don’t remember anything about the eighties.  I was too busy.”


Billie: “I always seem to trip when I’m leaving your room lately.”

Joel: “Ah, that’s my plan.  One of these days you’ll hit your head on the tiles and be knocked unconscious, and then I’ll have you to myself all night.”

Billie: “Um, Joel?”

Joel: “Whoa!  That came out really wrong!”


Lauren: “You know what was really scary in that movie?  The ringwraiths.  And you know what else was scary?  Bilbo Baggins when he was scary!”


Karen (the day after winning a grant): “Where is my mind?”

Lauren: “Are you thinking about those cookies you’re going to give us?”

Karen: “No, I’m thinking that I probably should have stopped after two glasses of wine last night.”


The M.C.: “Check under your chairs.  Does anyone have something from Scandinavia?”

Katy: (Pulling something out): “Uh-oh.  I have something from the chair factory.”


Billie’s Dad: “Just write your book, and if someone bombs a Shinto shrine someday, you’ll be enormously successful.”


Katy: “You’re lucky.”  (singing) “Lucky, lucky, bo bucky, banana—oh.  Never mind.”


Olson: “You know, if we were at a state school right now, we'd be getting drunk and getting laid. But no.  We're here.  Laughing at Linux jokes.”


Ari G: “I’m playing against myself.  And I’m cheating.”


Erin: “Are we making maki-zushi?”

Fun Mike: “Um, we’re making the rolly kind.”


Katy: “And it’s come to my attention that Boyscout Mike doesn’t like his new nickname.”

Evil Joel: “That’s why I call him Girlscout Mike.”

Billie: “’Cause he likes that better?”

Evil Joel: “Well, he laughed.”


Karen Sawyer (English teacher): “.... And on the inside cover of the book he had written a marriage proposal in the form of the Shakespearian sonnet.  It had the right rhyme scheme, and it was even in iambic pentameter!”


(Playing AD&D)

Katy: “Jeez, this guy obviously doesn’t know anything.  Let’s leave.”

DM Fun Mike: “Okay, here’s a hint.  Sometimes, if you just kick randomly at a dirt floor, you won’t uncover anything.  But if you scrape away the layers one by one, you might find something useful underneath.”

Nate: “So, can we check the floor?”


Billie: “I won’t put much stock in those ‘Best movies of all times’ lists.”

Brian: “Yeah, they all have Titanic on them.”

Billie’s Dad: “Well, maybe there’s something we missed in that movie.  After all, we only saw it once.”


Amy: “Quick, everyone, blend into the tree!”

Zahnnie: “I’ll be the tree.  Everyone blend into me!”

Amy: “That was an interesting way to get everyone touching you.”


Sandra: “Oh my God!  Look!  It’s a tractor store, and people are actually buying tractors!”


Nicole: “Since Coke cans don’t make popping noises when you open them anymore, I think the northerners should have to call them tsu-chhhhhh.”


Billie (Reading Four by the Shore): “’I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I have to go to the bathroom!’”

Billie: “Heh.  When I was little and my mom read me this book, that became the roadtrip mantra.”

Kelly and Sandra: “I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I have to go to the bathroom!”

Nicole: “I’m not turning this car around!”


Sandra: “You’ve won this round, Bapti-dome.  But we shall return, and in greater numbers!”


Frank: “It’s not casing, it’s simply urban exploration.”


Frank: “According to the people on the Isle of Man, the only natural enemy of the dragon is the elephant.  I figured that might explain Aryne’s view of Republicans.”


Frank: “You forced the door open, Mary? I’m shocked.”

Billie: “Ha ha Mary, Frank’s a paradigm of virtue and you’re not!”

Frank (either playing along or not getting the joke): “I certainly hope you don’t believe that.”


Lacey: “What are the Black Alley Cats?”

Sandra: “It’s like ‘us,’ but with more syllables.”


Sandra: “So I was playing Final Fantasy, and I wanted to rename Shadow ‘Mike Wazowski.’  But there wasn’t enough room on the screen, so I had to call him ‘Wazo.’”


Billie: “I renamed Shadow ‘Guenh.’”

Zahnnie: “Wow, that’s the third time Guenh’s died as a Final Fantasy character.”


Amy: “It’s incredible.  Somehow, somewhere Zahnnie’s picked up finesse.  Except you wouldn’t believe it right now... since she’s singing into her tail.”


Amy (to a room full of people dressed at Cats): “Everyone, just be careful out there, and watch your tails.”

Zahnnie: “Yeah, watch your tails.  Watch each others’ tails.  Chase your tales.” (spins around in circles, chasing her tail)


Sandra: “I have something to say.  I’m weird? At least I’m not a pagan lesbian.  Ha!  I’ve been saving that through the whole movie.”


Kelly: “Amy’s decided to take over the world for its own good.”

Amy: “I got the idea from something Anakin Skywalker said.”


Amy: “Okay, now it’s my turn to feed you grapes.”  (attempts.)  “Sorry—the car just moved unexpectedly.”

Billie: “Ah.  I wasn’t sure if that was the car or if you were being flirtatious.”


(In the toy aisle)  Amy: “Ooh, Amidala in chains.  No—no—not thinking about that.  Not interested in that kind of thing any more.”

Kelly: “So... you’re not a lesbian now?”


Kelly: (sitting on the toilet) “Why are the stall doors transparent?”

Amy: “They are?!”

(Multiple people crowd around to see.)

Kelly: “Noooooo!  Go away!”

Billie: “So Kelly, you know how the teachers say that there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers?  Well, that was a stupid question.”


Billie: “I’m not leaving this country if I don’t see the Two Towers preview.”

Lucy: “Well, that’s a very mature position.”