Page 1-"Talk to Bob Ministries"-The man who talked with God, wants to talk to you!

"TALK TO BOB" MINISTRIES; an informative analysis of our world, enabling us to understand and overcome it's problems, from the Man who talked with GOD!

The Facts About: GOD, JESUS, and THE HOLY SPIRIT ; Man ; Creation ; ie. JEHOVAH, the GOD of the Bible, is real and interacts with us daily. We choose to obey or disobey HIM minute by minute. This sets us on a path to Heaven or Hell.

Bob's Supernatural Experience - God talks to with Bob, One on one.

Bob's Views on: the World; Man; Creation; Salvation and Judgement; Work and Play; Love and Prayer; Heaven, Hell and Eternity; Gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT; and Predestination, ie.We choose GOD because HE first chose us in love.

How to overcome: Addiction, be Blessed by GOD, and lead a quiet Peaceful Life.

Bob's Story: From his birth to the present, from weakness to strength in GOD"S continual Love and Forgiveness of a sinner.

Bob's Answers to your Questions: Perhaps we can help each other find the TRUTH and consequently a closer walk with GOD.

It's Quite Simple: Simply put, easy to understand, one or two sentence summations of the way Bob sees life.

A few Scriptures from the Bible: These have helped me, I'm sure they can help You.

Some Promises from God: The righteous can bank on these, a reward for the faithful.

Bob's Bible Trivia: Interesting Facts from the Bible!

Some Miracles GOD has performed in my life: Physical and psychological healing.

Bob's Got a Bone to Pick: Some things that bug me.

The Devil's Tackle Box: Some tools the Devil uses to lure us into sin.

Here's A Story for ya: Some tales of events that have happened to Bob over the years.

Here are some Scriptures relevant to assorted topics: They have been useful to me throughout my Christian Walk. I wrote them down in a book for my use and now they are available to you.

Some Problems Threatening our Planet: Here's a list I made 15 years ago that I though were foremost in causing the earth's destruction. Check it out. See if things are getting worse.

A Question of Trust: Where are you putting your trust, a quiz to test the soundness of your faith.

Some Roadblocks to Christ: What's holding you back from eternal life?

I say, Get Over It!

OK, I'll Buy That!

Do you know, What happens when You Die?

It's here, Bob's Story on Film!

Tell Your Story! Others want to hear. My Guest Book! Readers talk back.

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Note: Inclusion of these sites does not necessarily mean an agreement with all their content. Bob

Keep in mind that of the 17 people that die worldwide every 10 seconds, probably only one is going to Heaven. Guess where the other 16 are going.

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