Magickal Essential Oils
    Essential oils are commonly used for magickal purposes. It's best to only use genuine, authentic essential oils in magick. These contain the sum of the plant's magickal energies and so are the most effective. Blending oils is very easy. All you have to do is gather the oils that are called for in the recipe and a clean, sterilized jar, Add 1/8 cup of one of the following base oils:
-Apricot Kernal
    It seems that Jojoba is the best to use because it is not really an oil. It is a form of liquid wax, it never becomes rancid so it can be kept for longer periods of time.
    Oils are used in many ways in magick. Mostly they are rubbed onto candles which are then burned in ritual. Oils are also used to anoint the body to bring their energies within. A bath can be changed into a simple ritual by ading 5-10 drops of oil to the water. Remember put the oil in just before you get in because they will evaporate with the warm water. Talismans and amulets may be annointed with a few drops of the appropriate mix of oils to boost their energies.
Here is the list of association:

Camomile- Use sparingly to induce peace and for meditation.

Cedarwood- enhancing spirituality.

Cinnamon- (irritating to skin) use in money and psychic awareness blends.

Clove- (irritating) courage and protection.

Frankincense- useful in promoting spirituality and meitative states.

Ginger- useful in sexuality, love, courage, and money attracting blends.

Grapefruit- a powerful purifier.

Lavender- included in health, love, peace, and conscious mind-oriented blends.

Lemon- wear a diluted blend to attune with the energies of the full moon.

Orange- A highly Solar scent, added to purification blends.

Pine- purification, protection, money and healing

Rosemary- love and healing.
This is not a complete list--far from it. But if you want to know about something specific email me and I can find out for you.
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