The information concerning color is universal and does not only apply to candle magick; but, also to all forms of magick, meditation, and visualization. As we start to realize the power of the colors, we will learn how to use it into the powerful art of candle magick. Every color carries a specific energy. The major power colors are the 7 colors of the rainbow. (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green,  Blue, Indigo, Violet)
Red- life; vitality; passion; power; courage; good luck.
Orange- joy; optimism; energy; stimulation.
Yellow- learning; divination; intellect.
Green- calm; rest; prosperity; fertility; growth; money.
Blue- healing; change; loyalty; happiness; calmness.
Indigo- insight; vision; chance; psychic abillities.
Violet- success; intuition; self-improvement.
Black- protective and banishing power; counteraction.
Grey- invisibility; neutralizes negativity.
White- purity; cleansing; peace; protection.
Gold- God; wealth; longevity; strength.
Silver- visions; intuitions; Goddess.
Purple- spiritual health; meditation; power; success.
Pink- reconciliation; friendship; happiness; harmony.
So... You can see that there are many different uses of color. And also each color has more than one use. There is one substitution that can be used to immitate any color--white.
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