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Luxury items - online catalog
Financial - online FI's
Willi Wordsmith offers...

... negotiable rates, fast turnaround and meticulous attention to detail.

... clarity in composition and a comprehensive grasp of grammar and usage.

... thorough research and persnickety proofreading.

From conception through realization or from rough draft to final product,
Willi Wordsmith can help to focus your vision. A quick perusal of the samples below will give you an idea of our range.
Willi Wordsmith
Financial - online banner ads
Community-oriented online site
Real estate marketing letter
Financial - investment analysis
Fashion - online catalog
Publishing - book catalog
French online site
Let language be the divining rod that finds the sources of thought.
-- Karl Kraus

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India online site
Financial - online jump pages
Words are a form of action, capable of influencing change.
--Ingrid Bengis
Corrective surgery for language