Willington Historical Society


Willington, Connecticut

Founded: May, 1727

Willington Green


Executive Committee

Calendar of Events


Willington Town History

Willington Common Historic District

Map of 1869

Links to Other Historical Sites

Contact Us

About the Society

The Willington Historical Society, organized in 1968 and incorporated in 1977, is a non-profit group dedicated to the acquisition and preservation of records, facts and materials concerning the past and present relating to the history of the town.  It is also part of our mission to provide educational programs in the form of exhibits, publications and talks as well as working with the local schools in making available any resource materials and historical research to students who wish to participate in National History Day or related activities.  

A comprehensive genealogical file on the early families of Willington including several family histories is available to the public by contacting the Society.

While we do not have a museum at this time, negotiations are currently under way to acquire a 19th century building at the west end of the Town Green, which was originally a tavern or inn.   The Society's extensive collection of Willington artifacts and memorabilia are currently stored in a humidity controlled vault and are displayed each Fall in a one-day exhibit in conjunction with the annual Flea Market sponsored by the Federated Church of Willington.  It is the Society's hope to have a "home" on the green in which to have on-going exhibits and a place where children, as well as the general public, can learn about the town's rich history.

Programs with a history theme are held four times a year on the third Friday of the month at either the Senior Center or at the old Town Hall in September, November, March and May and are always open to the public. 

A newsletter, The Hourglass, is published four times a year, prior to each meeting which keeps the membership informed of on-going activities as well as interesting historic events of the past.  It is also sent to other local historical societies and interested organizations.

New members are always welcome and may contact Sue Schur, Membership Chairperson by emailing the Society at willingtoncthistory@yahoo.com.


November 2006