The The Doctor Who Purity Test Purity Test

Check all boxes for which your answer is "yes".
The "submit" button is at the bottom.

  1. Do you know what "Doctor Who" is?
  2. Have you ever seen a "Doctor Who" story
  3. Have you seen a substantial number (more than half) the available "Doctor Who" stories?
  4. Do you have a favourite Doctor?
  5. Is it someone other than Tom Baker?
  6. Do you have a favourite companion?
  7. Is your ideal partner suspiciously similar to any particular companion/Doctor?
  8. Is it K9?
  9. Have you ever read a BBC "Doctor Who" book?
  10. Bought a "Doctor Who" video?
  11. Several?
  12. Every (or nearly every) story available?
  13. Acquired a pirate video of a "Doctor Who" story?
  14. Created a "Doctor Who" themed website?
  15. Checked the BBC's "Doctor Who" page more than once in 24 hours?
  16. Done so as your only reason for logging on?
  17. Written "Doctor Who" fan fiction?
  18. Appeared in a fan video attempt?
  19. ... as the Doctor?
  20. Made/appeared in any of the various "Doctor Who" fan audio plays?
  21. Looked out of train windows and caught yourself seaching for CSO lines.
  22. *Found* CSO lines
  23. Imagined cliffhangers at dramatic points in your life?
  24. Actually heard the theme music over them?
  25. Attempted to build a TARDIS?
  26. Succeeded?
  27. Referred to "Doctor Who" habitually as "the programme"?
  28. Had people understand you, because it's what you normally talk about?
  29. In your diary (real or conceptual) not labelled Friday or Saturday night as 'pub' or 'club' or 'socialising', but as 'video night'.
  30. Deliberately not answered the door when people come round when you're watching a story?
  31. Wanted to kill a particular villain for the way he's treating a sympathetic character?
  32. Idolised a villain?
  33. Nodded in agreement with the villain's plan?
  34. Felt that the Daleks have the right idea?
  35. Find it difficult to believe that some people just aren't going to like "Doctor Who", no matter what you force them to sit through?
  36. Thought about sending threatening letters to BBC executives?
  37. Actually done so?
  38. Carried out your threats?
  39. Grown a 'Master' beard for the sheer hell of it?
  40. Been to a convention?
  41. More than once?
  42. Asked a celebrity to repeat one of *those* anecdotes?
  43. Understood the above question?
  44. Subscribed to a "Doctor Who" mailing list?
  45. Occasionally swamped that mailing list with heated debate?
  46. Looked upon Ian and Barbara as "the greatest love story ever told"?
  47. Had a "Doctor Who" dream?
  48. Thought it was a better story than some actually made?
  49. Been the Doctor in this dream?
  50. Hidden behind a sofa?
  51. Been able to watch "The Chase" without sniggering?
  52. Ninety per cent odd of your friends are 'Who fans?
  53. You have no non-sci-fi friends?
  54. Thought 'destroying the entire universe' would be an entertaining way to spend the weekend?
  55. Destroyed the universe?
  56. Become a scientist, just because of watching "Doctor Who" as a child?
  57. Become a *mad* scientist, for the same reason?
  58. Tried to perfect a 'Who science device?
  59. Longed for a transmat?
  60. Been impounded in a lunatic asylum for your 'Who related- antics?
  61. Worked for the Daleks?

Good going!