                       F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   X 
              Final Fantasy X Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.18
                               (Part 1 of 2)
                     For Playstation 2(tm) (US version)
                               By: “A” Tadeo
                        Submitted: January 17, 2002
                     Date last Updated: April 8, 2002
                      Mail me at: ffx@edsamail.com.ph 
                     Home Page: http://surf.to/aaronph

This Walkthrough/FAQ is dedicated to Kathleen Tan. ^_^ She is one of the 
nicest friends I have in a long time. Although we haven’t been able to meet 
in person (hopefully someday ^_^), I know that she is a kind and a gentle 
person. Not only that, she is very much into video gaming as much as I do and 
she is one excellent gamer. Thank you very much once more.


This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it 
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, 
Commercial Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this 
Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is 
guilty of “plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and 
words of another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own 
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself 
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can 
copy the layout though. 

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web 
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you 
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of 
the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal 
purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Greetings once more! It’s time to get back on track on my RPG guide writing. 
As promised here is my Final Fantasy X walkthrough/FAQ for the Sony 
Playstation 2. I’ve been planning on making this guide even back when it was 
announced for the Playstation 2 (last year). I’m a Role-Playing Game 
Enthusiast and I can’t afford not to have this great title. I’ll do what I 
did way back during the days of my Final Fantasy IX guide. This time, I’ll 
try to make it better than any of my other guides. But just as my previous 
guides, I’ll won’t be accepting e-mails regarding questions and contributions 
for now. I’ll start accepting them after the walkthrough is finished. I have 
my own e-mail address for this one though.

As for the game, this is definitely the BEST game EVER to appear on any 
console. I don’t want to hurt the feelings of those who got the Xbox and the 
Gamecube last November but you really need a PS2 for this one. Final Fantasy 
X is the revolutionary RPG game for the next generation console gaming. Gear 
up folks, let’s roll!


                                    Part I
                     i.      E-Mail Policy  
                     I.      Progress/Updates/Revisions
                     II.     Game Information
                             a. Game Controls         
                             b. Game Menu
                             c. Game Basics
                                - navigation system
                                - storyline info
                                - battle system
                                - element system
                                - Items and Key Items
                                - Weapons and Armors
                             d. Character Stats
                     III.    Character Information
                     IV.     Walkthrough
                             a. Walkthrough
                             b. FFX International Extra Ending
                             c. Side Quests/Secrets  
                                1. Temple Revisiting
                                2. Baaj Temple
                                3. Revisiting Luca and Movie/Music Theater
                                4. The Remiem Temple (Racing)
                                5. Celestial Weapons
                                   i. Tidus (Chocobo Trainer)
                                   ii. Yuna (Aeon Challenge)
                                   iii. Lulu (Thunder Plains bolt Dodging)
                                   iv. Rikku (Cactuar Side Quest)
                                   v. Auron
                                   vi. Wakka
                                   vii. Kimahri
                                6. Soft Reset
                     V.      Overdrive
                             a. Overdrive Basics
                             b. Overdrive Modes
                             c. Some notes on Overdrive
                             d. Overdrive List
                     VI.     The Sphere Grid
                             a. Sphere Grid Information
                             b. Sphere Nodes
                             c. Sphere List
                             d. Ability List
                             e. Special Abilities
                                i. Rikku’s Bribe
                     VII.    Aeons
                             a. Aeon Info/Strategy
                             b. Aeon Abilities
                             c. Aeon Customization/Attributes
                             d. Aeon Strategies and Secrets
                     VIII.   Al Bhed Primers
                     IX.     Al Bhed Clues
                     X.      All about Chocobos
                     XI.     Jecht’s Spheres
                     XII.    Butterfly Catching 
                     XIII.   Calm Lands Training Arena
                             a. Prize List
                             b. Fiend List
                             c. Monster Creation Strategies
                     XIV.    Blitz Ball
                             a. What is Blitz Ball?
                             b. Rules and Regulations
                             c. Game Modes
                             d. Character Stats
                             e. Actions
                             f. Encounters/Breakthroughs
                             g. Techniques
                             h. Techcopy
                             i. Team Information
                             j. Status Ailments
                             k. Character Level Up
                             l. Strategies
                             m. Prize List
                             n. Blitz Ball Scouts
                             o. Blitz Ball Secrets                            

                                   Part II

                     XV.     Item List
                     XVI.    Special Item List
                     XVII.   Key Item List
                     XVIII.  Rikku Mix List
                     XIX.    Equipment Customization
                             a. Customizing
                             b. Ability List
                     XX.     Weapon List
                     XXI.    Armor List
                     XXII.   Shops
                     XXIII.  Enemy List
                     XXIV.   Gameplay Tips
                     XXV.    Final Fantasy X Sound Track
                             a. Final Fantasy X Original Sound Track
                             b. Feel/Go Dream Yuna&Tidus
                             c. Lyrics
                                1. Suteki Da Ne
                                2. Otherworld
                     XXVI.   Story FAQ
                     XXVII.  Fantasy Trivia
                     XXVIII. Other Stuff
                             a. Words of Wisdom
                             b. Scenes of Humor
                     XXIX.   FAQs
                     XXX.    Credits

                               E-MAIL POLICY

For the past few months, I’ve been receiving such a great number e-mails and 
some of them are quite annoying (very few though, just 2). So, I decided to 
put up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to 
me. Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail 
regarding this guide and any of my other guides:

1. Send me a question which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that 
happy to help you.
2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what you’re trying to ask 
3. You can send in your questions/contributions/other e-mails in text or HTML 
format. No executables.
4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions, 
contributions, etc.  If you use later versions, the answer/s to your 
might have been answered already and will be most likely to be ignored.
5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll respond to you 

1. Don’t send any questions which can be answered from my guide. And don’t be 
persistent in doing so.
2. Don’t send nonsense e-mails like “I want to marry you!”, “Can you buy me 
this or that?”, etc.
3. Don’t say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.
4. And, don’t send Chain letters! Please!
(Doing this, your e-mail will be most likely to be ignored)
5. Don’t send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I don’t want 
Trojans wandering around. 
6. Don’t Spam (repeated messages)

Virus Info
There are still some people who are infected with the Snow White virus. You 
may receive an e-mail that is from hahaha@sexyfun.net that’s all about Snow 
White and the seven dwarves. Here’s what you can do to check if you are 
infected or not. Now, send a mail to yourself. This may sound crazy, but it 
works. If you receive another e-mail, which has the snow White virus, at the 
same time or a little later than the ones you send to yourself, it means that 
you are probably infected with the virus. To confirm this, check the IP 
Address and the STMP server indicated in the virus e-mail. Don’t worry about 
infection, as long as you DON’T open the attachment, you’re safe. But, if the 
IP Address and the STMP server in the virus e-mail is the same as the ones in 
your e-mail, you are 100% infected. So, run a virus scanner. 

To prevent any virus from infiltrating, DO NOT open executable file such as 
(*.exe, *.com, *.scr, *.pif, *.bat) even if they’re from a trusted friend or 
a family member. They may not know that they are infected. JPEGs and TXT 
files are safe. :)

Change topic, for those who will send their contributions, I’ll always credit 
anything that is from you. I will always make sure of that. If I ever forget, 
please remind me nicely. :) 


Hi everyone! Completing the guide is now my main goal. I’ve split the guide 
into 2 since there are more than 200 pages already. I did this so that you’ll 
have an easier time finding what you need. Previous Version Updates will 
still be posted here but updating from the next version thereafter will be 
separate. Thanks again!


Version 1.18 (Started: April 8, 2002)
Something important came up and I’ve had trouble. All e-mails for ffx from 
March 22 up to April 4 have been lost. I’ve had major problems with my hard 
disk and all of data have been wiped out, in short, I formatted my hard 
drive. Also, I’ll have to find another e-mail host since this e-mail address 
will be permanently gone (they are now charging us here). I’ll try my best to 
find a new and better e-mail for this one as well as my other edsamail 
addresses. In light of that, I’d like to apologize to everyone for the lack 
of update since I’ve been trying to think of a way to get things back in 
order. Thank you and good day.
        - Major Blitz Ball Techniques Update

Version 1.17 (Started: March 17, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          New Seymour Omnis Strategy
          Getting Jecht Shot at S.S. Liki
        - Overdrive Mode Update

Version 1.16 (Started: March 10, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Temple Revisiting Update
          New Seymour Flux Strategy
          New Sin Strategy
        - Overdrive Mode Update
        - Rikku’s Mix List Section
        - Al Bhed Primer Update
        - Al Bhed Clues Update
        - Training Arena Update
        - Blitz Ball Scouts Update

Version 1.15 (Started: March 5, 2002)
        - Aeon Attributes Update
        - Aeon Abilities Update
        - Training Arena Update
        - Al Bhed Primer Update
        - Blitz Ball Update
        - Sound Track Update

Version 1.14 (Started: March 3, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          New Seymour Omnis Strategy
        - Special Items Section
        - Sound Track Update
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Credits Section Update

Version 1.13 (Started: February 27, 2002)
        - Character Info Update
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Remiem Temple Chocobo Racing
          Soft Reset
        - Sphere Grid Update
        - Overdrive List Update
        - Shop List Update
        - Small Enemy List Update
Version 1.12 (Started: February 23, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Biran and Yenke update
          Additional Sanctuary Keeper strategy
          Yu Yevon Strategy
        - Overdrive update
        - Training Arena update
        - Weapon List update
        - FAQ Section update
        - Enemy List update
        - Sound Track Section
        - Lyrics for Suteki Da Ne 
        - Scenes of Humor Update
        - Credits Section Update

Version 1.11 (Started: February 23, 2002)
        - Special Abilities section (new)
        - Training Arena update
        - More Weapon and Armor List update
        - Equipment Customization update
Version 1.10 (Started: February 21, 2002)
(Sorry for the short notice but a new and important update has arrived so I 
have to put it here too. These are for those that doesn’t have FFX 
international yet and for those that are still wondering what happened after 
the ending. Thanks again Kathleen.)
        - Final Fantasy International Extra Ending (major spoilers)
        - Credits Section Update

Version 1.09 (Started: February 19, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Rikku’s Godhand
          Wakka’s Jupiter Sigil
        - Al Bhed Primer List complete locations
        - Major Weapon and Armor list Update
        - Training Arena Update
        - Short Enemy List Update
        - Credits Section Update

Version 1.08 (Started: February 16, 2002)
        - Short Blitz Ball Update
        - Overdrive Info Update 
        - Weapon List Update
        - Armor List Update
        - Aeon Info Revamped
        - Item List Update
        - New Key Item Section

Version 1.07 (Started: February 12, 2002)
(Happy Valentine’s Day! Unfortunately for me, I’m stuck with myself. But 
then, being single makes you improve more since you are not stagnant with a 
commitment and a relationship. ^_^)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Movie and Music Sphere list
          Rikku’s Mercury Sigil
          Wakka’s Jupiter Crest
          Auron’s Weapon, Crest, Sigil
          Kimahri’s Weapon, Crest, Sigil
        - Story FAQ Section Update
        - Aeon info update
        - Butterfly Catching Section Finished
        - Jecht’s Sphere Update
        - Equipment Customizing Section
        - Weapon and Armor list Update
        - Al Bhed Primer Update
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Enemy List Update

Version 1.06 (Started: February 11, 2002)
(Happy Chinese New Year to all!)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Lots of boss battle strategies added (contributed by 
          Side Quest #1 Update
          New Side Quest: Remiem Temple
          New Side Quest: The Celestial Weapons
        - Al Bhed Primer Update
        - Blitz Ball Update
        - Aeon Info Update
        - Jecht’s Sphere Update
        - Training Arena Update
        - Enemy List Update
        - Fantasy Trivia Update
        - Credits Section Updated

Version 1.05 (Started: February 9, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          New Info at Oasis
          Side Quest #1 Update
          New Sidequest: Luca and the Movie/Music Theater
        - Character Info Update
        - Al Bhed Primer Update
        - New Jecht’s Sphere
        - New Blitz Ball Scout
        - Training Arena Update
        - Shop List Update
        - New Story FAQ section (spoilers galore)
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Enemy List Update

Version 1.04 (Started: February 4, 2002)
        - Major Character Spoilers Removed
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Prize after giving donation at the Highroad
          1st blitz ball match against Luca Goers
          Revisiting Zanarkand
          Strategy vs. Yunalesca
          Evrae Altana strategy
          Sanctuary Keeper Strategy
        - Al Bhed Clues Update
        - Credits Section Updated
        - Spelling Corrections
        - Scenes of Humor Updated

Version 1.03 (Started: January 31, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Besaid Temple Destruction Sphere
          Djose Temple Destruction Sphere
          Temple Revisiting Side Quest
          Baaj Temple Side Quest
        - Aeon Info Updated
        - Chocobo mini-games Update
        - New Blitzball Scouts
        - Enemy List Update
        - Corrected some minor mistakes

Version 1.02 (Started: January 19, 2002)
        - Walkthrough Update:
          Calm Land Treasure Chests
          S.S. Liki Potions
          New Strategy against Yu Yevon
        - New Characters
        - Training Arena Update
        - New Section: Al Bhed Clues
        - Overdrive section updated
        - Chocobo Section Update
        - Enemy List Update
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Credits Section Updated

Version 1.01 (January 18, 2002)
        - Completed the walkthrough for the game!
        - New Section for the guide: Training Arena
        - Revised info on Abilities/Sphere Grid
        - New Tip for Seymour Battle #1
        - Credits Section Updated.

                              GAME INFORMATION 

If you have played one of the games in the final fantasy series, you’ll be 
very familiar with the game controls for the game. You use the Action button 
(X) to examine objects and talk to people. Triangle Button will be for the 
menu. Circle Button is assigned as the Cancel or the Walk Button. The Square 
button will be a special button for the Blitz Ball mini-game. Apart from the 
D-Pad (up, right, down, left) buttons, you may use the Left Analog stick to 
control the character. It will be much convenient that way.

to be included in the future...


1. The Navigation System
The navigation system of the game is much like the same as in the previous 
Final Fantasies. You just control your character in towns and other places 
looking for key items and finding certain event locations. But this time, it 
will be much easier since the overhead map on the upper left corner of the 
screen shows you at once where you should go. It will be indicated by a red 
arrow. You’ll just have to find your way to that indicator. But of course, 
there will be times when you’ll need to find your way out yourself.

2. Storyline Info
The storyline is practically very linear since there are no huge turning 
points that change/affect the story. You’ll have to devote more time now 
since there are voiceovers for the story. It made the game more story-based, 
much like the Bouncer. But of course, FFX has more action.

3. Battle System
The game incorporates almost the same turn-based battle system as the other 
games in the Final Fantasy Series. The CTB (Time Bar) is located on the right 
side of your screen during battles. You’ll see the order of movement, the top 
of which is the one who will move first. If a character’s bar depletes, it 
means he/she will have his/her turn. There are various things that affect the 
CTB. One is the type of attack the character does. Some attacks lessen the 
depletion time of the CTB and thus, it slows down the character. This is most 
evident when you use Special Attacks and Overdrives for Aeons. Second, the 
CTB depletion rate can be altered by using Haste (deplete faster) or Slow 
(deplete slower). Sometimes, it really is necessary to watch the order so 
that you can plan your move ahead of time.

4. Element System
Again, the elemental system is applied in battles. But this time, it will be 
much simpler than ever. There are 4 main elements namely Ice, Fire, Water, 
and Lightning. Ice and Fire oppose each other as well as Water to Lightning. 
If you use Ice on a Fire Based opponent, that attack will be very much 
effective. If you use the same element as the opponent, it will be most 
likely that it will be less effective. Your attack may even heal the opponent 
so watch out and know what your opponent’s element is.

5. Items and Key Items
As usual, items play an integral part in the game. Most especially, the Key 
Items are needed in order to progress through the game. Each item has its own 
effect/price and are can even be found on spoils from enemies. As for Key 
Items, they sometimes need some thinking in order to acquire. 

6. Weapons and Armor
Weapons and Armor are the basic tools you’ll need in the game. They are the 
one you use to assault your enemies. These weapons and armors (not all 
weapons and armors though) have special abilities that when equipped, will be 
activated and for use in the battle. It has been made simpler this time 
though since you only have to worry about the weapon and the armor. You don’t 
have to worry about helmets, gloves, and such.


Strength - Determines the overall physical power of the character. It 
determines how much damage the character will do with normal attacks.

Defense - Determines how high the defense of the character is. The higher 
this rating is, the lower the damage he will receive from physical attacks.

Magic - Determines how strong is the Magical ability of the character. The 
higher this stat is, the stronger the effect of magical attacks will be. 

Magic Defense - Just like defense, but this time, this concerns magic. It 
determines how much damage the character will take from Magical attacks.

Agility - This shows how fast the CTB of that character will fill up. 

Luck - This shows how will the character fare in landing an Overkill attack. 
This is applicable to physical and magical attacks. 

Evade - This stat shows the chance of the character to evade attacks and 
thus, receive no damage.

Accuracy - This shows the possibility or the chances of a character in 
successfully attacking the opponent.

                          CHARACTER INFORMATION

Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Weapon: Swords
Birthplace: Zanarkand
Overdrive: Swordplay

He is a young Blitz Ball star of the Zanarkand Abes. All seems great until 
one day, Sin changed his life anew into a journey he never dreamed of. Apart 
from that, Tidus is also torn between affection for Lady Yuna and hate for 
his father, Jecht.

Age: 17
Height: 5'3
Weapon: Staff
Birthplace: Bevelle
Overdrive: Grand Summon

Yuna is an apprentice summoner who just turned into a full-fledged summoner 
after praying at the Besaid Temple. Yuna is the daughter of the famous High 
Summoner Braska. Yuna must now journey throughout Spira in a pilgrimage to 
the temples in order to acquire the final aeon and defeat Sin and follow in 
the footsteps of her father.

Age: 21
Height: 6'2
Weapon: Balls
Birthplace: Besaid
Overdrive: Slots

Wakka is the captain of the Besaid Aurochs. The Blitz Ball team of Besaid 
that never won a single game in years. They yearn for a win and Tidus will be 
the key. Wakka, on the other hand, is one of Lady Yuna’s guardians. Although 
he is torn between his services as a guardian and a captain for Blitz Ball, 
he’ll find the true path he’ll take.

Age: 22
Height: 5'6
Weapon: Dolls
Birthplace: Besaid
Overdrive: Fury

Lulu is one of the guardians of Yuna. She has the ability to use Black Magic 
or offensive magic. Although short tempered, she is caring and soft at heart. 
But then, there is some mystery between him and Wakka concerning Wakka’s 
little brother, Chappu.

Age: 35
Height: 6'0
Weapon: Blades
Birthplace: Unknown
Overdrive: Bushido

Served as the protector and standing parent for Tidus. He will lead Tidus to 
the world of Spira and meet his destiny and legacy. Aside from that, Auron is 
a well-renowned guardian to one of the greatest High summoners. The father of 
Yuna who is none other than High Summoner Braska.

Kimahri Ronso
Age: 25
Height: 6'9
Weapon: Spears
Birthplace: Gagazet
Overdrive: Ronso Rage

A member of the Ronso tribe, Kimahri doesn’t speak too much and shows what he 
means through actions. He is strong-willed and strong-bodied at the same 
time. He has devoted himself into protecting Lady Yuna ever since before she 
became an apprentice Summoner.

Age: 15
Height: 5'2
Weapon: Claws
Birthplace: Unknown
Overdrive: Mix

Rikku is an Al Bhed girl who first met Tidus at Spira. Although some Al Bhed 
are rock-hearted, Rikku is sweet and she expresses her emotions very well.

A young woman of great faith to Yevon. She is travelling together with the 
Crusaders for support. 

Grand Maester Mika
He is the Grand Maester of Yevon and one of the most respected individuals in 
Spira. People come to him for support and for his knowledge.

Maester Kelk Ronso
The only Ronso to be a Maester, Kelk Ronso proves that looks are deceiving. 
Although the Ronso are a fierce tribe, they are the most faithful ones.

Maester Kinoc
An old friend of Auron, Maester Kinoc isn’t who we can call a very faithful 
Maester. He’s willing to bend or even break rules just for his liking to be 

Yu Yevon
The Supreme being of Spira where all beings of Spira revolves. The people 
base their faith and hope in Yevon’s teachings and so far, as their 1,000 
year old tradition in faith of Yevon.

O’aka XXIII is one of the most persistent persons in Spira. He sells stuff 
and gives special discount to the sales for Lady Summoner Yuna. But there is 
a story behind all this. Why only the Summoner?

Belgemine is another Summoner who will try to train Lady Yuna into becoming a 
powerful Summoner. You’ll meet her a couple of times during your journey.

Maester Seymour Guado
Seymour is a combination of a Guado and a Human and thus, he is the proof 
that a Guado and a Human can leave peacefully together. Seymour will try his 
best to continue this tradition.

Sin is dubbed as the one who brings death to any place where it goes. Tidus 
and the rest of the party journey with Yuna to gain the final aeon and 
eventually defeat Sin ones more.


The game offers quite a very linear story. You can actually go through your 
first game without any help at all. But just incase you got lost somewhere, 
I’ll try my best to help you out with this guide. 

Just take note that as with my previous RPG guides, I write the walkthrough 
with minor spoilers in it so that you will be able to follow fully with the 
story and the game. But I’ll try to minimize the spoilers so as not to reveal 
major turning points in the story.


In the beginning, you’ll see a short FMV with all the characters shown. After 
that, it’s onto the stadium. There, our hero is being greeted by his fans 
since he is a Blitz Ball star. Now, you’ll be able to take control of him for 
the first time. Try to familiarize yourself on how to move the character. I 
suggest using the analog controller for ease of use. Then, go south towards 
the screen and talk either to the 2 girls or the children. You’ll be asked 
for the name of our hero. Let us use his default name, Tidus. You may then 
talk to the other persons here. After that, a cue for the start of the game 
will be heard. Tidus will leave. When you regain control of him, just head 
east. You’ll be able to hear the voice of Tidus himself. You’ll now notice 
that Tidus is actually narrating his story. Move on to the next screen.

Here, Tidus will be at the center of the crowd (just incase you can’t find 
him). Just go north towards the building. You’ll then see another FMV. A 
short while later, a disaster will happen. You’ll be able to regain control 
of Tidus once more. This time, check out the small map on the upper left 
corner of your screen. Take note that there is a red arrow there. It is 
actually the exact point (or the direction to that point) where you need to 
go to in order to advance in the game/story. Now, go south to that point and 
meet up and talk with Auron (I really thought it was Aaron back then ^_^). 
You’ll then see a short time-stopped event. You’ll also be introduced to 
“Sin” by Auron. After that, you’ll have to fight your way through the spawns. 
Just attack them normally. Later, you’ll meet up with a boss.

HP:      2,200+
AP:      0
Gil:     0
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Demi
Steal:   not applicable

This is easy. Just use normal attacks and perform Overdrives when possible. 
Just try to finish the battle quickly since Demi will cut off quite a chunk 
of your HPS. 

After that, follow Auron while fighting on the way. You may save your game in 
the save sphere here. When the enemies just keep on coming, hit the machine 
on the right to destroy the ground and give a chance for you to evade them. 
But then, it seems fate laid its hand on Tidus and he is sucked inside Sin 
along with Auron.

Treasures: Potion, 200 Gil, Hi-Potion x2, Flints, X-Potions, Ether, Withered 

You’re now on another world it seems. First, familiarize yourself with in-
water navigation. Pressing the Circle button will let Tidus dive. Now, head 
to a location where you see a boy. After that, you’ll be in a ruin area. 
Here, go west for an Al Bhen Comp. Sphere. You’ll be able to use it later in 
the game. Near this is a chest with a Potion. Go back to the water and head 
east. Get 200 Gil from a chest there. Finally, go north towards the Red 
Indicator on the map and you’ll eventually reach the first Save Sphere of the 
game. Don’t hesitate, just save your game. 

- you’ll be able to save your game here. AAlso, your HP and MP will be 
replenished as well as for the Aeons (summons). There will also be other uses 
for this later in the game.

After saving the game, continue to the next screen. Here, you’ll see an 
intersection. Go left first and get a Hi-Potion from a chest. Go back to the 
intersection and go north. In the water, go north. You’ll now encounter your 
first underwater battle. After beating the opponents, another boss will 

HP:      500+
AP:      0
Gil:     0
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Normal Physical Attacks
Steal:   not applicable

Again, here’s another easy one. Just use normal attacks against it. Use 
Potions if necessary.  

After a scene, go north and go up the stairs at the end. You’ll be in a main 
hall. It’s cold here so you’ll need fire. First, go southwest and you’ll see 
a Save Sphere. Save if you’d like. Then, use the south door and get the 
Flints inside. Next, in the main hall, get a X-Potion to the east. Use the 
northern door. Here, get an Ether to the Lower Left area. Then, continue 
north. On top, get the Withered Bouquet. Continue to the next screen and get 
another Hi-Potion. Now, head back to the main hall and examine the center. 
You’ll see a couple of scenes here with a battle. Some people will arrive in 

HP:      1,500+
AP:      5
Gil:     100
Items:   Ability Sphere x2
Equip:   none
Attacks: Normal Physical Attacks
Steal:   Grenade

In this battle, the woman is on your side. Use her grenades to inflict a 
sufficient amount of damage to Klikk. As for Tidus, just let him attack 
normally and use Potions. Also, if you run out of grenades, you can steal 
some from Klikk. Just use the woman’s steal ability.

After that, they will take you on their ship afterwards. 

Treasures: Potion x3

Here, you’ll hear their weird language. But then, talk to the girl and she 
will speak normally. You’ll now learn more about the Sphere Grid. After that, 
the girl will tell you that you’ll have to work. When you regain control, 
talk to one of the guys and he’ll give you 3 Potions. Save at the Save Sphere 
on the upper left area of the deck. Talk to the woman again. You’ll be able 
to control Tidus in the water. Just press Circle until you shift to the next 
screen. In this screen, just follow the chain down to the underwater ruins.


Upon reaching the ruins, I suggest that you save your game first. Then, 
examine the blue panel here. It will open up a new path. Go in. Examine the 
center then go back. You’ll meet up with another one of the bosses.

HP:      2,100+
AP:      5
Gil:     100
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Tentacles
Steal:   Grenade

In this battle, you’ll see a new variation of moves. Tros will, first, go 
around the battle area. It will make Tidus and the girl unable to attack. 
Just choose the Stand By actions for both. Tros will lunge an attack. Just 
use the girl’s grenades and let Tidus do normal attacks. When it goes around 
the second time, choose the Pincer attack. Tidus and the woman will sneak up 
on both sides of Tros. It won’t be able to escape anymore. Just pummel it 
until it dies.

When you regain control, follow the girl towards the exit. In the water, keep 
on diving down towards the Red Indicator on the map. After a short while, 
you’ll be back on the Ship.


You’ll see some scenes here where the girl talks to Tidus. Her name is Rikku. 
They will talk about Zanarkand, Blitz Ball and more. After that, when you 
regain control of Tidus, go to the Save Point and save your game. Next, talk 
to Rikku again. Later, Sin will do a surprise attack on the ship. 
Unfortunately for Tidus, he’ll get sucked inside again. 

Treasures: Moon Crest, Antidote x2, Phoenix Down

You’ll find yourself in a new area. Tidus will show off his amazing Blitz 
Ball moves and the people will be stunned. When you regain control of Tidus 
in the water, go east and get a Moon Crest from a chest. Now, go back and 
talk to the people. Tidus will show off the move again. Then, one will 
introduce himself as Wakka. He is the Captain of the Besaid Aurochs. After 
some talk between the two, you’ll control Tidus again. Follow Wakka. You’ll 
talk more about Zanarkand. Then, save your game. Follow him again. When you 
reach the lake, Wakka will push Tidus onto the water. In the water, just 
follow the channel. Dive along the way for a chest with 2 Antidotes. Near the 
end of the channel, you’ll see a short scene with Wakka and Tidus, about 
Blitz Ball.

You’ll now arrive at the Village. You’ll meet the Crusaders on the way. At 
the Village, Wakka will show you the different places you can go to. Then, 
he’ll ask you about their prayer. You may answer whichever you want. After 
that, Wakka will tell you to head for the temple and present yourself to the 
Temple Summoner. When you regain control of Tidus, go to the houses here. The 
first one on the left is an Item Shop. Buy some Potions and Phoenix Downs if 
you’d like. After that, you may talk to the people on the houses on the right 
side. There’s a Phoenix Down just outside the Item Shop. Wakka’s house is in 
one of them. Then, go to the Crusader’s House. The Crusaders (Luzzu and 
Gatta) here will tell you their purpose and objectives. After that, you may 
talk to the person in the counter for a free nap. This will replenish your HP 
and MP. After that, leave and head for the temple to the north. You’ll see a 
short scene when you enter. When you regain control of Tidus, try heading for 
the Northwest door. An elder will talk to you more about High Summoner Braska 
and about Yevon. After that, try to go up the stairs to the west door. The 
elder will stop you. Now, head all the way back to Wakka’s house. Talk to him 
and take another nap. You’ll see him leave with the elder. Now, go back to 
the temple and then, talk to Wakka. It seems the apprentice summoner has 
taken too long. Tidus will not hesitate to break the rules just to save the 
apprentice summoner. Tidus will head for the cloister of trials.


Take note, these types of trials consists of puzzles. They are easy but 
later, you’ll encounter more complex ones. First, you’ll see 2 glyphs here. 
Examine the one on the north. Then, examine the one on the right (which will 
open). Go down and examine another Glyph on the way. You’ll be told about how 
to use the Glyphs and Spheres. You’ll receive a Glyph Sphere. Always remember 
that you can only hold one Sphere at a time. Now, continue down and examine 
the recess on the door. Place the Sphere and it will open. Go through. In the 
next area, go west and you’ll see a pedestal at the end. First, examine the 
symbols on the wall just opposite the pedestal. Get the Besaid Sphere. Put in 
on the pedestal. The path will open. Now, push the pedestal towards the 
glittering light. Wakka will come in. He will now tell you that he himself is 
one of the guardians. You’ll then move on to the Fayth (inner chamber of the 
temple/cloister) where the apprentice summoner prays. 

Note: To use the Destruction Sphere (which will reveal a treasure), put the 
Glyph sphere on the left recess. It will reveal the Destruction Sphere. Put 
the Destruction Sphere at the recess inside the small room (with lights that 
form lines inside) and the path to the treasure chest will appear. You’ll 
receive the Rod of Wisdom.

There, you’ll see the other 2 guardians. After a short talk, the apprentice 
summoner will finally come out. She is now a full-fledged summoner. You’ll 
see more cutscenes afterwards. When you regain control of Tidus, leave the 
temple. You’ll see a demonstration of the Lady summoner. She will summon the 
Aeon Valefor. Everyone will be overjoyed. After that, you’ll see more scenes. 
Later, Wakka will introduce Tidus to the Blitz Ball team. When you regain 
control of Tidus, head left and try to talk to the Summoner. The people won’t 
allow it but the summoner will approach Tidus. She will introduce herself to 
Tidus. Her name is Yuna. After a some talk (Wakka comes into the scene also), 
go back and talk to Wakka, who is now with the Aurochs, to take some sleep. 
During the night, Tidus will have a weird dream. You’ll be able to control 
him through. Just move on and talk to Yuna. Rikku and Jecht will appear too. 
After that, Tidus will wake up and see Wakka and Lulu. You’ll see more scenes 
later with Tidus and Wakka talking about Wakka’s little brother, Chappu. 

The next morning, Wakka will give you a new sword, which he gave to his 
little brother way back. When Yuna arrives, the party will move on to pray 
for victory (Blitz Ball) and safe journey. On the way, you’ll learn some 
battle basics such as the elements. After that, when you regain Tidus after 
they prayed, save your game. Now, follow the Red Indicator. A beast will come 
in. It is one of Yuna’s Guardians. Just beat it with normal attacks or use 
your Overdrive if possible. Wakka will stop the fight. Yuna will tell you 
more about Kimahri. After that, just move on. On the way, you’ll learn how to 
use Yuna’s Aeons. Use Valefor for the meantime since there are no other Aeons 
at the moment. To finish the battle quickly, use the Overdrive of the Aeon 
when the Overdrive bar fills up. From here, just move on until you reach the 
beach. Save your game, then board the ship. Yuna will say goodbye to the 
people of Besaid.

Treasures: Remedy

Now, you’ll be able to see the new world map for FFX (I do admit that this is 
a flaw since it deviated from the original world map concept of the previous 
games). On the ship, you’ll first see a naughty Tidus. When you regain 
control of him, go and talk to Wakka. Then, go to Yuna and you’ll 
automatically talk with her. After talking to her, go down to the cabin and 
meet O’aka. He is a traveler merchant whom you’ll be seeing many many times 
in your journey. You can buy weapons and items from him. After that, go to 
the south door behind the stairs. You’ll see the Chocobos here. They are 
powering the ship (just as in FF9). Go back out and go inside the room beside 
the save point. Get a Remedy inside. You may save your game if you’d like. Go 
down off the deck into the cabin below. Head into the room on the left. 
There's a small rectangular box on the right side of the screen. By pressing 
the action button Tidus will kick it and receive a potion! You can do it 
several times.

After that, go back up to the deck and talk to Wakka then to Yuna. You’ll 
talk more and more about Zanarkand, Blitz Ball, and more. Suddenly, Sin will 
appear from nowhere and you’ll have to do battle once more.

BOSS: SIN (and Sinscales)
HP:      2,236
AP:      0
Gil:     0
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: none
Steal:   n/a

This is a rather simple battle, if you know what to do exactly. First, your 
priority should be to defeat Sin’s fin. To be able to attack it, you must use 
either Wakka, Lulu, or both of them. Yuna should be in the party to heal. 
Now, as for the Sinscales, just leave 1 of them alive so that more will not 
come anymore. Concentrate your attacks on the Fin and heal when necessary.

After that battle with Sin, Tidus is nowhere to be found. Wakka jumps in and 
saves him. But then, another boss comes up.

HP:      2,268
AP:      10
Gil:     573
Items:   Power Sphere x2, Mana Sphere x13, Ability Sphere x2
Equip:   Yellow Arm Guard, Harpoon
Attacks: Blender, Drain Touch
Steal:   n/a

This is a long match. First, your main concern should be the Blender attack 
and the annoying Sinscales. Let Wakka kill the Sinscales and let Tidus handle 
the boss. Do not hesitate to use Potions. You’ll be using several of them. 
Now, when available, use your overdrives to give you more advantage to the 

After that battle, you’ll see a sad scene where Sin obliterates Kilika. Then, 
you’ll finally arrive at Kilika Village.


When you arrive at the ill-fated Kilika Village, Yuna will offer her services 
as a Summoner to perform the “Sending” ritual for the souls of the dead. When 
you regain control of Tidus, save your game first then head north and then, 
go west. You’ll see the entire ritual here where Yuna sends the soul to the 
farplane to give them peace. The next morning, leave the inn. Datto will talk 
to you and tells you that Wakka wants to talk to you. Go west first and save 
a girl here who is on an unstable platform. After that, go all the way to the 
east and talk to Wakka. After that, go west and keep on moving until you 
reach the Woods.

Treasures: Elixir, Scout, Hi-Potion, Luck Sphere

You’ll see a scene with Yuna where she asks Tidus to become her guardian. 
Well, Tidus isn’t a guardian yet but he’ll still stay close to Yuna and 
protect her. When you regain control, you may want to save first, go all the 
way to the north until you meet up with Luzzo and Gatta. They are confronted 
by a Lord Ochu. Do battle with it.

HP:      4,649
AP:      40
Gil:     420
Items:   MP Sphere
Equip:   Echo Arm Guard
Attacks: Poison Claw, Water, Earthquake
Steal:   n/a

You can use Valefor here. Let Valefor attack until it vanishes. Then, use 
Lulu’s Fire magic and let the others attack the Ochu. The most devastating 
attacks are the Poison Claw and the Earthquake. You’ll need a couple of 
Antidotes or Yuna’s Esuna Magic. When the Ochu is asleep, it will Regenerate 
its HP by 300+ gradually. You wouldn’t want that since it is hard to damage 
it. Just attack it with physical attacks to wake it up. Watch out, he’ll 
perform earthquake when he wakes up so heal at once.

After the battle, go south and save your game again. Don’t forget to talk to 
Luzzo and get an Elixir. After saving, go back up to the intersection and 
head left. At the next intersection, go north and get a Scout. At the next 
intersection, move north once more. You’ll meet up with several people here. 
Get a Hi-Potion from one of them. Go north here and get a Luck Sphere. Go 
back to the previous intersection and continue to the east. At the next 
intersection, go north. You’ll finally reach the temple area. Here, you’ll 
see a short scene. After that, go and save your game at the save point. 
Follow Yuna and you’ll be battling another one of the Sinspawns.

HP:      3,000 (2 tentacles: 450 HP each)
AP:      82
Gil:     350
Items:   Ability Sphere x2, Power Sphere x6
Equip:   Bright Arm Guard
Attacks: Venom, Water, Staccato
Steal:   n/a

For this boss, attack its tentacles first. His body will be armored so use 
Lulu’s Magic. When he reveals himself (including his tentacles), use Valefor 
to punish it. Then, when Valefor is gone, use your most powerful physical or 
magical attacks on it.

After that battle, save your game below once more if you’d like. Then, 
continue up towards the temple. You’ll see some scenes with Lulu. 


Here, go north and you’ll be greeted by the Luca Goers, the best Blitz Team 
in Spira. After that, you may save again if you want then go into the temple. 
Talk to Wakka here and pray too. You’ll see some scenes with another 
Summoner, Dona, and her guardian. When you regain control, go up into the 
door. Tidus will be left behind since he isn’t a Guardian yet. Now, wait till 
the platform comes up again. Dona and Barthello will come and places Tidus 
onto the platform forcefully bringing him to the bottom. Below, go inside the 
chamber. You’ll reach another Cloister of Trials.

Treasures: Red Armlet

First, get the Kilika Sphere and place it on the recess on the door. It will 
burn. Remove it again and place it either to the left or the right wall 
recess. Go through the door. This is the second room. All you have to do is 
to touch the Glyph to the far north. A door will open leading to the 3rd 
room. Here, get the Kilika Sphere on the right then step on the Glittering 
Panel. A Pedestal will appear. Put the Kilika Sphere on the Pedestal and push 
it onto the glittering panel. Next, get the Glyph Sphere and put it on the 
east recess (near fire) and the fire will be put out. Get the Kilika Sphere 
below and put it on the door first. Now, go back to the door that was opened 
using the Glyph Sphere. Get the Destruction Sphere inside. Place it on the 
recess at the bottom and the wall will crush. Now, remember that the 
Destruction Sphere opens up secret treasures in Cloisters just as what you’ve 
learned earlier. Get the Red Armlet here. Finally, remove the Kilika Sphere 
from the burning door and place it elsewhere. Go through the door. You’ll see 
more scenes. When you regain control of Tidus, talk to Wakka and you’ll learn 
more about the Fayth and Aeons. When you regain control, try to leave the 
chamber. Yuna will finally come out. After that leave the temple. You’ll see 
a couple of scenes and a flashback outside. When you regain control of Tidus 
again, go all the way back to the ship.


See some short scenes here. When you regain control of Tidus in the Cabin, 
leave the room and move on to the deck. Go to the south of the deck and keep 
on talking to Yuna about Zanarkand. After that, go to the west side of the 
ship and go up. You’ll see Lulu and Wakka talk about Tidus. Keep on going 
back up to hear the entire story. When you are able to go to both of them 
talk to them then go back down. Now, go north and examine the Blitz Ball. 
You’ll see another flashback of Tidus. It’s now time for the Jecht Shot 
Challenge. Here, you’ll need to perform the Jecht Shot to finally remove the 
bad memories Tidus had. There are 9 locations on the screen where memories 
(text) will appear. You’ll then have to push the corresponding direction plus 
the X button. Example, if the text/memory appears on the upper left, you 
should press Up+Left and the X button. That goes the same for all directions. 
If it is in the center, just press the X button only. You will be given a 
short practice. Then, the real thing begins. Just keep on pressing those 
buttons with accordance to the memories until Tidus finishes the move. If you 
fail, Tidus will miss the ball. If you managed to get it right, Tidus will be 
finally freed of those bad memories. Also, you’ll be given the Jecht Shot 
Technique that you can use later in the Blitz Ball games if you successfully 
performed it. 

If you weren’t able to complete the Jecht Shot Challenge, you can search 
around the ship for the blitz ball and try it again. ^_^ 

This info was contributed by: TempestStarion@aol.com

You’ll then see lots of scenes with Yuna, Wakka, and the rest of the Aurochs. 
You’ll then be asked to save your game. After that, you’ll finally reach 


Here, the announcer will introduce some of the teams that will participate in 
the opening tournament. You’ll hear an annoying introduction for the Besaid 
Aurochs who didn’t have any win at all. After some more scenes, you’ll be 
able to control Tidus once more. Just follow the Red Indicator on the map. 
You’ll meet Maester Mika and Maester Seymour here. After seeing this scene, 
you’ll be asked to save your game once more. At the Locker room, you’ll hear 
the news about the match. Luckily, you won’t have to face the Luca Goers for 
now. The first match will be against the Al Bhed Psyches. Now, you’ll be 
shown a massive tutorial for Blitz Ball. I do suggest that you go over these 
tutorials if you play for the first time. After that, Yuna will come in and 
informs you that Auron has been sighted in the city. Tidus will go with Yuna 
for a while. You’ll see a short scene with Tidus and the Al Bhed here. After 
that, when you regain control of Tidus once more, just follow Yuna towards 
the Red Indicator on the map. You may save your game on the way. At the bar, 
Auron isn’t found, but you’ll see Kimahri face 2 more of his Ronso “friends”. 
But then, the tournament has started. Then, Tidus will notice that Yuna is 
gone. Lulu will fill you in. Yuna is most likely to have been kidnapped. When 
you regain control, just follow the Red Indicator towards platform 4. You’ll 
have to battle some Machinas on the way. Just use Lulu’s Thunder Magic and 
you’ll be fine. You’ll also see Wakka giving it up to the Al Bhed since 
Yuna’s life is in danger. Then, Tidus and the party will catch up to an Al 
Bhed ship. You’ll have to battle a boss.

HP:      6,000
AP:      36
Gil:     58
Items:   Elixir
Equip:   Metal Ring
Attacks: Physical Attacks
Steal:   n/a

This battle will be easy. First, let Tidus cast Haste on Lulu. Then, have 
Lulu use her Thunder Magic on the Crane a few times so that it will be 
activated. When it is activated, operate it using Tidus. It will destroy the 
machina and swill damage it by 5,500 HP! Use 1 more Thunder Magic on it to 
obliterate it.

After that, Yuna will be safe. You will also know the lineage of Yuna. Then, 
Lulu will send a signal to Wakka that Yuna is safe. He will then give it one 
last shot to give the Aurochs their first taste of victory! After that, just 
follow the map to go back to the Locker Room. It’s Tidus’ time to show off 
his Blitz moves. After some scenes, you’ll regain control of Tidus. Go back 
inside the Locker Room and talk to Wakka. After that, the match begins with 
Tidus acting as the captain. Now, you’ll be playing real Blitz Ball yourself. 
The Luca Goers’ stats are very very high. Even if you are good at playing (if 
this is your second time through the game), you’ll have a hard time playing 
it. Tidus’ shooting is also weak and can’t penetrate easily through the 
goalie. Their shooters are excellent and can easily score from your goalie. 
During the second half, Wakka will come in and replace Tidus. The Luca Goers 
will most likely win but the Aurochs will prove that they are a team to be 
reckoned with. 

It is possible to win this Blitz Ball match. You just need to have the Jecht 
Shot ability. You should have acquired this while Tidus has a flashback of 
Jecht doing his Jecht Shot. With this ability, you’ll have a better chance of 
scoring even if there are 2 defenders in front of Tidus. After that, try your 
best not to allow the goers to score.

Thanks to the following for this info: 
James Weatherlight (djjclark@juno.com)
Matthew Cotnoir (andunaphel@earthlink.net)

After the match, Tidus will go to Wakka when suddenly, fiends appear and 
you’ll have to do battle with them. Just keep on fighting until you get out. 
Later, outside, you’ll be able to control Auron. One slash is all that is 
needed to beat the enemy. Then, Tidus and Wakka will finally meet him. You’ll 
do battle again. Use everything you’ve got. When all seems lost, Seymour 
comes in and demonstrates the power of his Aeon. It will pulverize all 
fiends. Nothing will be able to escape. Then, after those scenes, you’ll be 
asked to save your game once more. After that, you’ll see Wakka say his 
goodbye to his team. Then, you’ll see Auron. You’ll then hear the story of 
Auron. He will also reveal something about Jecht and Sin and that he is a 
guardian too. After that, when you regain control of Tidus, just follow the 
map and you’ll see your next destination. Then, go talk to Yuna and you’ll 
see her and Tidus do some laughing and whistling. Time to go to Djose.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x3, Hunter’s Spear, Antidote x6, Ice Brand, Seeker’s 
Bangle, Remedy, Red Ring, Level 1 Key Sphere x2, 2000 Gil, 500 Gil, Eye Drops 
x3, Mega-Potion x2, Mars Crest, Ether

In this area, while going through it, talk to people and you’ll receive 
various items from them. First, save your game. You’ll be given a notice that 
the Save Sphere has been improved to level 2 and now, you can play Blitz Ball 
at save points if you’d like. After that, move on. Talk to the old man by the 
statue and he’ll tell you more about Mi’ihen and the Crusaders. Continue. Get 
a Hunter’s Spear and 2 Antidotes on the way. Then, you’ll see ruins of an 
ancient machina city. You’ll be introduced to Maechen, the scholar. Then, get 
the Ice Brand behind the ruins. If you examine the center of the ruins, 
you’ll see some Al Bhed writings. You may not be able to read it even on your 
second game. Check out the Al Bhed primers section of this guide for more 
info. Continue north. You’ll see a short scene with the Djose Chocobo 
Knights. They’ll tell you about a fiend. When you regain control of the 
party, go to the ruins on the right. You’ll meet another summoner, Belgemine. 
She will challenge Yuna to a summoner battle. She’ll be using Ifrit and 
you’ll be using Valefor. This is a 1 on 1 match so no one can interfere. 
After the battle, you’ll be given the Seeker’s Bangle. She’ll also mention 
something about the past. After that, continue north to the next area.

In here, go east and get a Remedy. Continue heading east. You’ll see a scene 
with Cali and about the Calm. After that, continue. Get a Red Ring on the 
way. Continue towards the next area. In here, go north and get a Level 1 Key 
Sphere and 4 Antidotes on the way. When you reach a ruin to the right, go 
there and get 2000 Gil. Continue north and you’ll see a caravan. After that, 
move on. Get a Hi-Potion and 500 Gil on the way. You’ll then see Luzzu and 
Gatta at the ruins on the right. After that, continue north and you’ll meet 
up with an acolyte, Shelinda. After some talking with her, continue north and 
get 3 Eye Drops on the way. When you reach a shop, go in. You may save your 
game here and/or buy some items and equipments. After that, leave the shop 
and outside, talk to Yuna. There will be a long scene with them. After that, 
go back inside and save your game. Inside, talk to the person on the left and 
you’ll receive a Level 1 Key Sphere. You’ll also be taught on how to use the 
Sphere Grid. Then, you’ll meet the owner of the shop, Rin. He’ll tell you 
more about Al Bhed and their language. He’ll give you Vol. VIII of the Al 
Bhed Primer (check Al Bhed Primer section on this guide). Then, trouble 
arises outside. You’ll be given 2 Mega-Potions. Prepare for battle. Save your 
game then go out. Head north and you’ll meet...

HP:      10,000
AP:      90
Gil:     970
Items:   none
Equip:   Moomba Mage
Attacks: Physical Attacks, Push
Steal:   n/a

You’ll need to kill the Chocobo Eater quickly if you want to defeat it. Your 
main concern is his push attack. If he manages to push you off the cliff, he 
wins. First, let Tidus cast Haste on everyone. Let the other characters 
attack or use Magic. But first, use Wakka’s Dark Attack on it to blind it. 
Then immediately, use Yuna’s Aeons. Try to gain a full Overdrive bar so that 
both Ifrit and Valefor can use overdrive attacks. If you attacked it 
properly, it will fall on its back. This time, attack it with everything 
you’ve got to push it back (thus preventing you from falling down the cliff). 
Just keep on doing this until it dies. 

If you managed to defeat it, Rin and his assistant will thank you for dealing 
with that fiend. They will offer you a free Chocobo Ride. If did lose, your 
game won’t be over yet. You’ll just be using the road at the bottom. Let’s 
continue. First, save your game if you’d like so that your HP and MP will be 
replenished. Then, go out and talk to Rin’s assistant for a free Chocobo 
ride. Riding the Chocobo will stop fiends from attacking you, therefore there 
will be no random battles. Just continue until you reach the end. You’ll see 
an intersected there. The path to the right is the path to the bottom road, 
which you would have taken if you lose to the Chocobo Eater. Go there and get 
the Mars Crest and you’ll also meet O’aka. When you’re ready, to the north 
gate. You’ll be told to disembark the Chocobo. You may then save your game if 
you’d like. After that, talk to Summoner Dona twice. Continue north through 
the caravan and see Luzza and Gatta. After that, talk to the guy on the left. 
He’ll ask you for donations. You’ll be given something in return also.

100 Gil    - Scout
1,000 Gil  - Ice Lance
10,000 Gil - Moon Ring
0          - nothing

Thanks to: "Gerald Villoria"  for the 10,000 prize info

Now, talk to the Gate Captain. Just ask him about the operation. Go back and 
you’ll see Seymour. He will help you to pass through the gate. Now, go north 
to the next area. You’ll see Seymour and the Crusaders. After that, you’ll 
see some scenes. When you regain control move on. Talk to people for an Ether 
and a Hi-Potion. Move on and at the intersection, you’ll meet up with Clasko. 
You’ll now have to go west.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x4, Potion x10, 1000 Gil, Remedy, X-Potion, Serene 
Armlet, Mega-Potion x2, Soft Ring, Phoenix Down x2, Ether

You’ll be battling fiends again. You’ll meet up with O’aka again. Move on and 
talk to people for a Hi-Potion. Use the elevator platform at the end. Talk to 
the man that you’ll see beside a chest. He’ll give you 10 Potions. Then, 
examine the chest for 1,000 Gil. Continue and you’ll eventually reach another 
chest that contains a Remedy. Move on and meet up once more with Shelinda. 
After that, get another chest on the way for another Hi-Potion. At the end, 
use the platform to go up. 

Next, talk to people on the way for a X-Potion. Go west to a spiral and get 
the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 10. Then, you’ll see a platform to the north and one 
to the west. Use the west platform first and get the Serene Armlet. Go back 
up then use the northern platform to go up. Talk to the people again for a 
Mega-Potion. Now, talk to Gatta. You’ll see a scene with him and Luzzu. Then, 
talk to Luzzu. He’ll tell you more about Wakka’s brother Chappu. After that, 
save your game and use the large platform to go up. Continue south to the 
next area. 

On top, you’ll see lots and lots of machina. Wakka will be mad. After more 
scenes, continue to the Command Center. You’ll meet up with Gatta, who is 
quite upset. Auron will teach some something. After that, go inside and 
you’ll meet Maester Kinoc. After the talk, prepare your party and save your 
game. Then, talk to the guard at the lower right corner of the command center 
(indicated by the red arrow on the map). When you’re ready, you’ll be dealing 
with another sinspawn.

HP:      12,000 (Head: 2000, Arms: 800 each)
AP:      0
Gil:     0
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Physical Attacks, Thunder, Demi, Venom
Steal:   n/a

First, let’s talk about how Gui attacks. It uses all of its parts to attack, 
the head, body and arms. The head attacks using venom and magic. Both the 
body and the arms deal quite strong physical attacks. You have to remove both 
its arms in order to be able to hit its body with physical attacks (it won’t 
be able to block magical attacks to its body). Then, destroy the head 
immediately. Once the arms are gone, pummel its body as quickly as you can. 
You may use the Aeons to further deal damage to it.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
Auron should attack the arms while Wakka (or Lulu) hits the head. Also, the 
head does not regenerate, while the arms do. While this battle isn't too bad, 
many people have had difficulty with it. Also, note that the body's attack 
pattern is Demi, Attack, Demi, Attack - so if the head is dead, he can only 
kill one guy per two turns, tops. Stocking up of Phoenix Downs from O'aka 
guarantees victory.

After the battle, you’ll see Sin itself. It will obliterate everything that 
stand in its way. After that, you’ll see Seymour and the Sinspawn. You’ll 
fight it again but this time, Seymour will be with you.

HP:      ?
AP:      850
Gil:     4,500
Items:   Lv. 1 Key Sphere
Equip:   Nightmare
Attacks: Physical Attacks, Thunder, Demi, Venom
Steal:   n/a

With Seymour in your party, you’ll have a very easy time against it. Take 
note also that you can only use Auron and Yuna here. To beat the Sinspawn, 
just use Seymour’s Level 2 Magic attacks.

After that, you’ll see a scene where Machina goes head to head with Sin. When 
you regain control of Tidus, go north and talk to Gatta. He’ll be hysterical. 
Then, Tidus will go after Sin. After that, you’ll be able to regain control 
of Tidus once more. Save your game. Talk to Auron and Kinoc. You’ll also see 
Yuna and Seymour. Then, talk to Auron. You’ll see more scenes here. When you 
regain control of Tidus, go west and get a Hi-Potion inside a chest. Follow 
the red arrow to the northeast. You’ll be able to hear Kimahri talk for the 
first time and smile! When you regain control, save then go north. On the 
way, talk to the people and receive a Soft Ring. Get a chest on the left side 
for 2 Phoenix Downs. Continue. Talk to the people again for Hi-Potion, Ether, 
and Mega Potion. At the intersection, you’ll see a short scene. Go north. 
Tidus and Auron will have a short conversation.

Treasures: 4000 Gil, Ability Sphere x4

Here, go north. Talk to Captain Lucil on the way. When you regain control, go 
west for 4,000 Gil. Then, go northeast. Check behind the house for Ability 
Sphere x4. You’ll see Gatta here. Then, buy some weapons and/or items from 
the merchant. Save your game and head for the temple.


Inside, you’ll meet a new Summoner. Isaaru and his 2 brother guardians. After 
a short conversation, you’ll be able to regain control of the party. Go up. 
Isaaru will talk to Tidus for a while about Summoners disappearing. Continue 
to the Cloister of Trials.

Treasures: Magic Sphere

First, put the 2 Djose Spheres on the door to open it. Go to the 2nd room. 
Here, you’ll see a pedestal and a symbol in the middle, 2 spheres beside the 
door, glittering panel/glyph to the left, and 2 recesses to the right. First, 
get the 2 Djose Spheres beside the door and put them one by one on each of 
the recesses on the right. Push the pedestal (w/ a Djose Sphere) to the right 
until it becomes a brighter Djose Sphere. Now, take the new Djose Sphere and 
put it on the recess to the right of the north door. It will open. Then, put 
the 2 Djose Spheres (at the right recesses) both on the pedestal. Then, push 
it forward until it drops on the electric currents. The pedestal will stay 
afloat. Jump on it and push the pedestal to the north, which will activate a 
part of the symbol. After that, go back to the symbol and go left. Step on 
the glittering panel. The pedestal will now be back at the center. Now, get 
the New Djose Sphere and put it on the recess to the left of the door. Next, 
get the 2 Djose Spheres on the pedestal and put them on the recesses back in 
the first room. The symbol will be complete and you can see a platform in the 
center. Step on it to move on. If you have the destruction sphere, take it up 
and put it in the lone pedestal to the south. It will reveal an opening to 
the treasure, which is a Magic Sphere.

At the next area, just push the 5 pedestals. Go up and talk to Lulu. Then, 
Dona will appear. You’ll see a scene with Barthello and Auron. After that, 
when you regain control, talk to everyone and try to leave. Yuna will come 
out of the chamber. You’ll then be asked to name the 3rd aeon, Ixion.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Halberd, Potion x10

Outside, talk to everyone. Then, go back inside and go to the upper right 
door. Talk to the woman beside the bed. Yuna will wake up and they will go 
back to the party. You’ll see a short scene outside. When you regain control, 
go south and keep following the red indicator on the overhead map. Talk to 
people on the way for Hi-Potion x2, Halberd, Potion x10. You’ll then meet up 
with Lucil of the Chocobo Knights. Just continue south afterwards. At an 
intersection, head north and you’ll reach the moonflow.

Treasures: X-Potion, Lv.1 Key Sphere x3, Dragon Scales x2, Summoner’s Soul, 
Magic Def. Sphere, Phoenix Down x2, 5000 Gil

Just continue to the Red Indicator on the map. You’ll see Shelinda on the way 
as well as 2 other Ronsos who are picking on Kimahri. They will also warn 
about the missing Summoners. When you regain control, get a chest for an X-
Potion. Continue once again and get another chest with a Level 1 Key Sphere 
x3 at the right side of the road. Then, you’ll meet up with Belgemine. Yuna 
will have to fight her with Aeons. Just use Ifrit and Valefor since Belgemine 
will be using the new Ixion. If you win, you’ll get 2 Dragon Scales and a 
Summoner’s soul. You can now let your Aeons learn abilities. After that, go 
on and get a Magic Defense Sphere on a narrow path on the left side of the 
right. Move on.

At the next area, continue north and you’ll see the Moonflow itself. Then, 
you’ll be able to see the elephant-like shoopuf. When you regain control of 
Tidus, get the Phoenix Down x2 then continue west to the next screen. You’ll 
see Lucil and her knights trying to deal with the person in charge about the 
Chocobo. After that, save your game and talk to Wakka and Lulu. Then, get the 
chest behind them for 5,000 Gil. Next, talk to the driver and you’ll have the 
Shoopuf ride. You’ll see some scenes during the ride, then Yuna will be 
caught by the Al Bhed! Tidus and Wakka will come to the rescue.

HP:      4,000
AP:      600
Gil:     2,400
Items:   Mega Potion x2
Equip:   Moon Ring
Attacks: Aqua Shooter, Depth Charges
Steal:   n/a

To beat the extractor, have Tidus use his Delay Attack ability to give chance 
to both him and Wakka to attack more. Not to mention, putting both of them on 
haste is a very good strategy. You just have to watch out the extractor when 
it pulls up. It is readying its Depth Charge attack which can decimate both 
Tidus and Wakka in a single blow. To prevent this, just attack the extractor 
until it comes back down.

You’ll see more scenes on the shoopuf after that. When you reach the north 
wharf, save your game and go all the way to the west. You’ll meet up again 
with Rikku. You’ll see some scenes here where Rikku tells her story to the 
girls and about her being a guardian of Yuna. After that, continue north to 
the North Bank.

Treasures: Antidote x4, Mega-Potion

On the way, you’ll have a weird battle. You’ll see a chest. Use Rikku’s steal 
ability to get its contents. Continue afterwards. Get a chest on the way for 
Antidote x4. Move on and get another chest on the way for a Mega-Potion. At 
the end, you’ll reach Guadosalam.

Treasures: Elixir, Mega-Potion, Hi-Potion x2

You’ll be greeted by Tromell Guado. He will tell you that Seymour is waiting 
for Yuna. After that, Rikku will tell you more about Customizing equipments. 
When you regain control, go inside the inn. Save your game inside. Leave the 
inn. Go up and head south for a chest with an Elixir. Go to the house on the 
west. Get a Mega-Potion at the upper right corner. Don’t forget also that you 
can recruit some of the Guado to play for your Blitz Ball Team. After that, 
go inside the mansion to the north. Go upstairs and get a hidden chest at the 
center for Hi-Potion x2. Now, talk to everyone. Tromell will then come in and 
will ask you to go through the door below. Go inside. Talk again to everyone 
then Seymour will come in. He will show you the thoughts of the people on the 
farplane. You’ll see Zanarkand and Yunalesca. Then, Seymour will whisper 
something to Yuna. He wants to marry Yuna. Everyone will be surprised. When 
you regain control after that scene, leave the mansion and go to the north 
east towards the Farplane. Auron and Rikku will stay behind. At the farplane, 
you’ll see the thoughts and memories of the dead. When you regain control, 
talk to Wakka then Lulu. Finally, talk to Yuna. You’ll see Tidus’ flashbacks. 
After that, when you leave the farplane, Jyscal will try to come out. Yuna 
sends him. When you regain control, go back to the mansion. You’ll see some 
scenes. Keep on talking to Lulu. You’ll be asked later whom you like (I chose 
Lulu). After that, go down and go east to the path to the Thunder Plains. 
You’ll see Shelinda. Continue. Outside, you’ll see a scene with Yuna. You’ll 
also hear Tidus say Macarena instead of Macalania. Continue to the Thunder 

Treasures: Phoenix Down x2, Hi-Potion x2, Water Ball, Yellow Shield

Rikku will be very scared of the Lightning. You’ll be told that you can take 
shelter at the Lightning Rod Towers. Or, you may dodge the lightning by 
pressing X just as the Lightning flashes. When you regain control, go north 
and get a chest for Phoenix Downs. Save your game. Then, get 2 Hi-Potions 
from a chest to the west of the Save Sphere.

Now, go north and you’ll see a Cactuar Stone. Examine it using Square. But I 
still don’t know what its actual use is. At the next tower, you’ll see 
Shelinda again. You’ll be asked about the Marriage. Now, go north and veer 
off to the east for a Water Ball. You’ll see another Cactuar Stone. Continue 
north. You’ll see a scene where Rikku tries to convince everyone to rest for 
a while. She’ll do so. Now, inside, you’ll see a scene with Rin and Auron. 
He’ll give you the Al Bhed Primer volume XIV. Save your game then go to Yuna. 
You’ll see Yuna and a sphere. After resting, talk to Rikku. Outside, when you 
regain control, go north and get the Yellow Shield lying on the ground. Go to 
the next area. You’ll see another Cactuar Stone. Continue north and you’ll 
see another stone to the right. Continue north towards another save sphere. 
You’ll see a scene with Yuna talking about her marriage to Seymour. From 
here, just move on until you reach the Macalania Woods.

Treasures: 2000 Gil

Save your game first. Then, use the top path first and get 2,000 Gil on the 
way. Then, you’ll meet up with Barthello. He’ll tell you that Dona is gone. 
Continue on and you’ll reach a place where you can catch some Butterflies 
(see Butterfly Catching section). Just move on along the long path. At the 
end, save your game. You may also buy again from O’aka here. Move on and then 
Auron will show you something. First, you’ll have to fight another fiend.

HP:      11,400
AP:      3,000
Gil:     3,800
Items:   Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Equip:   White Armlet
Attacks: Press, Physical and Magical Attacks
Steal:   Ether

The best way to defeat spherimorph is to use magic attacks that have an 
element opposite of that of the spherimorph. You may use Lulu’s Black Magic 
attacks. But the most useful perhaps are the aeons. If the spherimorph has a 
fire element, using ifrit will be a good idea since the attacks of 
spherimorph will just heal Ifrit. Ifrit can then attack until spherimorph is 
defeated. This goes the same for Ixion.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
I thought the Ifrit strategy was really good. If you call at Ifrit 
immediately and attack, chances are you will not lose. However, this takes 
FOREVER. I went back to him recently and found that this battle is much 
simpler than I thought. Have Yuna, Lulu, and a third character. Have the 
third character attack (finding out his element from the counterattack), Lulu 
use the opposite, and Yuna heal. You'd be amazed how much more quickly he 

After that, get Jecht’s Sphere. Tidus will play it back. You’ll see Jecht’s 
memories. You’ll then be told that Jecht’s sphere are scattered throughout 
the world (see Jecht’s Sphere section). After that, go back. You’ll have a 
short talk with Auron. Continue north. At the shop, get the Al Bhed Primer 
Vol. XVI just outside the shop wall. Move on. You’ll see another scene with 
Tromell Guado here. Yuna will go to seymour alone. But then, the Al Bhed 
comes in again and tried another shot at Yuna. You’ll have to fight one of 
their machines again.

HP:      16,000 / 1,000
AP:      6,820
Gil:     6,800
Items:   Potion, Elixir
Equip:   Lifegiver
Attacks: Gatling Gun, Assault, Mana Beam
Steal:   ?

First of all, you have to take care of the Negator since it will prevent you 
from using any magical skill. It’s easy since it has a pretty low HP. After 
that, use your Aeons to finish the job. If that isn’t enough, use magic 
attacks (especially Thunder/Lightning) and use your strong characters (Tidus, 
Wakka, Auron) for physical attacks. 

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
If you have used Lulu adequately, by now, she should have Thundara. Use Wakka 
to defeat the Negator. Now, instead of just bringing the aeons out 
immediately, get a couple hits with Lulu in. If he counterattacks (900-1000 
damage), she will probably die; just revive her. Continue this until there's 
one turn until the Mana Beam. Only on your last turn, use an Aeon, and then 
use Shield. You may want to then keep your Aeon in, because you have a while 
until the next Mana Beam. If he brings out the Negator, you get to use the 
Aeon, but he can't use the Mana Beam! Also, Ixion's Thor's Hammer does a lot 
of damage. Mainly, just block Mana Beam with Aeons and use Thundara a lot.

Rikku will then be revealed to Wakka. After that, you’ll ride the 
snowmobiles. You’ll see a scene where Tidus and Lulu are talking to each 
other on the snowmobile. Go to the temple.


You’ll see Shelinda inside. After that, save and then one attendants will see 
a sphere in Yuna’s belongings. Go to that room and you’ll see Jyscal’s 
message about Seymour. Enter the Cloister. You’ll see Seymour there. Then, 
Yuna comes out and rejoins the party. You’ll now have to fight Seymour.

BOSS: SEYMOUR / 2 Guado Guardians
HP:      6,000 / 2,000 each
AP:      7,620
Gil:     8,600
Items:   Ability Sphere x6, Black Magic Sphere x2
Equip:   Magical Armlet, Scout, Eye Popper, Reticent Staff
Attacks: Slow, Level 2 Black Magic, Level 3 Black Magic, Protect
         Anima (8,000 HP): Pain, Boost
Steal:   ?

Seymour is tough. Use 1 of your aeons (except ????) at once so that Seymour 
will be defeated. Another problem would be the guardians. They have the Auto-
Potion ability that will automatically heal them 1000 HPs after being 
damaged. They also protect Seymour from your physical attacks. After beating 
Seymour, he will summon his aeon, Anima. Your main goal should be to finish 
it before its Overdrive becomes available. Use all your Aeons especially 
????, or Shiva. After beating Anima, you’ll have to do battle with Seymour 
for the last time.

Strategy from: Lam aka Silpheed_EX
First, to remove the Auto-Potion ability of the Guado Guardians, take Rikku 
and use her steal ability on these 2 guards and she'll "steal" the potions. 
So they can't use their potions anymore. For the first Seymour, Use all 4 
guard skills from Yuna on your party, so Seymour's spells have no effect on 
you. To kill Anima use ???/Shiva but use only your normal attack until your 
overdrive is ready, use the blizzard spells on yourself every round in order 
to heal yourself. As for the second Seymour, use the same strategy as the 
first one.

Extra Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
only use Blizzara when Shiva's HP gets low. Use her Overdrive only when Anima 
is at about 9,000 HP, guaranteeing a kill.

After Seymour is defeated, you’ll be asked to give a name to Shiva. Save your 
game. From this point onwards, you won’t be able to play blitz ball for a 
while. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to play again later in the game. Now, go 
east to the next area. It seems that it is an easy way out but then, you’ll 
have to complete the Cloister of Trials.


Here, go down. You’ll see 2 Icebergs, 2 Macalania Spheres, and a Glyph 
Sphere. First, push the pedestal to the right and then up. This will break 
the 2 icebergs. Now, get the glyph sphere and go down to the floor below. Put 
the Glyph Sphere on the leftmost recess. A new Macalania Sphere will appear 
on the floor above. Go up and get that sphere. Put it on the pedestal below 
and push it to the right. You’ll see a part of the bridge appear. Next, go up 
and get the rightmost Macalania Sphere. Put it on the pillar on the bottom 
floor. You’ll see the second part of the bridge appear. Now, go up and get 
the remaining Macalania sphere on the floor and put it in the pillar where 
you got the Glyph sphere a while ago. You can now cross the ice bridge. Note 
that if you step on the glittering floor panel on top you’ll be able to get a 
Destruction sphere. Putting it on the left recess on the bottom floor will 
reveal a treasure chest a bit south.

Treasures: Level 2 Key Sphere

Now, just as you are leaving, Tromell will come in. The party will be trapped 
and framed. Everyone will run. Outside, keep on running. The Guado Guardians 
will follow you. Just defeat them when they come close. At the end, you’ll 

BOSS: WENDIGO / 2 Guado Guardians
HP:      18,000 / 1,200 each
AP:      3,160
Gil:     3,800
Items:   Ability Sphere x4, Power Sphere x2
Equip:   none
Attacks: Physical Attacks, Berserk
Steal:   Hi-potion

Here, just beat the 2 Guardians as quick as possible since they cast berserk 
on the Wendigo that makes it very very destructive. If possible cure Wendigo 
from Berserk and concentrate on defeating the 2 guardians. After beating 
them, concentrate all attacks on the Wendigo. It has a very strong defense. 
If its arms are on a defensive stance, it means that if you attack it, it 
will counter attack with a strong physical attack. Get your healers ready. 
Use Aeons as much as possible.

Extra Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
Esuna and Remedy cure Beserk. Only use this after killing the Guados, 

After that, save your game. Talk to your party members. It will be quite 
longer than usual. When you regain control, go north and get a Level 2 Key 
Sphere to the right of Kimahri. Continue. You’ll see a flashback of Tidus. 
After that, you’ll see Sin hearing the hymn at Macalania. You’ll then be able 
to regain control at the oasis.

Treasures: Al Bhed Potion x24, Ether x2, X-Potion x2, Megalixir x3, Mercury 

Save your game here. The party will be gone for now. Just head north. During 
a battle, you’ll meet up with Auron and Lulu. Continue north and you’ll see 
Wakka. Get the Al Bhed Potion here. Continue to the next area. At an 
intersection, go east for Kimahri. After that, go back and head northwest. 
Continue until you meet Rikku. She’ll tell you more as to where you are now. 
After that, get the chest here for 2 Ethers. Get another chest for an Al Bhed 
Potion. Save your game inside the machina. From here on, just follow Rikku. 

At a clearing, go west for some X-Potions. Go north and save at another Save 
Sphere. You’ll see a note here. Get the chest behind for another set of Al 
Bhed Potions. Continue to the next area. You can get the chest here for 3 
Megalixirs but you’ll have to fight the Sandragora. Continue north. You’ll 
see the home of the Al Bhed being attacked by Bevelle.

At the West Sanubia Desert, you can acquire the Mercury Crest.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Al Bhed Potion x6, Special Sphere, Level 2 Key 
Sphere, Level 4 Key Sphere, 10000 Gil

You’ll see Cid here talking about Yuna. When you regain control go west for 
the Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX. Then, examine a body here for 2 Hi-Potions. Go 
northeast and save your game. Then, go inside. You’ll do more battles here. 
Just follow Rikku towards the underground. Below, you’ll see an intersection 
that goes to a couple of directions. To the north, there will be Al Bhed 
Potions. To the northeast is a compilation sphere. You also have to do battle 
in order to get the chest for the Special sphere. Go back to the intersection 
and go west. Save your game and go inside the door. You’ll see the party 
here. You’ll have to battle once more.  When you regain control go down. 
Tidus will be mad here. Just move on. Before entering the door below, search 
around for a Level 4 and a Level 2 Key Spheres. Go inside. You’ll see the 
Summoners here. Rikku will tell Tidus the truth about the Summoners and their 
journeys towards the final aeon. You’ll see some flashbacks here. When you 
regain control of Tidus, search around for 10,000 Gil. Go out and move on 
until you reach the airship.


You’ll see more scenes again. You’ll know more about the Al Bhed here. When 
you regain control, save your game then talk to everyone on board, especially 
to Auron. Then, talk to Cid again. You’ll see him talking to Auron. Talk to 
the pilot. He’ll tell everyone that Yuna is at Bevelle with Seymour! Prepare 
your party then save your game. Talk to your party members then go south. The 
ship will be attacked by something. You’ll have to fight it first. Leave the 
bridge and go to the top floor. You’ll see the giant fiend here. Talk to Rin 
then go outside to the deck. The battle begins.

HP:      32,000
AP:      8,100
Gil:     2,500
Items:   Black Magic Sphere
Equip:   Gorgon Gaze
Attacks: Photon Spray, Poison Breath, Haste, Stone Gaze, Swooping Scythe
Steal:   Water Gem

Here, you have 2 options. You may either attack Evrae from afar or move in 
for the kill. From afar, the airship will provide you with support. All you 
have to worry about is the photon spray. Just use Wakka or Lulu when fighting 
at a distance. If you decide to fight in-close, use your most powerful 
attackers (Tidus, Auron, or Wakka/Kimahri). Let Tidus cast Haste on everyone. 
Also, have Rikku on standby just in case you need those Al Bhed Potions.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
note that his attacks are rather weak up close until he inhales. Then, make 
sure you move back, and his big attack fails.

You’ll reach Bevelle afterwards.


The airship will crash and the party will head for Yuna in amazing display of 
a FMV. Near the altar, just move on and fight through the guards. When you 
reach Yuna, you’ll see her try to send Seymour. But the party will be killed 
if she does it. Then, you’ll see something awful. Seymour will kiss Yuna! But 
then the party is still in danger. Yuna will sacrifice herself so that the 
party can escape. You’ll see some scenes and a FMV. You’ll then find 
yourselves inside the temple.

Treasures: HP Sphere

Inside, you’ll see lots and lots of machina. Wakka will be the most 
frustrated. Now, go inside the trails. Here, you’ll have to push the pedestal 
in order to activate the moving platform. First press the X key when you 
reach a direction panel. Press at the direction here. You’ll automatically go 
left. Now, on the next intersection, go left and get the Bevelle Sphere and 
put it on the pedestal. You’ll have to place it on the opposite side (by 
turning right at the intersection). This will enable a new direction on the 
first intersection (where you automatically went left). Now, go to this 
intersection and you may now head north towards the next floor below. In this 
next intersection, go south first towards another floor below (3rd basement). 
Get the Bevelle Sphere here. Now, go back to the 2nd floor basement. You’ll 
see 3 more intersections within. Go to the 3rd intersection and put 1 Bevelle 
Sphere on the recess. It will create a makeshift bridge. Now, go back to the 
2nd intersection and get the Glyph Sphere. Put it at the end of the makeshift 
bridge at the 3rd intersection. A Destruction Sphere will appear. Get it and 
put it on the recess at the 2nd intersection. Now, use the 1st intersection 
in this floor. It will lead you to the floor above. 

On top, go up the stairs and get the HP Sphere. Go east from here to reach 
the Chamber of the Fayth where you’ll see Yuna praying to the fayth. Outside, 
Kinoc will be waiting for the party. You’ll then be captured for a trial. 
Name Bahamut afterwards. You’ll then be asked to save your game. 

On the next scene, you’ll see the trial being held. The head of trials is 
Maester Kelk Ronso. You’ll see various scenes here. I won’t spoil anything in 
this trial. After that, you’ll find yourselves controlling Yuna in Via 

Treasures: Elixir

First, save your game. You’ll see panels with arrows here. It will be long 
and it might as well be as confusing as can be. ^_^ First, at the 
intersection, go west and go south at the next one for an elixir. Touch the 
glyph. Go all the way to the north then head right. You’ll meet up with 
Auron. Save your game. Continue north and you’ll meet Isaaru. Yuna will have 
an aeon match with him.

HP:      n/a
AP:      none
Gil:     none
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Various
Steal:   n/a

Isaaru will use 3-4 aeons depending on what you use. The best way is to use 
any aeon except for Bahamut. Just beat his aeons and then, he’ll summon 
Bahamut. Use all your remaining aeons. The best aeons against Bahamut would 
definitely be Shiva and Ixion. Or, you may use Bahamut at first and try your 
best to defeat all 4 of the other aeons. If not, he’ll summon Bahamut when 
your Bahamut expires. You wouldn’t want to run out of aeons.

After the battle, you’ll be controlling Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku underwater. 
First, save your game and move on. The path will be straightforward. Continue 
until you reach the second save sphere. Move on and you’ll meet up with the 

HP:      17,500+
AP:      5,700
Gil:     3,000
Items:   Black Magic Sphere
Equip:   Break Knuckles
Attacks: Stone Gaze, Photon Spray
Steal:   Healing Spring, Water Gem

Here, you’ll see a gate during the battle. Just hit those 2 locks and the 
gate will open giving you a chance to escape. There will be 2 gates. After 
the 2nd gate, you’ll be fighting Evrae Altana on the other side of the gate. 
This time, it won’t be able to counter attack any of your move. But he still 
can use his abilities. Just let Tidus cast haste on everyone and let Wakka do 
the status effect attacks. As for Rikku, let here use an Al Bhed potion of 

Strategy from: BLAH sdfgs (bsdfgs@yahoo.com)
To beat Evrae Altana easily, just use 2 Phoenix Downs on it. It will deal max 
damage to it and thus, killing it.

After that, the party will be reunited. Then and there, Seymour and his band 
of weirdos will come in. You’ll see Seymour transform in front of the party. 
Kimahri will be left behind. But then, they are together in this and they 
should leave no one behind. The party decides to battle on. 

HP:      36,000 / varied
AP:      9,450
Gil:     3,500
Items:   Level 2 Key Sphere x4
Equip:   Shell Armguard
Attacks: Break, Flare, Banish (for Aeons), Multi-Magic Attacks, 
         Level 1 and/or 2 Magic Attacks, Shattering Claw
Steal:   Tetra Elemental

Here, you can talk to Seymour. For Tidus, his strength will be increase and 
so does Auron. As for Yuna, it’ll increase her Magic Defense. First, use your 
aeons until you don’t have any left. The Moritibody will borrow some HP from 
Seymour when you defeat it. It starts at 4,000 and it decreases as you defeat 
it. I suggest that you protect and shell your party members since Seymour is 
very strong. Let Auron use the breaks to ease out the battle.

After that, you’ll regain control. Talk to everyone and go south towards the 
screen. Continue until you see Kimahri. Talk to Yuna. You’ll see a very long 
scene and a cool FMV of the romance between the 2. You’ll also here the song 
for this game. It’s in Japanese though. After that, go back to the party. 
Continue on until you reach the Calm Lands.

Treasures: Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Rusty Sword, 5000 Gil, 10000 Gil

Here, the area is very very wide. There are lots and lots of ground to cover. 
First, save your game. You’ll see some scenes first. After that, go northwest 
towards a small encampment. Get a Level 2 Key Sphere behind the camp. At the 
camp, you’ll see more scenes with Father Zuke. After that, save then talk to 
everyone. Take note that you can play Blitz Ball once more. Now, leave the 
camp and head northeast. On the way, you’ll be able to see an opening at the 
mountain side. It is the training arena. (more on this on its own section in 
this guide). You may save behind the man here. The Save Sphere is inside the 
tent. After monster hunting (if you went through it), continue to the 
northeast until you reach the next area. You can also head Southeast and get 
2 chests there for 5,000 and 10,000 Gil each. Here, you’ll meet up with some 
Guado Guardians. They have something to fight against you.

HP:      64,000
AP:      9,900
Gil:     3,500
Items:   Level 2 Key Sphere x2
Equip:   none
Attacks: Blast Punch, Haymaker
Steal:   Lunar Curtain

This boss is very powerful indeed. First, use Armor Break to lower its 
physical defenses. Use your aeons and let Lulu pummel Defender X with 
powerful Black Magic Attacks. Get your Phoenix Downs ready since Haymaker is 
almost a surefire kill for anyone.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
If you provoke Defender X, he will only use his half-HP attack on Tidus. Even 
at 1 HP, this won't kill him. You can take him from there with no worries. 
Armor Break is also very, very useful.

After the battle, go near the bridge. Lulu will tell you something about a 
path below the bridge. Go under the bridge and continue west towards the next 
area. Here, save your game then go towards the entrance to a cave. You’ll see 
a short scene then continue inside. Also, from the save point, if you 
continue south, you’ll be able to get a Rusty Sword on the way. Let’s move 

Treasures: Megalixir, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Mega-Potion x2, MP Sphere, X-Potion 
x2, Flexible Arm

Inside the cavern, move on until you see an intersection. Go east for a 
Megalixir. Go back and head north this time. You’ll see more scenes. Continue 
north and at another intersection, go east and get a Lv. 2 Key Sphere. Go 
back to the intersection and head west. Get a chest on the way for some Mega-
Potions. Save your game and then, you’ll meet up with Lady Ginnem. You’ll 
have to beat her.

HP:      n/a
AP:      0
Gil:     0
Items:   none
Equip:   none
Attacks: Wakizashi, Daigoro
Steal:   n/a

Use everything you’ve got. Just keep on attacking and pray that you’ll reach 
maximum overdrive. Just keep on pummeling yojimbo as quickly as possible so 
that he won’t reach overdrive and defeat your aeons.

After that, you’ll see a floor panel that will take you to any 4 directions. 
Just face that direction (confirm it with the green arrow) and press X. Go 
right first and get a MP Sphere and an X-Potion x2. On the left, you’ll be 
able to acquire the Flexible Arm. After that, go to the chamber of the fayth. 
Here, you’ll be able to see Yojimbo. He will offer his services to you only 
if you pay his offer of around 250,000+ Gil. After that, go back to the 
entrance and save your game. Go back up and cross the bridge now towards Mt. 
Gagazet. You’ll see some short scenes here. 

Treasures: Mega-Potion x2, Defending Bracer, Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Fortune Sphere

Here, the Ronsos will stop you from passing through since the party is 
branded as traitors to Yevon. But then, Yuna’s will to give spira a new hope 
reached the heart of Maester Kelk Ronso and he will then welcome the party to 
pass through the mountain. When you regain control, save your game and then 
continue north. At the next screen, Biran and Yenke won’t stop the party from 
passing through except for Kimahri. You’ll have to face both of them using 
Kimahri only.

HP:      ?/?
AP:      8,000
Gil:     3,000
Items:   Return Sphere
Equip:   Halberd x2
Attacks: Thrust Kick, Aqua Breath, Stone Breath, White Wind
Steal:   Lvl. 3 Key Sphere

First of all, you should know that Kimahri will be able to learn lots of 
Ronso Rages from these 2. The strategy here is all about Hi-Potions. When you 
reach the critical level (yellow), use a Hi-Potion or else these 2 will be 
able to defeat Kimahri. Next, in order to beat them, concentrate attacks on 
1. Then, only attack when they are apart from each other. Because if they are 
together, you won’t be able to do much damage since the other will just block 
the attack. This will be easy but very long.

After the battle, you’ll see more scenes. Go back and save then continue 
north. You’ll see the Ronso tribe sing the Hymn of Yevon. When you regain 
control, veer off to the left for some Mega-potions. Continue north. You’ll 
see a grave of a previous summoner. After that, just continue towards the Red 
Indicator on the map. At an intersection, go north. You’ll see Braska’s 
Sphere. You’ll view his memories with Jecht and Auron. Continue through the 
long path afterwards. You’ll reach the 2nd grave. Continue to another 
intersection, go west and you’ll get a Defending Bracer there. Go back to the 
intersection and head north. It will be a long long way. You’ll then meet 
Wantz on the way, the brother of O’aka. Move on to the 3rd grave. At the next 
intersection, go south (up). Finally, save your game and prepare for a tough 
battle ahead. Now, continue north and you’ll see a scene with Rikku and 
Tidus. Then, Seymour will appear and will tell you what he did to the Ronso. 
After that, the 3rd battle with Seymour begins.

HP:      70,000 / varies
AP:      15,000
Gil:     6,000
Items:   Lv. 4 Key Sphere x2
Equip:   Shell Bangle
Attacks: Banish, Lance of Atrophy, Full-Life
Steal:   Elixir

Here’s a new strategy. First, the Lance of Atrophy inflicts the Zombie Status 
on anyone. This is bad since you cannot heal that party member since it will 
just decrease his/her HP. You can use Holy Water if you have them. Now, 
before entering the battle, I would really suggest that you come in with your 
Aeons on full overdrive so that it is worth it to call them even if they are 
banished. Your Aeons’ overdrives should be damaging Seymour by a flat 9,999 
by now.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
Possibly the hardest battle. At 60,000 (or was it 50,000?), Seymour uses 
Protect, so if you're going to use Physical Attacks, use them then. You can 
prepare Auron and Yuna with Zombie Ward armor, so that he may waste the first 
three turns. After three turns, he uses Cross-Cleave. Either use Hastega and 
pummel him to 35,000, or let Auron survive and hope Zombie Ward works. 
Anybody else will probably die. At 35,000, he will cast Reflect on himself, 
and then Reflect Flare. Then, he will wait for Total Annihilation. You will 
not survive this. Thus, make sure you have at least two Aeons in Overdrive 
and Yuna in Overdrive (3 Aeons total). Each will do about 9,000 -10,000 
damage, which is 30,000 total, and when you add what Mortiorchis absorbs, 
he'll be dead. If not, let Auron or Tidus attack between summons. Make SURE 
Yuna is in Haste before he hits 35,000, however.

Strategy from: agcanvasproject@msn.com
Have Rikku in overdrive and mix Electro Marble and Silent Grenade.
This will poison him, taking 1500 hp at a time.  It will even silence him 
for a few turns.  This makes it a good bit easier to beat him.

After that, you’ll see more scenes here. Go to the save sphere and save. 
Continue and you’ll see a weird scene on the next screen. Tidus will have a 
scene on his own about the fayth and their dreams. Some very shocking 
revelations are shown here. During the dream, just continue north and you’ll 
talk to the fayth (fayth of Bahamut, the kid). After that, enter the door at 
the north end. Continue talking to the fayth. After that, Tidus will return 
back to the party. Continue north and save your game. Go northwest and you’ll 
reach the waters. You’ll then have to use only Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku during 
the underwater scenes. At the water, continue towards the next screen. At an 
intersection, go north. You’ll see the first trial of Gagazet. The Blitz Ball 
Challenge. You’ll have to time it right that Wakka hits the center with the 
blitz ball. After successfully hitting it, get the chest for a Lv. 1 Key 
Sphere. Go back south to the previous area and save. Go north and at the 
intersection, go west through the water. You’ll see the 2nd challenge of Mt. 
Gagazet. You’ll have to simultaneously active the 3 nodes but the sizes 
should be appropriate. At the leftmost node, use Tidus. At the center, use 
Wakka. Finally at the right, use Rikku. Get the chest underwater for the 
Fortune sphere. Go back and save. Now, go up ad see an intersection on the 
left side of the screen that is composed of tiles of stones that makes a 
stone stairs. You’ll see more scenes and you’ll know more about Yunalesca 
from Auron. Save your game at a Save Sphere here. Prepare your party then 
move on. You’ll fight a fiend outside.

HP:      40,000
AP:      16,500
Gil:     6,500
Items:   Return Sphere
Equip:   Arc Sword
Attacks: Photon Wings, Tail Sweep, Haste, Mana Breath, Curaga
Steal:   Turbo Ether

This is another tough boss. Use Tidus’ slow to give you a slight advantage 
over it. Again, use your overdriven aeons. You’ll most likely beat it with 
all your 5 aeons. If not, just let Auron Break the Armor or the Magic Defense 
(Mental) and use physical and magical attacks.

Strategy from: Mark Lykins (zombie195@hotmail.com)
You may prevent the Sanctuary Keeper from using either Haste or Curaga by 
casting Reflect on it. 

Strategy from: Vegeta615282@aol.com
There is another way to do battle with the Sanctuary Keeper. Cast Bio on it 
and then reflect for double effect.

After the battle, you’ll see more scenes. Continue on until you see 
Zanarkand. After that, Yuna will drop something and Tidus will view it. It 
seems like Braska’s sphere where he says his final words. After that, keep on 
going until you reach Zanarkand itself.

Treasures: Fortune Sphere, Spiritual Targe

In here, there will be no enemies yet. You’ll see the opening scene here that 
is the same scene you saw when you begin your game. When you regain control 
afterwards, save your game. Move on and the enemies will be back. Get a 
Fortune Sphere on the way. Get another one with a Spiritual Targe. Move on 
and save at the end. Go inside the dome.


Inside, you’ll see the memories of the previous summoners and their 
guardians. Continue and save on the way. Move on and you’ll see Seymour’s. 
Then finally, you’ll see the memories of Braska, Jecht, and Auron. You’ll see 
them again at the end. Save your game there.

Here, you’ll see the final cloister of trials. These trials will test your 
memory. On the first screen, you’ll see some shapes on the wall screen. It’s 
just like the Tetris blocks. Now, there will be glittering panels on the 
ground that correspond to a particular shape. You’ll need to step on those 
that are needed to complete the shapes on the monitor. After that, 6 
pedestals will appear. 2 of them cannot be moved yet. Now, move any 1 of the 
4 that can be moved. Go north and continue to the next room. You’ll see 
another wall screen, 2 spheres (let’s talk about this later), and a new set 
of glittering floor panels. Now, examine the screen and the shapes will be 
shown among the glittering panels. You’ll have to step on them in order to 
complete the puzzle. If you made a mistake, you’ll have to repeat again. You 
may view the wall screen if you can’t memorize the positions yet. After that, 
do this to the other 5 pedestals. The last 2 pedestals needs the 2 Spheres. 
Take note that use these 2 after completing the first 4 pedestals. After 
that, save your game and examine the new platform in the center. A battle 
will commence.

HP:      52,000
AP:      12,000
Gil:     7,000
Items:   Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Equip:   Elemental Shield
Attacks: Berserk Claw, Glyph Mine
Steal:   ?

Here, try to move your characters so that there will be 1 space in between 
each of them. This makes the spectral keeper confused since there are 3 
directions it needs to face. The Aeons will be very useful if they are on 
overdrive. But if not, the Glyph Mine will remove them from the playing 
field. That goes the same for your characters. If it uses the glyph mine, 
move to a space where there is no mine. This will prevent you from losing.  

After that, you’ll see more scenes and you’ll know the absolute truth about 
the final aeon. Now, save your game and continue on until you meet up with 
Lady Yunalesca. She’ll ask you to choose 1 among your guardians to be your 
fayth. Everyone will be stunned (except for Auron of course). You’ll see more 
scenes with Braska, Jecht, and Auron. After that, when you regain control, 
head back to Yunalesca and you’ll defy her. You’ll then have to beat her in 
order to stop her.

BOSS: Yunalesca
HP:      24,000 / 2nd: 48,000 / 3rd: 60,000
AP:      19,000
Gil:     9,000
Items:   Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Equip:   Blessed Ring
Attacks: Blind, Sleep, Absorb, Hell Biter, Cura, Mega-Death
Steal:   Stamina Tablet

A good strategy against Yunalesca is to use your normal attacks and magical 
attacks in her first and second form. You may use 1 or 2 aeons if you’d like 
but spare more aeons for the final encounter. Now, the Hell Biter will turn 
everyone into Zombies. That’s bad news when you talk about Cura. Just let it 
be and continue pummeling her until you fight her third and final form. Here, 
you will want to be attacked by the Hell Biter. And why is that? It’s because 
she now has the Mega-Death ability that casts 100% death on everyone! If 
you’re in Zombie status, it will have no effect at all. Now is the time to 
use your aeons. 

Strategy from: Raynier Martinez 
In order to help you beat Yunalesca much easier, try to learn Yuna’s Holy 
offensive ability. It will deal a very sufficient amount of damage to 

After that almost impossible feat, return back down and you’ll see Auron talk 
to Tidus. He will reveal his true nature and will show you his promise that 
he made to Jecht. Save your game and leave the dome. Outside, you’ll see Sin. 
You’ll then head back to the Airship.


Here, talk to Cid. After some scenes, save your game. You now have a Level 3 
Save Sphere. You can now use Save Spheres to transport yourself to the 
Airship. Now, you can play Blitz again. After that, go to the top floor 
(before the deck) and talk to Yuna who is with Kimahri. She’ll tell you that 
the best way might be to Bevelle and ask Maester Mika. Return to the bridge 
and you’ll hear the plan of Rikku. Sin might be able to be tamed for a while 
using the Hymn of the fayth. Now, talk to Cid. You’ll see a map here. You can 
go to all of the places you’ve been through (except for some areas). Now, 
head for the Highroad.


Here, you’ll see the new captain of the guards, Shelinda! After she leaves, 
Maester Mika will appear and you will have a long talk with him about 
Yunalesca and such. After he goes, the fayth will talk to Tidus and Yuna. 
When asked, choose the top option then chose the hymn. The fayth will remind 
Tidus about their dream coming to an end. After that, you’ll talk to Shelinda 
regarding the hymn. She’ll tell all of Spira to sing the hymn when the flying 
ship starts to sing. Back at the airship, talk to Cid and go to Sin! You’ll 
hear the hymn and Sin will appear. Get ready and go to the deck.


On top, you’ll see a scene where Tidus shows Yuna her sphere. After that, the 
battle with Sin begins.

HP:      65,000
AP:      16,000
Gil:     10,000
Items:   HP Sphere
Equip:   Sidewinder
Attacks: Gravija, Negation, Physical attack (side swipe)
Steal:   Mega-Potion

This is rather easy. Just move in and do all your stuff, especially physical 
attacks of Auron and Tidus. You may use your aeons here but I suggest that 
you save it for later. First, if you use Haste or any other stat altering 
effects, Sin will use Negation against you. It’ll remove those status. Beware 
also of Sin’s Gravija attack, which cuts off around 80-90% of your current 

After that battle, Cid will sever the arm of Sin. Now, you’ll have to do it 
again with the other arm.

HP:      65,000
AP:      17,000
Gil:     10,000
Items:   Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Equip:   Rock Buster
Attacks: Same
Steal:   Mega-Potion

As for the Right Fin, just do the same strategy you did on the other fin of 

After the final battle with the fins, you’ll have to target sin’s weakpoint 
itself. A battle begins anew.

HP:      20,000 / 36,000
AP:      29,700
Gil:     20,000
Items:   Return Sphere x2, MP Sphere x2
Equip:   Blessed Bracer, Light Bangle
Attacks: Venom, Level 1 Magic, Gravija
Steal:   Star Curtain

In this battle, concentrate on attacking the Sinspawn so that you’ll have a 
clear shot at Sin. You may now use your Aeons to help you beat these 2. As 
for their attacks, you’re most likely used to getting poisoned and having 
your HPs at a very critical stage. 

After those intense battles, Sin will finally go down. At the airship, save 
your game. Then, go to the deck and talk to Yuna. You’ll see some scenes 
here. After that, Rikku will tell them that something is happening to Sin. 
Sin transforms and is now waiting for Tidus. Go back and save then go to the 
deck for the confrontation with Sin.

HP:      140,000
AP:      20,000
Gil:     10,000
Items:   Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Equip:   Echo Bangle
Attacks: Physical Charges
Steal:   ?

This is an ultra-hard fight, if you don’t know what to do. I used aeons and 
it didn’t work since the Overdrives take too much time and Sin will be able 
to open its mouth and unleash its 100% win attack. Follow this strategy that 
I used. Before the battle, put Tidus, Auron, and Yuna. Then, have Tidus cast 
Hastega on everyone. Sin will still be approaching at this point. Now, let 
Yuna cast Protect on everyone and after that, exchange Yuna for Wakka. Let 
Tidus cast haste on him. By this time, Sin should be close enough to be 
attacked physically. Let Auron use Armor Break and Mental Break (a 
preparation for your final attack against Sin) and let Tidus and Wakka hack 
and attack Sin. When Sin’s HP is around 18,000 left, let Yuna come in and let 
her cast Bahamut in Overdrive (do not call him when he is not in overdrive or 
else this final attack won’t work and Sin will banish everyone). This will 
defeat Sin.

Strategy from: Baakley@aol.com
For the big Sin, if your Tidus is a little stronger than average, he will 
have Quick Hit. If you've saved your Friend Spheres, get Auron and, if 
possible, Wakka this skill. With Hastega, this will SURELY win the fight, 
ESPECIALLY with Armor Break. Also note that you CAN get Anima by this point, 
and Oblivion does incredible damage (40,000, I think?) as well as her 

Strategy from: Matt DeCicca (wizard15_2000@hotmail.com)
I have a very effective and "foolproof" way to beat Sin. First of all, you 
must have Anima and her strength increased to at least 94. Then you must have 
both Yuna and Anima in overdrive so this way, you can unleash 2 overdrives 
from Anima(this is achieved with Yuna's Grand Summon overdrive, which is what 
you do when you come to battle Sin for the first time on the airship.) Each 
overdrive will damage Sin for about 58,000 some damage points, if not really 
close to that figure. Both overdrives will sort of "weaken" Sin for Anima to 
do a regular attack and beat Sin. Only thing is though, for me he never got 
to his 100% win attack in time, so therefore it was really easy for me. Well, 
he did, but he never used it after the two overdrives. For any of you, you 
may not get so lucky the first time, so just keep on trying until you get to 
attack him with the overdrives and the regular attack.

After that, the party goes inside Sin. You’ll have to find and defeat the 
source of this whole mess. Inside, save your game. Just continue on towards 
the next Save Sphere that is just beside the stairs leading up. On the way, 
watch out for the tough enemies. The road is also hard to see due to the 
heavy fogging. Once you reach the save sphere, prepare your party. On top, 
guess who’s waiting for you.

HP:      80,000
AP:      36,000
Gil:     13,000
Items:   Lv. 3 Key Sphere x3
Equip:   Malleable Staff
Attacks: Dispel, Ultima, Level 3 Magic attacks
Steal:   ?

Seymour is not that hard. You just have to know what element he is using. 
You’ll see 4 reels around Seymour and each of them has 4 spheres that 
correspond to an element. Example, if all 4 reels point the red sphere (which 
is fire) on Seymour, he will attack using Firaga 3 or more times in a single 
turn. Apart from that, those magical attacks are very powerful that it is 
possible to get all your party members defeated. Now, to get around this one. 
Let Yuna cast the Nul Magic attacks depending on the element. Let Tidus cast 
haste too. If you already have Ultima and Holy you should be able to beat him 
easily. As for the aeons use all of them (in Overdrive) except for the one 
with the same element as his because it will just heal him. This will be a 
test for your knowledge and mastery of the elements.

Strategy by: Jjukil@aol.com
Since Seymour only uses one element at a time if you leave the wheels alone, 
you can absorb most of his attacks very easily with an Aeon.  They can't use 
their Overdrives, but their physical attacks do decent damage if you Break 
Omnis's Armor.  When he uses Ultima, you can just Shield it, then dismiss the 
Aeon and put in the next one.  (If you don't mind killing your Aeons, you can 
use the first one's Overdrive after Omnis changes elements to add an extra 
punch instead.)  The order he uses elements in is Fire--Ice--Water--
Lightning, so you'll want to send out Ifrit and Shiva first and Ixion last, 
then repeat the process (if you need to).  You'll have to deal with Water 
without any Aeons, unfortunately, since Squaresoft didn't see fit to give you 
Leviathan in this one.  =P  One easy way to do this is using Mighty Guard, 
then putting Reflect on all of your party members while Omnis takes all the 
Nuls away.  His bounced spells will heal him a little, but you should be able 
to do enough damage to cancel that out.  When he uses Dispel, send out Ixion 
to Shield the following Ultima and you're set.  This makes for a very long 
battle, but a very easy one.

Strategy by: Adam Saunders (bb_ender@yahoo.ca)
Seymour Omnis is pretty easy. Before the battle begins, make sure that either 
Yuna has a full overdrive, or that Anima has a full overdrive. Use Tidus, 
Auron, and Yuna. Have Yuna cast Nul magic at the beginnning of the battle 
that corresponds to the wheels' element shown. Have Auron Armor Break 
Seymour, and use Tidus's Quick Hit (if Auron has Quick Hit as well, then 
Quick Hit with Auron as much as possible until another Quick hit won't make 
him have another turn before Seymour's; then, Armour Break him). The Nul 
Magic cast should protect your party from his Level 3 spells. By this time, 
Seymour should have lost about 15 000-25 000 HP. Time to summon Anima in full 
Overdrive form. Use Anima's Oblivion overdrive. And there you have it; 
Seymour Omnis dead in under 3 minutes.

After that battle, Yuna finally sends the repentant Seymour. He realizes that 
he isn’t capable. After that, go back and save, and then move on. From here 
on, the path will be straightforward again. Move on until you reach the next 
and final save point in the game! Prepare your party now as you’ll will face 
the toughest opponent yet. When you’re ready, head north and you’ll see 
something drop from the sky. Examine the large glyph and you’ll be taken to a 
weird place. Here, you’ll need to get the spheres that appear. There are 10 
of them. Apart from that, there are spikes that come out of the ground. If 
they hit you, you’ll have to do battle with the strong fiends again. When you 
receive all 10 (which are mostly equipments), you’ll reach the final area. 
Move on and you’ll see Jecht waiting for you. You’ll see a very long scene 
between him and Tidus. After that, the most crucial battle will begin.

HP:      1st: 60,000 / 2nd: 120,000 / Yu Pagoda: variable
AP:      no more
Gil:     no more
Items:   no more
Equip:   no more
Attacks: Palm Attack, Jecht Beam, Triumphant Grasp, Jecht Bomber and
         Ultimate Jecht Shot
         Pagodas: Power Wave, Curse, Osmose
Steal:   n/a

This is definitely the final battle and the toughest battle in the game. The 
Yu Pagodas are tough opponents themselves and should not be overlooked. Let 
me explain how the Pagodas work. First, they have 9999 HP. When they stop and 
then revived, their HP will depend on how much damage they acquired before 
they stopped previously. Therefore, you’ll need to finish them off with an 
attack of not more or not less that 9,999. This feat can be accomplished by 
the following: Overdrive of Aeons, Ultima, Flare, and Holy. If you attack it 
with Bahamut, it will get damaged by around 20,000. When the pagodas act 
again, they will have 20,000 HPs. When they use Power Wave, they replenish 
the final aeon’s HP by 1500 and increases its Overdrive bar.

Let’s move on to the aeon. Its attacks are tremendously powerful, especially 
the palm attack. So, let Tidus cast Hastega and have everyone on Protect and 
Shell. Do not use your Aeons yet. Leave it for the Second Form of the Final 

As for the second form, the Final aeon will be faster and stronger now that 
it has a huge sword in hand. You may want to use the talk command now when 
its overdrive is full. You wouldn’t want to see how much damage the Ultimate 
Jecht Shot will do. Use your aeons also. Use Bahamut later since it will give 
more HPs to the pagodas and thus, they will be hard to beat. Just continue on 
your barrage of Ultima, Holy, and Flare. Good Luck!

Additions by: Baakley@aol.com
For Braska's Final Aeon, if you have any Stamina Tonics, let Rikku Use them. 
They double your party's max HP, and for those with lower levels, this may 
prove invaluable.

After that intense battle, you can relax since you’ve practically finished 
the game already. After that, you’ll see more scenes about Jecht and the 
Fayth. The final battle with Yu Yevon will commence.

HP:      YU YEVON: 99,999 / AEONS: Varies
AP:      no more
Gil:     no more
Items:   no more
Equip:   no more
Attacks: Varies, Yu Yevon: Osmose, Curaga, Gravija
Steal:   n/a

This is very easy but long. You won’t lose this one since everyone has an 
Auto-Life ability with them. First, you’ll be fighting all your Aeons, 1 by 
1. To beat them easily, you may use Yuna’s Holy or Ultima, or Lulu’s Flare. 
The HP of the aeons is the same as how much HPs they’ve had when they’re 
still with Yuna. After beating all the aeons, you’ll finally have the battle 
against Yu Yevon itself. The best party here is Tidus, Yuna and Lulu. First, 
let Tidus cast Hastega. Then, cast reflect on Tidus and Yevon. If you attack 
Yevon, it will cast Curaga on itself. Thus, if you it Reflects from him, it 
will heal your party. Next, you can’t hit him with magic on the other hand. 
You’ll need to cast them on Tidus (who is in Reflect Status). It will hit 
either Yevon or the Yu Pagodas. Again, do not hesitate to use Megalixirs 
since this is the final battle in the game.

Strategy from: TooSkillful4U@aol.com
Ever wonder of any other way to get past around Yevon’s Curaga? Well, you can 
just cast Zombie on Yu Yevon and let him kill himself since his Curaga will 
damage him, a lot.

Strategy Variation from: senator flagg (senatorflagg@hotmail.com)
Use Auron's Zombie attack on Yu Yevon, then have Yuna cast Life on him. 
Simple as that.

After that final battle with the source of this whole mess, you’ll be treated 
to the endings scenes for the game. The FMVs are quite emotional and very 
touching. Watch out also for a short FMV after the credits. That is all. 
Congratulations on finishing the best RPG for the PS2 to date, Final Fantasy 
X. Thank you very much for reading. Hope you enjoyed the game as well as the 
guide. C’ya!



Eien No Nagi-setsu(The Eternal Calm): Final Fantasy X Another Story

Scene 1: Besaid Beach

Yuna(thinking): 37, 38, 39, 40, 41...
(Sound of surfacing, gasps of breath)

Yuna(thinking): Two minutes and forty one seconds - a new high.
(Wakka runs onto Besaid Beach and calls Yuna)

Wakka: Yuna! C'mon!

Yuna: Be right there!
(Screen closes up on Wakka who crosses his arms and sighs contentedly)

Wakka: Pretty good at holding your breath now, ya?

Yuna(laughs): Not as good as you!

Wakka: Yeah, well, I haven't even practiced recently.

Yuna(jokingly): You sure look it.
(Wakka, embarassed, brings his hand to his forehead) 

Wakka: Eh...ah

Yuna: Its not like you're the one having a baby!
(Wakka turns, sighs then runs off leaving Yuna alone on the beach)
(Yuna turns toward the beach and thinks to herself)

Yuna(thinking): Its been two years since then. I can hold my breath 
underwater for a full two minutes now. Its more than just physical
strength, there are a few tricks to it that you need to figure out--
I didn't understand when it was explained in words, but after a lot
of practice I finally got it.

Yuna(Still thinking): I never thought there was any kind of trick to it. I 
couldn't afford to think about anything back then.

Yuna(thinking): The Eternal Calm. Its my two minutes and forty one seconds 
and Wakka's pudgy stomach. Its not much-- just a quiet kind of happiness.

Scene 2: Besaid Temple

(Yuna stands at the door and looks around before entering. She walks over to 
Wakka, who was talking to a man. The pair walks toward her, and the man 
begins to speak.)

Tasgio: I saw you from a distance at the stadium two years ago. But I never 
thought I'd see you in person... You're as beautiful as ever.

Yuna: Thank you.

Tasgio: I have a favor to ask about my grandson. He joined up with the Young 
Persons' Alliance.

Tasgio: Now, not to say that the alliance is bad in and of itself, but me and 
the missus are both with New Yevon--my son and daughter in law too. My 
grandson used to come to our meetings too. But one day, he just...

Tasgio: There are a lot of young folks in the Alliance, so I'm sure its 
exciting for him. But still...

Yuna(thinking): A number of groups have formed across Spira since then. How 
should we build this new world? What should Spira be like in the future? 
Everyone is looking for their own path.

Tasgio: I feel that... my grandson and his companions are moving too quickly.

Yuna(thinking): With so many ways of thinking, at times conflict is 
inevitable. Some people are uncomfortable with the new ways of things. 
Honestly, I too sometimes... But this is good enough for now. That's what I 
keep telling myself.

Yuna: I understand how you feel but try talking it over with your grandson. 
His actions might appear reckless to you, but his feelings for Spira are the 
same as your own.

Besaid Island

(Yuna is walking along an island path just as Wakka runs in from offscreen.)

Wakka: He-ey!

Yuna: Who is it? A visitor?

Wakka: You know how it is--the village geezers are shooting their mouths 
about that again...

Yuna: Who is it this time?

Wakka: The son of the head of New Yevon.

Yuna: No way. I'd probably just end up being used by him.

Wakka: Man... sorry, Yuna.

Yuna: I'll go turn them down.

Wakka: No problem I got it. I mean you don't wanna hafta see their frowning 
faces down, do ya?

Yuna: ...right.
(A messenger runs onscreen)

???: Lady Yuna!

Yeivel: Lady Yuna! I'm Yeivel of the Young Persons' Alliance! I have come 
today to deliver a message from our leader Nurge!

Wakka: She's not joining the alliance.

Yeivel: But--

Yuna: Is that why you came?

Yeivel: ...yes it is.

Yuna: I'm not going to join with any group.

Yeivel: Are you perhaps going to form your own group?

Yuna: Please leave.
(Rikku runs onscreen, screaming and out of breath.)

Rikku: Yuna! Wakka!

Scene 4: Salvage Ship

Yuna(thinking): Rikku sometimes comes by Besaid Island. She travels around 
Spira teaching people how to use machines, excavating old machines from 
underground or underwater... She's awfully busy but seems to be enjoying 
(Rikku pokes Wakka's stomach, making little poking noises.)

Wakka: Stop that!

Rikku: Quite a tummy you've got now. So how's Lulu?

Wakka: She's in the village. Go say "hi" later, ya?

Rikku: Of course! And Yunie, same as always huh?

Yuna(cheerfully): That's right! same as always.
(A seagull flies overhead.)

Wakka: So Kimahri's still at Mt. Gagazet?

Rikku: You bet! He's teaching the Ronso children tons of stuffs. he's really 
quite the teacher!

Rikku: Anyway, I got something from Kimahri for you, he found it up the 

Yuna: A sphere?

Wakka: Weird shape, huh?
(Rikku activates the sphere and holds it out for Yuna.)

Rikku: Look closely, Yunie.

Scene 5: A Cage

(*This scene is difficult to see, the screen is distorted and so is the 
sound. The cage seems to be underwater though I'm not very sure. But its 
clear that Tidus is trapped inside. This scene is quite interesting.*)

Tidus: What the hell do I get arrested for?! Let me go already!

Tidus: You hear me don't you? What would you have thought if she was your 

Tidus: Who cares if I used the enemy's machina?! It was the only way to save 
the Summoner!?!

Tidus(voice cracks): What would you have done instead?!?(audible sobs can now 
be heard)

Tidus(going crazy): .....Let me out of here!!? Let me see her!!?

Scene 6: Salvage Ship

Yuna(thinking): A voice..... a voice that have been close by for what seemed 
like forever...

Wakka: What's this about? What's he doing there? Is that really him? What's 
this all about?

Rikku: I don't really know... but you wanna find out don't you?

Wakka: Well yeah!

Yuna: Yes.

Rikku: Then let's go!

Yuna: Where to?

Rikku: No idea! Let's go talk to Kimahri first and think about it then, ok?

Wakka: But we don't know anything! Shouldn't we look into it a little first?

Rikku: And just who's gonna find it out for us?
(Yeivel appears suddenly on the bridge.)

Yeivel: Leave it to us!

Yeivel: Our leader Nurge should agree as well! I'll convince him myself!

Wakka: Get outta here!

Yeivel: Y-Yessir! I'll return as soon as something has been learned!
(Yeivel runs off.)

Rikku: I think Yunie ought to go herself.

Wakka: That's impossible.

Rikku: Why's that?

Wakka: The next three months are completely booked. Everyone wants to meet 

Rikku: And what about what Yunie wants?

Wakka: Well, y'know someday... when the world has settled down and all...

Rikku(furious): Whaddya mean someday?! What someday?! What's the matter with 
you Wakka? Yunie always worked so hard, she should only worry about herself 
now--so why?! Everytime I come here I always think about how everyone's busy 
finding their own happiness... except Yuna.

Wakka: Well... that's...
(Rikku runs over and shouts at Wakka's face.)

Rikku: Has your head gone as soft as your belly?!

Rikku: Yunie!

Yuna(thinking): I... I want to go, but if I leave I may disappoint people...

Yuna: I...
(*The following line below is a direct quotation from FFX; but since I can't 
find the exact wording of the english version, I retranslated it.*)

Tidus(voiceover): Well, if acting grown up means I won't be able to say what 
I want, then screw it! Nothing will change that way!

Yuna: I'll go.

Wakka: Yuna!!
(Rikku sighs with relief.)

Yuna: After all... this is my story.

Rikku: Ha! I know you'd say that! so Iwent ahead and bought some stuff for 

Wakka: Oh, no...

Rikku: First off, we have to get you into some new clothes. You're famous 
after all, so you'd  better go undercover!

Wakka: J--just wait a second, ya? Let me go get Lu.

Yuna(thinking): The Eternal Calm, its my two minutes and forty one seconds 
and Wakka's pudgy stomach. It's a small and quiet kind of happiness... but I 
guess I can ask for a little more can't I?

Yuna: Rikku, let's get going!

***THE END***

PS: I went on describing the characters' emotions and actions so that you'll 
be able to imagine the scenes as they happen. And honestly, I was very 
surprised when I actually heard Tidus crying. I never expected that in the 
first place ^.^

The entire FFX International Info contributions were submitted to me by none 
other than Kathleen herself. ^_^ Thanks again Kathleen.



If you re-visit the temples that you’ve gone through (w/ cloisters of 
trials), you’ll be able to speak to the fayth and receive treasures (most 
likely, some hard to find spheres). You can do this one just before you enter 
Sin near the end of the game. Here are the info for each temple. 

At the chamber of the Fayth, you’ll be able to receive the following: Evasion 
Sphere, Hi-Potion, White Magic Sphere, Elixir, Potion x2

Receive a Luck Sphere from the Fayth. Then, get the chests for Magic Def 
Sphere and Agility Sphere.

Receive a Luck Sphere from the Fayth. The chests contain Accuracy Sphere, 
Defense Sphere, and Agility Sphere.

The Fayth will give you a Magic Sphere. The chests that are scattered around 
contains an Accuracy Sphere and a Magic Defense Sphere.

If you talk to the fayth of Yojimbo, you’ll be able to get a Strength Sphere.

Here, you’ll see a brand new puzzle. This time, the puzzle uses both the 
first and the second room tiles. All you have to do here is to light up all 
Square-shaped tiles. This will net you a Destruction sphere in the first 
room. Use it on the recess at the second room to receive the treasure, 
Magistral Rod.

After acquiring the aeon here, return back and talk to the Fayth again. They 
will give you a Defense Sphere.


In order to find the Baaj temple, find it using search at X (6-10) and Y (58-
62) coordinates at the map. You must first, have the airship and you should 
be on your way to Sin.


Here, go north from the save point and Tidus will automatically jump at the 
end. In the water, dive and head for the entrance. You’ll be greeted by 
Tidus’ old friend.

HP:      32,767
AP:      4,200
Gil:     1,000
Items:   Power Sphere
Equip:   Switch Hitter
Attacks: Stone Punch, Gulp
Steal:   Water Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |     O     |   O   | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Geosgaeno is tough. Beware of the Stone Punch since if one of your party 
members is stoned, he/she will be out of the battle for good. So, try to 
equip armaments with Stone Ward, better yet Stoneproof to stop Petrification. 
Then, just attack normally. Haste everyone to your advantage. Don’t forget to 
use the Al Bhed Potion, just in case. 

After the battle, go inside the temple. Swim on until you reach the chamber 
of the Fayth. You’ll see a symbol at the end and 6 statues. The 6 statues 
represent the temples you’ve gone through. Go near them and they will be 
activated. Take note that in order to activate them, you’ll need to complete 
the extra item, or the Destruction sphere puzzle for each Cloister of Trials. 
Once you get 6 you can now enter the Chamber. Here, you’ll see nothing short 
of Seymour’s mother. She’ll tell you more about her son. After that, you’ll 
receive a very very powerful aeon, Anima. Anima can deal more then 30,000 
using normal attacks. 99,999 damage will be dealt if you use her overdrive. 
Remember that.


Once you have the airship and you are about to enter sin, you may want to go 
back to Luca for some neat features of the game such as the Movie and Music 

Treasures: Jupiter Crest

First, head for the Auroch’s locker room and check one locker for the Jupiter 
Crest. Then, go out and head south from the center of Luca and continue to 
the Movie and Music Theater, the Sphere Theater. You’ll also find O’aka 
outside. He’s been freed from imprisonment.

Inside the Sphere Theater, you can buy Movie and Music Spheres. The Movie 
sphere will contain all the movies you have seen throughout the game. As for 
the Music Sphere, it is much like the soundtrack for the game. But then, you 
have to buy the spheres first. Movie Spheres cost 5,000 Gil and Music Spheres 
cost 2,000 Gil.

Here are the lists for the Movie and Music Sphere.

Movie Spheres
 #1: Zanarkand                       #26: Other World
 #2: We Called It “Sin”              #27: Sin Sleeps
 #3: Sinspawn                        #28: Homecoming
 #4: This is it!                     #29: Dry Dock
 #5: Blitzball                       #30: Nayto Du Ku!
 #6: A Summoner is Born              #31: Leaving Home
 #7: Lulu’s Contempt                 #32: The Glory of Yevon
 #8: Kimahri’s Challenge             #33: The Red Carpet
 #9: Fear on the Sea                 #34: False Vows
#10: Sin Arises                      #35: Believe
#11: Sin’s Theme                     #36: Some Spring
#12: Futile Resistance               #37: The Summit
#13: Failure                         #38: The Last Chapter
#14: Kilika Dusk                     #39: Sin Rise
#15: The Dance                       #40: Departure
#16: Luca Harbor                     #41: The Approach
#17: Let the Games Begin!            #42: Terra Graviton
#18: The Legend Lives                #43: Gravity Sucks
#19: The Dark Aeon                   #44: Heaven’s Fall
#20: No Better Plan                  #45: Vena!
#21: Judgement                       #46: Machina Redux
#22: Ex Machina                      #47: Sinfall
#23: Sin’s Wave                      #48: Evenfall
#24: Reunion                         #49: Faceoff
#25: Metropolis                      #50: Breaking Through

Music Spheres
 #1: Zanarkand                       #37: Moment of Truth
 #2: Prelude                         #38: Djose Temple
 #3: Tidus’ Theme                    #39: Ridess the Shoopuf?
 #4: Run!!                           #40: Rikku’s Theme
 #5: Creed                           #41: Oui are Al Bhed?
 #6: Battle Theme                    #42: Guadosalam
 #7: Enemy Attack                    #43: Thunder Plains
 #8: Game Over                       #44: Jecht’s Theme
 #9: Out of the Frying Pan           #45: The Burning Sand
#10: Victory Fanfare                 #46: The Wedding
#11: Leap in the Dark                #47: Assault
#12: Underwater Ruins                #48: Tragedy
#13: The Blitzers                    #49: Believe
#14: Wandering                       #50: Servants of the Mountain
#15: Besaid                          #51: Macalania Woods
#16: Spira Unplugged                 #52: Via Purifico
#17: Phantoms                        #53: Bravely Forward
#18: The Trials                      #54: The Unsent Laugh
#19: The Summoning                   #55: Seymour’s Ambition
#20: Braska’s Daughter               #56: Illusion
#21: Yuna’s Theme                    #57: Yuna’s Decision
#22: Good Night                      #58: Nostalgia
#23: Delusion on the Dock            #59: Peril
#24: Movement in Green               #60: Launch
#25: A Fleeting Dream                #61: Challenge          
#26: Calm Before the Storm           #62: Beyond the Darkness
#27: Face Off                        #63: The Void
#28: Grand Maester Mika              #64: The Truth Revealed
#29: Luca                            #65: Pursuit
#30: The Splendid Performance        #66: Gloom
#31: Auron’s Theme                   #67: Patricide
#32: Blitz Off!                      #68: The Temple of Prayers?
#33: Mi’ihen Highroad                #69: Hum of the Fayth *
#34: Chocobo Jam                     #70: Lulu’s Theme *
#35: The Travel Agency               #71: Wakka’s Theme *
#36: Seymour’s Theme

To get the final 3 Music Spheres, buy all 68 Standard Music Spheres then talk 
to the one who sells it. He will offer you the 3 final Music spheres for 
40,000 Gil


To reach the Remiem Temple, you have to go to the Calm Lands and ride a 
Chocobo. Now, head to the south easternmost area and you’ll see a small 
Yellow Feather (shaped like a banana). While riding the Chocobo, examine the 
Feather and the Chocobo will jump one ledge down. From here, walk east to the 
next area and you’ll now be inside the Remiem Temple Aera.

Treasures: Cloudy Mirror

First of all, get the Primer Here and then talk to the Chocobo on the left. 
It will say something about a challenge, a race against a Chocobo in the 
temple. If you’ll notice below the temple, there is somewhat a race track 
that goes around. You’ll then have to beat the other Chocobo towards the 
center area of the track. After doing so, you’ll receive the Cloudy Mirror. 
Now, go inside the Temple itself. But take note that you’ll need all the 
previous aeons you’ve had. That includes Yojimbo and Anima. 

Inside, you’ll find Belgemine. She will talk to yuna and will offer help for 
her. A summoner challenge will occur and Yuna’ll have to fight her aeons 1 on 
1. Here are the HP info and prizes you’ll receive from her. The HPs are rough 
estimate of the actual HP of the aeons.

Name            HP:           Prize/s:
Valefor         10,000        Aeon’s Soul, Lightning Gem x4, Speed Sphere x4
Ifrit           20,000        X-Potion x30, Mana Sphere x5
Ixion           40,000        Chocobo Feather x10, Power Sphere x8
Shiva           30,000        Mega-Potion x60, Star Curtain x6
Bahamut         40,000        Flower Scepter, Mana Sphere x8
Yojimbo         20,000        Shadow Gem x8, Power Sphere x10
Anima           50,000        Stamina Spring x60, Mana Sphere x10   
Magus Sisters   40,000 each   Shining Gem x40

To beat these Aeons, just use either Bahamut, Anima, or the Magus Sisters (if 
you already have them). Don’t worry though as Belgemine will heal your aeons 
before you fight. By this time, your aeons should be more powerful than hers. 

After beating all 8 of the Aeons, she you will be given the option to Send 
her since she is already of the dead. After that, you’ll receive one of the 
key elements in the Celestial Weapons quest, the Moon Sigil.

Apart from beating Belgemine, there is still one more important task at hand, 
the Magus Sisters. To the north of the platform where Belgemine is, you’ll 
see a sealed door. It can be unlocked by 2 items, the Flower Scepter and the 
Blossom Crown. You probably have the Flower Scepter now from Belgemine. As 
for the Blossom Crown, you’ll need to capture all the fiends at Mt. Gagazet 
then talk to the main in the Arena. He will then give the Crown to you. When 
you open the sealed door, inside, you’ll find the fayth of the 3 sisters, the 
Magus Sisters. They are very very powerful. 

Remember racing with the other chocobo here? Well, you can get more rare 
items if you managed to get all 6 treasure chest (during the race) and beat 
the other Chocobo. What makes this difficult is that you have to avoid the 
Poles. Then, the path towards the chests are intertwined and confusing. 
Finally, when you get a chest, you’ll get teleported or better yet, you’ll be 
transported to a new location in the track. The six locations of the chests 
are North, West, Southwest, Northwest x2, and West. 

1 Chest:  Potion
2 Chests: Elixir
3 Chests: Megalixir
4 Chests: Wings to Discovery x30
5 Chests: ?
6 Chests: ?

Now, you can only win them once. That means you cannot get a Megalixir 
anymore of you already got it. Instead, you’ll only receive a potion. This 
goes the same as the poles. If you managed to evade all poles, you’ll get the 
prize. But even if you got 4 chests and hit a pole, you’ll only get a potion.


This is the most tedious Side Quest in the game. But first, you’ll need the 
Cloudy Mirror. Now, head to Macalania Forest and talk to the kid and his 
mother who lost their father/husband. Now, go right 1 screen then left 1 
screen. Talk to the father and he tell him where his kid and his wife are. 
He’ll run to them. Go back and talk to the Man and the Woman. Now, their 
child is lost. Go left to the save point and find a sparkling path just to 
the northeast of the save sphere. When you reach an intersection, go up and 
you’ll see the kid. Go to him and the cloudy mirror will then become the 
Celestial Mirror. This will now allow you to acquire the Celestial Weapons of 
the characters. We’ll now tackle how to get and maximize each of the weapons. 
First, remember that once you get a Celestial Weapon, it has the No AP 
ability which prevents you from gaining any AP at all after battles. You’ll 
be needing its corresponding crest and sigil to unlock the maximum power of 
the weapon. Let’s get a move on.

Weapon Name: Caladbolg
Items: Sun Crest, Sun Sigil

In order for you to get the Caladbolg, you need to get the items first. For 
the Sun Crest, you may get it at a chest at the northern part of the location 
where you fought Yunalesca in Zanarkand Ruins. 

The Sun Sigil, however, isn’t as easy as the Crest. To get it, you’ll need to 
have a time of 0.0 or lower (but it will still say 0.0) at the Catcher 
Chocobo Training at Calm Lands. It seems easy but in fact, it concerns 
skills, intuition, and luck. First, Luck will come into play. At the start of 
the race, make sure you get at least 4 of the 5 balloons. Anything less will 
net you a slim chance at 0.0 second time. It also depends on the position of 
the balloons since sometimes, they are nearer the trainer. Now, when you make 
the first right turn, things will go worse since the balloons are randomly 
scattered around the track. The worst thing here are the birds. They will 
swoop down in front of you, adding 3 seconds to the time for every hit. There 
is a way to evade them easily but you also need to observe the flight pattern 
of the birds. When a bird appears at the horizon, try to go right or left as 
far as you can then go instantly to the other direction. The bird will get 
confused. You may also go right and left alternately to fool the bird 
further. But of course, do not forget to get the balloons. Sometimes, the 
Chocobo goes wobbly. The ideal way to finish the race is to get at least 13 
Balloons and get hit by at most 1 bird only. You’ll finish the race in less 
than 35 seconds that way. It will add 3, making it 38. Then, subtracted from 
the 13 balloons which makes a -1. You got the Sigil. 

After acquiring that tough 0.0 second time, go to the northwest area of the 
Calm Lands. You’ll see a partly hidden slope that leads to a lower ledge. 
You’ll need to disembark the Chocobo. If you went there earlier, a man was 
blocking the way. But now that you have the Sigil and the Crest, you may now 
examine the Glyph on the wall. It will open and Tidus will receive his 
Celestial Weapon, the Caladbolg. Head over to the Macalania Woods to complete 
the ritual to maximize the ability of the Celestial Weapon.

Weapon Name: Nirvana
Items: Moon Crest, Moon Sigil

First, to get hold of the Celestial Weapon, you’ll need to capture all 10 
fiends in the Calm Lands. The Trainer will then show a chest which cannot be 
opened by traditional means. If you have the Celestial Mirror, the chest will 
open and you’ll receive the Nirvana.

For the Moon Crest, you can get it at the Besaid Beach. Just swim into the 
water and you’ll find it in the water.

For the Moon Sigil, all you have to do is to go to the Remiem Temple and beat 
all of Belgemine’s Aeons. Check out the Remiem Temple Side Quest for more 

Weapon Name: Onion Knight
Items: Venus Crest, Venus Sigil

To get hold of the Celestial Weapon of Lulu, go to the Baaj Temple area and 
jump into the water. Go south and find the Celestial Chest. The screen will 
shift to the location of the chest when you’re near. 

For the Venus Crest, re-visit Guadosalam and head straight for the Farplane. 
You’ll find the Venus Crest there.

The Venus Sigil will be pretty much harder. First, you’ll need to go to the 
Thunder Plains. Now, you can dodge lightning here right? You must now dodge 
200 Lightning Bolts in succession without interruption (except that you may 
pause the game to take a break). First, dedicate at least an hour for this 
one since you are very much capable of losing it middle-way. Next, put your 
full concentration in it. Do not talk but silently count the number of bolts 
you’ve dodged. When you’re ready, use this strategy that I noticed would be 
much easier since it’s a sure fire way of luring those bolts.

My Strategy: First, if you’re hit by lightning, remember the exact same spot 
where it hit. After you’ve stepped backward (after dodging), stop doing 
anything and the second Lightning will come in at most 3 seconds (watch out 
since it varies). After the second bolt, quickly run up to the spot where the 
first lightning hit. You’ll be hit in no more than 5 seconds and then another 
bolt will come in. Thus, you’ll be dodging 2 bolts at a time. And since you 
are not running wantonly around, you’ll gain more concentration. If you run, 
the bolt will have a hard time hitting you so pick a bolt spot and keep on 
going to that spot. Just stand there and wait for the next 2 bolts. I did 245 
Bolts in 17 minutes. But I won’t try again. ^_^ 

Now, after successfully dodging 200 Lightning Bolts, go back to the travel 
agency and examine the chest just outside the entrance. It will give you 
prizes depending on the number of bolts that you’ve dodged in a row.

# of Bolts      Prize
      5         Potion x2
     10         Mega Potion x2
     20         MP Sphere x2
     50         Strength Sphere x2
    100         HP Sphere x3
    150         Megalixir x4
    200         Venus Sigil

After acquiring the Venus Sigil and the Venus Crest, head for the Big Orb at 
the Macalania Woods and complete the ritual for the maximum Celestial Weapon 
of Lulu.

Weapon Name: Godhand
Items: Mercury Crest, Mercury Sigil

To get the weapon, talk to Cid and input GODHAND as password. It will open a 
path to the Mushroom Rock Road. There, you’ll be on the lower ground level 
where you can find the chest containing the Godhand.

The Mercury Crest is easy. It can be found in the Sanubia Desert West. As for 
the Mercury Sigil, you have to undergo with the Cactuar Side Quest at the 
Sanubia Desert West.

First, you’ll need a weapon that has the No Encounter ability. Since you’ll 
be wandering around the Desert a lot, enemies will get in your way very 
badly. Now, once you have it, go to the West Sanubia Desert and go south of 
the Sandstorm. You’ll see a huge stone that has an image of a cactuar on it. 
Examine it and it will tell you about the 10 Cactuars that have been gone. It 
will give you clues as to where the Cactuars are but you have to get them in 
order. That means, when you find and caught a cactuar, you need to get back 
to the cactuar stone. You’ll receive a Sphere (with the name of the cactuar) 
if you have successfully captured it. If you weren’t able to catch it in 3 
tries, you’ll receive the Sphere Del Perdedor instead of the sphere of that 
cactuar. Now, in order to catch a Cactuar, go to the location (as specified 
by the clue) and when you see it, run for it and examine it to challenge it. 
Now, once you reach it, you’ll have to do something again. 

This time, a timer will appear and you will start at a distance. When the 
Cactuar isn’t looking, quickly run towards the cactuar. When it turns around, 
stop at all costs. One very minimal move will prevent you from catching it. A 
good strategy here would be to listen to the sound it makes. Time your 
running according to the sound and you’ll do fine. But take note that 1 of 
the cactuars will try to confuse you with the sounds. Now, when you are able 
to catch the Cactuar, you’ll have to fight it (but not all of them). After 
beating it, you’ll acquire the sphere of that cactuar. Take note also that 
there is a time limit so you have to alert always. Return back to the huge 
stone and another clue will appear. Here are the 10 Cactuars in order, with 
their clues and descriptions.

Cactuar #1: TOMAY

Clue:        Tomay’s gone to fetch water (not the exact clue but almost)
Location:    Tomay is seen getting water at the Oasis (the very first save 
             you’ll see in Bikanel after you teleport down from the airship).
Time Limit:  10.0 sec.
Description: - Duties: Fetch Water
             - A little dim
Cactuar #2: ROVIVEA

Clue:        Rovivea’s gone walkabout.
Location:    You can find Rovivea loitering at the Sanubia Desert East (find 
             Rovivea at the Left Area) 
Time Limit:  13.6 sec.
Description: - No patience for certain dim-witted friends
             - Not a progressive Thinker
Cactuar #3: CHAVA

Clue:        Little Chava likes big numbers.
Location:    Chava is in the Sanubia Desert West (the area where the 
             is). Examine one of the sign posts to the left and you’ll see
             Chava hiding inside. Big numbers denote the 20% off. 
Time Limit:  13.0 sec.
Description: - Recently learned to count to 50
             - Needy
             - Attention Deficit
Cactuar #4 & #5: ALEK AND ALOJA

Clue:        Alek and Aloja play tag in the ruins of men.
Location:    They are playing tag at the Sanubia Desert Central, left area
             where there are ruins. 
Time Limit:  13.0 sec.
Description: - Two brothers, rarely separated
             - They move as one, their closeness a paragon of brotherhood.
Cactuar #6: VACHELLA

Clue:        Vachella seeks the shining blue.
Location:    The clue talks about none other than a save point. There are 4 
             points in the desert but examine the one inside the tent at the 
             Sanubia Desert East.
Time Limit:  14.0 sec.
Description: - Loves new things
             - Hard on others, easy on self
             - Stingy 
Cactuar #7: ROBEYA

Clue:        O, Robeya’s stuck inside.
Location:    Robeya is inside a chest. You can find the chest at the Sanubia
             Desert Central. It is to the southwest of the Save Sphere, at 
             left corner. 
Time Limit:  14.0 sec.
Description: - A real needle brain
             - Likes cramped spaces
             - Check out his great collection
Note:        During the catching, you may get the chests for Shadow Gems.
Cactuar #8: ISRRA

Clue:        A fiery description - The lord of the hole is gone, Isrra 
Location:    In the Sanubia Desert West, you can find him going around in 
             circles in a hole of a Sandragora (whirlsand).
Time Limit:  15.0 sec.
Description: - The philisopher about town. Today, he digs holes, again
             - Cautious
Note:        This one’s pretty tough. Isrra will turn around very quickly so
             be attentive and observant. React quickly.
Cactuar #9:  ELIO

Clue:        Much curious Elio has left on a journey.
Location:    It took me quite long enough to get this one. After returning
             Isrra’s sphere, head for the Oasis again and you’ll see a scene 
             where Elio teleports himself up to the airship. Board the 
             then head up to the deck and you’ll see him there.
Time Limit:  11.0 sec.
Description: - To what lies beyond the sand, he travels far to distant lands
             - Hyper-active and a bad poet
Note:        During the time you’re catching him, the ship will tilt so plan 
             your movements carefully.
Cactuar #10: FLAILE

Clue:        Flaile is always behind.
Location:    After putting back Elio, Flaile will appear behind the Huge 
             stone. Just catch him there.
Time Limit:  13.0 sec.
Description: - The guy you never invite but he always shows up anyway
             - Cheeky
Note:        This one’s pretty tricky. First, you should not follow the 
             He is only confusing you. Just watch his movement and try to get
             the sound he makes out of your mind so that you can concentrate
             on watching his movements.

After successfully completing the Cactuar quest, the sandstorm will 
disappear. Go there and get the Mercury Sigil and the Friend Sphere. If you 
have the weapon and the crest/sigil, you may now unlock the maximum power of 
the celestial weapon of Rikku.

Weapon Name: Masamune
Items: Mars Crest, Mars Sigil

To get the Masamune, first you have to acquire the Rusty Sword. Go to the 
entrance to the Chamber of the Stolen Fayth. You can reach it from the Calm 
Lands then go under the bridge. Now, from the entrance (do not enter) go 
south then east. You’ll see a sword stuck in the ground. Get it for the Rusty 
Sword. Now, to use it, head to Mi’ihen Highroad. Go north through the gate 
(where Seymour first helped you out) and continue to Mushroom Rock. Here, 
move on to the 2nd intersection and go north. You’ll see a floor panel. 
Examine and you’ll be taken up. Examine the statue here and you’ll be asked 
to put the Rusty Sword in it. After putting it in, touch the weird glyph by 
the wall to get the Masamune.

To get the Mars Crest, you need to go to the Mi’ihen highroad again and go to 
where you fought the Chocobo Eater. There is a road below right? Now, go on 
to the gate (where Seymour first helped you) and go east. You’ll reach the 
new road that leads to the Mars Crest at the end. 

As for the Mars Sigil, it can be simply explained and yet it is quite hard to 
accomplish. All you need is to complete the fiends of at least 10 Areas and 
the man at the Training Arena will give you the Sigil.

Weapon Name: World Champion
Items: Jupiter Crest, Jupiter Sigil

To get the Celestial Weapon of Wakka, head for the Café at Luca and talk to 
the Bartender. You should have won enough Blitz Ball games in order for him 
to give it to you. I got the item when the Team was at Level 6. 

To acquire the Jupiter Crest, head for the locker room of the Aurochs inside 
the Luca Stadium. You can reach it by going down the stairs in the main hall 
of the stadium (where you buy the tickets). 

To acquire the Sigil, you need to win all of Wakka’s Overdrives from the 
League and Tournament (Status Reels, Attack Reels, and Auroch’s Reels), then 
randomly, the Sigil will appear as a random prize in the league.

Weapon Name: Spirit Lance
Items: Saturn Crest, Saturn Sigil

To get the Weapon, head for the Thunder plains. Remember in the walkthrough 
that I told you to examine the shining cactuar stones using the Square 
button? If you do that on 3 stones, a Cactuar spirit will appear in the 
Thunder Plains south. Then, go just a little bit to the northeast of the save 
sphere (entrance to Thunder Plains from guadosalam) and you’ll see a fallen 
tower. Examine it using the Square Button and you’ll receive the Weapon.

To get the Saturn Crest, head to Mt. Gagazet. Go all the way to where you 
fought Seymour. Then, move on until you see a save point and some pillars. 
Examine the in-between of the pillars on the left side for the Crest.

As for the Saturn Sigil, it’s quite difficult to do since you have to catch 
all 7 butterflies in the Macalania Woods. You may check the Butterfly 
Catching section for the strategy I made for it. I hope it will help you. 
Took me a while to discover them. After getting all 3, head for the Big orb 
in Macalania and maximize Kimahri’s Weapon.


The Playstation FF Soft Reset Code works in FF10 and can be a big help in 
getting the Jekt Shot, Jon told me. It is: L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Select + Start 
--press these all at once, and the game WIILL reset.

Submitted by: White Ninja (whit309@icqmail.com)


1. Overdrive Basics

2. Overdrive Modes


Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character’s turn comes up.
How to Acquire: Automatically acquired

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when ally gets killed.
How to Acquire: Your party should get KO’d more often.

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when allies take damage.
How to Acquire: Automatically acquired

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character fights with low HP.
How to Acquire: fight consistently while your HP is in critical

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character defeats powerful enemy.
How to Acquire: Let your target character (one who will learn the mode) 
defeat bosses and strong enemies.

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when the character defeats an enemy.
How to Acquire: Let your target character (one who will learn the mode) 
defeat as many enemies as possible.

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character takes damage.
How to Acquire: Automatically acquired

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character suffers from status 
How to Acquire: Let your character be inflicted with Status Ailments

Description: Charges when status attack succeeds.
How to Acquire: Just keep on using Offensive Status Attacks.

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character is hit with status 
How to Acquire: Automatically acquired

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when the party wins the battle.
How to Acquire: Automatically acquired

Description: Overdrive Bar fills up when character damages enemy.
How to Acquire: Let your target character (one who will learn the mode) 
receive damage from your enemies

3. Some Notes on Overdrive 

4. Overdrive List
We’ll now do an overdrive list for each of the characters. I’ll also include 
the info on how to acquire that particular Overdrive and how to use it.

Overdrive Name: Swordplay
How to Use: Now, you’ll see a bar on your screen right? You’ll be given 2.00 
seconds to complete this. First, a tiny indicator will go to and fro and 
you’ll need to press X as soon as it hits the center of the bar. Try to get 
it as fast as possible since the damage Tidus will depend on 2 things. First, 
if you hit the center or not. Second, how long did it take you to hit it 

Name                  Description                       Requirement
Spiral Cut            Attack 1 enemy inflicting         none (Automatically
                      moderate damage.                  acquired)
Slice and Dice        Attack enemies with 6 consecutive Perform 10 Spiral 
                      slashes randomly.
Energy Rain           Massive damage on all enemies     Perform Slice and 
                                                        30 times 
Blitz Ace             Extreme damage on 1 enemy by      Perform 80 Energy
                      slashing 8 times and hitting a    Rains
                      sphere shot with a Blitz Ball as
                      a finisher.

Overdrive Name: Grand Summon
How to Use: Grand Summon will allow you to summon any aeon and put him in 
full overdrive mode. This means that even if your aeon has an empty Overdrive 
bar, when you Grand Summon it, the Overdrive Bar will be filled up completely 
and you can perform an Overdrive attack immediately. It’s very useful for 
powerful aeons such as Bahamut up to the Magus Sisters. Also, if your Aeon’s 
Overdrive bar is already full and you Grand Summon it, you can only use your 
Overdrive once.

Overdrive Name: Fury
How to Use: This is the Overdrive that I get questions the most. To use the 
Overdrive, you’ll need to rotate the right analog stick as many times as you 
can until the timer reaches 0. The number of times you successfully made a 
rotation determines the number of times Lulu will perform that magic without 
the use of MP. Beware though that although she performs them a couple of 
times, the black magic will be weaker than normal.

Spells Available for Fury: Fire, Fira, Firaga, Water, Watera, Wateraga, 
Blizzard, Blizzara, Bilizzaga, Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga, Bio, Demi, Death, 
Drain, Osmose, Flare, Ultima

Overdrive Name: Mix
How to Use: Using Rikku’s Overdrive is easy. Just select 2 items and Rikku 
will combine them for effect. Check the Mix Abilities Section for more info. 
I separated it since it is quite big.

Overdrive Name: Bushido
How to Use: Auron’s Overdrives are done, much like the same as Zell did in 
FF8. Just follow the button combination for each type of Overdrive. Do it 
within the time limit. If not, the Overdrive won’t be successful.

Name                  Button Combination                Requirement
Dragon Fang           Down, Left, Up, Right, L1, R1,    none (Automatically
                      X, O                              acquired)
Shooting Star         Triangle, O, Square, X, Left,     Get 1 Jecht Sphere
                      Right, X          
Banishing Blade       Up, L1, Down, R1, Right, Left,    Acquire 3 Jecht 
Tornado               O, Right, R1, Left, L1, Triangle  Acquire 10 Jecht 

Overdrive Name: Slots
How to Use: Much the same as Cait Sith in FF7. Just try your best to have the 
best possible combination in the slots. 

Overdrive Name:  Description                                      Acquirement
Element Reels  - no match would mean dealing a critical hit       default
                 on one enemy without any elemental attribute.
               - two similar and one different result means 
                 elemental damage on one random enemy onscreen.
               - three similar results means inflicting 
                 elemental damage on all enemies on the

Attack Reels   - allows Wakka to attack enemies 2-12 times        Win 
                 depending on the result of the reels.            
                 (eg: 3 "2-hits" lets Wakka unleash 12 
                 consecutive attacks against enemies, which
                 are picked randomly.)  

Status Reels   - adds status ailments to your attack              Win from 

Auroch Reels   - A combination of all the other reels.
                 Being able to match 3 Auroch logos would
                 allow Wakka to deal MASSIVE damage against
                 all enemies. (as much as over 9,999)

Overdrive Name: Ronso Rage
How to Use: Kimahri’s Overdrives are easy to use and select. They are listed 
in the Rage List. This exemplifies Enemy Skills. To learn them, have Kimahri 
use the Lancet technique. Ronso Rage techniques are acquired from various 
enemies throughout the game. I’ll provide a list here for your convenience.


Acquirement: Biran, Chimera, Chimera Brain, Chimerageist
Description: Deals a powerful water-based offensive attack.

Acquirement: Malboro, Great Malboro, Malboro Menace
Description: This will inflicts lots and lots of negative status effects 
like, Confusion, Sleep, Silence, Berserk, Curse, Darkness.

Acquirement: Ghost, Wraith
Description: Lays down a countdown on the victim. Once the counter reaches 0, 
that character will die.

Acquirement: Dual Horn, Grendel
Description: Inflicts Fire Damage to all enemies.

Acquirement: Automatically acquired
Description: Kimahri will jump high (enabling him to evade any attack) and 
then comes back down later by diving on the enemy.

Acquirement: Behemoth, Behemoth King
Description: Casts Protect and Shell on all party members. It also casts 

Acquirement: Ragora, Grat
Description: Shoots out seeds that deals damage at the same time inflicts 

Acquirement: Bomb, Grenade
Description: Kimahri explode, dealing damage to all enemies. Beware though as 
you can’t get kimahri in your party in this battle again and you cannot 
replace him.

Acquirement: Anacondaur, Basilisk, Biran
Description: Inflicts petrification on all opponents.

Acquirement: YKT-11, Yenke
Description: Kimahri will deliver a lethal kick.

Acquirement: Biran, Dark Flan
Description: Heals a considerable amount of HP at the same time it removes 
negative status effects like poison and such.

                               THE SPHERE GRID

a. Sphere Grid Information

b. Sphere Nodes

The Sphere nodes are the nodes that are found throughout the sphere grid, 
they contain abilities, enhancements, locks, and even empty ones. 


Description: This will enable you character to do a particular type of 
ability such as magic, stealing, and more. You can utilize these abilities 
during your battles against the fiends. 
AGILITY (+1 to +4)

Description: Increases the Agility or the speed of the character when making 
turns. The higher the agility is, the faster the character will have his/her 
turn during battles.
DEFENSE (+1 to +4)

Description: Defense pertains to the physical defense of the character. The 
higher the defense is, the greater your character can endure physical 

Description: As the name implies, this node doesn’t contain anything. But you 
can fill this up with new Nodes such as strength, magic, and more.
HP (+200 to +400)

Description: This node increases the maximum HP of your character.
LUCK (+1 to +2)

Description: This will increase luck or the chances of dealing an overkill 
and acquiring rare items from your opponents.

Description: These are locked spheres that will block certain paths in the 
grid. To unlock them, you’ll need the corresponding Lvl. Key Sphere.
MAGIC (+1 to +4)

Description: This increases the amount of damage your character can inflict 
using magical attacks such as the elemental offensive attacks.
MAGIC DEFENSE (+1 to +4)

Description: It is much the same as defense. The difference is that this will 
help your character endure Magical Attacks such as the elemental attacks.
MP (+20 to +40)

Description: This node increases the maximum MP of your character.
STRENGTH (+1 to +4)

Description: This node increases the strength or power of your characters 
physical attacks. The higher the strength is, the higher the damage your 
character can inflict using physical attacks.

c. Sphere List

d. Ability List

Each Character has his/her own abilities. You can learn them by moving 
through the Sphere Grid and applying Ability Spheres. Although everyone can 
learn all the abilities, the initial Grid Positions of the characters are the 
most recommended for each. Go to the Game Basics for more information about 
the Sphere Grid System. Now, the list here is arranged alphabetically.


MP Needed:   0
Element:     n/a
Type:        Support
Description: Raises the Strength and Defense of your entire Party

MP Needed:   0
Element:     n/a
Type:        Support
Description: Allows you to Escape during minor battles

MP Needed:   8
Element:     n/a
Type:        Support
Description: Increases the Speed of the CTB, thus enabling that character to
             acquire a turn faster than normal.

e. Special Abilities

There are certain abilities that need more expounding. They most of the time 
give off great items and some affect outcomes of battles. 


Description and how to use: Bribe is mainly for Rikku, but all characters can 
learn it. Bribing means to pay the enemy so that he won’t fight anymore. 
Apart from leaving, the enemy will leave behind rare items that will help you 
throughout the game. Bribing needs a lot of money you’ll need millions of 
Gils. To get more money, just beat the mimics at Omega Ruins plus have an 
equipment with a Gillionaire Ability. This will net you at least 100,000 Gil 
every win. Now, if you want to bribe an enemy, check its HP. All you need is 
to give money that is equivalent to 1500% of its HP. That seems huge. Indeed 
it is. Example, you want to bribe a Great Malboro. It has 64,000 HP. If you 
get 1500% of it, you’ll get 960,000 Gil. You can compute it in 2 ways:

Solution #1: (short but hard to compute in mind)
Multiply the HP (64000) by 15. You get 960,000.

Solution #2: (long but easy to compute in mind)
Multiply the HP (64000) by 10, you’ll get 640000. Then add half of it which 
is 320000. You get 960,000. 

After successfully bribing the enemy, it will leave and you will have won the 
battle. The items will appear in the spoils that you’ll receive. You’ll need 
to do a lot of bribing in order to get some rare items that give you 
excellent abilities. Perfect example is bribing the Great Malboro. It will 
give you 6 Wings to Discovery. It will lead you to learning the Break HP 
Limit giving you the ability to increase your Max HP over 9999. But, if you 
give less the amount of money, you’ll miss and the enemy will continue to 



1. Aeon Info

Acquirement:       Baaj Temple
Special Attack:    Pain
Overdrive Attack:  Oblivion
Element:           none

Acquirement:       Bevelle Temple
Special Attack:    Impulse
Overdrive Attack:  Mega Flare
Element:           none

Acquirement:       Remiem Temple
Special Attack:    Camisade
Overdrive Attack:  Delta Attack
Element:           none

Acquirement:       Kilika Temple
Special Attack:    Meteor Strike
Overdrive Attack:  Hellfire
Element:           Fire

Acquirement:       Djose Temple
Special Attack:    Aerospark
Overdrive Attack:  Thor’s Hammer
Element:           Thunder

Acquirement:       Remiem Temple
Special Attack:    Passado
Overdrive Attack:  Delta Attack
Element:           none

Acquirement:       Remiem Temple
Special Attack:    Razzia
Overdrive Attack:  Delta Attack
Element:           none

Acquirement:       Macalania Temple
Special Attack:    Heavenly Strike
Overdrive Attack:  Diamond Dust
Element:           Ice

Acquirement:       Besaid Temple
Special Attack:    Sonic Wings
Overdrive Attack:  Energy Ray
Element:           non-Elemental

Acquirement:       Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Special Attack:    Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmato
Overdrive Attack:  none (just powerful versions of above)
Element:           none

2. Aeon Abilities

Apart from their Special Attack and Overdrives, your Aeons can use abilities 
that your characters can perform such as Black and White Magic. Here are the 
abilities and their requirements. Also, you’ll need the Summoner’s Soul. It 
will allow your Aeons to learn these abilities. Acquire it from Belgemine.

Ability                            Requirement                Quantity
Dark Attack                        Smoke Bomb                     6
Silence Attack                     Silence Grenade                3
Sleep Attack                       Sleeping Powder                3
Dark Buster                        Smoke Bomb                    12
Silence Buster                     Silence Grenade               10
Sleep Buster                       Sleeping Powder               10
Delay Attack                       Silver Hourglass               ?
Delay Buster                       Gold Hourglass                 ?
Zombie Attack                      Holy Water                     ?
Power Break                        Stamina Spring                 8
Magic Break                        Mana Spring                    4
Armor Break                        Lv. 2 Key Sphere               2
Mental Break                       Shining Thorn                  4
Pray                               Healing Water                  5
Cheer                              Power Sphere                   5
Aim                                Speed Sphere                   5
Focus                              Mana Sphere                   10
Reflex                             Speed Sphere                  10
Luck                               Fortune Sphere                 ?
Jinx                               Fortune Sphere                 ?
Lancet                             Soul Spring                   20
Doublecast                         Three Stars                    5
Cure                               Hi-Potion                     99
Cura                               X-Potion                      30
Curaga                             Mega-Potion                   60
NulBlaze                           Bomb Fragment                  2
NulShock                           Electro Marble                 2
NulTide                            Fish Scale                     2
NulFrost                           Antarctic Wind                 2
Scan                               Ability Sphere                10
Life                               Elixir                         8
Full-Life                          Megalixir                      1
Haste                              Chocobo Feather               10
Hastega                            Chocobo Wing                  16
Slow                               Silver Hourglass               ?
Slowga                             Gold Hourglass                 ?
Shell                              Lunar Curtain                  4
Protect                            Light Curtain                  6
Reflect                            Star Curtain                   3
Dispel                             Purifying Salt                 3
Regen                              Healing Spring                60
Holy                               Blessed Gem                    ?
Fire                               Bomb Fragment                  1
Thunder                            Electro Marble                 1
Water                              Fish Scale                     1
Blizzard                           Antarctic Wind                 1
Fira                               Bomb Core                      2
Thundara                           Lightning Marble               2
Watera                             Dragon Scale                   2
Blizzara                           Arctic Wind                    2
Firaga                             Fire Gem                       4
Thundaga                           Lightning Gem                  4
Waterga                            Water Gem                      4
Blizzaga                           Ice Gem                        4
Bio                                Poison Fang                    8
Demi                               Shadow Gem                     8
Death                              Farplane Shadow               30
Drain                              Stamina Spring                60
Osmose                             Mana Spring                   10
Flare                              Shining Gem                   60
Ultima                             Supreme Gem                    ?

3. Aeon Customization

Later through the game, you’ll be able to acquire the Aeon’s Soul from 
Belgemine which will allow you to directly enhance the stats of your aeons 
such as maximum HP, strength, magic, and such.

STATS            Requirement                Quantity
HP               Power Sphere                  23
MP               Mana Sphere                   19
Strength         Power Sphere                   ?
Defense          Power Sphere                   ?
Magic            Mana Sphere                   67
Magic Defense    Mana Sphere                   75
Agility          Speed Sphere                  46
Luck             Fortune Sphere                 ?
Evasion          Speed Sphere                  47
Accuracy         Speed Sphere                  52

4. Aeon Strategies and Secrets

Valefor is airborne and thus, he sometimes evade attacks. You can use his 
Sonic Wings ability, which slows down enemy movement. If you’re lucky and the 
opponent is too slow, you’ll be able to use Sonic Wings for more than 20 
times in succession. As for Valefor’s Overdrive attack Energy Ray, this will 
affect all enemies on screen and it will deal non-elemental damage. Although 
Valefor is the weakest among the Aeons, he is still a force to be reckoned 

Valefor has a second overdrive called the Energy Blast. You can get it at the 
shop in Besaid. Talk to the woman with the dog and she will give you an item 
that will make Valefor learn the overdrive. Next, if you managed to acquire 
Yuna’s Celestial Weapon, the Nirvana, you’ll notice that Valefor’s powerful 
attacks (overdrives) will break the 9,999 damage barrier and thus, inflicts 
maximum potential damage.

                               AL BHED PRIMERS

Would you want to learn the Al Bhed language? Lucky for you there are Al Bhed 
Primers scattered through out the world. Each of them correspond to an 
equivalent Alphabetic character. There are 26 of them all (total letters of 
the alphabet) and you need to compile them so that the subtitles and voices 
will change depending on the letters you’ve discovered so far. Those letters 
in Red are already translated. In order to compile them, you’ll need to go to 
the Al Bhed Compilation Spheres. It will save your Al Bhed dictionary. Also, 
you will have a rank based on how many Primers you have discovered so far.

Al Bhed Primer Ranks

Al Bhed Primer Locations

Volume 1  (Y -> A): Al Bhed Ship Deck
Volume 2  (P -> B): Crusaders’ Lounge in Besaid
Volume 3  (L -> C): Tent in the Oasis at Bikanel Island
Volume 4  (T -> D): Kilika Inn
Volume 5  (A -> E): SS Winno bridge
Volume 6  (V -> F): Luca Stadium
Volume 7  (K -> G): Luca Sphere Theater
Volume 8  (R -> H): Received from Rin at Djose Highroad Shop
Volume 9  (E -> I): Mi'Hihen Highroad, North
Volume 10 (Z -> J): west spiral path in Mushroom Rock Valley
Volume 11 (G -> K): Djose Highroad
Volume 12 (M -> L): Moonflow, North Wharf
Volume 13 (S -> M): Guadosalam, inside the house with 3,000 Gil
Volume 14 (H -> N): Received from Rin at the Thunder Plains
Volume 15 (U -> O): Macalania Lake Road
Volume 16 (B -> P): Macalania Travel Agency
Volume 17 (X -> Q): Sanubia Desert
Volume 18 (N -> R): Northeast Area of the Sanubia Desert Central
Volume 19 (C -> S): Get it in first screen at the Al Bhed Home
Volume 20 (D -> T): Al Bhed Home Living Quarters
Volume 21 (I -> U): Al Bhed Home Corridor
Volume 22 (J -> V): Bevelle Temple (you can acquire it only after the wedding 
Volume 23 (F -> W): Northwest of Calm Lands
Volume 24 (Q -> X): Remiem Temple
Volume 25 (O -> Y): Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Volume 26 (W -> Z): Omega Ruins

Compilation Sphere Locations
1. There is a compilation sphere near the ruins in the beginning of the game 
before meeting up with Rikku for the first time. You’ll need to use this if 
you have a previous save game that has Al Bhed Primers already discovered.

2. You can find one inside the Djose Highroad Al Bhed Shop.

3. There is a compilation sphere inside the home of the Al Bhed. You’ll find 
it when the party is searching for Yuna inside.

4. You can find a sphere inside the Travel Agency at Thunder Plains.

                                AL BHED CLUES

Scattered throughout Spira are some hidden writings that are written in the 
Al Bhed Language. You must have acquire at least 12-15 Primers in order to 
have a clue as to what the letters denote. Here are the clues I’ve found so 

CLUE #1: Mi’ihen Highroad - Ruins
“There is a valley in a vast plain with a great thorn beside. From the thorn 
look cross the vale to the other side.”

Explanation: This one talks about Tidus’ Ultimate Weapon that can be found in 
the northwestern area of the Calm Lands. 

Credit goes to Ballance04@aol.com for this info.

CLUE #2: Baaj Temple - When you first enter Spira in the beginning
This clue is found when you first enter Spira, on the far right of the 
lake you'll find a plateau, on one of the pillars will be written 

"In the land, bolts of light illuminate the blackest night. With "Macalania" 
behind the 4th pillar you sight, look not on the left but on the right." 

Exaplanation: This pertains to the Celestial Weapon of Kimahri. You can 
search on the fallen tower on the right for his Weapon.

CLUE #3: Calm Lands
This is a series of clues in the Calm Lands. The first can be found 
written on a thorn sticking out of the ground near the man who explains to 
you about the "Scar"

Clues are in order as follows:
"With the vale at your back go 49, then 7 to the right in the truest line."
"With me at your back go 20, then 20 to the right. Right 16, and right 4"
"Continue on. Find me."

Explanation: This will reveal the Airship password “Godhand” that will allow 
you to acquire Rikku’s Celestial Weapon.

Credit goes to MarcJaxon@aol.com for clues 2 and 3.

                             ALL ABOUT CHOCOBOS

The Chocobo is an integral part of any Final Fantasy game. It’s been around 
ever since the first game for the NES arrived. These cutesy birds are one of 
the best form of transportation in the game since they are fast and there are 
no enemy encounters while you are riding them. Later in the game, 
(specifically, when you reach Sin) you’ll be able to train them and engage in 
mini-games. Head for the camp at the Calm Lands and you’ll see the trainer 
just outside the entrance. You can train your Chocobo now and receive some 
prices once you achieve records. Here are the mini-games. Take note that 
during your first time, there will only be 1 game, the Wobbly Chocobo. Once 
you’ve met the quota time, you’ll unlock the 2nd mini-game. That goes the 
same for the third and the final game. As for the prizes, you’ll receive 
prizes every time you beat your personal best record for that particular 


Here, your main goal is to reach the finish line at the end. You must lead 
your Chocobo in between the trainer and his Chocobo. Sounds easy right? Well, 
the Chocobo is still wild and thus, it won’t go in a straight line. Instead, 
it will go left or right randomly and you have to maintain control so that 
you’ll reach the finish line. Just use left or right on the D-pad to control 
the Chocobo.

1st Quota Time: 12.8 seconds
Prizes:         Elixir, X-Potion


In this training, all you have to do is to dodge the balls that comes your 
way. Use the Directional Pad to either move left or right. The balls come 
quite fast and you’ll be hit if you move only a little. When you see a ball 
at the distance, move to the opposite direction at once.

1st Quota Time: 16.8 seconds
Prizes:         Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Mega-Potion


This is a tougher version of the dodger chocobo. First, a ball will be thrown 
at you but when it gets near you, it will split into 5 balls that will 
scatter in all directions. To evade this ball, you’ll need to move as far 
away as possible. Apart from this hard to evade ball, there are also birds 
that swoop down on your chocobo. They are much tougher because even if you 
move to other directions, the birds sometimes follow you. The best way to 
evade these birds is to confuse them by alternately changing your direction.

1st Quota Time: 18.5 seconds
Prizes:         Lv. 2 Key Sphere


This is the most challenging and the most entertaining game among the 4. 
First, you’ll now be challenged by the Chocobo Trainer. You have 45 seconds 
to reach the finish line. Apart from finishing first, you’ll have other goals 
to achieve. If you acquire the balloons that are scattered throughout the 
track, it will subtract 3 seconds from your total time when you reach the 
finish line. Thus, it is possible to achieve 0.0 seconds. Next, as with your 
training in the dodger games, you’ll have to dodge the swooping birds once 
more. If you get hit by one of them, 3 seconds will be added to your total 
time. Don’t worry too since these rules are also applicable to the trainer. 
Let’s try to have an example. If you reach the finish line at 45.0 and you 
got 15 Balloons and 2 Birds was able to hit you, remove 15 x 3 = 45 seconds 
from your time. It will be 0 then. But, 2 birds x 3 = 6 seconds will be added 
and thus making your total time into 6.0 seconds. 

1st Quota Time: 45.0 seconds
Prizes:         Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Lv. 4 Key Sphere, Turbo Ether

                               JECHT’S SPHERES

Jecht’s Spheres are spheres where Jecht left his memories. They are scattered 
all over Spira. Here is the list of the spheres.

Location:    Macalania Lake
Description: Jecht’s True Feelings for Tidus
Location:    Luca Stadium
Description: Braska, Jecht, and Auron’s adventures in Luca
Prize:       Auron’s Banishing Blade Overdrive
Location:    Thunder Plains
Description: See Jecht’s Introduction at Macalania
Location:    Mi’ihen Highroad (at the end of the Lower Road)
Description: See a scene where Braska, Jecht, and Auron begins to battle the
             Chocobo Eater.

                              BUTTERFLY CATCHING

In Macalania Woods, there will be 2 areas where you can catch blue 
butterflies for treasures. In the 1st area, you’ll see one of the weird 
creatures that was with Seymour. You’ll need to capture 7 blue butterflies 
within the time limit in order to acquire the treasure. But first, examine 
the flying butterflies in order to go into the butterfly catching mode where 
blue and red butterflies appear. The red butterflies will call on fiends and 
will eat up a second or 2 from your timer so try your best to dodge them. 
Once you’ve found all 7, a treasure will appear in that area for you to keep. 
The first area contains a Teleport Sphere and the second area (which is much 
tougher to beat than the first) contains the Saturn Sigil for Kimahri’s 
Ultimate Weapon.

Here’s a strategy I made. Let me remind you that you need to be quick. 
Stopping at any point or having misencounters with the fiends will definitely 
make you lose the mini-game. In this strategy, I will tell you which part of 
the road you should be while passing the red butterflies so that they won’t 
touch you. This goes the same for the Blue butterflies. If I say up, that 
means that you should stay in the upper part of the road in order to get past 
the red butterfly (in that part of the road) unharmed and flawlessly. B 
stands for the Blue Butterfly so if you’re at the B in my strategy, that 
means that you should get that blue butterfly next. 

Example: Left, Right, B, Down, Center

- in this particular example, on the firstt red butterfly, stay on the left 
side of the road in order to evade it. On the next red butterfly, stay right. 
Next, you should now get a Blue Butterfly (your position doesn’t matter since 
it moves around more than the reds), next would be another red butterfly, 
stay on the lower side of the road, then the next red one, stay at the center 
of the road since there are 2 red butterflies either on the left and right or 
up and down. And so on...

Just remember that you need to run continuously in order for you to barely 
win. Doing Part 1 efficiently should give you around 2.0 seconds to spare. 
Part 1 will give you around 1.5 only. Here goes. Also, the prize inside the 
chest varies.

Part 1 (for the Teleport sphere/Phoenix Down)
B, Left, Right, B, Down, Up, Down, Up, B, Center, Down, Center, Right, Down, 
B, Up, B, Up, Down, Down, Up (do this very quickly), Down, B, B.

Part 2 (for the Saturn Sigil/Elixir)
After changing into Catching Mode, go north and get the first Blue butterfly 
then go south. Let’s move on. Center, B, Center, Up, Right, B, Up, Down, 
Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, B, Left, Right, B, Down, Left, Down, B, Left, B.

To get the Sigil, you need to come back later before you enter sin. That’s 
it! I hope I was able to help. After getting all of the weapon, sigil and 
crest, upgrade Kimahri’s weapon to the max!

                           CALM LANDS TRAINING ARENA

On the east side of the Calm Lands, you’ll be able to find a trainer there 
that managed a training arena. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have any fiends at 
first. You now have to catch those fiends for him. There are 9 fiends in the 
Calm Lands area and you’ll have to catch all of them first in order to open 
the training arena. In order to catch a monster, you have to defeat that 
monster with a special type of weapon. You can buy them from the trainer and 
they have the ability “Capture”. You can capture 10 of each kind of fiends. 
Take note that mechs (machina) are not fiends.

After completing the Calm Land fiends, you’ll be able to receive 60 Farplane 
Winds. You can then battle the new type of fiend the trainer made from the 
monsters. Chimerageist. This is applicable to other areas too. There are more 
to come for each part of Spira. Here are the lists.

Calm Lands                  | 60 Farplane Winds
Besaid                      | 99 Stamina Tonics
Bikanel Island              | 99 Shadow Gems
Gagazet Area                | Blossom Crown
Omega Ruins                 | 60 Designer Wallets
Thunder Plains              | 99 Chocobo Wings
Kilika                      | 99 Poison Fangs
Mushroom Rock Road          | 99 Candles of Life
Mi’ihen Highroad            | 99 Soul Springs
Djose Highroad              | 99 Petrify Grenades
Macalania                   | 60 Shining Gems
Sunken Cave                 | 40 Silver Hourglasses
Original Monsters,          | 30 Megalixirs, 99 Door to Tomorrow, 99 Healing
Area Conquests              | Springs, 99 Purifying Salt, 60 Supreme Gems, 
                            | 99 Mana Springs, 99 Chocobo Feathers, 60 Twin 
                            | Stars, 99 Stamina Springs, 99 Gambler’s Spirit,
                            | 99 Gold Hourglasses, 60 Mana Tonics, 60 Stamina 
                            | Tablets, 99 Star Curtains, 60 Turbo Ethers,
                            | 60 Mana Tablets, 99 Mega Phoenix, 99 Light 
                            | Curtains, 99 Winning Formulas, 99 Dark Matters


Name:               Price:
Dingo               24
Condor              18
Water Flan          12

Name:               Price:
Dinonix             40 
Killer Bee          34 
Yellow Element      49 
Ragora              72

Name:               Price:
Mi’ihen Fang        49 
Ipiria              69 
Floating Eye        66 
White Element       72
Raldo               63
Vouivre             90
Bomb                105  
Dual Horn           157  

Name:               Price:
Raptor              72 
Gandarewa           93 
Thunder Flan        75 
Red Element         82
Lamashtu            108   
Funguar             63
Garuda              210

Name:               Price:
Garm                132
Simurgh             109
Bite Bug            93 
Snow Flan           139
Bunyip              145  
Basilisk            187  
Ochu                780 

Name:               Price:
Melusine            162
Aerogue             216
Buer                198
Gold Element        160
Kusariqqu           168  
Larva               495  
Iron Giant          900  
Qactuar             4,000

Name:               Price:
Snow Wolf           288
Iguion              207
Wasp                213
Evil Eye            307
Ice Flan            282  
Blue Element        270  
Murussu             247  
Mafdet              258  
Xiphos              330
Chimera             1,455

Name:               Price:
Sand Wolf           337
Alcyone             360
Mushussu            465
Zu                  1,800
Sand Worm           1,500
Cactuar             4,000

Name:               Price:
Skoll               630
Nebiros             480
Flame Flan          672
Shred               552
Anacondaur          1,125
Ogre                1,470
Couerl              1,150
Chimera Brain       1,500
Malboro             1,650

Name:               Price:
Yowie               720
Imp                 915
Dark Element        780
Nidhogg             903
Thorn               795  
Valaha              1,080
Epaaj               1,425
Ghost               1,215
Tonberry            3,000

Name:               Price:
Bandersnatch        1,320
Ahriman             975
Dark Flan           1,620
Grenade             810
Grat                780
Grendel             1,095
Bashura             1,095
Mandragora          1,800
Behemoth            2,025
Splasher            300
Achelous            630
Maelspike           495

Name:               Price:
Exoray              1,260
Wraith              1,605
Gemini              1,666
Gemini              1,666
Demonolith          2,205
Great Malboro       2,250
Barbatos            2,325
Adamantoise         3,300
Behemoth King       2,775

Name:               Price:
Zaurus              1,425
Floating Death      1,897
Black Element       1,560
Halma               1,545
Puroboros           1,455
Spirit              1,950
Machea              2,175
Master Coeurl       3,045
Master Tonberry     3,600
Varuna              2,670


When you complete all the fiends in one area, a new monster will be created 
out of them. Another way of revealing a new monster creation is when you 
complete a specie. For example, when you get all the elements (White Element, 
Red Element, etc.), you’ll be able to unlock a new monster that is very very 
tough. You’ll be needing strategies for each since they have their unique way 
of fighting (may it either be on offense or defense). But as a general rule, 
you’ll need these abilities just to survive, Break HP Limit, Break Damage 
Limit, Celestial Weapons, Defense + 20%. Take note also that these New 
Creatures are impervious to any status effect. The HPs are also estimates 
since you cannot scan/sensor them.


HP:      Armor (450,000), True Form (3,500,000)
Attacks: Demi
AP:      ?
Gil:     ?
Steal:   ?
Items:   Designer Wallet, Triple Penalty

Strategy: Catastrophe is very very difficult. First, you need to get around 
its armor w/c roughly constitutes 400 thousand HPs! You can use your 
character here. Now, When the armor is broken, you’ll fight his true form. 
Now, that’s a HP, 3.5 Million. Now, in order to defeat him, you’ll need to 
use the Hastega and Quick Hit technique. You should have at least Auron/Tidus 
or Kimahri/Tidus use this technique. Or, you may want to start off with the 
Magus Sisters. The damage Catastrophe efficiently. Don’t forget let Cindy 
heal/Auto-life the other 2. It’s attacks are pretty strong (except for Demi), 
and your Aeons can handle them. But it’s another story with your main 


                                  BLITZ BALL

a. What is Blitzball?
Blitz Ball is an addictive and fun ball game held inside a giant water 
sphere. Here, players pass and shoot the blitz ball and their goal is to 
shoot as many goals into the opponent’s net. Blitz Ball has been in Spira for 
generations and it is the major entertainment for everyone.

b. Rules and Regulations
The rules are simple, you’ll just have to put the ball in the opponent’s 
court by shooting. Just remember that the game revolves greatly in 
Mathematics. You’ll have to compute the stats of the characters while 
performing actions. It will determine its success. Also, there are no fouls 
in the game. ^_^ So don’t worry about getting tough out there.

c. Game Modes

League Mode
In the League mode, you’ll play a total of 10 games. There will be prizes for 
the top 4 teams so try your best to win as many games as possible. The 
opponents will be picked at random so don’t worry about any team battle 
sequences. After the 10 games, the teams will be given its final rank and the 
top player (most shots) will also be given a prize.

Tournament Mode

                          ------------------ Team A
           --- Team A ---                --- Team B
          |              |              |
          |               --- Team B --- --- Team C
Champ ----
          |               --- Team D --- --- Team D
          |              |              |
           --- Team D ---                --- Team E
                          --- Team F ------- Team F

              --------- Team B
3rd Place ---
              --------- Team F

The illustration above shows how the tournament is held. First, Team A and 
Team F are seeded and will move on to the Quarterfinals at once. Teams 
B,C,D,E however, will duke it out on the first round. Then, the 4 winners 
will battle it out. The 2 losers will go to the losers bracket (below) to 
fight for 3rd place. The 2 remaining (undefeated) teams will duke it out for 
Championship and 2nd place.

Here, you’ll have a chance to battle other teams in a fun game. There will be 
no records here so it will be ok if you either win or lose. You also won’t be 
able to gain experience for your character but you can learn techniques here.

d. Character Stats

Speed (SPD) - determines how fast the character can move in the water

Endurance (END) -  determines how much beating the character can endure 
before losing the ball.

Pass (PA) - this shows the ability (or the length) of the pass a particular 
character can do.

Shoot (SH) - this determines how good the shooting ability of the character 
is. The higher this stat, the longer the distance he/she can shoot.

Hit Points (HP) - the life of the character. It depletes when one holds the 
ball and if it reaches 0, that character will be unable to act or move.

Attack (ATK) - the power of the attacker during encounters/breakthroughs.

Block (BLK) - this shows the ability of the character to block passes or 
shots made while in encounter mode.

Catch (CAT) - this shows the ability of the goalie to catch a shot goal from 
the opponent.

e. Actions

Just like in basketball, dribbling is when you handle the ball and try to 
take it to the opponent’s court. The only difference is that here in Blitz 
Ball, you just have to hold the ball.

Passing is the act of throwing the ball at your teammate. During passing, the 
PA stat is taken into consideration. As the ball swoops through the water, it 
loses PA gradually. If it reaches 0, the pass will be incomplete. If it is at 
least 1, the receiver will be able to catch it. 

Shooting is the act of kicking/throwing the ball into the opponent’s net. The 
SH stat comes into play. While swooping through the water, again, it loses SH 
gradually. When it reaches the goalie, it will be compared to his/her CA 
(Catch) stat. If the CA is higher than your SH, the goalie will be able to 
catch it. If your SH is higher, on the other hand, your shot will be 

f. Encounters/Breakthroughs

Encounters happen when the player with the ball is confronted with 1 or more 
opposing player. The player with the ball chooses not to breakthrough but 
rather perform either a shot or a pass. Take note that BL (block) abilities 
of the opposing players will hinder the shot or pass. He can then use some 

If the player with the ball chooses to Breakthrough, his EN (Endurance) stat 
comes into play. It will be compared to the opposing player’s ATK (Attack). 
If the ATK is higher, the opposing player will acquire the ball. If not, the 
player will keep it. Sometimes, HP comes into play. If the HP is the opposing 
player is too high, there will still be a chance to get the ball even if the 
ATK is lower.

g. Techniques
Techniques are different abilities that you can use during the play. Each 
have their own effect and consequences (drop in HP or a status ailment). They 
can be learned through Techcopying or by winning an entire Tournament or a 
League. Here is a list of the Techniques found in the game.


Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -10
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 50%
Description:       Prevents HP from getting drained.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -50
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 100%
Description:       Prevents HP from getting drained.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -40
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 50%
Description:       Prevents character from sleeping.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -5
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 50%
Description:       Prevents Poison.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -200
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 100%
Description:       Prevents Poison.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 50%
Description:       Prevents Wither effect.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -10
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 60%
Description:       Participate in encounters from farther away.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      +30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Absorbs HP. Own HP must be over 30.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -5
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Find and intercept ball carrier from farther away.

Type:              Defense/Offense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Slows SH and PA loss.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Better control of ball.

Type:              Offense/Defense
Effect on HP:      -300
Effect on Status:  all –1/2
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Lowers all stats by 1/2 but increases experience received.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -120
Effect on Status:  SH + 5
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Performs Jecht’s shot that can remove 2 defenders.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -45
Effect on Status:  SH + 3
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Puts goalie to sleep when CA is 0.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -40
Effect on Status:  AT + 3
Chance of Success: 100%
Description:       Puts opponent to sleep if EN is 0. 

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -90
Effect on Status:  AT + 5
Chance of Success: 100%
Description:       Puts opponent to sleep if EN is 0.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Cumulate poison’s effects.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -70
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Cumulate stat-lowering effects.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -50
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Regenerate more HP when not handling the ball.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -90
Effect on Status:  AT + random
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Adds a random amount to AT.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Puts a spin on the ball making it hard for the goalkeeper
                   to control it.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 60%
Description:       Adds a random amount to CA. Press X to choose.

Type:              Defense
Effect on HP:      -40
Effect on Status:  none
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Evades Tackles.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  SH + 3
Chance of Success: n/a
Description:       Poison’s goalkeeper of CA is 0 and/or blocker/s.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  AT + 3
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Inflicts Poison.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -70
Effect on Status:  AT + 5
Chance of Success: 70%
Description:       Inflicts Poison.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -40
Effect on Status:  PA + 3
Chance of Success: 30%
Description:       Lowers EN, PA, or SH of blocker/s.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -30
Effect on Status:  SH + 3
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Lowers EN, PA, or SH of blocker/catcher.

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -8
Effect on Status:  AT + 3
Chance of Success: 40%
Description:       Lowers target’s EN, PA, or SH

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -80
Effect on Status:  AT + 5
Chance of Success: 70%
Description:       Lowers target’s EN, PA, or SH

Type:              Offense
Effect on HP:      -250
Effect on Status:  AT + 7
Chance of Success: 100%
Description:       Lowers target’s EN, PA, or SH

h. Techcopy
Techcopy happens when your player successfully copies a technique of a 
player. Always remember that you have to mark that player first in order to 
learn the tech. Now, to learn a tech, when the words “Techcopy!” appears on 
the upper part of the screen (just as the opponent performs the tech), press 
X at once. There are various factors that affect techcopying. First, if you 
press early or too late, you cannot learn it. It must be a single press on 
the X button, at the right time. Also, if you have a lower level than that 
character, it will be most likely that you’ll fail to learn the tech.

i. Team Information

Al Bhed Psyches
The Al Bhed Pysches aren’t good shooter but rest-assured, you’ll have tons of 
problems with their goalie which can even catch a good Sphere Shot. They are 
also on par with your team when it comes to breakthroughs. The players are 
also fast and they have strategy. For me, they are the hardest to beat.

Besaid Aurochs
Your team is weak compared to the others but you have a good goalie (Keepa) 
and an excellent shooter (Tidus). If you managed to get the Jecht Shot, Tidus 
will be unstoppable.

Guado Glories
The Guado Glories move very quickly in the water. They are good passers but 
they have low HP. Their goalie is also easy to shoot around.

Kilika Beasts
The Kilika beast are the weakest among the computer teams. They have average 
shooters, passers and goalie. They are also easy to breakthrough. Their 
advantage is that they can easily block passes and shots and they have an 
ample amount of techniques. 

Luca Goers
The Luca Goers is an excellent team. They excel in all fields. But then, a 
high leveled Tidus will bring them down. 

Ronso Fangs
Talk about strength and HP! They can easily take on 3 men during 
breakthroughs. They also have good passing and catching skills. Their 
weaknesses are their shooters and their goalie. And, most importantly, you 
can always outrun them since they are so slow.

j. Status Ailments

During Poison status, the character loses HP while moving around with the 
ball much faster than normal status.

During Sleep, the character can’t move or act. To wake him/her up, just wait 
until he/she wakes up or, pass the ball to him/her (this will give the ball 
to the enemy though).

During wither status, one stat (either HP, ATK, or any other) will be halved 
temporarily. It will return back to normal after time lapses.

k. Character Level Up
Character Level Ups are what you should aim for. They improve your 
character’s performance during games. To level up a character, just keep him 
active in the playing field and when the game is in Half Time or the Game 
Ends, your characters will gain more experience and eventually level up. You 
can only level up your characters in the Tournament or the League Mode.

l. Strategies

1. Mark Players who are weaker than yours or those who have an ability to 
learn. This will give you defensive and offensive advantage. 

2. If you’re going for a shot, try to evade any opposition and do your best 
to go to the opponent’s goal as near as possible. 

3. Passing is the key element of the game. This will set you up for a play. 
You may pass a ball to a far player and let him/her lure the opponents to 
him. Make sure that he has a good passing ability also and make sure that you 
have a shooter near the goal. When the opponents close in, pass it to your 
shooter for a more clearer shot at the goal.

4. Try to learn as many techniques as you can. These will help you throughout 
your games and most of them will give you a fair advantage over stronger 

m. Prize List

Tournament Prizes
Overdrive Attack Reels (for Wakka)
Spheres (every variety)
Super Goalie
Golden Arm

League Prizes
Overdrive Status Reels (for Wakka)
Spheres (every variety)

n. Blitz Ball Scouts

Blitz ball is the main form of entertainment all over Spira and there are 
die-hard fans scattered throughout. Some of them can be recruited as scouts 
who can play with your team during Blitz Ball Matches. Here are the list of 
the scouts I’ve found so far.

Thanks to TempestStarion@aol.com for filling in most of the scouts.


Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 210 Gil
Location: Airship Bridge
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 400 Gil
Location: Calm Lands Gorge
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 200 Gil
Location: Luca Square
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 500 Gil
Location: S.S. Winno
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 3
Team: Free
Salary per game: 300 Gil
Location: Besaid
HP:        104           Speed:  63
Endurance: 9             Attack: 15
Pass:      8             Block:  6
Shoot:     1             Catch:  12
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 150 Gil
Location: Kilika Temple
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 600 Gil
Location: Thunder Plains Travel Agency
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 200 Gil
Location: Moonflow North Bank (sitting on the bench)
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 340 Gil
Location: Calm Lands Encampment Shop
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 60 Gil
Location: Luca Dock #1
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 5
Team: Free
Salary per game: 100 Gil
Location: Airship Hallway
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 5
Team: Free
Salary per game: 200 Gil
Location: Travel Agency (Mi’ihen Highroad)
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 190 Gil
Location: Luca Bridge
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 3
Team: Free
Salary per game: 80 Gil
Location: Luca Cafe
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 5
Team: Free
Salary per game: 320 Gil
Location: Kilika Port
HP:        215           Speed:  65
Endurance: 10            Attack: 6
Pass:      14            Block:  6 
Shoot:     5             Catch:  5
Key Techniques: Nap Tackle, Venom Tackle, Nap Tackle 2

Level: 4
Team: Free
Salary per game: 320 Gil
Location: Besaid
HP:        201           Speed:  60
Endurance: 11            Attack: 9
Pass:      4             Block:  10
Shoot:     14            Catch:  5
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 4
Team: Free
Salary per game: 1 Gil
Location: Airship Bridge
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 100 Gil
Location: Guadosalam
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 150 Gil
Location: Bridge towards Luca Theater
HP:        ?             Speed:  ?
Endurance: ?             Attack: ?
Pass:      ?             Block:  ?
Shoot:     ?             Catch:  ?
Key Techniques: ?

Level: 1
Team: Free
Salary per game: 150 Gil
Location: Luca
HP:        230           Speed:  52
Endurance: 12            Attack: 7
Pass:      7             Block:  7 
Shoot:     11            Catch:  1
Key Techniques: ?

o. Blitz Ball Secrets

Center Attack Formation
In order to acquire this formation for your team, you’ll need to reach Team 
Level 2. To do this, you have to win 5 games in the league or the tournament 

Flat Line Formation
You’ll need to reach Team Level 6 in order to acquire this Defensive 
You need to win a total of 25 Games. 

Counter Formation
You’ll need to reach Team Level 8 to get this Defensive Formation. This is 
much the same as the formation of the Opposing CPU teams. 

Double Sides Formation
When your team reaches level 9, you’ll be able to acquire this defensive team 
formation automatically. 

The Jecht Shot
If you’ve completed the Jecht Shot Challenge on the S.S. Liki before reaching 
Luca, Tidus will automatically learn this technique. This technique is so 
powerful it will be most likely to have a 90% success rate. First, the SH 
stat will be increased by 5. The most useful aspect of the Jecht Shot is that 
if you have 2 blockers, you don’t have to break through. Just shoot the Jecht 
Shot over them. Tidus will put them out of commission and you’ll have a full 
SH on the goalie. If you have 3 or more defenders, the 3rd defender will 
deplete your SH. Even though it costs 120 HP, it is worth it.

                             Final Fantasy X(tm)
              is a registered trademark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

                    Playstation 2(tm) and its accessories
      are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

                     The Final Fantasy X Walkthrough/FAQ
                                (Part 1 of 2)
                           Copyright January 2002
                                 “A”  Tadeo

                       F I N A L   F A N T A S Y   X 
              Final Fantasy X Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.17
                               (Part 2 of 2)
                     For Playstation 2(tm) (US version)
                               By: “A” Tadeo
                        Submitted: January 17, 2002
                     Date last Updated: March 17, 2002
                      Mail me at: ffx@edsamail.com.ph
                     Home Page: http://surf.to/aaronph

This Walkthrough/FAQ is dedicated to Kathleen Tan. ^_^ She is one of the 
nicest friends I have in a long time. Although we haven’t been able to meet 
in person (hopefully someday ^_^), I know that she is a kind and a gentle 
person. Not only that, she is very much into video gaming as much as I do and 
she is one excellent gamer. Thank you very much once more.


This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it 
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, 
Commercial Web Sites. You’re also not allowed to rip off part/s of this 
Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is 
guilty of “plagiarism”, the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and 
words of another as one’s own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own 
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself 
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can 
copy the layout though. 

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web 
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you 
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of 
the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal 
purposes. Remember “You don’t have to steal, just ask.” - B.O.F.III


Greetings once more! It’s time to get back on track on my RPG guide writing. 
As promised here is my Final Fantasy X walkthrough/FAQ for the Sony 
Playstation 2. I’ve been planning on making this guide even back when it was 
announced for the Playstation 2 (last year). I’m a Role-Playing Game 
Enthusiast and I can’t afford not to have this great title. I’ll do what I 
did way back during the days of my Final Fantasy IX guide. This time, I’ll 
try to make it better than any of my other guides. But just as my previous 
guides, I’ll won’t be accepting e-mails regarding questions and contributions 
for now. I’ll start accepting them after the walkthrough is finished. I have 
my own e-mail address for this one though.

As for the game, this is definitely the BEST game EVER to appear on any 
console. I don’t want to hurt the feelings of those who got the Xbox and the 
Gamecube last November but you really need a PS2 for this one. Final Fantasy 
X is the revolutionary RPG game for the next generation console gaming. Gear 
up folks, let’s roll!


                                    Part I
                     i.      E-Mail Policy  
                     I.      Progress/Updates/Revisions
                     II.     Game Information
                             a. Game Controls         
                             b. Game Menu
                             c. Game Basics
                                - navigation system
                                - storyline info
                                - battle system
                                - element system
                                - Items and Key Items
                                - Weapons and Armors
                             d. Character Stats
                     III.    Character Information
                     IV.     Walkthrough
                             a. Walkthrough
                             b. FFX International Extra Ending
                             c. Side Quests/Secrets  
                                1. Temple Revisiting
                                2. Baaj Temple
                                3. Revisiting Luca and Movie/Music Theater
                                4. The Remiem Temple (Racing)
                                5. Celestial Weapons
                                   i. Tidus (Chocobo Trainer)
                                   ii. Yuna (Aeon Challenge)
                                   iii. Lulu (Thunder Plains bolt Dodging)
                                   iv. Rikku (Cactuar Side Quest)
                                   v. Auron
                                   vi. Wakka
                                   vii. Kimahri
                                6. Soft Reset
                     V.      Overdrive
                             a. Overdrive Basics
                             b. Overdrive Modes
                             c. Some notes on Overdrive
                             d. Overdrive List
                     VI.     The Sphere Grid
                             a. Sphere Grid Information
                             b. Sphere Nodes
                             c. Sphere List
                             d. Ability List
                             e. Special Abilities
                                i. Rikku’s Bribe
                     VII.    Aeons
                             a. Aeon Info/Strategy
                             b. Aeon Abilities
                             c. Aeon Customization/Attributes
                             d. Aeon Strategies and Secrets
                     VIII.   Al Bhed Primers
                     IX.     Al Bhed Clues
                     X.      All about Chocobos
                     XI.     Jecht’s Spheres
                     XII.    Butterfly Catching 
                     XIII.   Calm Lands Training Arena
                             a. Prize List
                             b. Fiend List
                             c. Monster Creation Strategies
                     XIV.    Blitz Ball
                             a. What is Blitz Ball?
                             b. Rules and Regulations
                             c. Game Modes
                             d. Character Stats
                             e. Actions
                             f. Encounters/Breakthroughs
                             g. Techniques
                             h. Techcopy
                             i. Team Information
                             j. Status Ailments
                             k. Character Level Up
                             l. Strategies
                             m. Prize List
                             n. Blitz Ball Scouts
                             o. Blitz Ball Secrets                            

                                   Part II

                     XV.     Item List
                     XVI.    Special Item List
                     XVII.   Key Item List
                     XVIII.  Rikku Mix List
                     XIX.    Equipment Customization
                             a. Customizing
                             b. Ability List
                     XX.     Weapon List
                     XXI.    Armor List
                     XXII.   Shops
                     XXIII.  Enemy List
                     XXIV.   Gameplay Tips
                     XXV.    Final Fantasy X Sound Track
                             a. Final Fantasy X Original Sound Track
                             b. Feel/Go Dream Yuna&Tidus
                             c. Lyrics
                                1. Suteki Da Ne
                                2. Otherworld
                     XXVI.   Story FAQ
                     XXVII.  Fantasy Trivia
                     XXVIII. Other Stuff
                             a. Words of Wisdom
                             b. Scenes of Humor
                     XXIX.   FAQs
                     XXX.    Credits

                               E-MAIL POLICY

For the past few months, I’ve been receiving such a great number e-mails and 
some of them are quite annoying (very few though, just 2). So, I decided to 
put up this e-mail policy as a guide for you if you want to send an e-mail to 
me. Here are the things that you must do/must not do in sending an e-mail 
regarding this guide and any of my other guides:

1. Send me a question which cannot be found on my guide. I will be more that 
happy to help you.
2. Try to be specific in order for me to understand what you’re trying to ask 
3. You can send in your questions/contributions/other e-mails in text or HTML 
format. No executables.
4. Check first the latest version of the guide before sending questions, 
contributions, etc.  If you use later versions, the answer/s to your 
might have been answered already and will be most likely to be ignored.
5. If I happen to forget you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll respond to you 

1. Don’t send any questions which can be answered from my guide. And don’t be 
persistent in doing so.
2. Don’t send nonsense e-mails like “I want to marry you!”, “Can you buy me 
this or that?”, etc.
3. Don’t say bad words. F$#k Y%u! and the likes.
4. And, don’t send Chain letters! Please!
(Doing this, your e-mail will be most likely to be ignored)
5. Don’t send executable files (.exe, .com) as an attachment. I don’t want 
Trojans wandering around. 
6. Don’t Spam (repeated messages)

Virus Info
There are still some people who are infected with the Snow White virus. You 
may receive an e-mail that is from hahaha@sexyfun.net that’s all about Snow 
White and the seven dwarves. Here’s what you can do to check if you are 
infected or not. Now, send a mail to yourself. This may sound crazy, but it 
works. If you receive another e-mail, which has the snow White virus, at the 
same time or a little later than the ones you send to yourself, it means that 
you are probably infected with the virus. To confirm this, check the IP 
Address and the STMP server indicated in the virus e-mail. Don’t worry about 
infection, as long as you DON’T open the attachment, you’re safe. But, if the 
IP Address and the STMP server in the virus e-mail is the same as the ones in 
your e-mail, you are 100% infected. So, run a virus scanner. 

To prevent any virus from infiltrating, DO NOT open executable file such as 
(*.exe, *.com, *.scr, *.pif, *.bat) even if they’re from a trusted friend or 
a family member. They may not know that they are infected. JPEGs and TXT 
files are safe. :)

Change topic, for those who will send their contributions, I’ll always credit 
anything that is from you. I will always make sure of that. If I ever forget, 
please remind me nicely. :) 


Hi everyone! Completing the guide is now my main goal. I’ve split the guide 
into 2 since there are more than 200 pages already. I did this so that you’ll 
have an easier time finding what you need. Previous Version Updates will 
still be posted on the first part but updating from the next version 
thereafter will be separate. Thanks again!


Version 1.17 (Started: March 17, 2002)
        - Weapon Section Update
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Major Enemy List Update (Bribe Info)
        - Credits Section Update

Version 1.16 (Started: March 10, 2002)
        - Enemy List Update
        - FAQ Section Update
        - Sound Track Translation Complete
        - Credits Section Update

                                ITEM LIST

Here are the items that are found and can be used in the game. These are 
essential in a successful journey. Always try to stock some amount of these 
items so that when you’ll need them, you’ll always have something to use.


Description: Makes opponents drop Power Spheres
Type:        Support
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes Poison Status
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes Silence Status
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Fully Restores the HP and MP of one party member
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Restores 100 MP of one party member
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes Blind Status
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Restores 1,000 HP of one party member
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes Zombie and Curse Status
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Makes opponents drop Mana Spheres
Type:        Support
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Revives all KO’d party members 
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Restores 2,000 HP of all party members
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Revives a KO’d party member 
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Restores 200 HP of one party member
Type:        Curative
Cost:        50 Gil
Sell Value:  25 Gil

Description: Makes opponents drop Power Spheres
Type:        Support
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes all status effects (Except Curse)
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Removes Petrification Status
Type:        Healing
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Makes opponents drop Speed Spheres
Type:        Support
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Restores the MP of that character to full
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

Description: Fully restores the HP of one party member
Type:        Curative
Cost:        - Gil
Sell Value:  - Gil

                             SPECIAL ITEM LIST

These special items require the Use ability of Rikku. They inflict damage and 
perform special attacks once used. But these items can also be used to 
customize both weapons and armors.


Description: Restores 1,000 HP to all party members and heals Poison, 
Darkness at the same time.
Acquirement: Buy it from Rin at the Rin’s Shop in the Airship
Sell Value:  250

Description: ?
Acquirement: Win from Stratoavis
Sell Value:  3,750

Description: Inflicts Ice damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Snow Flan, White Element
Sell Value:  25

Description: Inflicts Ice damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Chimera, Ice Flan
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts damage to an enemy
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts Fire damage on an enemy
Acquirement: Bribe Bombs at Mi’ihen Highroad
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts Fire damage on an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Bomb, Red Element
Sell Value:  25

Description: Casts Doom on an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Fallen Monk
Sell Value:  50

Description: Casts Haste on the entire party
Acquirement: Find all fiends at Thunder Plains for reward at Training Arena
Sell Value:  50

Description: ?
Acquirement: Find all fiends at Omega Dungeon for reward at Training Arena. 
Win from Catastrophe
Sell Value:  200

Description: ?
Acquirement: Training Arena Reward
Sell Value:  2,000

Description: Inflicts Water damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Acquire at the Moonflow
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts damage and Sleep to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Bandersnatch, Skoll
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts Lightning damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Gandarowa, Gold Element, Thunder Flan, Yellow 
Element, and Aerogue
Sell Value:  25

Description: Casts Death on an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Wraith
Sell Value:  75

Description: Casts Death on all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Varuna. Find all fiends at Calm Lands for reward at 
Training Arena
Sell Value:  100

Description: Inflicts Fire damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Flame Flan, Grenade
Sell Value:  75

Description: Inflicts Water damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Blue Element, Water Flan
Sell Value:  25

Description: Inflicts damage and Armor Break to all enemies
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  125

Description: ?
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  4,000

Description: Inflicts damage and delays turn of all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Nidhogg
Sell Value:  37

Description: Inflicts damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Klikk, Tros, Mech Guard, Mech Leader, Mech Scouter, 
Slasher. Buy at Calm Lands Shop (camp), Djose Highroad Al Bhed Shop, Rin’s at 
Sell Value:  

Description: Casts Regen on 1 character
Acquirement: Steal from Evrae Altana, Behemoth King
Sell Value:  150

Description: Fully restores HP of the entire party
Acquirement: Steal from Adamantoise
Sell Value:  125

Description: Cures Berserk status Effect
Acquirement: Steal from Shred
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts Ice damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Chimera Brain
Sell Value:  75

Description: Casts Protect on 1 character
Acquirement: Steal from Gemini, Iron Giant
Sell Value:  45

Description: Inflicts Lightning damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Imps at the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Sell Value:  75

Description: Inflicts lightning damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Bribe Yellow Element at Kilika
Sell Value:  50

Description: Casts Shell on 1 character
Acquirement: Steal from Defender, Defender Z, Larva, Defender X
Sell Value:  45

Description: Absorbs MP from enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Coueri. Reward at Training Arena
Sell Value:  75

Description: Doubles Maximum MP of 1 character for the duration of the battle
Acquirement: Bribe Chimera
Sell Value:  500

Description: Doubles Maximum MP of all party members for the duration of the 
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  400

Description: Displays world map
Acquirement: Buy at Rin’s Shop in the airship
Sell Value:  12

Description: ?
Acquirement: Steal from Ahriman, Sandragora
Sell Value:  50

Description: Petrifies all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Anacondaur, Basilisk, Demonolith. Bribe Dinonix, 
Ipiria. Find all fiends at Djose for reward at Training arena
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts damage and Poison to an enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Nebiros. Bribe Killer Bee. Complete all fiends at 
Kilika for reward at Training Arena
Sell Value:  25

Description: Inflicts damage and dispels magic effects
Acquirement: Training Arena Reward
Sell Value:  70

Description: Reduces all enemies’ HP by one half
Acquirement: Steal from Abyss Worm, Sand Worm. Remiem Temple (Belgemine’s 
Yojimbo). Cactuar #7: Robeya (Cactuar sidequest). Complete fiends at Bikanel 
Island for reward at Training Arena.
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts damage to an enemy
Acquirement: Acquire at Remiem Temple (beat Belgemine’s Magus Sisters), 
Capture all fiends at Macalania for the reward
Sell Value:  75

Description: ?
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  50

Description: Inflicts damage and Silence to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Exoray, Funguar
Sell Value:  37

Description: Delay Next turn of all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Lamashtu
Sell Value:  25

Description: Inflicts damage and Slows all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Sand Wolf, Bribe Dingos
Sell Value:  25

Description: Inflicts damage and Darkness to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Garuda, Simurgh, Zu, Alcyone. Bribe Condor
Sell Value:  37

Description: Absorbs HP and MP of the enemy
Acquirement: Steal from Bashura. Find all fiends at Mi’ihen Highroad for 
reward at Training Arena
Sell Value:  100

Description: Absorbs HP
Acquirement: Steal from Ogre, Stratoavis. Remiem Temple (Belgemine’s Anima)
Sell Value:  75

Description: Doubles Maximum HP of 1 character for the duration of the battle
Acquirement: Steal from Yunalesca
Sell Value:  200

Description: Doubles Maximum HP of all party members for the duration of the 
Acquirement: Spoils from Abyss Worm. Find all fiends at Besaid for reward at 
Training Arena
Sell Value:  400

Description: Casts Reflect on 1 character
Acquirement: Steal from Barbatos, Dark Flan, Sinspawn Gunais. Remiem Temple 
(Belgemine’s Shiva)
Sell Value:  45

Description: Inflicts damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Reward at Training Arena
Sell Value:  250

Description: Fully Restores HP of the entire party and casts NullAll
Acquirement: Steal from Seymour Natus
Sell Value:  200

Description: Reduces party’s MP cost to 0
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  2,500

Description: Reduces MP cost of 1 character to 0
Acquirement: Training Arena Reward
Sell Value:  200

Description: ?
Acquirement: ?
Sell Value:  5,000

Description: Inflicts Water damage to all enemies
Acquirement: Steal from Evrae, Evrae Altana, Geosgaeno, Achelous, Maelspike. 
Bribe from Water Flan
Sell Value:  75

Description: ?
Acquirement: Bribe from Malboro, Great Malboro. Win Chocobo Race at Remiem 
Sell Value:  7,500

                               KEY ITEM LIST

                             RIKKU’S MIX LIST

Here is the list of all possible Mix Combination I found throughout my game. 
They are listed in Alphabetically order and all the possible combinations for 
a mix is written within. 


Description: Restores 9,999 MP
Item Combinations

Item 1:            Item 2:             
Stamina Tablet     Mana Tablet

Description: Heals 99,999 HP
Item Combinations

Item 1:            Item 2:             
Stamina Tablet     Mana Tonic

Description: Restores HP and MP to the Max
Item Combinations
Item 1:            Item 2:
Healing Water      Healing Water

Description: Heals medium amount of HP (reaches more than 9,999)
Item Combinations

Item 1:            Item 2:             
Al Bhed Potion     Al Bhed Potion

                          EQUIPMENT CUSTOMIZATION

a. Customizing your Equipments

After you’ve gotten Rikku (once you reach Guadosalam), she will offer her 
services of equipment customization. She can combine certain weapons and some 
items to create new abilities for the weapon such as the HP+ and such. To be 
able to customize your weapon, there should be at least 1 slot available for 
customizing. Just remember that once an equipment has no more open slots, new 
abilities cannot be installed anymore. You cannot remove abilities also so 
think first before customizing your equipment. 

b. Equipment Ability List

Here are the different Abilities for Weapons and Armor, respectively (The 
abilities are different for the weapons and armors). It also includes the 
description and the required item for the customization.


Item Needed: Ability Sphere
Quantity:    2
Description: Sensor give you the ability to see the current HP, Elemental 
Affinities, and status conditions of the target.

Item Needed: Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: Piercing weapons will give you the ability to cut through hard 
armor and thus, negating the armor and doing maximum possible damage.

Item Needed: Return Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: First Strike will give you chance of striking first when the 
battle begins. This happens by chance only, not everytime.

Item Needed: Chocobo Feather
Quantity:    6
Description: Much like the first strike, this one give you a 100% chance of 
acting first in battles.

Item Needed: Bomb Fragment
Quantity:    4
Description: Includes Fire element with your physical attack.

Item Needed: Electro Marble
Quantity:    4
Description: Includes Lightning element with your physical attack.

Item Needed: Fish Scale
Quantity:    4
Description: Includes Water element with your physical attack.

Item Needed: Antarctic Wind
Quantity:    4
Description: Includes Ice element with your physical attack.

Item Needed: Bomb Fragment
Quantity:    4
Description: Includes Fire element with your physical attack.

Item Needed: Eye Drops
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Darkness

Item Needed: Smoke Bomb
Quantity:    ?
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Darkness

Item Needed: Echo Screen
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Silence

Item Needed: Silence Grenade
Quantity:    ?
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Silence

Item Needed: Sleeping Powder
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Sleep

Item Needed: Dream Powder
Quantity:    ?
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Sleep

Item Needed: Antidote
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Poison

Item Needed: Poison Fang
Quantity:    2
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Poison

Item Needed: Soft
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Petrification

Item Needed: Petrify Grenade
Quantity:    ?
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Petrification

Item Needed: Farplane Shadow
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Death/KO

Item Needed: Farplane Wind
Quantity:    60
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Death/KO

Item Needed: Holy Water
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Zombie

Item Needed: Candle of Life
Quantity:    30
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Zombie

Item Needed: Silver Hourglass
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes, inflicts Slow

Item Needed: Gold Hourglass
Quantity:    3
Description: Highly increased chance of inflicting Slow
STR + 3%

Item Needed: Power Sphere
Quantity:    3
Description: Increases Strength by 3%
STR + 5%

Item Needed: Stamina Spring
Quantity:    2
Description: Increases Strength by 5%
MAG + 3%

Item Needed: Mana Sphere
Quantity:    3
Description: Increases Magic by 3%
MAG + 5%

Item Needed: Mana Spring
Quantity:    2
Description: Increases Magic by 5%
MAG + 10%

Item Needed: Black Magic Sphere 
Quantity:    1
Description: Increases Magic by 10%

Item Needed: Friend Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: Counters a physical attack with another physical attack

Item Needed: Teleport Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: Evades a physical attack and counters with his/her own physical

Item Needed: Shining Gem
Quantity:    16
Description: Counter Magical attacks with a Physical Attack

Item Needed: Turbo Ether
Quantity:    ?
Description: Uses Extra MP when casting magic to boost spell ability/effect

Item Needed: Healing Water
Quantity:    4
Description: Doubles the potency of healing/curative items

Item Needed: Three Stars
Quantity:    20
Description: Magic spells only cost 1 MP to cast

Item Needed: Megalixir
Quantity:    20
Description: Double the amount of AP received after battle

Item Needed: Door to Tomorrow
Quantity:    10
Description: Sacrifice Overdrive gauge for more AP

Item Needed: Gambler’s Spirit
Quantity:    ?
Description: Fill Overdrive Bar when HP drops to critical

Item Needed: Underdog’s Secret
Quantity:    1
Description: Doubles the amount of Overdrive gained making it faster to fill 

Item Needed: Designer Wallet
Quantity:    30
Description: Doubles the amount of Gil received after battles

Item Needed: Purifying Salt
Quantity:    30
Description: This will disable random battle and thus, you can roam freely in 
fiend infested area without having to worry about fighting them. Some 
monsters carry this weapon.

Item Needed: n/a
Quantity:    n/a
Description: Triples the filling rate of the Overdrive gauge making it very 
easy to go into overdrive. Acquired through Celestial Weapon.

Item Needed: n/a
Quantity:    n/a
Description: Enables you to break the 9,999 limit of damage you make thus, 
showing the real ability of your weapon. Acquired through Celestial Weapon.


Item Needed: Chocobo Wing
Quantity:    80
Description: Automatic Haste at beginning of the battle

Item Needed: Remedy
Quantity:    20
Description: Automatic Healing Item use when inflicted with status effects

Item Needed: Mega Phoenix
Quantity:    ?
Description: Automatic Phoenix Down use when character is KO’d

Item Needed: Stamina Tablet
Quantity:    ?
Description: Automatic Potion use when damaged

Item Needed: Light Curtain
Quantity:    ?
Description: Automatic Protect at beginning of the battle

Item Needed: Healing Spring
Quantity:    0
Description: Automatic Regen at beginning of the battle

Item Needed: Star Curtain
Quantity:    ?
Description: Automatic Reflect at beginning of the battle

Item Needed: Lunar Curtain
Quantity:    80
Description: Automatic Shell at beginning of the battle

Item Needed: Hypello Potion
Quantity:    32
Description: Most of the time prevents Berserk

Item Needed: Hypello Potion
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes prevents Berserk

Item Needed: Wings to Discovery
Quantity:    ?
Description: Allows Maximum HP to surpass 9,999

Item Needed: Three Stars
Quantity:    30
Description: Allows Maximum MP to surpass 999

Item Needed: Musk
Quantity:    ?
Description: Most of the time prevents Confusion

Item Needed: Musk
Quantity:    16
Description: Sometimes prevents Confusion

Item Needed: Tetra Elemental
Quantity:    ?
Description: Most of the time prevents Curse

Item Needed: Smoke Bomb
Quantity:    10 
Description: Most of the time prevents Darkness

Item Needed: Eye Drops
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes prevents Darkness

Item Needed: Farplane Wind
Quantity:    60
Description: Most of the time prevents KO/Death

Item Needed: Farplane Shadow
Quantity:    15
Description: Sometimes prevents KO/Death

Item Needed: Power Sphere
Quantity:    3
Description: Increase Defense by 3%

Item Needed: Stamina Spring
Quantity:    2
Description: Increase Defense by 5%

Item Needed: Special Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Defense by 10%

Item Needed: Blessed Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Increase Defense by 20%

Item Needed: Fire Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Absorbs Fire Elemental Damage into HP

Item Needed: Bomb Core
Quantity:    ?
Description: Nullifies Fire Elemental Attacks

Item Needed: Bomb Fragment
Quantity:    4
Description: Reduce Fire Elemental Damage
HP + 5%

Item Needed: X-Potion
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Maximum HP by 5%
HP + 10%

Item Needed: Soul Spring
Quantity:    3
Description: Increase Maximum HP by 10%
HP + 20%

Item Needed: Elixir
Quantity:    5
Description: Increase Maximum HP by 20%
HP + 30%

Item Needed: Stamina Tonic 
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Maximum HP by 30%

Item Needed: Stamina Tablet
Quantity:    2
Description: Recover HP while walking

Item Needed: Ice Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Absorbs Ice Elemental Damage into HP

Item Needed: Arctic Wind
Quantity:    ?
Description: Nullifies Ice Elemental Attacks

Item Needed: Antarctic Wind
Quantity:    4
Description: Reduce Ice Elemental Damage

Item Needed: Lightning Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Absorbs Lightning Elemental Damage into HP

Item Needed: Lightning Marble
Quantity:    ?
Description: Nullifies Lightning Elemental Attacks

Item Needed: Electro Marble
Quantity:    4
Description: Reduce Lightning Elemental Damage

Item Needed: Mana Sphere 
Quantity:    3
Description: Increase Magic Defense by 3%

Item Needed: Mana Spring
Quantity:    2
Description: Increase Magic Defense by 5%

Item Needed: White Magic Sphere
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Magic Defense by 10%

Item Needed: Blessed Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Increase Magic Defense by 20%
MP + 5%

Item Needed: Ether 
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Maximum MP by 5%
MP + 10%

Item Needed: Soul Spring
Quantity:    3
Description: Increase Maximum MP by 10%
MP + 20%

Item Needed: Elixir
Quantity:    5
Description: Increase Maximum MP by 20%
MP + 30%

Item Needed: Mana Tonic
Quantity:    1
Description: Increase Maximum MP by 30%

Item Needed: Amulet
Quantity:    ?
Description: Increase chances of stealing rare items

Item Needed: Poison Fang
Quantity:    12
Description: Most of the time prevents Poison

Item Needed: Antidote
Quantity:    40
Description: Sometimes prevents Poison

Item Needed: Silence Grenade
Quantity:    10 
Description: Most of the time prevents Silence

Item Needed: Echo Srceen
Quantity:    30
Description: Sometimes prevents Silence

Item Needed: Dream Powder
Quantity:    ?
Description: Most of the time prevents Sleep

Item Needed: Sleeping Powder
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes prevents Sleep

Item Needed: Gold Hourglass
Quantity:    ?
Description: Most of the time prevents Slow

Item Needed: Silver Hourglass
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes prevents Slow

Item Needed: Chocobo Feather
Quantity:    ?
Description: Cast Haste if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Bomb Core
Quantity:    1
Description: Cast Null Blaze if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Arctic Wind
Quantity:    1
Description: Cast Null Frost if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Lightning Marble 
Quantity:    1
Description: Cast Null Shock if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Dragon Scale
Quantity:    1
Description: Cast Null Tide if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Light Curtain
Quantity:    8
Description: Cast Protect if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Star Curtain
Quantity:    8
Description: Cast Reflect if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Healing Spring
Quantity:    12
Description: Cast Regen if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Lunar Curtain
Quantity:    8
Description: Cast Shell if HP reaches critical

Item Needed: Petrify Grenade
Quantity:    ?
Description: Most of the time prevents Petrification

Item Needed: Soft
Quantity:    30
Description: Sometimes prevents Petrification

Item Needed: Water Gem
Quantity:    ?
Description: Absorbs Water Elemental Damage into HP

Item Needed: Dragon Scale
Quantity:    ?
Description: Nullifies Water Elemental Attacks

Item Needed: Fish Scale
Quantity:    4
Description: Reduce Water Elemental Damage

Item Needed: Candle of Life
Quantity:    10 
Description: Most of the time prevents Zombie

Item Needed: Holy Water
Quantity:    ?
Description: Sometimes prevents Zombie

                                 WEAPON LIST

Here are the weapons found throughout the game. They are arranged according 
to the character who can use it and within that, they are arranged 


Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Half MP Cost
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,518 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        1
Ability:      Double AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   10,012 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Strength + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,931 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Stone Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,893 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        -
Ability:      Str +5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        4
Ability:      Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade and Counter,
              Magic Counter
Acquirement:  Celestial Weapon Side Quest
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   n/a

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Deathstrike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        4
Ability:      Triple AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   225,187 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Fire Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   -

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        -
Ability:      Sensor
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      SOS Overdrive
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,518 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        1
Ability:      Ice Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   187 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Strength + 5%, Strength + 10%, Strength + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   11,662 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,931 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Lightning Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        none
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Sleep Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   393 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,431 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Sleep Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,018 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        -
Ability:      Poison Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Poison Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   11,306 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Strength + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,300 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,306 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        4
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   25,000 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Initiative
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        -
Ability:      Str +3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Fire Strike, Lightning Strike, Ice Strike, Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,562 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Poison Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,743 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Stone Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   18,937 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Stone Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   48,187 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Magic + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,912 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      Magic + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Magic + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,687 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,931 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      SOS Overdrive
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   5,012 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Half MP Cost
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Magic Booster
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   19,181 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, One MP Cost
Acquirement:  Celestial Weapon Side Quest
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   n/a

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   9,056 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   512 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Fire Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Lightning Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Triple Overdrive
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   150,187 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   187 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Magic + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   637 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Lightning Strike, Fire Strike, Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,612 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Double AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   150,187 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,306 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      Sensor
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   93 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      Initiative
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,512 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      Half MP Cost
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   5,012 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        4
Ability:      Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   26,437 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      Magic + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      Magic + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,262 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        4
Ability:      Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Magic Booster, One MP 
Acquirement:  Celestial Weapon Side Quest
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   n/a

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,431 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Counter Attack
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      Double Overdrive
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   11,268 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Triple Overdrive, Magic + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   16,893 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      Thunder Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   187 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   112 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        4
Ability:      Death Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        1
Ability:      Strength + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        4
Ability:      Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   26,437 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Strength + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,893 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Fire Strike, Ice Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   543 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,306 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        4
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   25,000 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Double AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,018 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Fire Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Touch, Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,787 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Half MP Cost
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Death Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,018 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Lightning Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   843 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Initiative
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Counter Attack
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,643 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        4
Ability:      Stone Strike, Dark Strike, Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   28,812 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        4
Ability:      Triple AP, Triple Overdrive, Overdrive -> AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   156,312 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Capture
Acquirement:  Acquire at the Training Arena
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      Piercing, Sleep Touch, Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   5,062 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Death Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   6,037 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Fire Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing
Acquirement:  Ice Strike
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Stone Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,893 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        1
Ability:      Piercing
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Water Strike, Alchemy
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   6,562 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, First Strike,
              Counter Attack
Acquirement:  Celestial Weapon Side Quest
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   n/a

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, SOS Overdrive
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,037 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   462 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      Piercing
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   187 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Stone Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   9,037 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Slow Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,143 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   768 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Capture
Acquirement:  Buy at the Training Arena
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Fire Strike, Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,087 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Sleep Touch, Silence Touch, Dark Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,537 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      Strength + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   137 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      Silence Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   762 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      Strength + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Strength + 20%, Strength + 5%, Strength + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   11,662 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Ice Strike, Sensor
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   356 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      No Encounters
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,456 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Stone Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,893 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Lightning Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   843 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        4
Ability:      Sleep/Silence/Dark/Zombie Strike
Acquirement:  Beat Catastrophe at Training Arena
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   40,062 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Triple AP
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,518 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic Counter, Counter Attack
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   10,893 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Silence Touch, Slow Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,037 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Darktouch
Acquirement:  Zu
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,768 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        1
Ability:      Piercing
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Fire Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Sensor, Strength + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,937 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Ice Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Piercing, Death Touch
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   6,037 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Piercing, Slow Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   13,218 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Piercing, Stone Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,593 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Piercing, Magic + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   9,468 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, Evade and 
Acquirement:  Celestial Weapon Side Quest
Cost:         n/a
Sell Value:   n/a

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Death Strike, Stone Strike, Zombie Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   33,037 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Piercing, Water Strike
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   281 Gil

                                  ARMOR LIST

Here are the armors found throughout the game. They are arranged according to 
the character who can use it and within that, they are arranged 
Alphabetically. Also, take note that the abilities and slots might be 
different (that goes the same for the price). These are just the basic 
abilities and slots you’ll get for that weapon.


Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Sleep Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   93 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      HP+20%, Lightning Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   13,162 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        -
Ability:      Silence Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Iceproof, Lightning Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Defense + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   618 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic + 10%, Magic + 30%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   9,018 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 5%, Def + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   131 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      No Encounters
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,456 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        1
Ability:      HP Stroll
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,512 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      MP+10%, SOS Regen
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,893 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   393 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      SOS Shell
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,518 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        3
Ability:      Stone Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,406 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Death Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        4
Ability:      HP+10%, Defense + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,937 Gil

Character:    Tidus
Slots:        2
Ability:      Lightning Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,143 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Zombie Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,518 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      Water Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   387 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Death Proof, Poison Proof, Silence Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   5,662 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,181 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Silence Ward, Confuse Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   581 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      Defense + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   62 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      SOS NulShock, SOS NulBlaze
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   393 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Ice Eater, Fire Eater, Lightning Eater
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37,562 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      HP + 30%, HP + 20%, HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   27,562 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      HP Stroll
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,512 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 10%, Fire Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   956 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   393 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        3
Ability:      Poison Ward, Silence Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   712 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      SOS Shell
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,187 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Stone Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   956 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        4
Ability:      Defense + 10%, HP + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   18,937 Gil

Character:    Yuna
Slots:        2
Ability:      Lightning Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   581 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Zombie Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,306 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,687 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,181 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        4
Ability:      Slow Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   11,437 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      MP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Nulfrost, SOS Nulblaze
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   787 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      No Encounters
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,368 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      SOS Reflect
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,143 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Regen
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      Stone Proof, Silence Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,706 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        1
Ability:      HP + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Shell
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,018 Gil

Character:    Lulu
Slots:        2
Ability:      Lightning Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   618 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Silence Ward, Sleep Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   287 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        4
Ability:      Berserk Ward, Poison Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,718 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   28 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Confuse Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,181 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Defense + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   206 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS NulShock
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   618 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Magic Def + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   5,681 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        1
Ability:      HP + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   37 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP Stroll, HP + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,306 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      Death Proof, Slow Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,643 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      HP + 10%, Stone Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   843 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        2
Ability:      MP + 30%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   6,768 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Death Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        1
Ability:      MP Stroll
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,512 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        3
Ability:      Sleep Proof, Dark Proof, Silence Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,637 Gil

Character:    Rikku
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      Zombie Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        1
Ability:      none
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   12 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Stone Proof, Poison Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,518 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      HP + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,181 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        1
Ability:      Defense + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   137 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      Defense + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   19,437 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Protect
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        1
Ability:      Fire Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   387 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Auto-Potion
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,518 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      SOS Shell 
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,187 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        4
Ability:      HP + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,687 Gil

Character:    Auron
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic Def + 5%, Ice Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   768 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Dark Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   206 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   6,180 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Water Eater, Ice Eater
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,037 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      SOS Haste
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,518 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic Def + 3%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   93 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS NulFrost, SOS NulShock, SOSNulBlaze
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,162 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        4
Ability:      SOS Protect
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   15,187 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Reflect
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,431 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        4
Ability:      SOS Regen
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   75,187 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      HP+10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   - Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        2
Ability:      Magic Def + 5%, Stone Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   656 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        3
Ability:      Death Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   4,556 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        4
Ability:      HP + 20%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   39,468 Gil

Character:    Wakka
Slots:        1
Ability:      Lightning Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   712 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Sleep Ward, Dark Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,406 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        4
Ability:      Stone Proof, Poison Proof
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   7,593 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      SOS Haste
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   22,556 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      MP + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   468 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Defense + 5%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   206 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        1
Ability:      Magic Def + 10%
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,262 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Fire Ward, Ice Ward, Lightning Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   3,412 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Dark Ward, Berserk Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   581 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        3
Ability:      Silence Ward, Stone Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   1,312 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      MP Stroll
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   2,268 Gil

Character:    Kimahri
Slots:        2
Ability:      Ice Ward
Acquirement:  -
Cost:         - Gil
Sell Value:   581 Gil

                                  SHOP LIST

Here, you’ll see a listing of the shops found throughout the game. Take note 
that you’ll need the services of these shops in order to acquire the basic 
necessities such as potions.


Item Shop
Potion             50 Gil
Phoenix Down      100 Gil
Antidote           50 Gil


Variable Steel    75,750 Gil
Malleable Staff   75,750 Gil
All-Rounder       75,750 Gil
Morphing Mog      75,750 Gil
Shapeshifter      37,875 Gil
Shiranui          37,875 Gil
Flexible Arm      75,750 Gil
Tetra Shield      15,750 Gil
Tetra Ring        15,750 Gil
Tetra Armguard    15,750 Gil
Tetra Bangle      15,750 Gil
Tetra Armlet      15,750 Gil
Tetra Bracer      15,750 Gil
Tetra Targe       15,750 Gil
Potion                50 Gil
Hi-Potion            500 Gil
Al Bhed Potion     1,000 Gil
Phoenix Down         100 Gil
Holy Water           300 Gil
Remedy             1,500 Gil
Antidote              50 Gil
Eye Drops             50 Gil
Echo Screen           50 Gil
Soft                  50 Gil
Power Distiller      100 Gil
Mana Distiller       100 Gil
Speed Distiller      100 Gil
Ability Distiller    100 Gil
Grenade              300 Gil


Taming Sword       9,075 Gil
Herding Staff      9,075 Gil
Catcher            9,075 Gil
Trapper Mog        9,075 Gil
Taming Spear       9,075 Gil
Beastmaster        9,075 Gil
Iron Grip          9,075 Gil
Potion             50 Gil
Hi-Potion         500 Gil
Phoenix Down      100 Gil
Holy Water        300 Gil
Antidote           50 Gil
Eye Drops          50 Gil
Echo Screen        50 Gil
Soft               50 Gil
Power Distiller   100 Gil
Mana Distiller    100 Gil
Speed Distiller   100 Gil
Ability Distiller 100 Gil


Warrior Sword        150 Gil
Enchanted Rod        150 Gil
Power Ball           150 Gil
Magical Mog          150 Gil
Halberd              225 Gil
Shimmering Blade     225 Gil
Pearl Shield         250 Gil
Pearl Ring           250 Gil
Pearl Armguard       250 Gil
Pearl Bangle         250 Gil
Pearl Armlet         250 Gil
Pearl Bracer         250 Gil
Potion             50 Gil
Phoenix Down      100 Gil
Antidote           50 Gil
Eye Drops          50 Gil
Echo Screen        50 Gil
Grenade           300 Gil
Map                50 Gil


Fencing Saber        550 Gil
Rune Rod             550 Gil
Hyper Ball           550 Gil
Rune Mog             550 Gil
Halberd              825 Gil
Shimmering Blade     825 Gil
Metal Shield         550 Gil
Metal Ring           550 Gil
Metal Armguard       550 Gil
Metal Bangle         550 Gil
Metal Armlet         550 Gil
Metal Bracer         550 Gil
Potion             50 Gil
Phoenix Down      100 Gil
Antidote           50 Gil
Eye Drops          50 Gil
Echo Screen        50 Gil
Soft               50 Gil


Mage Masher       120,375 Gil
Reticent Staff    120,375 Gil
Muffler           120,375 Gil
Mute Cait Sith    120,375 Gil
Mage Hunter       120,375 Gil
Tacit Blade       120,375 Gil
Mage Husher       120,375 Gil
Lucid Shield        6,150 Gil
Medical Ring       27,150 Gil
Medical Armguard   27,150 Gil
Lucid Bangle        6,150 Gil
Medical Armlet     24,150 Gil
Medical Bracer     24,150 Gil
Lucid Targe         6,150 Gil
Potion                50 Gil
Hi-Potion            500 Gil
Phoenix Down         100 Gil
Holy Water           300 Gil
Antidote              50 Gil
Eye Drops             50 Gil
Echo Screen           50 Gil
Soft                  50 Gil
Power Distiller      100 Gil
Mana Distiller       100 Gil
Speed Distiller      100 Gil
Ability Distiller    100 Gil


Variable Steel    75,750 Gil
Malleable Staff   75,750 Gil
All-Rounder       75,750 Gil
Morphing Mog      75,750 Gil
Shapeshifter      37,875 Gil
Shiranui          37,875 Gil
Flexible Arm      75,750 Gil
Tetra Shield      15,750 Gil
Tetra Ring        15,750 Gil
Tetra Armguard    15,750 Gil
Tetra Bangle      15,750 Gil
Tetra Armlet      15,750 Gil
Tetra Bracer      15,750 Gil
Tetra Targe       15,750 Gil
Potion                50 Gil
Hi-Potion            500 Gil
Al Bhed Potion     1,000 Gil
Phoenix Down         100 Gil
Holy Water           300 Gil
Remedy             1,500 Gil
Antidote              50 Gil
Eye Drops             50 Gil
Echo Screen           50 Gil
Soft                  50 Gil
Power Distiller      100 Gil
Mana Distiller       100 Gil
Speed Distiller      100 Gil
Ability Distiller    100 Gil
Grenade              300 Gil

                                 ENEMY LIST

Here is the enemy list for the game. Take note that I am looking for the 
stats on my own using scan and by taking down notes on the AP, Gil, and items 
in particular. It will really take a while but time will come and this list 
will be complete. 


HP:       ?                Location: Training Arena
Strength: n/a            Immunities: All
Magic:    n/a                        
Steal:    Shadow Gem
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Swallow, Regurgitate, Earthquake
AP:     8,000
Gil:    0
Item/s: Platinum Bracer, Stamina Tonic

Notes: Ultra Hard.


HP:       5,000            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: ?              Immunities: ?
Magic:    ?                          
Steal:    Water Gem
Bribe:    5,000 - 7,500 Gil, Healing Spring

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: ?
AP:     1,095
Gil:    840
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       54,400           Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams
Strength: 38             Immunities: Zombie, Power Break, KO, Magic Break,
Magic:    34                         Threaten, Slow                  
Steal:    Healing Water
Bribe:    544,000 - 816,000 Gil, Special Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |  O   |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     12,500
Gil:    2,200
Item/s: Power Sphere, Glorious Bracer

Notes: Use Armor Break to get around its tough armor.


HP:       200              Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    16                         
Steal:    Electro Marble
Bribe:    2,000 - 3,000 Gil, Lightning Marble

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Thundara
AP:     184
Gil:    144
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Silence it to stop its attack.


HP:       2,800            Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams, Zanarkand
Strength: 1              Immunities: Darkness                             
Magic:    38                         
Steal:    Musk
Bribe:    28,000 - 42,000 Gil, Farplane Wind

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Gaze
AP:     4,400
Gil:    650
Item/s: Speed Sphere, Glorious Bracer

Notes: It has a very high magical defense. 


HP:       430              Location: Bikanel Island    
Strength: 16             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Smoke Bomb
Bribe:    4,300 - 6,450 Gil, Mega Phoenix

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     620
Gil:    240
Item/s: Speed Sphere, Al Bhed Potion

Notes: Aerial.


HP:       5,800            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 27             Immunities: Confusion, Slow, Petrification
Magic:    48                         
Steal:    Petrify Grenade
Bribe:    58,000 - 87,000 Gil, Healing Water

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Stone Breath*, Sonic Tail, Stone Gaze
AP:     2,070
Gil:    750
Item/s: Power Sphere, Basilisk Steel, Soft Armguard

Notes: Make sure at least 1 party member has immunity to petrification to 
avoid losing the battle.


HP:       1,800            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 32             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Dream Powder
Bribe:    18,000 - 27,000, Dream Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     1,640
Gil:    880
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Quite Nimble.


HP:       95,000           Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams
Strength: 42             Immunities: KO, Poison, Power Break, Threaten, 
Magic:    38                         Magic Break, Mental Break, Silence,
Steal:    Star Curtain, Blessed Gem  Confusion, Berserk, Slow
Bribe:    950,000 - 1,425,000 Gil, Teleport Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Mortar, Body Splash
AP:     17,500
Gil:    1,550
Item/s: Power Sphere, Tetra Armguard

Notes: Use Armor Break to damage it physically.


HP:       17,000           Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 34             Immunities: Power Break, KO
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soul Spring
Bribe:    170,000 - 255,000 Gil, Stamina Spring

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Psych Out
AP:     2,750
Gil:    730
Item/s: Power Sphere, Switch Hitter

Notes: It counters with very strong Physical attacks.


HP:       2,025            Location: Kilika                 
Strength: 14             Immunities: Petrification, confusion
Magic:    35                         
Steal:    Petrify Grenade            
Bribe:    20,250 - 30,375 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |       |   |

Skills: Stone Gaze, *Stone Breath*
AP:     210
Gil:    125
Item/s: Ability Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       23,000           Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 43             Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Threaten, Silence,
Magic:    37                         Darkness, slow, KO, Petrification,
Steal:    Ether, Mana Tablet         Armor Break, Mental Break
Bribe:    230,000 - 345,000 Gil, Lv. 2 Key Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Mighty Guard*, Heave, Thundara, Claw Attack
AP:     9,810
Gil:    1,350
Item/s: Power Sphere, Halberd, Protect Bracer, Shimmering Blade

Notes: Very strong attacks. Try to learn Mighty Guard.


HP:       67,500           Location: Inside Sin
Strength: 46             Immunities: Eject, KO, Zombie, Petrification,Poison,
Magic:    44                         Armor/Mental Break, Confusion, Threaten,
Steal:    Healing Spring             Berserk, Sleep, Silence, Darkness 
Bribe:    675,000 - 1,012,500 Gil, Three Stars

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Heave, Meteor, *Mighty Guard*, Thundara
AP:     25,200
Gil:    3,700
Item/s: Lv. 3 Key Sphere, Baroque Sword

Notes: Cast Protect or put your characters in defensive states (Triangle) 
before you finish him off or else its meteor attack will decimate your party.


HP:       1,500            Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 1              Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Zombie,
Magic:    27                         Petrification
Steal:    Fish Scale
Bribe:    15,000 - 22,500 Gil, Water Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |   O   |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       | O |

Skills: Watera
AP:     480
Gil:    360
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       200              Location: Djose
Strength: 13             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Antidote  
Bribe:    2,000 - 3,000 Gil, Poison Fang

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Sting
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       850              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 19             Immunities: Threaten, Sleep, Eject
Magic:    20                         
Steal:    Bomb Fragment
Bribe:    8,500 - 12,750 Gil, Bomb Core x 14 

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |  O   |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Self-Destruct*, Fire
AP:     44
Gil:    70
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Finish it in 3 turns or else it will attack with the devastating Self-


HP:       230              Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    22                         
Steal:    Hi-Potion 
Bribe:    2,300 - 3,450 Gil, Musk

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Gaze
AP:     184
Gil:    132
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       400              Location: Kilika                     
Strength: 22             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    4,000 - 6,000 Gil, Hypello Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Charge
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Use Piercing weapons.


HP:       500              Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 19             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Chocobo Feather
Bribe:    Immune

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: 1,000 Needles
AP:     525
Gil:    1,500
Item/s: Speed Sphere, Variable Mog, Recovery Shield, Spiritual Bracer

Notes: Resistant to Physical and Magical Attacks.


HP:       800              Location: Bikanel Island      
Strength: 23             Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Threaten, Sleep, 
Magic:    1                          Silence, Darkness, KO, Zombie, 
Steal:    Chocobo Feather            Petrification, Poison, All Breaks
Bribe:    Immune

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: 1,000 Needles, 10,000 Needles
AP:     12,000
Gil:    1,500
Item/s: Speed Sphere, Vigilante

Notes: Very Very hard to hit.


HP:       5,250            Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 25             Immunities: Sleep, Confusion
Magic:    22                         
Steal:    Arctic Wind
Bribe:    52,500 - 78,750 Gil, Mana Tablet

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |   O   |   |

Skills: Thundara, *Aqua Breath*, Megiddo Flame, Assault
AP:     1,830
Gil:    1,940
Item/s: Ability Sphere, Onyx Armlet

Notes: Quite powerful during early parts of the game.


HP:       9,800            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 34             Immunities: Confusion, Sleep, KO
Magic:    32                         
Steal:    Ice Gem     
Bribe:    98,000 - 147,000 Gil, Lv. 4 Key Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |   O   |   |

Skills: *Aqua Breath*, Assault, Megiddo Flame
AP:     1,800
Gil:    1,000
Item/s: Ability Sphere, Switch Hitter, Onyx Targe

Notes: none


HP:       100,000          Location: Training Arena
Strength: n/a            Immunities: All
Magic:    n/a                        
Steal:    ?
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Aqua Breath*, Megiddo Flame, Thundara
AP:     8,000
Gil:    0
Item/s: Return Sphere, Elemental Armguard

Notes: Very powerful Physical attack. Beware.


HP:       6,000            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 38             Immunities: Threaten, Petrification
Magic:    26                         
Steal:    Mana Spring                
Bribe:    60,000 - 90,000 Gil, Friend Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |       | O |

Skills: Blaster, Silence
AP:     1,800
Gil:    1,100
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none


HP:       95               Location: Besaid
Strength: 9              Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Phoenix Down
Bribe:    950 - 1,425 Gil, Smoke Bomb

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Use Wakka for attack precision.


HP:       1,800            Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 1              Immunities: Zombie, Petrification, Poison, Sleep,
Magic:    30                         Darkness
Steal:    Shining Thorn
Bribe:    18,000 - 27,000 Gil, Return Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Reflect, Bio, Osmose, Drain
AP:     810
Gil:    520
Item/s: Magic Sphere

Notes: It has a very strong physical and magical defense. Use Breaks and 
beware of its powerful attacks.


HP:       12,800           Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 1              Immunities: Petrification, Poison, Confusion,
Magic:    30                         Berserk, Provoke, Sleep, KO
Steal:    Star Curtain
Bribe:    128,000 - 192,000, White Magic Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Bio, Flare, Osmose, Drain, *White Wind*
AP:     3,750
Gil:    1,880
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Resistant to attacks, try using Auron’s Breaks to lighten things up.


HP:       12,000           Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 40             Immunities: Threaten, Sleep, Slow, KO, Zombie,
Magic:    5                          Petrification, Poison, Power Break,
Steal:    Lunar Curtain              Confusion
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Haymaker, Blast Punch
AP:     4,050
Gil:    1,300
Item/s: Power Sphere, Protect Bangle

Notes: It has a low Magic Defense so use offensive magic attacks.


HP:       42,300           Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 45             Immunities: Sleep, Silence, Slow, KO, Zombie, 
Magic:    5                          Petrification, Poison, Power Break,
Steal:    Lunar Curtain              Confusion, Threaten
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Haymaker, Blast Punch
AP:     6,000
Gil:    2,400
Item/s: Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Protect Armguard

Notes: Very strong armor. Haymaker is very powerful.


HP:       45,000           Location: Inside Sin, Omega Dungeon
Strength: 33             Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Provoke, Sleep,
Magic:    99                         KO, Zombie, Petrification, Poison
Steal:    Petrify Grenade
Bribe:    450,000 - 675,000 Gil, Lv. 3 Key Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Pharaoh’s Curse, Zombie
AP:     16,500
Gil:    2,940
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Soft Shield, Cactuar Staff

Notes: Use armor break to get around its tough armor.


HP:       125              Location: Besaid
Strength: 13             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Potion       
Bribe:    1,250 - 1,875 Gil, Sleeping Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Use Tidus to attack since it has quite a good evasive skill.


HP:       140              Location: Kilika                    
Strength: 14             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft
Bribe:    1,400 - 2,100 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     18
Gil:    54
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Nimble.


HP:       1,875            Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 22             Immunities: none
Magic:    3                          
Steal:    Potion      
Bribe:    18,750 - 28,125 Gil, Hi-Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Fire Breath*, Gore
AP:     67
Gil:    98
Item/s: Ability Sphere

Notes: none


HP:       8,700            Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 28             Immunities: Sleep, Poison, Power Break
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    87,000 - 130,500 Gil, Farplane Wind

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     ?
Gil:    950
Item/s: Ability Sphere, Metal Armlet

Notes: Very Nimble.


HP:       310              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    26                         
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    3,100 - 4,650 Gil, Musk

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Gaze
AP:     600
Gil:    410
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Aerial.


HP:       7,400            Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams
Strength: 1              Immunities: Darkness, Zombie, Confusion, Darkness
Magic:    24                         
Steal:    Silence Grenade
Bribe:    74,000 - 111,000 Gil, Turbo Ether

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |     O     |   O   | O |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Pollen, Firaga
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Kill it quickly since it will retaliate with Pollen if attacked.

FALLEN MONK (zombie)

HP:       3,300            Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 28             Immunities: Confuse, Berserk, Provoke, Threaten,
Magic:    33                         Silence, Slow, KO, Zombie, Power Break,
Steal:    Candle of Life             Magic Break
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Rifle, Flame Thrower
AP:     1,800
Gil:    540
Item/s: Ability Sphere, Blessed Bangle

Notes: You can use healing items.


HP:       1,500            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    21                         
Steal:    Fire Gem
Bribe:    15,000 - 22,500 Gil, Fire Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |  O   |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Firaga
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: It has a strong physical defense. 


HP:       140              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    18                         
Steal:    Echo Screen
Bribe:    1,400 - 2,100 Gil, Musk

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     42
Gil:    88
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       540              Location: Djose
Strength: 1              Immunities: Zombie, Darkness
Magic:    26                         
Steal:    Silence Grenade
Bribe:    5,400 - 8,100 Gil, Turbo Ether

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Pollen, Fire
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Retaliates with pollen.


HP:       148              Location: Djose
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    23                         
Steal:    Electro Marble
Bribe:    1,480 - 2,220 Gil, Lightning Marble

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Thunder
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Magic Sphere

Notes: Use Water Magic.


HP:       240              Location: Kilika                      
Strength: 17             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    2,400 - 3,600 Gil, Sleeping Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     96
Gil:    88
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       4,000            Location: Mushroom Rock Road
Strength: 21             Immunities: Petrification, Confusion, Provoke,
Magic:    40                         Sleep
Steal:    Smoke Bomb
Bribe:    40,000 - 60,000 Gil, Smoke Bomb

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Sonic Boom
AP:     255
Gil:    280
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       36,000           Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams
Strength: 33             Immunities: Slow, KO, Power Breath, Threaten,Berserk
Magic:    1                          Petrification, Confusion, Zombie
Steal:    Light Curtain
Bribe:    360,000 - 540,000 Gil, Stamina Tonic/Mana Tonic

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |  O   |     O     |   O   | O |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Reaper, Double Reaper, Leaping Swing
AP:     7,800
Gil:    1,111
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Use Armor or Mental Break to weaken them. Comes in pairs. 


HP:       9,999            Location: Sunken Cave, Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 1              Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Provoke, Threaten,
Magic:    33                         Sleep, Darkness, Slow, KO, Zombie,
Steal:    Phoenix Down               Petrification, Poison, Armor and Mental
Bribe:    99,990 - 149,985,          Break
          Mega Phoenix
        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       | O |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: *Doom*
AP:     2,175
Gil:    1,620
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: It has a hard armor.


HP:       1,200            Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 1              Immunities: Petrification, Poison, Sleep, Darkness,
Magic:    32                         Zombie
Steal:    Electro Marble
Bribe:    12,000 - 18,000 Gil, Lightning Marble

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       | O |

Skills: Thunder
AP:     184
Gil:    107
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Silence it to prevent its attacks.


HP:       4,000            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 28             Immunities: Slow, Zombie, Darkness
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Antidote  
Bribe:    40,000 - 60,000 Gil, Remedy

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Seed Cannon, Seed Burst
AP:     980
Gil:    520
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Seed Burst causes Confusion.


HP:       64,000           Location: Sin - City of Dying Dreams,Omega Dungeon
Strength: 36             Immunities: KO, Zombie, Petrification, Haste,Poison,
Magic:    42                         Confusion,Slow,Berserk,Sleep,Threaten,
Steal:    Remedy, Mana Tonic         Silence, Darkness
Bribe:    640,000 - 960,000 Gil, Wings to Discovery

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   | O |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Bad Breath*, Physical attack
AP:     21,000
Gil:    1,900
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Calamity Spear

Notes: Try to equip armor that can withstand the effects of Bad Breath. 


HP:       7,500            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 26             Immunities: Zombie, Threaten, Sleep, Eject
Magic:    24                         
Steal:    Fire Gem  
Bribe:    75,000 - 112,500 Gil, Shining Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Self-Destruct*, Fira
AP:     2,700
Gil:    540
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Explodes if attacked 3 times. Very powerful.


HP:       9,500            Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 41             Immunities: Slow, Magic Break
Magic:    23                         
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    95,000 - 142,500 Gil, Mega Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: *Fire Breath*, Flame Ball, Charge
AP:     3,900
Gil:    780
Item/s: Ability Sphere

Notes: Use Poison or Piercing Weapons.


HP:       1,350            Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    21                         
Steal:    Arctic Wind
Bribe:    13,500 - 20,250 Gil, Ice Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       | O |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Blizzard, Blizzara
AP:     600
Gil:    376
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       370              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 23             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft
Bribe:    3,700 - 5,550 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |   O   |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     480
Gil:    276
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Very Nimble.


HP:       880              Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    25                         
Steal:    Lightning Gem
Bribe:    8,800 - 13,200 Gil, Lv. 1 Key Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Thundaga
AP:     1,540
Gil:    610
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: Aerial.


HP:       180              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 15             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft
Bribe:    1,800 - 2,700 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     48
Gil:    92
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       3,600            Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 30             Immunities: Berserk, Threaten, Silence, Confusion
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Light Curtain
Bribe:    36,000 - 54,000 Gil, Stamina Tonic

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |       |   |

Skills: Reaper
AP:     1,200
Gil:    600
Item/s: Power Sphere, Baroque Sword

Notes: Use Piercing and Blind Capable weapons/attacks.


HP:       110              Location: Kilika                    
Strength: 8              Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Antidote
Bribe:    1,100 - 1,650 Gil, Poison Fang

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physcial Attack w/ Poison
AP:     18
Gil:    46
Item/s: Speed sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       445              Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 32             Immunities: none
Magic:    35                         
Steal:    Hi-Potion 
Bribe:    4,450 - 6,675 Gil, Silver Hourglass

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     184
Gil:    112
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Inflicts Slow.


HP:       275              Location: Djose
Strength: 23             Immunities: none
Magic:    20                         
Steal:    Silver Hourglass
Bribe:    2,750 - 4,125 Gil, Silver Hourglass

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     64
Gil:    72
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: It has tough armor so use Auron’s Breaks.


HP:       1,498            Location: Thunder Plains
Strength: 10             Immunities: Sleep, Darkness, Slow, Poison,
Magic:    19                         Confusion, Berserk
Steal:    Lunar Curtain
Bribe:    14,980 - 22,470 Gil, Shining Thorn

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Thundara
AP:     393
Gil:    330
Item/s: Ability Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       10,000           Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: ?              Immunities: ?
Magic:    ?                          
Steal:    Water Gem 
Bribe:    100,000 - 150,000 Gil, Attribute Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: ?
AP:     900
Gil:    660
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       710              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 29             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    7,100 - 10,650 Gil, Hypello Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Bash
AP:     600
Gil:    344
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Hard Body armor.


HP:       27,000           Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 32             Immunities: Petrification, Poison, Haste, Slow, KO,
Magic:    32                         Berserk, Threaten, Zombie, Confusion,
Steal:    Remedy                     Sleep, Silence, Darkness
Bribe:    270,000 - 405,000 Gil, Wings to Discovery

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   | O |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Bad Breath*, Physical Attack
AP:     3,300
Gil:    1,500
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Soft Armlet

Notes: Try to equip armor that can withstand the effects of Bad Breath.


HP:       31,000           Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 34             Immunities: Darkness, Slow, Zombie, Confusion,
Magic:    40                         Berserk, Provoke, Threaten
Steal:    Remedy   
Bribe:    310,000 - 465,000 Gil, Return Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |   O   |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Ochu Dance, Earthquake
AP:     9,345
Gil:    1,200
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Dauntless

Notes: none.


HP:       8,700            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 40             Immunities: KO, Zombie, Poison, Threaten, Sleep
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Al Bhed Potion
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     950
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Phoenix Down

Notes: Hard Armor.


HP:       1,280            Location: Bikanel Island
Strength: 25             Immunities: Sleep, KO, Zombie, Poison, Threaten
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Grenade   
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     388
Gil:    600
Item/s: Hi-Potion

Notes: none


HP:       2,800            Location: Bikanel Island    
Strength: 31             Immunities: KO, Zombie, Poison, Threaten, Sleep
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Al Bhed Potion
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     540
Gil:    800
Item/s: Hi-Potion, Shell Shield

Notes: Steal to destroy it in one shot.


HP:       5,500            Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 36             Immunities: Sleep, KO, Zombie, Poison, Petrification
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    ?
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     820
Gil:    673
Item/s: Phoenix Down

Notes: Use Steal to destroy it for good.


HP:       3,780            Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 31             Immunities: KO, Zombie, Poison, Threaten, Sleep
Magic:    28                         
Steal:    Grenade   
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Electrocute
AP:     830
Gil:    530
Item/s: Hi-Potion

Notes: Steal to disable it completely.


HP:       2,750            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 30             Immunities: Threaten, Sleep, KO, Zombie, Poison
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Grenade
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     738
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Use Rikku’s Steal Ability to dismantle it.


HP:       265              Location: Thunder Plains    
Strength: 20             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft       
Bribe:    2,650 - 3,975 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     184
Gil:    108
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Inflicts Petrification and/or Silence.


HP:       160              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 16             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Potion      
Bribe:    1,600 - 2,400 Gil, Sleeping Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     40
Gil:    33
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none


HP:       580              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 25             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    5,800 - 8,700 Gil, Hypello Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Bash
AP:     480
Gil:    330
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       680              Location: Bikanel Island    
Strength: 36             Immunities: none
Magic:    42                         
Steal:    Hi-Potion, Silver Hourglass
Bribe:    6,800 - 10,200 Gil, Gold Hourglass

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     620
Gil:    270
Item/s: Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion

Notes: Use Auron’s Breaks.


HP:       700              Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 22             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Poison Fang 
Bribe:    7,000 - 10,500 Gil, Poison Fang

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack (Sting)
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Hard to Hit due to its flying capability.


HP:       2,000            Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Mt. Gagazet
Strength: 43             Immunities: none
Magic:    50                         
Steal:    Gold Hourglass
Bribe:    20,000 - 30,000 Gil, Gold Hourglass

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     1,620
Gil:    602
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: It has a strong armor.


HP:       7,200            Location: Djose Highroad
Strength: 22             Immunities: Berserk, Provoke, Darkness, Zombie,
Magic:    14                         Confusion
Steal:    Remedy
Bribe:    72,000 - 108,000 Gil, Remedy

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |   O   |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Ochu Dance
AP:     240
Gil:    1,040
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       9,400            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 28             Immunities: Power Break, Slow
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Stamina Spring
Bribe:    94,000 - 141,000 Gil, Stamina Spring

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Seeker’s Shield, Hyper Ball

Notes: Beware of its powerful counter attack when its arms are up.


HP:       500              Location: Thunder Plains
Strength: 19             Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Silence, Darkness,
Magic:    1                          Zombie, All Breaks
Steal:    Chocobo Feather
Bribe:    Immune

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: 1,000 Needles
AP:     525
Gil:    3,000
Item/s: Speed Sphere, Baroque Sword

Notes: Very hard to hit. 


HP:       780              Location: Kilika
Strength: 18             Immunities: Zombie, Darkness
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Antidote  
Bribe:    7,800 - 11,700 Gil, Remedy

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Seed Cannon, Seed Burst
AP:     40
Gil:    48
Item/s: Magic Sphere, Buster Glove

Notes: Seed Burst causes Confusion.


HP:       240              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 19             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Potion
Bribe:    2,400 - 3,600 Gil, Hypello Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attacks
AP:     40
Gil:    84
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Use Armor Break to weaken its defense.


HP:       200              Location: Mushroom Rock Road
Strength: 18             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft
Bribe:    2,000 - 3,000 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     64
Gil:    96
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Nimble and hard to hit.


HP:       200              Location: Djose
Strength: 18             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft      
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: none.


HP:       450              Location: Djose
Strength: 1              Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Zombie, 
Magic:    23                         Petrification
Steal:    Bomb Fragment
Bribe:    4,500 - 6,750 Gil, Bomb Core

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |  O   |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Fire
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: Magic Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       450              Location: Bikanel Island
Strength: 23             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Sleeping Powder
Bribe:    4,500 - 6,750 Gil, Sleeping Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     310
Gil:    225
Item/s: Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion

Notes: Quite nimble (hard to hit). 


HP:       45,000           Location: Bikanel Island    
Strength: 30             Immunities: Zombie, Petrification, Confusion, 
Magic:    28                         Berserk, Provoke, Threaten, Slow, KO
Steal:    Shadow Gem
Bribe:    450,000 - 675,000 Gil, Winning Formula

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Earthquake, Swallow, Regurgitate
AP:     3,000
Gil:    1,000
Item/s: Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Stunner

Notes: none


HP:       12,750           Location: Sanubia Desert
Strength: 25             Immunities: Power Break, Confusion, Provoke, 
Magic:    1                          Silence, Darkness, Slow, Zombie
Steal:    Musk
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |   O   |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Seed Burst
AP:     1,080
Gil:    336
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Al Bhed Potion

Notes: none.


HP:       1,950            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 35             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hypello Potion
Bribe:    19,500 - 29,250 Gil, Hypello Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Bash
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Use Armor Break to destroy its strong defense.


HP:       200              Location: Kilika                    
Strength: 13             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Smoke Bomb
Bribe:    2,000 - 3,500 Gil, Smoke Bomb

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Dive
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Hard to hit.


HP:       1,000            Location: Calm Lands
Strength: 28             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Dream Powder
Bribe:    10,000 - 15,000 Gil, Dream Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: none


HP:       600              Location: Mt. Gagazet
Strength: ?              Immunities: ?
Magic:    ?                          
Steal:    Grenade
Bribe:    6,000 - 9,000 Gil, Dragon Scale

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     880
Gil:    400
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       600              Location: Djose Highroad
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    19                         
Steal:    Antarctic Wind
Bribe:    6,000 - 9,000 Gil, Arctic Wind

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       | O |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Blizzard
AP:     96
Gil:    186
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       400              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 20             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Sleep Powder
Bribe:    4,000 - 6,000 Gil, Sleeping Powder

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     600
Gil:    384
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: Nimble.


HP:       300,000          Location: Training Arena
Strength: n/a            Immunities: All
Magic:    n/a                        
Steal:    Stamina Spring
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Paean of Heavens
AP:     8,000
Gil:    0
Item/s: Amulet, Ductile Rod, Power Ring

Notes: Very powerful hard to hit and a huge amount of HP.


HP:       4,080            Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 1              Immunities: Zombie, Poison, Magic Break, Confusion,
Magic:    25                         Berserk, Silence, Darkness
Steal:    Ether
Bribe:    40,800 - 61,600 Gil, Turbo Ether

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Fira, Pollen
AP:     1,660
Gil:    530
Item/s: Magic Sphere, Alert Shield

Notes: counters with Pollen.


HP:       450              Location: Mushroom Rock Road
Strength: 1              Immunities: none
Magic:    17                         
Steal:    Electro Marble
Bribe:    4,500 - 6,750 Gil, Lightning Marble

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       | O |

Skills: Thunder
AP:     48
Gil:    100
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       ?                Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: ?              Immunities: ?
Magic:    ?                         
Steal:    ?
Bribe:    ?, Amulet

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: ?
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: ?


HP:       ?                Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: ?              Immunities: ?
Magic:    ?                         
Steal:    ?
Bribe:    ?, X-Potion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: ?
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: ?


HP:       56,000           Location: Omega Ruins
Strength: 13             Immunities: none
Magic:    38                        
Steal:    Farplane Wind
Bribe:    560,000 - 840,000 Gil, Megalixir x14

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |   O   | O |

Skills: Haste, Mana Focus, Emblem of Fate, Dispel, Death, Pharaoh’s Curse
AP:     19,500
Gil:    1,780
Item/s: Mana Sphere, Shapeshifter, Halberd, Lv. 2 Key Sphere

Notes: Cast haste on your party also to catch up with its speed.


HP:       255              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 20             Immunities: none
Magic:    21                         
Steal:    ?
Bribe:    2,550 - 3,825 Gil, Silver Hourglass

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Breath
AP:     48
Gil:    120
Item/s: Power Sphere

Notes: It has a strong Armor.


HP:       360              Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 13             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    3,600 - 5,400 Gil, Poison Fang

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     480
Gil:    284
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Aerial.


HP:       315              Location: Besaid
Strength: 3              Immunities: none
Magic:    15                         
Steal:    Fish Scale  
Bribe:    3,150 - 4,725 Gil, Water Gem

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |     O     |       |   |
  +   |      |           |   O   |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       | O |

Skills: ?
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: none


HP:       390              Location: Mi’ihen Highroad
Strength: 1              Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Zombie, 
Magic:    22                         Petrification
Steal:    Antarctic Wind
Bribe:    3,900 - 5,850 Gil, Arctic Wind

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       | O |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Blizzard
AP:     40
Gil:    96
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       22,222           Location: Inside Sin
Strength: 1              Immunities: Confusion, Berserk, Provoke, Threaten,
Magic:    24                         Sleep, Silence, Darkness, Slow, KO, 
Steal:    Farplane Shadow            Petrification, Poison, All Breaks
Bribe:    222,220 - 333,330 Gil, Farplane Wind

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |  O   |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |   O   |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Doom, Death
AP:     6,200
Gil:    2,140
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       2,700            Location: Macalania Road
Strength: 26             Immunities: Poison, Sleep
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Hi-Potion
Bribe:    27,000 - 40,500 Gil, Megalixir

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     780
Gil:    440
Item/s: Ability Sphere

Notes: Nimble.


HP:       3,700            Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 43             Immunities: Berserk, Provoke, Threaten, Sleep,
Magic:    38                         Silence, Darkness, KO, Zombie,
Steal:    Holy Water                 Petrification, Poison, Power/Magic/
Bribe:    ?                          Armor Breaks, Confusion

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Cannons
AP:     ?
Gil:    ?
Item/s: ?

Notes: Heal after it uses the powerful single cannon.


HP:       300              Location: Kilika                    
Strength: 1              Immunities: Poison, Sleep, Darkness, Zombie, 
Magic:    18                         Petrification
Steal:    Electro Marble
Bribe:    3,000 - 4,500 Gil, Lightning Marble

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |     O     |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |           |       | O |

Skills: Thunder
AP:     18
Gil:    66
Item/s: Mana Sphere

Notes: none.


HP:       6,200            Location: Zanarkand Ruins
Strength: 34             Immunities: KO, Zombie, Petrification, Poison, 
Magic:    1                          All Breaks, confusion, Berserk, 
Steal:    Holy Water                 Threaten, Sleep, Silence
Bribe:    ?

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |  O   |           |   O   |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: *Thrust Kick*
AP:     3,200
Gil:    1,080
Item/s: Hi-Potion

Notes: none.


HP:       900              Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Strength: 26             Immunities: none
Magic:    1                          
Steal:    Soft       
Bribe:    9,000 - 13,500 Gil, Petrify Grenade

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       | O |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |  O   |     O     |   O   |   |

Skills: Physical Attack
AP:     1,620
Gil:    480
Item/s: Speed Sphere

Notes: Nimble and hard to hit.


HP:       18,000           Location: Bikanel Island
Strength: 37             Immunities: Petrification, Confusion, Provoke, 
Magic:    35                         Sleep, KO, Zombie
Steal:    Smoke Bomb
Bribe:    180,000 - 270,000 Gil, Skill Sphere

        Fire   Lightning   Water  Ice
x 1.5 |      |           |       |   |
  +   |      |           |       |   |
  /   |      |           |       |   |
 1/2  |      |           |       |   |

Skills: Sonic Boom
AP:     1,800
Gil:    1,200
Item/s: Power Sphere, Al Bhed Potion, Bright Bangle

Notes: Aerial thus, hard to hit.


                                GAMEPLAY TIPS

1. When you see a save point or given a chance to save, do save your game. 
You wouldn’t know what’s in store for you ahead. 

2. Always stock up on important items such as Potions so that when you need 
to heal and you don’t have MPs anymore, you can always have something to turn 

3. Always try to move through the Sphere Grid so that your characters will 
have more abilities and they will also be much more powerful in the future 

4. Always remember the Elements. Use Magic attacks opposite the element of 
the enemy in order to deal maximum damage.

5. Talk to people. Sometimes, they give valuable information and even items.

6. Search every nook and cranny to discover hidden (and sometimes powerful) 

                          FINAL FANTASY X SOUNDTRACK

As with the previous final fantasies, one person comes into mind. Nobuo 
Uematsu. He is the brilliant composer of the songs for the Final Fantasy 
Series and FFX is no exception. So far, I don’t have the main soundtrack (4 
discs). But I have the Feel/Go Dream, Yuna&Tidus Album, which contains 
vocals/instrumentals for some of the FF Music. You’ll find the Suteki Da Ne 
(Literally translated as “Isn’t it lovely”. I’ll try to get hold of all sound 
tracks for this game since I find them better than the previous FFs. The next 
best sound track from FFX would be FF8, though.

a. Final Fantasy X Original Sound Track

I just bought an original copy of the original sound track. It cost me quite 
a lot but it’s worth it. Here are the 91 tracks in the 4 disc set. Also, 
forgive me for some of the names since I can’t read kanji that much and I do 
not know most meanings for Japanese words. But I’ll try to convert it to 
English as much as I can. But any help will be greatly appreciated. ^_^ 

Disc 1
Track #  Title
  1      Zenbu Hanashite Okitainda (speech from Tidus)
  2      Zanarukando nite (from Zanarkand?)
  3      Pureryuudo (Prelude)
  4      Tiida no tiimu (Tidus’ Theme)
  5      Otherworld (Cool song. This is the one where Tidus plays for the 
         Zanarkand Abes and then Sin comes along. ^_^)
  6      Isoge! (Hurry!)
  7      Kore wa omae no monogatari da! (This is your story)
  8      Fukime (Uneasiness)
  9      Noomaru Batoru (Normal Battle)
  10     Shyouri no fanfaaru (Fanfare)
  11     Geemu oobaa (Game Over)
  12     Yume mo kibou mo arimasen (No Hopes No Dreams)
  13     Kurayaku (Secret Dealings)
  14     Kaitei Iseki (Deep Sea Ruins)
  15     Chii wa Arubedo zoku (I’m from Al Bhed) 
  16     Teki Osou (Enemy Attack)
  17     Burittsu ni Kaketa Otokotatsu (Gambling Men in Blitzball)
  18     Bisaido Shima (Besaid Island)
  19     Supira no Nasakei (Spirian Scenery)
  20     Inori no uta (Song of Prayer)
  21     Gensou (Illusion)
  22     Tamene no Aida (The Room of Trials)
  23     Inori no uta - Varufaaru (Song of Prayer - Valefor)
  24     Shoukan (Summoning)
  25     Ooshoukanshi no Musume (The Great Summoner’s Daughter)
  26     Oyasumi (Good Night)

Disc 2
Track #  Title
  1      Yuuna no Teema (Yuna’s Theme)
  2      Mougo (Move)
  3      Ikai Okuri (Send to a different world)
  4      Arashi no zen no Shizukesa (The Calm Before the Storm)
  5      Inori no uta - Ifuriito (Song of prayer - Ifrit)
  6      Ruka (Luca)
  7      Maika (Grand Maester Mika)
  8      Fudo no I (Bad Idea)
  9      The Splendid Performance
  10     Tai ? (Confrontation)
  11     Blitz Off
  12     Aaron no Teema (Auron’s Theme)
  13	   Mihen Machi Michi (Mi’ihen Highroad)
  14     Burasu de Chokobo (Brass de Chocobo)
  15     Ryokou Koushi (Travel Agency)
  16     Ryokou wo Kyokashimasu (Permission to Travel)
  17     Shiimoa no Teemu (Seymour’s Theme)
  18     ? yami (Twilight)
  19     Jooze Jiin (Djose Temple)
  20     Inori no Uta - Ikushion (Song of Prayer - Ixion)
  21     Shipaafu Noruu? (Ride the Shoopuf?)
  22     Ryukku no Teema (Rikku’s Theme)
23 Guado Saramu (Guado Salam)

Disc 3
Track #  Title
  1      Kimi Hei Hara (Thunder Plains)
  2      Jekuto no Teema (Jecht’s Theme)
3 Makaraanya no Mori (Macalania Forest)
  4      Kiri Umi (Mist Ocean)
  5      Jiin Gaku Tai (The Temple Band)
  6      Shiimoa no yabou (Seymour’s Ambition)
  7      Inori no uta - Shiva (Song of Prayer - Shiva)
  8      ?ri kuru monotachi (Advance!)
  9      Shakunetsusekinatsu no sabaku (Red Hot Desert)
  10     Kiki (Crisis)
  11     Asu kasareta (Truth has been revealed)
  12     Hasshin! (Take Off)
  13     Kekkonshiki (Marriage)
  14     ? (Raid)
  15     Higeki (Tragedy)
  16     Watashi wa ?ru (I can Fly)
  17     ? (The road to Atonement)
  18     Inori no uta ~ Bahamuuto (Song of prayer - Behemoth)
  19     ??no toki (The Time for Deliberation is over)
  20     ? wo ? meta Otoko (That man murdered my father)
21 Suteki dane (Isn’t it Lovely)

Disc 4
Track #  Title
  1      Yuuna no ?? (Yuna’s Decision)
  2      Ruuruu no Teema (Lulu’s Theme)
3 ?mashiku?me (We Must Advance in Valor)
  4      Inori no uta -Youjinbou (Song of Prayer - Yojimbo)
  5      Kyokuhoku no tami (The people of the far north)
  6      Inori no uta - Ronzo (Song of Prayer - Ronso)
  7      Samayoi no honoo (?’s Flame)
8 Itsuka ?waru yume (One day this dream of ours will end)
9 Inori no uta - Yuunaresuka (Song of Prayer - Yunalesca)
  10     Chousen (Challenge)
  11     Sinen no Hateni ? (To the end of this horrid abyss)
  12     ? (Disconsolateness)
  13     Inori no uta - Supira (Song of Prayer - Spira)
  14     Shibito ga Warau (The Beraved Laughs)
  15     Shiimoa batoru (Seymour Battle)
  16     Inori no uta - Anima (Song of Prayer - Anima)
  17     ? Batoru (Battle against the summoned beasts)
  18     Kessen (Deciding Battle)
  19     Ending Theme
  20     Omoi dashite kudasai
  21     Suteki dane - Orchestra Version -

Translations are contributed by none other than Kathleen Tan. ^_^

b. Feel/Go Dream Yuna&Tidus

This has a nice cover art of a drawn Yuna. Tidus is at the back. (for a pic 
you may go to my website and go to the Final Fantasy X section). This 
contains 10 tracks all in all.

Track 1:  Feel/Yuna (Mayuko Aoki)
Track 2:  Go Dream/Tidus (Masakazu Morita)
Track 3:  Endless Love Endless Road/Yuna & Tidus (Mayuko Aoki & Masakazu 
Track 4:  Feel (Instrumental)
Track 5:  Go Dream (Instrumental)
Track 6:  Endless Love Endless Road (Instrumental)
Track 7:  (Suteki Da Ne) “Isn’t it lovely”
Track 8:  Utikisama ? (I don’t know what this means)
Track 9:  Pure Heart
Track 10: (Suteki Da Ne) (Instrumental)

c. Lyrics

Suteki Da Ne
“Isn’t It Lovely”
Music: Nobuo Uematsu
Lyrics by: Kazushige Nojima
Arrangement: Shiro Hamaguchi
Kaze ga yoseta kotobani
Oyoida kokoro
Kumo ga hakobu ashita ni
Hazunda koe

Tsuki ga yureru kagami ni
Furueta kokoro
Hoshi ga nagare koboreta
Yawarakai namida

Suteki da ne
Futari te wo tori aruketanara
KIMI no machi ie ude no naka

Sono mune
Karada azuke
Yoini magire
Yume miru

Kaze wa tomari kotoba wa
Yasashii maboroshi
Kumo wa yabure ashita wa
Tooku no koe

Tsuki ga nijimu kagami wo
Nagareta kokoro
Hoshi ga yurete koboreta
Kakusenai namida

Suteki da ne
Futari te wo tori aruketanara
KIMI no machi ie ude no naka

Sono kao
Sotto furete
Asa ni tokeru
Yume miru

Lyrics: Alexander O. Smith
Music & Arrangement: Nobuo Uematsu

Go now if you want it. An otherworld awaits you
Don’t you give up on it. You bite the hand that feeds you

All alone cold fields you wander
Memories of it cloud your sight
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
Lost your way a fallen knight

Hold now aim is steady. An otherworld awaits you
One thousand years, you ready? The otherworld it takes you

Go Go into the sand and the dust and the sky
Go now no better plan than to do or to die
Free me pray to the faith in the face of the light
Feed me fill me with sin now get ready to fight
You know you will
You know you will
You know you know you know you know that you will
You know you know you know you know that you will
You know you will

Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight

Hope dies and you wander. The otherworld it makes you
Dreams they rip asunder. The otherworld it hates you
Free now ride up on it. Up to the heights it takes you
Go now if you want it. An otherworld awaits you

                                  STORY FAQ


In this section, we’ll be clearing clouded storylines so I do suggest that 
you just come here to clarify certain things about the story. This will be in 
FAQ style so please bear in mind that everything here are spoilers. Thank 

1. Why does the Summoner have to die after calling the Final Aeon?

As you may know, Sin is only a shield to Yevon. Once the shield is destroyed, 
Yevon will merge with the final aeon and thus making a new one. Yevon will 
then consume the fayth (the one chosen by the Summoner) and kill the 

2. Then who is this Yevon guy?

Yevon was once a Summoner and then dark aspirations clod his conscience and 
thus he wants more power. He is the one that is inside Sin. 

3. Is Jecht really Sin?

Yes. After the final aeon has been called by Braska, Jecht presented himself 
as the fayth that will go with the final aeon into Yevon then eventually 
become Sin. 

4. Why does Sin always come back?

After Sin has been defeated, the Fayth that has been chosen by the Summoner 
will replace the destroyed one. Yevon merges with the final aeon and created 
the barrier (Sin) from the Fayth.

5. What do you mean the fayth’s dreams?

The Zanarkand of Tidus is only a dream of the Fayth living in Spira. It is a 
sort of a huge summoning so that their thoughts about a never-sleeping 
Zanarkand will come somehow close to reality, a dream. Thus, once Yevon is 
killed, they finish dreaming and their dream will simply vanish.

6. Where did the name Spira originate from?

As I’ve known, Spira means Spiral. It is because the world of Spira is in a 
Spiral of Death from Sin. Sin kills and then gets killed by a Summoner. Sin 
then is reborn and will kill anew.

7. Why to the spirits in the Farplane stand still or doesn’t talk?

The spirits that you’ll see in the Farplane are mere images or memory of the 
person. The Pyreflies create this imagery from the thoughts of the one who is 
calling and thus it is only a picture and cannot act.

8. After the Ending, did Tidus survived?

Yes he did. As you saw in the short movie after the credits, Tidus is 
released and freed. It is because he got in touch with reality, much the same 
as his father did.


******************************SPOILER WARNING********************************

                                FANTASY TRIVIA

As the 10th installment in the Final Fantasy series, the game brings about a 
lot of references to the previous Final Fantasy games and even some of the 
other squaresoft games. They might be just a resemblance or they might even 
be a comeback from the past. Nevertheless, it is good to know some facts like 
this since it will make you reminisce on the previous games.

1. Seymour looks nearly like Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Although 
Seymour isn’t as cool as Sephiroth came to be.

2. The summons are back, this time, they are called Aeons. Some made it back 
such as Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut. And some have disappeared.

3. Again, Cid appears as the Technology expert. He once again made the 
airship in the game. 

4. Chocobos made it again and was never left out ever since the second final 
fantasy (Final Fantasy II (J)). 

5. The famous Biggs and Wedge is back again, this time, a they’re blitz ball 
player. They have been seen in FF3, FF6, FF7, FF8 (as far as I remember). 
Again, to those who do not know, they are pilots in Star Wars.

6. The 3 level magic (fire, fira, firaga, etc.) made a comeback after Final 
Fantasy VIII. It is also present in another non-RPG Squaresoft game, Chocobo 

7. The game applies the same job system as in FF9 where each character has a 
specific type of job. 

8. The legendary weapon masamune makes its comeback.

                                 OTHER STUFF

It’s back! I’ll be applying these fun stuff into the guide, again, to give a 
different perspective of the game. You can learn and have fun at the same 
time. These are just minor sections of the game where gameplay doesn’t come 
into play. 


                              WORDS OF WISDOM

This section contains different statements, which are excerpts from the game. 
The statements that will be included here are those that you can learn a 
lesson from, those that we can apply in our lives, and those that touch the 
hearts of the gamers out there. Also includes simple, yet interesting 

1. “Every story must have an ending.”
   ,Auron (Luca)

2. “No matter how dark the night , morning always comes. And our journey 
begins anew.”
   ,Lulu (Djose)

3. “If there is a will, there is a way.”
   ,Captain Lucil (Moonflow)


                              SCENES OF HUMOR

This section particularly focuses on scenes that make you laugh and ease your 
seriousness in the game. One thing to remember is that this is really 
intended to be a funny scene, and it’s not a mistake.

1. When Tidus told everyone about Maester Mika. He pronounced it as Mister 
(pronounced Mayster) Maeka. 

2. Tidus mentioned Macarena instead of Macalania back at Guadosalam. 

3. After the Mi-ihen battle, Kimahri tells Tidus to be calm, so Yuna could be
calm too. Tidus invites Kimahri to try and "smile". The camera zooms in on 
Kimahri's face and shows his great effort to laugh. As if this weren't fun 
enough, Tidus ends the scene by mocking Kimahri with a not-subtitled "SAD!".

4. In the Kilika inn, talk to the kid that is running around. Talk to him and 
he’ll say, "I'm gonna be a blitzball when I grow up!"


                          FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS

1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ?

   This walkthrough/FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at 
http://WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM and at VGStrategies.about.com. You can also find an 
unaltered and updated version of this guide at the following sites:


2. How often do you update?

As long as there is a need to update and as long as I have the time to do it 
I always do it right away. I make sure all are up to date. But of course, I 
go to school and I have work so time will be very limited.

3. I want to get Anima and I have the 6 aeons (Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, 
Bahamut, and Yojimbo) but I can’t remove the seal at Baaj Temple. I can’t 
activate some of the statues. What should I do?

The 6 statues represent the cloister of trials. You’ll need to complete the 
Destruction Sphere puzzles and get the treasures from it. The 6 temples are 
Besaid, Kilika, Djose, Macalania, Bevelle, and Zanarkand. You don’t need to 
go back to Bevelle though since you already used the Destruction Sphere there 
to get out. Check out the other 5 temples. Not only will you get the 
Destruction Sphere, check out their chambers of the fayth for more.

4. How do I get the Magus Sisters Aeon?

You’ll need to go to the Remiem Temple and acquire the Flower Scepter from 
Belgemine. Then, get all the fiends from Gagazet and get the Blossom Crown 
from the Arena. Next, inside the Remiem Temple, unseal the north door to pray 
to the fayth of the Magus sisters.

5. How do I use Lulu’s Overdrive?

It’s simple, really. Just rotate the Right Analog stick as many times as you 
can until the timer goes down to 0. 

6. How do I get the extra ending you mentioned in the latter part of the 

Unfortunately, you must purchase the new Final Fantasy X International from 
Japan. It contains the continuation of the ending where Tidus’ fate had been 

7. How do I level up fast?

First, buy a Tetra Equipment (Shield, Armlet, etc.) then equip it with the 
following abilities: Triple AP, Overdrive->AP, Triple Overdrive, and Break 
Damage Limit. This is the best combination I’ve used to level up one of my 
character (Rikku). I got the Victorix weapon that already has 3 of those 
abilities (except for the Break Damage Limit). Unfortunately, I forgot which 
enemy I got it from. 

8. I cleared some nodes on the Sphere Grid but something happened to my 
characters. Their stats went down. What happened?

If you cleared a node (let’s say Strength +4), all characters that activated 
that node will lose 4 strength points. That simply means that if you clear an 
activated node, the character that activated it will be affected.  



- Super Special thanks to Squaresoft for bbringing this revolutionary game for 
the Sony Playstation 2. There’s no other game that even comes close to the 
quality of this one. Definitely the best all-time RPG game ever created.

- Very Special Thanks to my sister (leonlaai_ails@edsamail.com.ph) for 
translating the Japanese letters into Romaji (letters). I not that good in 
reading Kanji (but I’m well acquainted with Hiragana and Katakana) so she 
helped me. These are for the 2 Sound Track Songs. 

- Super Special thanks to Kathleen for thee following:
1. Al Bhed Primer List
2. Super ultra translation for the FFX International Extra Ending!
3. Character Info
4. Overdrive Lists
5. Sound Track Translations 

- Very Special thanks to Baakley@aol.com ffor the following:
1. reminding me about serious spoilers about the characters.
2. Telling me all the info I need about the Remiem Temple. 
3. Told me about the Lightning Dodging for Lulu’s celestial weapon.
4. Told me about the Cactuar Village Sidequest (for Rikku)
5. Told me how to change the Cloudy Mirror into the Celestial Mirror.
6. Additions to Fantasy Trivia.
7. Correction on the Fantasy Trivia Section.
8. For telling me about Valefor’s second Overdrive.
9. For lots of Boss Battle contributions (check the Walkthrough). 

- Special thanks Joy L Clark (djjclark@junno.com) for a detailed info on how 
to beat the goers in the first match.

- Special thanks to Gerald Villoria (geralld@gamespot.com) for telling me that 
you can get a Moon Ring if you donate 10,000 Gil at the highroad.

- Special thanks to Lam aka Silpheed_EX (kkei@gmx.ch) for the Tip against 
Seymour in your first battle with him.

- Special thanks to Hunter (hunter@intrex..net) for reminding me about the 
difference of the FF9 Job System and the Sphere Grid. Also, for telling me 
more about Wedge.

- Special thanks to TooSkillful4U@aol.com  for the strategy against Yu Yevon.

- Special thanks to John Hollein (mogas5011@yahoo.com) for the neat Potion 
acquirement at S.S. Liki.

- Special thanks to Ballance04@aol.com forr giving me information about the Al 
Bhed Clue #1.

- Special thanks to Matthew Cotnoir (andunnaphel@earthlink.net) for telling me 
that it is possible to beat the first blitz ball match against the Luca 

- Special thanks to Raynier Martinez (rmarrtinez@link.com) for sending in a 
strategy against Yunalesca.

- Special thanks to Lord Sagacyte (jpinto@@gye.satnet.net) for sending in a 
cool Scene of Humor (#3).

- Special thanks to BLAH sdfgs (bsdfgs@yahhoo.com) for the Phoenix Down 
strategy against Evrae Altana.

- Special thanks to Mark Lykins (zombie1955@hotmail.com) for sending in a 
strategy against the Sanctuary Keeper.

- Special thanks to Arctae (arctae@pobox.ccom) for informing about the first 
save sphere after sinspawn ammes.

- Special thanks to "John Adkins" FFFanatiic (johnadkins16@hotmail.com) for 
Rikku’s Godhand and Wakka’s Jupiter Sigil.

- Special thanks to David Vargas Lopez (tnnjc609@msn.com) for the Biran and 
Yenke steal info.

- Special thanks to Ed Haynicz (hitmaned@hhotmail.com) for the chest info at 
the Butterfly Catching game.

- Special thanks to Squall_Strife25 (tammyylbaldwin@prodigy.net) for his 
contribution for the Scenes of Humor.

- Special thanks to Vegeta615282@aol.com ffor sending in a strategy against 
the Sanctuary Keeper.

- Special thanks to omegavii (omegavii@yahhoo.com) for the following:
1. Great Malboro additional location
2. Customizing with No Encounters Ability
3. Correction to Valefor’s Second Overdrive

- Special thanks to senator flagg (senatorrflagg@hotmail.com) for the new 
variation in Yu Yevon’s strategy.

- Special thanks to White Ninja (whit309@iicqmail.com) and to Jon's Final 
Fantasy Homepage at http://come.to/jfinalfantasy or 
http://jfinalfantasy.come.to for the Soft Reset Tip.

- Special thanks to Mike (goten_4ssj@hotmaail.com) for filling in the missing 
Al Bhed Primer letters.

- Special thanks to Matt DeCicca (wizard155_2000@hotmail.com) for sending in a 
strategy against Sin.

- Special thanks to agcanvasproject@msn.coom for the Seymour Flux strategy.

- Special thanks to Wajima Shigeru (indy@dd3.dion.ne.jp) for sending in his 
version of the Sound Track Translation. 

- Special thanks to MarcJaxon@aol.com for  sending info on the Al Bhed Clues.

- Special thanks to TempestStarion@aol.comm for sending contributions for the 

1. Different Blitz Ball scouts
2. For telling me how to get Jecht shot if you missed for the first time
3. For the Avenger Overdrive Mode

- Special thanks to Kenny (Installer1111@aaol.com) for sending in a new 
Overdrive Mode.

- Special thanks to Adam Saunders (bb_endeer@yahoo.ca) for sending in a 
strategy for Seymour Omnis.

- Thanks to Alex Hoong-Ming Hew (alexhoonggminghew@hotmail.com) for reminding 
me about my error at the e-mail policy.

- Thanks to "Yo' Mama" (eidon57@yahoo.com)) for correcting a spelling error at 

- Thanks to my Mom and Sis for waiting pattiently for me to finish my session 
of gaming. (They’re waiting for me so that they can watch TV)

- And last but absolutely not the least, tthanks to GameFAQs where you can 
and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given to 
him. Congratulations!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. If I happen to forget 
anyone, please inform me. I’ll check it out on my inbox if you really have 
something to be credited (I never delete important ones). Note, that if there 
are same info sent to me, it is on a first come first serve basis. Any 
suggestions, comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once 
you’ve submitted one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top 
of this Walkthrough/FAQ.  Thank you very much!

                             Final Fantasy X(tm)
              is a registered trademark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

                    Playstation 2(tm) and its accessories
      are registered trade marks of Sony Computer Entertainment America

                     The Final Fantasy X Walkthrough/FAQ
                                (Part 2 of 2)
                           Copyright January 2002
                                 “A”  Tadeo

    Source: geocities.com/william_0021au