Choosing Your Anole
When you purchase your Anole, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when choosing which one(s).  Here is a detailed list of what to look for.

What Gender is The Anole?
When buying your Anole, be sure that you know the gender of it.  The male can most easily be determined by their DEWLAP, a small skin fan that is bunched up underneath the Anole's head (See Picture Above).  The males will show their DEWLAP if threatened, or as a mating dance.  The females generally have a smaller head, and lack a DEWLAP.  Never mix two males, because they will fight, and usually to the death.  You can have multiple females with a male, but not multiple males.

What is Its Health Condition?
Make sure the Anole is in good health condition.  Check the eyes, and make sure they are not foggy or sunken, and do not purchase an Anole with an eye that never opens.  Make sure the Anole is not injured (broken claws, crooked tail)  Be sure that the Anole is also active, but be aware if it is their sleeping time also.  Anoles are only awake during daylight.

What Age is It?
Try to purchase the youngest Anole, for it will generally live longer.   The older Anoles tend to be larger, and less active.

If your Anole passes all of these guidlines, then it should make a healthy, happy pet.  And good luck with a name, it takes awhile.
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Male Green Anole
Male Green Anole showing off his dewlap...