Breeding for Anoles, typically happens in the spring months, and usually carries on into the summer.  Breeding will first start out with mating, when the male shows off his dewlap and chases the female around until "captured" (See picture above).  In this time, the Female will lay several clutches of single eggs, approximately every 2 weeks.  They will typically lay them under a piece of wood, or slightly bury them.  They commonly lay 10 eggs total.

If you discover an egg in the enclosure, immediatley remove it,  (Carefully and Delicately) and put in a incubating container.  If the egg is allowed to hatch inside the enclosure, chances are it will become food for the parents.

To incubate the eggs, place them in a container (
See Pic. Below) and bury them in a layer of moistened vermiculite. (use 1/2 water 1/2 vermiculite by weight)  The eggs should be buried just underneath the surface.  Cover the container and punch some holes for ventilation.  The container can then be placed back in the enclosure, but not in direct light, or near heat pads. (no heat rocks :)when maintained at a temperature of about 85F, the eggs should hatch in 35-40 days.

Hatchlings should be placed in their own enclosure, much like their parents, and must be fed small food like pinhead crickets.  After the hatchlings mature, and grow larger, they can be placed in the adult's enclosure.  Be sure not to have more than one male.  It is usually okay if it is a fairly large tank, but it's not recommended.
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Maintain at Temperature
of about
Male showing off his dewlap