Some people can’t see their life, I can.
My life has pretty blue eyes, Bouncing blonde curls,
and soft ivory skin. Outside playing in the sand box,
I watch from a far as she shovels the dirt in a bucket and pours it back out. Oh there is my blue eyed, Blonde hair life.

Some people can’t see their life, I can.
My life has pretty blue eyes, Bouncing blonde curls.
And soft ivory skin. Playing in the bathtub, splashing water, smiling and laughing. I watch a far while she makes bubbles under the water. Oh there is my blue eyed, blonde hair life.

Some people can’t see their life, I can.
My life has pretty blue eyes, Bouncing blonde curls.
And soft ivory skin. Curled up in her bed, sucking on her thumb holding on to Mr. bear so tight.
I watch from a far as she drifts off to dream world.
Oh there is my blue eyed, blonde hair life.