Archimedes Revenge

It has come to pass that man in his time has had many comings.  Being
 a selfish and greedy creature, he soon uses his skills and intelligence
 to exploit the world around him to the extent of obliterating
 himself.  As it was, so it has again come to be...It is now the year
 2438 ad, a mere 123 years after the great cataclysm.  Man in his
 foolishness has once again used his inventions to destroy all of civ-
 ilization.  He had by this time grown so dependent on technology
 that he was unable to rebuild his life.  In the chaos that ensued ma-
 ny died, but for some there was the light of renewal.  The wisdom
 of faith, the balance of nature and the knowledge of magic.  The
 ancient Gods long thought of as myth and fairy tale began to grow
 from the abyss of forgotten belief.  Among the first to return were
 the brothers Castor and Pollux, the fabled twins of Gemini.
 Though the ruin was great there was much of earth to be saved.
 Pollux took his great hands and gathered the shattered continents
Though the ruin was great there was much of earth to be saved.
 Pollux took his great hands and gathered the shattered continents
 together into a new mass called Pangea.  Castor then populated it
 with fabulous creatures and wondrous cities, fueled by the one
 time fairy tales and fictional stories of a lost era. Soon other Gods
 came and added their power and special touches to the rebirth of
 the earth.  They all then vowed in the hope that this time it will be
 different.  That man will not forget the old once ways, and keep
 the earth alive with magic.

History of Pangea as quoted from


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