Lina and Gourry             Shrine
Since I've made a shrine to Zel and Amelia, I thought it was time to make a shrine to my second favorite Slayers couple, Lina and Gourry.


Lina is a rather bossy person who perfers having things done her way.  She is also well known for going on a whim and taking things as they come to her without planning ahead.  For Lina, she would need a guy who was is very easy going and doesn't mind being bossed and ordered around.  This guy should also enjoy being unpredictabel and just take life as it comes.  Gourry is the man that fits all of these requirements and I for
one couldn't pick a better match for the bandit killer.

Gourry is a guy who would want a girl to explain just about everything to him.   She would also have to be a person that likes to wander the countryside without a goal or a plan in mind.  It would also help if this girl had the same giant appetite as Gourry does.  In this case, Lina would be the perfect choice!


-Whenever the group sperates, Lina and Gourry usually stick with each other.

- In a battle, Lina and Gourry can tell what the other one is thinking, like in the fight with Halciform.

-Lina was quite upset and depressed when Gourry was kidnapped by Hellmaster.

-At the end of Try, these two are seen walking off together as the credits roll.

- Gourry did say that he would protect Lina for the rest of his life in Next.

-BIGGEST PROOF- They kissed at the end of Next!!

                           LINA AND GOURRY FOREVER!!

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