Chores can be an oblivious task that seems to be a waste of time. Although you may feel that it is a waste of time, it should not be regarded as such. Your movements and action around the HS and with other kajirae enhance your position in the Home Stone. Your goal is always to bring honor and respect to the HS. Remember to make your chores fun and enjoyable. Doing them with your kajirae and kajiri could bring those of the Home closer together. Be creative and don't be afraid to throw things in to add a little spice to your work. Everyone kajirae/kajiri must do chores everyday unless given a leave of the chore duty by your Master or Mistress. A kajirae/kajiri may be excused from chores if they have been busy serving Master or Mistress or Their guests. There are certain chores that must be done daily.

Shine Master’s Boots:
All the Masters' boots taken and shined (if They are wearing the boots at the time ask to shine them). Owned slaves will shine their own Master’s boots.

Pick Flowers:
Fresh flowers picked for Free Women’s bedsides and around the Home Stone.

Pick up dishes:
Picking up the dishes scattered around the HS. Check around each room of the HS where Free Persons were served.

Preparing the menu:
The girl assigned to this chore, will write out a list of the foods that will be prepared on that day, including a morning, afternoon and evening meal. She may also include the beverages or special treats that have been made.

Cook a Meal:
A *meal* needs to be cooked by a kajirae/kajiri each day.

Bake Bread:
There should be fresh bread made daily. The only thing to remember in difference to Earth ways is vulvo eggs are much smaller so use more.

Make pastries:
Just like on Earth, make a dough and fill with sweet surprises such as ramberry preserves. They can be backed on a stone over a cooking fire. For more suggestions on this chore please see the section on food and drink.

Prepare fresh juices:
Squeeze fresh juices and mix placing them in the coolery Use larma, ram berries, Ka-la-na, Ta-grapes, Tospit (add sugar and make drink like lemonade).

Check kettles:
Check kettles to be sure they are full. Hot water is needed throughout the Home Stone for various uses. Add any water or blackwine needed. Once in awhile, take them all to the servery and give them a good washing out.

Make Blackwyne:
You need to get the beans and grind them. You need to place the ground beans onto a cheese cloth. Tie the cheese cloth shut and place it into the freshly cleaned kettles. Add fresh water and return to the hearth.

Making ka-la-na, paga:
the girl will need to make certain that the still is in good working condition. Ka-la-na is made from the fruit of the ka-la-na. Paga comes from grain. Sul paga is made from sul. To make the wines, you need to add sugar and allowed to ferment. The liquid produced from the fermentation goes through the still and drips into a pail. The wine is then place into a clean botas and stored in the coolery or by the hearth, depending if cold or hot wine is served.

Making slavewyne:
First you must gather sip root. You will then seep it in ka-la-na for a long time. Do not burn. Cool it and store it in botas away from the wines in the coolery. Should be stored in the storage area, so it is available for when the Master requests it.

is made and prepared ahead of time and is constantly in stock simmering over a low fire. This should be checked and changed often for freshness.

Maintain rep cloths:
Rep cloths gathered, washed and replaced throughout the HS.

Replenish the coolery:
the girl needs to look in the coolery and see what is missing, then goes to fetch it or make fresh. Things to look for are milk, butter, eggs and juice. Rotate the stock for freshness. Spoiled items are given to the tarn or sleen. There is much room for creativity when doing this chore.

Refill botas:
A girl gathers the empty botas that held juice, water, kalana or paga, wash them and refill them. After they have been filled, they should be returned to where they will be used, the paga botas to the warming pegs, the juice to the coolery.

Making botas:
botas are really bladders. Get a skin from the shed and sterilize it. Then rub it carefully with a rock or blunt stick until it is soft and pliant (be careful not to rip the skin). Carve a horned stopper to fit in the opening (get permission to use something to carve with), Decorate the bota with dyes.

Fill water barrels:
Using buckets she makes trips to the well, carrying the water to be placed in a water barrel inside the coolery. And in the servery area. The water in the coolery must be strained for use as drinking water and water for cooking. The water in the servery doesn’t have to be strained but can be. It is used for dishes and for cleaning.

Clean sitting furs:
First, gather the furs about the sitting fire, then hang and beat them or shake them with all your might. This is a very tiring chore but also has room for some creativity. After they are cleaned they should, of course, be returned neatly for the gathering of the Free later.

Cleaning the ashes from the hearth:
Using a bucket, she places the ashes into the bucket and carries them out to the garden. Spread the ashes around the plants for nutrients. Sweep out the hearth, and replenish the wood supply or bosk dung for using in the hearth. The fire should not be allowed to go out at any time.

Replenishing the wood supply from the wood pile:
When the wood supply at the hearth is low, one can bring in more wood from the wood pile behind the Home Stone.

Pick up debris:
A simple chore. Move around the Home Stone and pick up bits of trash and dirt that has dropped to the tiles. It is important to keep the Home Stone clean for Master entertains often.

The Servery:
There are always dishes to be done, and the servery to be kept clean. Goblets, bowls, platters, plates, tankards, etc., are to be washed and checked for flaws and then returned to the shelves. Any broken crockery is to be taken out to the box behind the servery and smashed so it is not useable. The counters need to be scrubbed, and cleaned.

Sweeping the floors:
The floor is to be swept out and washed down. This includes the sleeping chambers. Floors will be scrubbed upon a girl’s knees.

Refilling Torches:
There are torches around the Home Stone. These must be kept filled with oil so that they do not go out. The oil is kept in small casks in the storage room.

Maintaining Master’s Bath:
The bathing chamber is available for the HS Masters and Mistresses. It is important that kettles of water are heated on the fires outside should They wish a bath. The tub must be kept clean for Then to bathe in. It must always be ready for Their use.

Making Candles:
Tallow from the bosk and tarsk, (scented with talender and flaminium oils for the FW) can be melted and formed into candles, the wicks are made from a rope coated with tallow. Candles are always something that can be used.

Making bandages:
find rags in good shape (don't use the silk ones though), wash them, then rip them into long strips, then boil them so they're sterile, dry them and then roll them up and store them in the storage area.

Making healing salve:
this is a combination of kanda leaf and brak bush, cooked with bosk lard and then packaged in small vials. Store in a medicine area in the storage room.

Make soap:
Again this would be done as you would on Earth, and you might add herbs for scent or oils and perhaps even coloring. You may also wish to get creative with your shapes.

This is done with the use of a flat stone, with a handle of course, that is heated over the fire. You will place the item to be ironed over a flat rock, heat the iron then go to it.

Making needles.
Take the bits of bone, sharpen and carve them. At one end be sure to make an eye.

A sewing kit is available in the storage room for sewing and mending.

Distribute ironing and mending:
return the newly ironed and mended clothing to their rightful Master’s chamber or to the Mistresses’ chambers or to the kennels.

Baskets and rugs are needed. Reeds are kept in the barn storage area to be used for weaving. Reeds are collected along the river bank, during the fall when the reed are dried. Use your creativity.

Weaving cloth:
(i.e. different color silks/veils for dances, blankets, cloth for Masters' tunics and FWs' robes) threads, yarns are in the storage area. You must warp up the loom (that's putting the thread/yarn on) and then you weave by going under and over each string, you use a shuttle to push what you have woven tightly together (pull on the shuttle every few rows) -- the design can be as intricate as you wish -- when you have finished the piece, you must tie off the ends and then cut it from the loom (you'll need permission to use a quiva to cut it off the loom).

Sew new slave tunics:
occasionally, new tunics will be required because one is torn or ruined. Cloth is either made by the girl or is purchased from the sewing caste. Garments are made with a knot at the left shoulder. A rope or binding ties at the waist. The skirt portion is not long and the garment is straight. Slits on the sides of the skirt are left there to allow for the brand to show or to allow for the girls thigh to show off for her Master.

Maintenance of dance pit:
Check sand pit, looking for things in the sand. Inspect the pole making sure it is smooth no splinters. Then polish and/or Oil the pole.

Make Cheese: Remove some of the milk from the vat and move to the cheese vat. Take it to the fires, adding the starter and cook until curds start to form. Then add rennet and any flavorings your Master/Mistress may like. Cook until it's the right consistency then drain. Wrap it in cheesecloth, tying if possible so it doesn't fall open.
Set it in coolery to age.

Beading, making earrings, belly chains, bracelets, binas:
beads, wires, chains, etc., are kept a storage room. Use your imagination, make them as intricate or as plain as you wish. To use the gold, silver or jewels, one must ask a Free Person if it is allowed. These items would be used only to prepare jewelry for a free person. The gold and silver has to be melted and poured into a mold or beaten into shape.

Making rope and twine:
rope and twine is made from fibers, such as come from rep cloth or from hair, they can either be braided into rope or rolled into twine

Churn Butter:
First, skim off the cream from the milk vat. Pour it into the butter churn and begin to churn it by pumping the handle up and down. As you pump it, it will start to feel thick and will be harder to move the handle. Eventually you will feel a ball of butter in the churn. Take that butter and press it into a mold. Pour off the whey or buttermilk and put the butter in the coolery. Take a pitcher, with a rep cloth over it, pour in the buttermilk and take out any lumps, storing it in the coolery.

Making purses, boots, etc. from leather:
leather is found in the storage room. Make a pattern then cut out the leather (get permission to use scissors or a quiva). Sew the leather. You may then tool a design (tooling means cutting slightly into the leather to make the design, get permission to use a small quiva). Dye the leather with a design or leave it plain. Make boots and decorate the leather stitching leather.

Sewing leathers for Masters:
Masters should be measured for the leathers (get their waist, hip size and inseam). Make the pattern, cut out the leathers (leather is in the storage shed. You need to get permission to use a quiva. Sew the leather, stitching leather with a sewing needle.)

Weeding the pathways:
Check for rocks and other sharp objects. Pull any unsightly weeds along the path.

Cleaning the kennels:
The furs need to be taken out, beaten and replaced. Floors need to be swept and washed down. Feeding bowls of all kajirae need to be taken to servery and cleaned then replaced. Fresh water needs to be brought to the water bins and bowls.

Gather Herbs:
This chore is a bit more difficult and requires a bit more creativity. Here you can walk about the garden or maybe along the stream bed and gather the herbs that will be used in healing and for cooking. We would use similar ones as here on Earth.

Maintain flower beds:
Weed the flower beds and pull all stray weeds. Manicure the flowers as needed. Plant new flowers when old flowers are found to be dying or diseased. Water the flowers and check the fountains for stray contents.

Replace Soaps:
Soaps replaced that are used by the Masters’ or Mistresses’ (kajirae/kajiri may used the old soaps).

Gathering switches to make canes whipping):
there is a stand of birch on the parimeter of Home Stone. Cut long, supple sticks from the birch (get permission to use a quiva). Tie them into bundles and store them in the shed.

Clean game killed:
This will require a few steps. First hang the carcass upon hooks out in the shed. Remove the horns; if the Free who killed the game are around, ask if They would like the horn, if not store it away. Skin the animal carefully to keep the hide in one piece. That will take practice. Gut the animal, saving the guts for casings for sausage in a solution of water and disinfectant, then hang them to dry. Cut the meat into roasts and such, placing it in the coolery. This will require an ok from a Free to use the knives for cleaning.

Clean Fish:
This requires a few steps as well. First, scrape off the scales, then cut the head off. Cut carefully along the belly of the fish, then cut to filets. Take any of the bones and store them to dry as needles can be made of these. Filets go to the coolery, and heads and fins can be fed to the sleen. Again, will require an ok to use the tools from a Free Person.

Curing and preserving meats:
These can be hung and dried to make into jerky or smoked like ham. The can also be salted down in barrels and canned or frozen for winter use.

Washing the animals:
This is pretty much like Earth but please remember these animals are big and can be unruly. Comb down the long shaggy coats, polish and oil the hooves of the bosk.

Feeding of the animals:
All can be fed the rotting fruits and vegetables found in the coolery. The sleen and tarns can be fed any meats that have gone to waste or the leftovers of carcasses killed by the Free. Be careful when feeding the sleen and the tarns, you look like food to them just as the meat does.

Clean the barns:
This is much like Earth. The bosk need fresh straw to bed down in. Make sure you are careful when dealing with the bosk. Use a pitchfork (get permission) and clean out the old straw in the stables (put it in a pile out behind the stables for those gardening to use), then spread new straw around.

Milk the Bosk:
Get a sterile pail, and a stool, found in the barn. With thumb and forefinger, milk the bosk by pulling on the teats. Buckets are emptied in vats in the coolery.

Gathering Vulo Eggs:
Eggs must be gathered every day from the vulo coop. Use a bucket, or basket to gather the eggs from the nesting boxes and carry them to the coolery. Place into a bowl designated for eggs there.

Feeding the animals (kailla, sleens, milk bosk, etc.):
This is pretty much putting hay into their feeding troughs, though the sleen and kailla need raw meat (check the servery for scraps of meat and other refuse). Don't forget to feed the pets at the Home Stone.