
Version 1

by Becca

{Opening Scene}

the team is in the middle of a big battle, Trowa and Wufei are off to the left doing some major damage to a bunch of leo's in thier gundam's...while ....over to the right Quatre and Heero are fighting off about a dozen mobile dolls in thiers...and Duo, who is silently creeping up behind about five leo's suddenly stops his Shingaimi in it tracks...a missle, launched by a mobile doll was heading straight for a church about two hunred yards away.... he could see that there were still people in the Church who didn't get a chance to evacuate...He screams, then wastes all of the leo's in his sight before racing off to try and stop that missle.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Duo screams as he sees a missle from one of the mobile dolls heading straight twords a church that still had innocent people in it.

The other Gundam pilots hear Duo's cry and turn to see what had him so freaked out.

Heero turned on his view screen and saw that the wide eyed pilots normally cheery face, was distorted in terror and that his eye's looked like they were pleading for something. As Duo got close enough to stop the missle, he was blocked by about a half a dozen leo's and about half that in mobile dolls. Duo frantically tried to dispatch the enemy (and at the same time taking on some serious damage to his gundam and to himself) before the missle hit the church, but Just as he finished off the last leo and raced for the church, he was to late.

The missle hit the Church with great impact.

The other pilots who had been frantically dispatching Dolls and Leo's as well so that they could help Duo, whatched as the Church burst into a firery pit of flames and explosions.

"OH GOD NOOOO!!!!!" Duo said as he let out a blood curteling scream that shook the other pilots. Duo's face now was nothing more than a mask of complete terror and rememberence as the tears started to escape his eye's and he watched the Church burn to the ground, he could hear the final screams of those who were in there...and he remembered all over again.

**in a whisper that only Heero had seem to hear** "Oh God...not again" Duo said through sobs as he watched the horror of the church burinig to the ground and people taking their last ounce of breath....he remembered.

Faces I remember I still see
And places in a memory hold on to me
And i can't wait to crawl out of my shell

Heero watches the usually cheery braided haired pilot break down in the cock-pit of Deathscythe and suddely he feels his heart start to clench as the heart wrenching sounds of the oher boy fill his ears and the tears of pain, sorrow, anger, and rememberence start to flow down Duo's face. He watches as the other boy violently starts to shake and he watches as Duo cries his heart out over a past memory that has huanted him for far to long, a memory that Heero knows nothing about.

The other pilots who had dispatched the last of the leo's and dolls and who had been listening to Duo's agonizing sobs, touched down near where Heero in Wing, was standing and watching the other boy loose the last of his reserves and totally looses his composure.

As the pilots wait till thier comrade was able to fly his Gundam out of the area safely, they could hear Duo's desperate cries for an answer as to why.

"Why?....why did it happen?...why did it happen again....WHY?!!!!!" Duo said as he screamed the last part of his grief and anger filled question, when he had started out it had been at a whisper, then it grew louder and louder till the anger filled and his heart ached and he wanted to know why.

Heero closes his video monitor that showed the cock-pit of Deathscythe so that Duo can have a moment, unawear that this last battle had taken a toll on the youngman with the long chestnut braid.

Promises tell me in a thousand ways moving on forever living life thisway
And I can't wait to crawl

Heero and the others realize that it has gone quiet in the Deathscythe and figure that Duo is calming down , as he and the other pilots aproach the Gundam suit, Heero's eyes widen as he notices that the braied haired pilots gundam has taken on some serious damage and he wondered if the young pilot inside was also suffering from any damage.

Panic starts to creep up on Heero as he realizes that something seems to be wrong, the other pilots are also feeling the same way.

"Duo!?..." Heero calls to the pilot of Deathscythe, he had a hint of urgencey in his voice


Quatre was worried, Trowa could see it on his beloved's face and in his eyes. Wufei was too, for more than one reason. He was worried about his fellow pilot, but at the same time he knew that they had to get out of there before more mobile's and leo's show up.

"Duo...answer me!" Heero orders the young violet eyed pilot.


When he get's no responce he flips on his view screen again, as the picture clears of static, Heero is suddenly horrified to see that Duo is slumped over the controls of Deathscythe's cockpit and blood running down the side of his face from an obvious head wound that he hadn't noticed earlier.

"DUO!..." Heero yelled has he saw that the other boy had fallen unconscious, he frantically tore off his harness and scrambled out of his gundam.

The other pilots heard Heero yell thier comrades name and they all flipped on thier view screens to see into Deathscythe.

**Gasp** "Duo!..." Quatre exclaimed as he too tore off his harness and scambled out of his gundam to go help Heero, while Towa and Wufie kept look out for the enemy.

I can't wait at allI can't wait to crawlI can't wait anymore

Heero reaches the opening of Deathscythe, he hits the over ride panel and the door wooshes open. He peers inside the pit, where he notices that the inside looks just as bad as the outside. The cooling systems had kicked in and put out any small fires that would have started in the tiny cock-pit.

"Heero...Heero! he alright?" Quatre's frantic voice called as he had also made his way up to the door of Deathscythe.

Heero hears Quatre's frantic calls, he's a bit annoyed but knew that Quatre was only concerned for his friend and comrade.

"I'm not sure yet....stay there till i see if I will need your help to get him out!" Heero ordered the smaller blonde haired pilot, his voice was raw with anger.

"Alright..." was all Quatre said as he followed Heero's orders.

Heero reached out towords Duo, he noted the scratches that mared the delicate looking skin of the young pilot, Heero could see rhythmic breathing and that told him that Duo was alive. He unfastend Duo's harness, it surprised him that the long haired boy with chestnut colored hair was even wearing it.

"Heero...Is Duo alright? bad is he Heero?" Quatre asked, his concern for his friend our wieghed his fear of Heero's rath for asking questions while he was trying to asess the damage.

Heero, once he was able to get Duo in a postion where he could check him over better, finally answered Quatre's question as he took note of any wounds or bleeding.

"Hai...he's breathing....I'm just getting his harness off now...he's lost alot of blood from a cut on his right arm....he's got a head wound and i'm pretty danm sure he's got some cracked if not broken ribs," Heero told his fellow Gundam pilot who was waiting not quite so patiently outsideDeathscythe.

Heero wasn't quite sure when he had started to care about what happend to the long haired pilot with beautiful chestnut hair, but he did. He cared so much that it hurt and he wanted to make sure that he had the chance to tell Duo that. He wanted so much to take away his friends pain, to tell him that he dosn't have to face things alone anymore, he wanted to tell Duo so much, but that scared him, it scared him more than any war, then self-desructing, then any torture or imprisonment that he would ever have to face.

Because he, Heero Yuy was afraid that the young pilot of Deathcythe wouldn't feel the same way about him.

Sudenly both Heero and Quatre hear Trowa's voice over Duo's com link. "Hurry!....we're going to have company in less than ten minutes...mobils and dolls are coming just over the range!" Trowa told his fellow pilots, there was urgency in his voice.

Heero grabbed the com link. "Trowa...The mission isn't complete, someone has to blow that Lab!" Heero told the pilot of Heavyarms. Heero could careless about the mission at the moment, but he didn't want the deaths of those people in that church, nor the heart renching screams and sobs of his friend to be in vain.

Somewhere, somehow Heero had started to think of Duo as more than a fellow gundam pilot, he had started to think of him as a friend, and then he started to think of Duo as something more, Heero didn't know what that was yet, emotions were a mystery to him, caring and feeling for another person were all foriegn to him, he didn't know how do describe the strange ache he had in his heart or the overwhelming feelings that were coursing through his body, all he did know was that he only felt that way around The longhaird pilot with a beautiful chestnut braid that shimmerd with golden highlights. Heero knew that soon, he was going to have to figure out and confront what thease strange feelings are, the unmistakeable urges and the overwhelming sense of fear that he was expeirencing for his fellow gundam pilot.

Cause if I wait to long how am I gonna reach my destination
And now I know that time has come its all right here yeah its all so clear to me

Trowa in his gundam Heavyarms with a disbelieving look on his face that turns into a harsh scowl as he answers Heero back. "Wufei is taking care of the Lab...don't worry Heero...the mission won't be a failer" Trowa told his fellow gundam pilot, he had an air of disgust in his voice. He thought that Heero was only worried about compleating the mission and not about his fellow gundam pilot.

"Now get Duo out of there and lets go....before anyone else gets hurt!" Trowa the usually silent gundam pilot told the other boy, he was concerned for both Duo's and Quatre's well being and he knew that Quatre wouldn't get to safety till he knew Duo was alright and safe himself as well as Heero.

Heero was snapped out of his silent reverie, when he heard Trowa's normally quiet voice over the com link again, Heero could detect a hint of disgust in the other pilots voice and he knew that the usually silent gundam pilot had taken what he had said wrong, Heero mentally berated himself.

**Baka...why can't you just forget your programing and show emotion like everyone else....let people know what your them that you do care...that you do hurt....that you can love...why can't you just drop your defences and show them?** he told himself, he too was clearly disgusted with how he had sounded to the other pilots.

Trowa waits for Heero to answer him, at the same time he's worried about Quatre and hoping that he gets back into his gundam before thier attacked.

"Hai..." Was all Heero said to Trowa and that was all Trowa needed as he raced off to see how close the enemy was now.

Heero in the meantime had lifted Duo up over his left shoulder and was heading out of Deathscythe's pit, as he came twords the opening with the unconscious pilot flung over his shoulder, he could see a pair of bright wide eye's that belonged to his fellow gundam pilot Qutare, those eye's were quite worried and full of questions.

"Get back to your gundam Quatre...I'll take Duo in Wing" Heero told the smaller pilot, he could tell that he was going to protest.

"But Heero..." Quatre had started to protest, before Heero cut him off.

"We don't have time for arguing Quatre....we have to get out of do as I said and get back to your gundam....before the enemy get's go!" Heero ordered the young blonde haired pilot, he didn't mean to sound so harsh, but years of training and his worry over his fellow pilot's had caused him to sound and be harsher than he had intended.

Quatre, his face slightly stricken as Heero ordered him to get back to his gundam, nodded his head in responce, took one last look at both Duo and Heero before heading back to Sandrock.

Heero climbed off of Deathscythe with Duo, being consciously awear not to hurt the young pilot futher as he made his way over the arm of Wing and towords the cockpit of his own gundam. As Heero was about to enter into Wing's pit, He heard a deafening axplosion and knew that Wufei had completed the mission.

Quatre, seeing that Heero and Duo were safely inside Wing's cock-pit, went over to Deathscythe and with his Gundam lifted the other gundam up into theair.

"Heero....hows Duo doing?" Quatre's urgent and concerned voice came over Wing's com link.

Heero had gently laid Duo down inside Wing's pit, it was a tight squeeze and he was gratefull that the other boy was small enough to fit, making sure that he didn't injure the unconscious pilot further he gently laid him down on the floor of his gundam then he checked his pulse to make sure it was still strong and to his releif found that it was, he then made his way into the pilots seat and hit the com button.

"His pulse is strong Quatre....Duo's going to be get your butt and Duo's gundam out of here." Heero told his fellow gundam pilot, as he hit the egnition buttons and lifted Wing off of the ground. He could see that Quatre was up in the air as well with Duo's gundam, but wasn't leaving.

"Quatre...Go Now!....The last thing I need is Trowa kicking my butt cause you got hurt too!" Heero ordered the smaller blonde haired pilot, as he did that, he felt he should reasure him as well, why he felt he should he didn't know, this was all new to him.

"Don't worry Quatre....Duo and I will be right behind you...we'll meet at the safe house....Wufei and Trowa will be right behind us as well covering our backs so we can get away safely" Heero had said to the young blond haired pilot, Trowa and Wufei had also heard What Heero had told the other pilot, they both detected a strange presence in Heero's voice, something that neither of them had ever expected to hear from Heero Yuy....Compassion.

Quatre listen to what Heero had said and felt better about leaving, he took Deathscythe and headed for the destigntion they had set for them to hide-out in till things cooled off, he knew that the others would be right behindhim.

{Hours later... at the safe house....which was actually a small two bedroom cabin in the middle of nowhere}

Inside the safe house, Quatre is sitting in a chair by Duo's bed waiting for the unconscious pilot to wake up, he had a worried look on his face, although Duo's wounds turned out to not be to serious, they were serious enough to cause concern from the other pilots.

While cleaning Duo's wounds and checking for any broken bones, Quatre had found that Duo had three cracked ribs and one broken one, a fratured wrist and a head wound. The gash in his arm had lost a good amount of blood and had required stitches. Trowa, who had done the stitching was gald that Duo was still unconcious at the time, he knew how childish Duo could be about that kind of thing. Heero, who was standing in the doorway to the room, was watching the braided haird pilot and secretly hoping that he was going to be alright, he was worried about the other boy's physical state as well as his mental state, apearently so was Quatre, cause he was the first of the two to speak.

"I know what you were thinking Duo....I know what was going through your head when you saw that missle head for that church...I know how badly you wanted to stop it from hitting the chruch Duo...and I know how devistated you must have felt when you failed to stop it." Quatra said to the unconscious pilot, his voice was as always so full of passion and pain. "But musn't blame yourself for what happen to the people in that Church...there was nothing you could do about it...there wasn't anthing that you could do stop that missle from hitting that church today...and there wasn't anyhthing you could have done back then either." Quatre said as he gently and passionatly talked to his friend, he was hoping that Duo would understand what he was saying when he woke up and that he wouldn't blame himself for what had happend today.

Heero had been listening to everything Quatre had said to the unconscious boy lying on the bed and he wondered what he had meant by "there wasn't anthing you could have done back then either". Heero slowly, almost hesitaintly he walked over toword Duo's bed.

Quatre had know that Heero was there in the doorway, but he chose to ignore him and focus on Duo. That is until he heard Heero's question.

"What did you mean when you said "there wasn't anthing you could have done back then either"?... why did Duo react the way he did to that Churches destruction, to the death of the inocent people that died in that church?...why would you think that Duo would blame himself for what happend to that church today Quatre?" Heero asked the young blond haired pilot who was now staring at him with questioning big eyes.

Quatre was taken back by Heero's question **why does Heero want to know....why would he even care...Heero dons't care about anything but compleating his mission' why would he want to know why Duo reacted like he did to the destruction of that church today....what is up with's almost as if Heero might actually care about what happens to impossible...Heero Yuy...actually care about another human being....I must be exauhsted...either that or I actually died in that last battle and this is some wierd paradox ** the normally gentle and understanding blond haired pilot thought, then he looked directly at Heero, his eye's held a mixture of confusion, compassion, worry andsuspicion.

"Why do you want to know Heero?" Quatre asked, he was more than a little suspicious and he wasn't sure as to why Heero would even bother to ask this question.

Heero looked at Quatre for a few seconds before he answered, he kept asking him self why he did want to know ** thats a good question...why do I want to know?...why do I even care?...what is it to me to want to know why Duo had reactd the way he did?....why dose my heart ache so much right now? watching him as he lies there unconscious...why do I feel the unmistakable urge to gather that long haired Baka in my arms and just hold onto him and never let go?...why indeed do I want to know what Quatre had ment by "there wasn't anything you could do back then either" ?...why dose that one statement suddenly haunt me?...what had actually happend in Duo's past?....What kind of life did he actually have before he became a gundam pilot?...why do I even care?....Grrrr!! what the hell is wrong with me?!** Heero thought to himself as questions flooded his mind and his brain kept wanting answers.

Heero sighed and then answerd Quatre's question. **sighing** "Because...I want to know why Duo lost control the way he did during the mission today...I want to know what it was about that church that seemed to cast a dark shadow on that it dosn't happen again the next time were on a mission" Heero told Quatre, he hadn't realized that he sounded as if he was only thinking about the mission and how to stop it from happening again during battle.

Quatre, who had heard every word Heero had said, glared at the perfect soilder he couldn't believe that the only reason he wanted to know was because of some damn mission. ** The mission...thats all he cared about...not Duo's well being or state of mind...but some damn mission....and here I thought....I thought that maybe Heero had started developing feelings for Duo...gose to show you how wrong you were Quatre!" ** Quatre told himself, he was more than a little disgusted with Heero at the moment.

Quatre stood up, walked over twords the door and before he left the room he gave Heero an Answer. "Why don't you figure it out yourself Heero....after all your the perfect soilder are you not...why don't you see if you can figure out what it was about what happend with that church today that caused Duo so much anguish" Quatre said to his fellow gundam pilot he had a hint of anger in his voice as he had spoke, then he started to walk out of the room. "I'll be back later to check on Duo....try not to kill him or anything...just incase you were planing to cause your afraid he might mess up your next mission." Quatre said quite rudely and totally not Quatre like, then he left the room closing the door behind him and then went to join his beloved Trowa and Wufei out side.

Heero could tell that Quatre was angry with him, and then he realized how his answer to Quatre's question must have sounded to the smaller blond haird pilot.

"Baka..." Heero said to himself, then realizing that he was the only one left in the room with Duo, he walked over to the chair that Quatre had been seated in, and then sat down next to the braided haired boy and watched as the unconscious boy's chest rose then fell in rhythmic breathing.

"Why did you react the way you did today when you saw that missle head for that church?....was it because there were innocent people in it?...or was it because of what Quatre had said?....what happend back then Duo?...what in your past could cause you such agonizing pain today?" Heero asked out loud as he watched his fellow gundam pilot and friend.

** why dose it bother me so much to sit here...and watch him...lying there unconscious....why did it feel like my heart had been ripped out of my chest when I saw him in his gundam...slumped over the controls...unconscious and beleeding?...what is this strange feling that I keep gettin when ever I'm near him lately?...what?...what could it be? ** he thought to himself, he was totally confused about the stange feelings and emotions that he felt inside his chest whenever he was around Duo, or whenever he knew Duo was in trouble.

Heero's thoughts were interupted when her heard a low, soft moan coming from the bed, he looked at the beautiful looking creature lying on the bed and saw that he was starting to stir.

"Duo?..." Heero questioned, he wasn't sure if the braided haired pilot was regaining consciousness, or if he was just dreaming.

Heero watched Duo as he groaned a little more, then he saw that his eye's were starting to flutter open... slowly.

Eye's that open slowly it's so hard to see
I've never seen me an angelThough I'm trying to believe

Heero watches as Duo slowly awakens, he watches as the other boy's beautiful violet eye's slowly start to open, he could tell that Duo was trying to focus his eye's and see who it was that was infront of him.

**my god he's beautiful...why he calls himself death is beyond me....he's more like an angel to me...Baka!...why are you thinking such stupid things...boys arn't beautiful...handsome yes...goodlooking of course...atracttive yes that too...but certainly not beautiful or pretty.** Heero thought to himself as he tried desprately to figure out why he has been thinking of his fellow gundam pilot that way, his attention was brought back to Duo when he heard the smaller boy gasp out in pain as he tried to sit up.

**Gasp** "Huhumm!" Duo gasped out as he felt pain shoot through his head when he tried to sit up.

"Baka!" Heero growled at the injured pilot when he saw the other boy trying to sit up. "Lie still!" Heero ordered the long haired pilot, as he gently forced the boy to lie back down.

Duo, who was still pretty out of it, was wondering why in the heck Herro was there and more importantly, why did he seem concerned about him. **Aw man...why is my head killing me? ...what the heck happend?...where am I?...and why is Heero here and looking like he actually gives a damn about me?** Duo thought to himself as he tried to clear the fuzzyness in his head.

"H..Heero?....wh....what happend?.....where are we?....where are the others?...why is my head killing me?...why..." Duo had stared to ask, before Heero abruptly cut him off with a growl.

"Kuso!...don't you ever shut up?!" Heero exclaimed with a growl, more to himself than to Duo. Duo had stoped talking and looked at Heero, he noticed that the "Perfect soilder" seemed a bit more agitated now, but there was something in his eye's that made Duo worry. He couldn't quite figure out what it was, but there was something...

**aw shit!...he's gonna kill me...thats what it is....the mission...damn!...I must have screwed it up some how...where the hell are the others?....what the hell happend?** The longhaired pilot thought to himself, he had a distinct hint of fear in his eye's as he put on his cheery mask that everyone was use to.

"Umm...only when I'm sleeping Heero" Duo told his fellow gundam pilot as he put on a cheesy grin that made him wince in pain as it caused the bruise on the side of his face to hurt.

"Not even talk in your sleep too" Heero informed the smaller boy, as he walked over to the bathroom noticing that Duo was in some pain, then he stopped and looked back at Duo, then spoke again. "Don't move...and don't try and get up!" Heero ordered the other pilot with the long chestnut braid. "I'll be right back." Heero stated before he went into the bathroom, leaving a very confused and suddenly frighten Duo.

Duo watched as the dark haired pilot disappeared into the bathroom, he was throughly confused about alot of things at the moment, one of those things being his fellow gundam pilot's odd behavior.

** What in the world is going on here?...what the heck was that look he just gave me?...I have definetly never seen that look man whats he gonna do to me?** Duo thought again, his mind was racing with all kinds of questions and no answers, he had noticed that his whole body seemed to hurt, but couldn't remember much about how he got injured, except it had something to do with their last mission. **Geez....I must have really screwed up that last mission...and now Heero's going to kill me so I can't mess up the next one....oh man where are Quatre and the others?...why can't I remember what happend?**

Duo contiuned to try and remember how he had gotten injured and if they had compleated the mission or not, he was also trying to figure out where Quatre and the other's were when he saw Heero emerge from the bathroom, he had heard alot of noise and shuffleing going on in there like Heero was looking for sometihing, then he noticed that he was carring a glass of water and a pill bottle, his normal emotionless face was back in place.

"Here!.." Heero said as he shoved the bottle at Duo, he still held onto the water. Duo gave Heero a questioning look, as all kind of things ran through is slighlty foggy head.

**Whats this?....oh great....he's gonna kill me by drugging me first....then while I'm unconscious...he's going to smother me with the pillow...I always knew it would be Heero who would kill me.** Duo thought as he looked at the pill bottle, he could tell that Heero was getting impateint, cause he was making little growling noises.

"Wh...what's this Heero?...what are they for?" Duo asked the slightly taller, dark haired pilot standing next to him by the bed. He was pretty aprehensive about taking them cause he didn't know what they were for for one and he didn't know if Heero really would kill him afterwords.

Heero gave Duo an odd look, then scowled at the smaller boy lying infront of him on the bed as he realized that his fellow pilot seemed scared of him a little.

"Thier pain pills....they will help with the pain...Trowa picked them up earlier when he and Wufei went to get some suplies....they'll probably make you tired...which is good for both you and me" Heero told the other boy, his voice had sounded a bit harsher than he had ment it to be, but he was trying to cover up the fact that he was starting to care about the long haired boy with the glorious chestnut braid lying on the bed looking up at him with huge curious and some-what terrified eyes.

Duo gulp at Heero's last remark and his eyes grew wider at the implications in that last sentence.

"Wh...why would it be good for you too Heero?" Duo asked, he figured he was going to die anyway, might as well ask why.

Heero saw the sudden fear in the other boy's eyes and he coulnd't help but give a little quirk of a smile. however Duo had taken that little quirk as something else and he started to babble.

"Aw geez Heero....I didn't meant to screw up the mission...honest!...I don't even remember to much about what happend or how I got hurt and don't have to kill me ya wouldn't look to good on your records either....and..." Duo told his fellow gundam pilot, he suddenly stopped when he noticed that Heero was moving closer to him and he started to panic, causing his brain to shut down.

Heero moved closer to Duo, he still had the glass of water in his hands, then he reached down, took the pill bottle from Duo and opend it, taking out two tablets then thrusting his hand out twords the other boy causing him to flinch slightly.

"Take them!" Heero ordered the smaller boy, he noticed that the harshness in his voice and the suddeness of his actions made the other boy unconsciously flinch like he was about to get hit.

**Baka!....would it kill you to be at least a little more compassionate towords him...after all he's injured and obviously not thinking to clearly...hell he thinks you want to kill him....I could never kill that beautiful idiot....shut him up yeah...but never kill could i ever expect that this wonderfull young man...lying there on the bed... would ever feel anything towords me, especially if you keep acting like you can't stand him....why do I even care how he feels?....what the hell is he doing to me? ** Heero thought to himself as he looked down at the other boy, who was now in a semi-sitting postion.

Heero was brought out of his revere when he felt a soft, slightly shaking hand brush against his. He looked to see Duo take the two tablets out of his hand, then he looked at them before putting them into his mouth, then he held out his hand towords Heero who was still holding the glass of water. Heero handed Duo the water and watched as the other boy swallowed the pills, then Duo handed the glass back to Heero, before lying back down and looking up at Heero.

"H...Heero?...I..." Duo started to say to the other pilot in the room, he wanted to ask about what had happend, and how long he had been unconscious, but Heero cut him off again with a shrap bark that told Duo he would be better off spending his few remaing hours on earth being quiet.

"Be quiet and get some rest....your going to need it...and I already need a break from your excessive chatter!" Heero barked at the other young man in the room, he could see the hurt in the other boy's eyes. Heero sighed, before leaning down and gently lifting Duo's chin, which the braided boy had dropped down as he looked at his hands. Heero lifted Duo's chin so that the other boy was looking right at him.

"Duo...I'm not going to kill you....I'm not mad at you, cause you didn't do anything wrong nor did you screw up the mission...Wufei blew up the Lab....the mission was a success...Quatre and the others are in the living room....were at the safe hous in the middle of nowhere...and your head is killing you that last lost control when you saw a missle from a mobil Doll heading straight for a church that still had civillians in it and you decided to take on a whole army all by yourself...i'm asuming that, that triggered something from your past and when you couldn't stop the missle and it hit the broke down...we figure that you were unawear that you had been injured...and i'm assuming thats also the reason why your having a hard time trying to remember the last battle now...and the reason why I said that you taking those pills would be good for the both of us is, need the rest and I need the quiet." Heero told the totally stunned young man who was staring at him, total amazement written all over his face at the fact that not only had Heero answered all of his questions, but that he had actually listend to him and he didn't even stop to take a breath.

Heero got up from his sitting postion on the end of Duo's bed and headed for the door, Duo was