Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam wing or any of the characters


Part 4

by Backlash

Trowa's Love for Quatre was so deep. It terrified him would if the next time he tried to hurt himself he wasn't there. He needed to help him deal with the pain that haunted him. Totally neglecting his own. Quatre has done the same for him many times. It's probly part of the problem. He's always there when the people he cares about need him. Everyone goes to Quatre but who does Quatre go to.

Quatre had come to the circus just to see Trowa. Yet he never approached him. Why maybe seeing a friendly face comforted him in some small way. Trowa was getting restless in his sleep.

Trowa was holding Quatre. They were laughing and kissing. Then all of a sudden when he looked down Quatre was dead. His wrists slit. He awoke with a start. Breathing heavily. Luckily he hadn't woke up Quatre.

They next day Trowa prepared a picnic . He figured getting Quatre out for a while would be good for him. He new the perfect spot too. A place by the lake. He missed Quatre's smile so much he needed to find a way to get it back.

Quatre thought the place was very beautiful as he told Trowa so. Trowa couldn't help but stare at Quatre's wrist. It made him flashback to the dream. He shook himself out of it though. "Trowa what's wrong?"
"Trowa I can tell something is bothering you. It's not good to keep things inside."
"You mean like you?"
"All right I see your point."
"Please tell me."
"I don't know how to talk about myself."
"Just go slow."
"My father and sisters . I'm not who they want me to be. He said I was soft and too weak to be his son. I guess I should be what he wants. Maybe if I change."
"No. You can be who people want. You can only be yourself."
"I know your right but......."
"It still hurts?"
"Without my family I have no one."
"that's not true I'll always be your friend." Quatre smiled. It warmed his heart to see Quatre smile. It was long over do.

Quatre decided to do something special for Trowa. He decided to make a special dinner. As he was cutting a onion Trowa walked in and punched him in the jaw. "Trowa why did you hit me?" he looked at him the knife than the onion. He ran to his room and began to cry.

Quatre entered his room and asked, "Trowa what's wrong?"
"I'm sorry. I saw the knife and..and."
"You though I was going to off myself?" Trowa nodded. "What else?" "I keep having dreams where I'm holding and I look down and your dead."
"Trowa look at me. Please don't cry. Hey I'm alive see. I am not going to kill myself."
"I promise." Quatre put his hand on Trowa's cheek and then they kissed. They broke apart and looked in eachothers eyes. "I love you Quatre."
"I love you Trowa."

To be continued........

Go to Part 5!!!