Standard Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Gundam Wing boys, but I've almost finished doing the paperwork on the adoption documents....oh wait, did I let that slip? Sorry. Don't own em, here's part 4, enjoy!

Angels Don't Die

Part 4

by Q.T


"What." the answer was more of a statement than anything, delivered in a taut voice. It was uncanny and it made Duo shiver. He grinned instead, and picked Trowa in the arm.

"Wanna, I dunno, do something? Get a bite to eat maybe?" Duo asked in a chirpy voice, fidgeting with her braid.

"No." Trowa turned back to his giant red Gundam, adjusting God-knows-what, on some part of it. Duo fixed the silent pilot with a long hard stare, before pasting the cheery grin on his face again.

"C'mon Tro!" he practically whined, nudging the taller pilot, "you've been working on that Gundam of yours for-ever! Well, ever since Qua-" Duo was abruptly cut off, as the wrench Trowa had been using narrowly missed the side of his head. Trowa stood before him, his eyes holding more emotion than it had in weeks. Frankly it scared the braided pilot.

"I don't know who you are talking about." Trowa stated flatly, though his eyes flashed violently, the green turning a shade deeper. Duo lost his grin, his own emotions coming to the foreground.

"Quatre deserves more than that!" he snapped unable to control himself. His braid bounced as he violently shook Trowa by a shoulder. "I don't even know what Quatre saw in you right now, the way you're treating his memory. Shit, if you loved him so much, then why haven't you even visited his grave? You didn't even go to his funeral!"

Duo was so worked up, and had surppressed his emotions for so long, that he didn't even care about the hot tears that ran down his face. "Trowa, Quatre died for you." THUD!!

Duo hit the ground, before he even knew what happened. Disbelievingly, and now even more furious than before, he stared up at Trowa, rubbing his jaw where the taller pilot's fist had connected with his face.

"You have no idea what your talking about, Duo. You know nothing. You still have Heero." Trowa stated. Duo flinched from the obvious bitterness in his voice. Then, the emotions fled, and the braided boy was looking into green dead eyes again.

"You should put ice on that." Trowa stated before walking off without another word or glance backwards. Cursing under his breath, Duo let long overdue tears stream down his face; tears for Quatre and guilty tears of joy, for still having Heero.


Trowa walked along the lakeside, hands shoved deep into his pockets, his shoulder hunched against the chilly breeze. To all outward appearences, he seemed as calm and composed as ever, but inwardly, he was slowly becoming unraveled.

Trowa felt, well, numb. Absolute numbness, and something else too; emptiness. As if all of the sunshine in his life had suddenly vanished. He longed for a glimpse of the blonde pilot when he woke up, desperatly trying to savor the last vestiges of his dreams where he and his angel could be together.

He'd taken to sleeping a lot, because it was almost as if the beautiful Arabian pilot was alive in his dreams. Trowa dreamt that his blonde angel graced him with that pure smile of his, and looked upon him with his peaceful cereleuan eyes. Trowa had always felt at peace, when he gazed into Quatre's eyes, and had been trying his damndest to find that peace again. Nothing he did could still the painful ache in his heart or soul.

With the good dreams of his angel, the nightmares followed close by, nipping on their heels. He saw Quatre lying somewhere, people surrounding his limp form, bloody, dying, and calling out to Trowa's name. The dull ache in his heart intensified, as the voice of his sweet angel sounded in his head.

"Trowa." Quatre's voice was calling out to him, desperate, faithful, always loving, and begging him, praying that he would come and save him from death. Something, that Trowa could not do, and he cursed himself everyday for that weakness. Quatre was dead, and it was all because he had been too weak to save him.

To be continued......


Here is is, dum dum DUM! Suggestions? Comments? Fan mail? J/K. Please send em to :!!!

Go to Part 5!!!