
The only pig that lives as a cow!!

Sign it!!

You have to read these!

Have you had your Sany O's today?

Welcome to Insanity!! As you may have been able to guess by the first statement... things are pretty crazy here. And since this site has just open, you can tell things will get a lot more insane!!
I'm glad, no wait... a litte OVERCRAZED, that you have come. With your help, this site will be the beginning of a new culture. We can call it... the Generation of Insanity, or Generation I (that's short for insanity), or maybe Crazed... I don't know you pick. No matter what you want to call it, you can guaruntee that things won't be normal... or will they?

(This is where the twilight music starts...
I don't have it on tape or anything
so you'll have to sing it for now.)

Coming Soon:

Catman and Vermon --> Our new Super Heroes in still frames

Stuff to do around here... so far:

Insanity Clockwork <-- that's where we give you the news and you decide if it's something you're interested in.
Write <-- that's where you write to Insanity to tell them what you think.
The Page of Chi <-- that's where you learn of The Chi... just check for yourself.
Cow Avenger <-- that's where you read comic series developed by Leah Ibarra, it's COW-azy!!
Insanity Unscissored <-- that's where one stick meets another stick. Well if I said anymore it would give it away!!
