Karen's Book of Shadows
Healing Spells
Protection Spells
Banishing Spells
Love Spells
Prosperity Spells
Oils, Candles, Bath Salts
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    I have been to several Pagan/Wicaan sites looking for good spells, incense recipes, oil recipes and how to make bath salts. Most sites want you to buy their spells, oils, etc.. I always have something specific I am looking for and it takes me days to find something that I can use. So I decided we needed to put all the things we make and some of our good spells(the ones that actually worked perfectly) online too. That way maybe I can help another Pagan/Wiccan when in need.
      You need not do the spells exactly as written. The more you change it to fit you the more it becomes your own spell. I have taken ideas from the internet and my coven gets together and changes it to fit the way we do ritual.  Although all the recipes need to be mixed as written. We always make our own recipes. We believe when a witch makes her own recipe her energy becomes part of the mix. Which any Pagan will tell you makes any spell stronger.
      As always remember the 3 fold law at all times. I hope these spells, oils, incense, and bath soaps are what you are looking for. If you have a spell that has worked great for you feel free to sign the guestbook. I would be happy to put them on this site once I have seen them first. 
Help send a message of peace around the world! The Dove of Peace flies from site to site,through as many countries as possible. It does not belong to ANY belief system.  Please help make a line around the globe by taking it with you to your site, by giving it to someonee for their site, by passing it on to another continent or to the conflict areas of the world.