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Spells, By Matthew Green
#1 - Review by Gede
Rated 4/5

#2 - Review by Morgan Akasha
Rated 4/5

#1 Review by Gede
Not a very publisced book, you'd most likely find one copy tucked under some Fiona Horne book or Deborah Gray. However if you've found it, you've found yourself a treasure. From an attractice cover and an endearing blurb, the book is full of wonderful little folk magick traditions particularly with a Carribean and Mexian Flavour. However it's not whack bam with the Spells, it spends some time teaching you that anyone can work a Spell effectively and there are exercises to open our sense to visualisation and intuition. It explains the significance of certain objects and how they are used in SpellCraft. The book is not a manual of Witchcraft in fact, I can't recall the author using that word at all. Like all Spell Books it starts out with the Love Section, but in the prelude to the Love Chapter it says rather smartly to first attune yourself to the energies of Love so that you will be a beacon for loving energies from others. At the end of each chapter (Love, Prosperity, Luck and Success, Protection, Work, The Magic of Children, The Home, Ther Magic of Food, The World) is a list of traditional charms and talismans of a Caribean flavour to apply folk magick to your SpellCraft. However, the Spells in this book do not mention the Casting of the Circle or consecrating Sacred Space, but not to worry they are just as effective, the obvious reason for this is that the Spells are predominantly Mexian and Caribean and as such stem from folk traditions and sometimes Catholic influenced prayers and spells. So do not buy this book if you restrict yourself to European Magick, but if you want to give cultural difference a shot go for it! Rated 4 out of 5.

#2 Review By Morgan Akasha
I always support an Australian Author over an American, they have a better perspective on life - as it is OUR life. We are not Americans (well, some of the people who will stumble across this site might be), so for us, it is easier to hear it from an Aussie point of view. I love the way this man writes, and adds bits in that other books don't.

In the beginning of this book, it gives a short brief on some of the basics thing you need to know like tools, Astro planet days, herbs, intuition and visualisation before dragging out those spells. This was the first book I got to do with witchcraft as a wee little girl - given to me by a close friend for my birthday (she knew I was interested and when trying to find my prezzy liked the looks of this book). This is certainly a VERY colourful book - just what young people like - colour lots of colour - I think I miss that in most books on paganism, witchcraft and spells. Not that it is aimed at children, the writing is mature, its just good to see one with some artistic creativity bursting off the page.

The first page of love that you turn to has a chant on it that I used then and still use now some years on! It goes "I am a magnet for love, love is within me, without me, before me and behind me. I AM LOVE" - this is not to drawn the "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" kind of love that everyone usually thinks of, but love in general. Just to draw love in yourself and love in friendship, family, partners and in any and sort of relationship. Well - that's how I use it anyway. Kind of like a big bubble of love - is it making you sick? Hehe.

All of the spells it contains are the kind of ones that I approve of, none of that superficial crap. There is a wonder section in there to do with small children, I love them and I plan to do a few of these with my brother soon. Lovely book for the library. I rate it 4/5



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