Yule: Yuletide, Winter Solstice

The shortest day or the year and of course the longest night.. This is usually the 20th or 21st of December. Yuletide (the Teutonic version) lasts from December 20th through December 31st. It begins on "Mother Night" and ends 12 days later on "Yule Night;" hence the 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' tradition. In Pecti-Wita, Yule falls on December 22nd and is called Feill Fionnain. In the Caledonii Tradition it is called Alban Arthan and is not considered a fire festival. A time when the waxing sun overcomes the waning sun. In some traditions it is a time when Holly King (representing the death aspect of the God) is overcome by Oak King (who embodies the rebirth of the God, and is sometimes referred to as the Divine Child).