~Kristen Slider~

Name:  Kristen Slider
E-mail address: kslider@hot101mail.com
Age: 21

What is your favorite....
Color? black
Song? "Fragile" by Sting and "Boys" by B.O.N. (they're a new group from Europe)
Group? Dave Matthews Band and Barenaked Ladies
Singer? Sting and Janet Jackson (she is my idol!)
Show? I spend most of my free time practicing my latin and swing dancing.  If I do watch tv, it's usually an awards show like the Grammys or the Oscars.
Movie? American Beauty and Godfather Part II (it's a Christmas tradition in my family)
Famous person you've met so far? Rene Elizondo (Janet Jackson's ex-husband).  I met him before one of Janet's concerts and he signed my program. He was so nice and he looked (and smelled) even nicer!
Food? my grandmother's chicken cacciatore, tabouli from Aladdin's restaurant, and Oreo ice cream
Beverage? lemon water and Dr. Pepper
Actor? Nicholas Cage--because he is dead sexy!
Actress? Sarah Jessica Parker

What inspired you to become a DJ? I took a tour of the station when I worked on the Eastwood Mall Fashion Advisory Board and I was hooked. I knew it was in my blood and that Hot 101 was something I had to be a part of.

What is the best part about being a DJ? Meeting the listeners, hanging out with bands, free stuff, and being the first to hear "today's hottest music" (no pun intended)!

Who was your childhood "movie or music star" crush? Jordan Knight (he's still my favorite New Kid) and Christian Slater (I loved him in "Untamed Heart" and "Pump Up The Volume").