"In entertainment news, comedian Greg Proops is dead after a car crash  on Saturday night. Witnessess say Proosp car was hit by a drunk driver and he dies on the scene. No statements have been made by the family at this time."
Greg slowly opend his eyes as he realized there was a bright light shining on him.
"Where am I?" he asked
He looked around him. He was in a white room. Everything was white. He looked down and noticed even he was in a pair of white pants and a white shirt. His head began to ache in pain and he gently rubbed his head with his left hand.
"What happened?" Greg asked
He was alone in the room so no one could hear him. However it still made him feel better to ask the questions.
"Your dead Greg."
Greg turned around to look for where the voice came from. Standing there was a young woman. She  was a short woman with flwoing blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was dressed in white also.
"What do you mean?" he asked still confused
She looked down at her hands and then with teary eyes looked back at Greg.
"Don't you remember the accident?" she asked
She walked closer to him and bent down so she could look him in the eyes. Yeah he remembered, but he couldn't be dead.
"I remember but, I'm dead?"
The girl sat next to Greg and smiled up at him. She had an angelic way about her. Greg liked that.
"Yes Greg. It's true."
The two sat in a deafeining silence. This was all a shock to him. How could this happen. Suddenly the realization sunk into him.
"Jennifer." Greg said
He looked up at the woman. His Jennifer was alone. She was gone. The angel put a hand on top of his.
"She's fine Greg."
Greg stood up. Jennifer was gone. He's dead. This can't be happpening.
"This can't be true. I can't be dead."
The angel stood up and tried to put a comforting hand on Greg's shoulder but he quickly pulled away.
"Greg I'm sorry but it's true."
Greg looked up at the white wall before him. He remembered the car accident but it all seemed like this was a dream. He couldn't be dead. He was a regular preformer on Whose Line, had  an excellent stand-up carreer but most importantly a beautiful wife who was now alone.
"Jennifer." he repeated
A warm tear trickled down his cheek. He was dead. He felt the angel's hand rest on his shoulder.
"Don't worry Greg. Jennifer is going to be alright."
He looked down at the floor.
"How  can you say that?"
He turned around to look at the young girl. He was scared. Jennifer was his whole life.
"I'm an angel Greg. I know all about your life on Earth."
His body ached with pain. His heart ached the worst. Suddenly he got an idea that brought a smile to his face.
"Can I see her? Your an angel you can take me down there. Right?"
The young woman turned away from Greg and took two steps away from him. She breathed a heavy sigh which made Greg a little nervous. He didn't like what was coming.
"I can't do that." she whispered
Her voice shook from nervousness. Greg walked closer to her but as she saw him step closer she wrapped her arms around her stomach for protection.
"What do you mean?" Greg asked
Now he was upset. Of course she could take him down.
"I can't do that."
Greg now walked around and faced her. He put two fingers under her chin and lifetd it up so he now looked into her eyes.
"Why?" he asked
"I can take you down but no one will see you."
"No one will see me?"
She looked at him with  a fierceness in her eyes. Suddenly the angelic look had dissapered.
"Your dead Greg. Your an angel now!"
Greg stepped away from the girl and turned away from her.
"Please." he cried
His voice was now soft and quiet. He had tears running down his cheeks. All he wanted was to see Jennifer one more time. To hold her in his arms. Although he knew he would never be able to do all that he just wanted to see her beautiful face once more.
"Alright." she finally agreed
Greg turned around to face her. He couldn't believe what he just heard.
"Thank you."
She shoook her head and motioned for him to come over. Slowly Greg walked  over to the angel his steps echoing in the bare room. She held out her hand and Greg placed his hand in hers. Her cold hand sent a shiver through Greg. At that thought he shivered and closed his eyes from the chilling pain. Sudenly there was a warn sensation all over his body. The chill was gone and he slowly opened his eyes. He recognized where he was and the shock scared him. They were standing in his living room.

Story Index
Part Two