Why do I have to be a chibi monk in this pic?Hiya~,
I'm Ceres. If you must know, I chose that name BEFORE I found out who this Ceres character was... But that's beside the point. Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer, I'll find someone who does. Please include an alias or nickname.
Ask Ceres and his cohorts.
If you're not asking me, send the message to me and I'll get it to everyone else in the webring.
Flames will be responded to, though edited if obscene.
Click here to see Ceres' answers. There are more than one personalities that you can write to, so click here to see which ones exist yet.
For those of you who use an e-mail provided by a site, my address is RWeAloneNo@aol.com
If you are writing to any of the other people, just specify who you're writing to and I'll see that get the message. And please, try to keep your language "clean."

"Ask him, he kinda knows all."
      --Some kid speaking to another who wanted to cheat off my math exam.

"You mean that Ceres could actually give good advice!?"
      --One of my friends, I forget which.
