Whoa vs V3n0m0us_Sn4k3
Wow we had a lot of Whoas on once again for this Thursday night war that went down to the wire vs Venomous_Snake.  We pulled off this 5-4 victory with a wonderful team effort!!!  Thanks to all who played and for those who just watched and supported their fellow Whoas!  Great job everyone.

Singles - best of 3
v3n0m0us_sn4k3_p1th0n defeated  whoa_r0ckie 2-1
whoa_knowitall defeated  v3n0m0us_sn4k3_isalo 2-1
whoa_stopcryin defeated  v3n0m0us_sn4k3_piece_of_bread 2-1
v3n0m0us_sn4k3_0rphan defeated  whoa_p0etic_0ne 2-0

Doubles - best of 3
whoa_aggie_dude/whoa_di_whoa defeated  v3n0m0us_sn4k3_j3r3my/v3n0m0us_sn4k3_p1th0n 2-0
whoa_l_am_so_irked/whoa_p_o_d defeated  v3n0m0us_sn4k3_0rphan/v3n0m0us_sn4k3_s4pphir3 2-0
v3n0m0us_sn4k3_s3th/v3n0m0us_sn4k3_kcid defeated  whoa_baby_blue/whoa_sh0rt33 2-1
v3n0m0us_sn4k3_p1th0n/v3n0m0us_sn4k3_0rphan defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_cupcake 2-0

Four vs Four - best of 3
whoa_knowitall                                      v3n0m0us_sn4k3_isako
whoa_l_am_so_irked         defeated        v3n0m0us_sn4k3_j3r3my        2-0
whoa_p_o_d                                            v3n0m0us_sn4k3_kcid
whoa_r0ckie                                           v3n0m0us_sn4k3_s3th

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War Results

Whoa wins 5-4