Whoa vs Tangclan
Wow everyone! We were down 2-6 and peeled off the final 5 matches to win 7-6!!!  We had another awesome turnout and proved again why we are an awesome clan!!  We fielded 13 players today and everyone one of ya did great!  Thanks to Tangclan for another fun, competitive war!

Singles - best of 3
whoa_r0ckie defeated  tangclan_silly_k0m0d0_dragon 2-1
tangclan_w3ird0 defeated whoa_th0rnd 2-0
tangclan_kfrog24 defeated  whoa_bacon 2-0
whoa_p_o_d defeated  tangclan_fake_blaster 2-0

Doubles - best of 3
tangclan_gurl/tangclan_jeff defeated  whoa_humble/whoa_lil_sweety 2-0
tangclan_bladez/tangclan_in_your_fantasty defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_cupcake 2-0
tangclan_bignose/tangclan_jeff defeated  whoa_hobbit/whoa_baby_blue 2-1
tangclan_silly_k0m0d0_dragon/tangclan_warchild defeated  whoa_demo/whoa_judoka 2-0

Four vs Four - best of 3
whoa_cupcake                                 tangclan_bladez
whoa_humble             defeated         tangclan_in_your_fantasy       2-0
whoa_knowitall                               tangclan_jeff
whoa_p_o_d                                      tangclan_warchild

Singles - best of 3
whoa_knowitall defeated  tangclan_bignose 2-1
whoa_humble defeated  tangclan_jeff 2-1

Doubles - best of 3
whoa_r0ckie/whoa_lil_sweety defeated  tangclan_bignose/tangclan_jeff 2-0
whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_p_o_d defeated  tangclan_bignose/tangclan_in_your_fantasy 2-0

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War Results

Whoa wins 7-6