Whoa vs Ox1d3
Whew the lag was brutal tonight and Oxide fielded a bunch of ringers as some of their players just barely got out of provisional before the war... BUT  Whoa endured the storm and came back from 2-5 down to win 7-6!  Great job to every one of you who supported the clan, fought hard in the clutch, and just showed them how awesome of a clan we are!!!!!!!!!!

Singles - best of 3
ox1d3_knight_slayer defeated  whoa_baby_blue 2-1
ox1d3_nype defeated  whoa_th0rnd 2-0
whoa_aggie_dude defeated  ox1d3_h2o_b1tch 2-0
ox1d3_rubb3r_b00t defeated  whoa_m00000 2-0

Doubles - best of 3
ox1d3_sh1tty_n4m3/ox1d3_knight_slayer defeated  whoa_cupcake/whoa_humble 2-0
whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_aggie_dude defeated  ox1d3_h20_b1tch/ox1d3_sw33t3st_lvl3lvll33l2 2-0
ox1d3_rubb3r_b00t/ox1d3_ho0 defeated  whoa_baby_blue/whoa_m00000 2-0
whoa_humble/whoa_aggie_dude defeated  ox1d3_n01_kn0ws/ox1d3_knight_slayer 2-0

Four vs Four - best of 3
whoa_bo0_bo0                                   ox1d3_ho0
whoa_cupcake            defeated         ox1d3_knight_slayer     2-0
whoa_demo                                      ox1d3_rubb3r_b00t
whoa_humble                                   ox1d3_sw33t3st_1v131v11ee12

Singles - best of 3
whoa_bo0_bo0 defeated  ox1d3_rubb3r_b00t 2-1
whoa_humble defeated  ox1d3_sw33t3st_1v131v113312  2-1

Doubles - best of 3
ox1d3_leader_k1ll4/ox1d3_knight_slayer defeated  whoa_cupcake/whoa_aggie_dude 2-1
whoa_demo/whoa_m00000 defeated  ox1d3_rubb3r_b00t/ox1d3_ho0 2-1

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War Results

Whoa wins 7-6