Whoa vs Elephant
Thanks to all who attended and thanks to elephant_in_my_nose for keeping good control over his clan and ignoring the provies in the lounge.  Whoa never really picked up much momentum in the war as we took an early 2-1 lead but then the elephant stampede came charging through with a 7-3 win.  Sorry to those who attended but did not get to play... you will have priority at the next war for sure! 

Singles - best of 3

elephant_in_my_nose  defeated  whoa_net_bri4n     2-0
whoa_relaxed  defeated  elephant_in_my_head     2-0
whoa_aggie_dude  defeated  elephant_in_my_thong2000     2-0
elephant_in_my_kitchen  defeated  whoa_linkin_park     2-0

Doubles - best of 3

elephant_in_my_attic/elephant_in_my_teacup  defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_cupcake     2-1
elephant_in_my kitchen/elephant_in_my_nose  defeated  whoa_relaxed/whoa_aggie_dude     2-1

Four vs Four - best of 3

elephant_in_my kitchen                                            whoa_bo0_bo0
elephant_in_my_nose                        defeated           whoa_cupcake          2-1
elephant_in_my_playstation                                      whoa_relaxed
elephant_in_my_school                                              whoa_stopcryin

Singles - best of 3

whoa_bo0_bo0  defeated  elephant_in_my_kitchen     2-0
elephant_in_my_nose  defeated  whoa_relaxed     2-0
elephant_in_my_playstation  defeated  whoa_drummer  2-1

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War Results

Whoa loses 3-7