Whoa vs Amazing
Well, Amazing brought their best players and really let us have it in this 0-7 sweep.  Thank you to the Whoas who showed up and gave it their best.  We will probably try and rematch them in the future cause we know we can do better!!  Anyway, great job everyone!!

Singles - best of 3
amazing_elite_charles  defeated  whoa_p_o_d  2-0
amazing _gary  defeated  whoa_r0ckie  2-0
amazing_c4n4di4n  defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0  2-0
amazing_sara  defeated  whoa_lil_sweety  2-0

Doubles - best of 3
amazing_elite_i/amazing_blue_shade  defeated  whoa_aggie_dude/whoa_fatso  2-1
amazing_diamond/amazing_midnight  defeated  whoa_sh0rt33/whoa_baby_blue  2-1
amazing_theran/amazing_k0rth  defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_cupcake  2-1

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War Results

Whoa loses 0-7