Whoa vs Ac3z_High
Well we had a huge turnout for this Saturday night war where we lost to a cool clan, Ac3z_High 5-7.  Everyone got to play and did an awesome job!  You were all very well behaved and we thank for you that as well!  Good job again to all who showed and take care!

Singles - best of 3

ac3z_high_wh33lyman defeated  whoa_hobbit 2-0
whoa_m00000 defeated  ac3z_high_gh0stly 2-0
ac3z_high_chuck defeated  whoa_demo 2-1
whoa_knowitall defeated  ac3z_high_hoo_master 2-1

Doubles - best of 3

ac3z_high_communismsucks/ac3z_high_drunken_dwarf defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0/whoa_cupcake 2-0
ac3z_high_chuck/ac3z_high_wh33lyman defeated  whoa_iamfavored/whoa_humble 2-0
whoa_p_o_d/whoa_aggie_dude defeated  ac3z_high_hoo_master/ac3z_high_gh0stly 2-0
ac3z_high_crash/ac3z_high_drunken_dwarf defeated  whoa_m00000/whoa_baby_blue 2-0

Four vs Four - best of 3

whoa_cupcake                              ac3z_high_chuck          
whoa_humble              defeated     ac3z_high_drunken_dwarf     2-1
whoa_knowitall                             ac3z_high_hoo_master
whoa_p_o_d                                 ac3z_high_wh33lyman

Singles - best of 3

whoa_r0ckie defeated  ac3z_high_chuck 2-1
ac3z_high_gh0stly defeated  whoa_bo0_bo0 2-0

Doubles - best of 3

ac3z_high_chuck/ac3z_high_wh33lyman defeated  whoa_demo/whoa_aggie_dude 2-0

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War Results

Whoa loses 5-7