1,000 WIN CLUB
Congratulations to the following Whoas for winning 1,000 games!
The days it took to get to the 1,000 win plateau are in parentheses

whoa_stopcryin - May 1, 2001   (49 days)
whoa_blinding_light - May 3, 2001   (49 days)
whoa_puck - May 14, 2001   (57 days)
whoa_linkin_park - May 21, 2001   (87 days)
whoa_aggie_dude - June 1, 2001   (82 days)
whoa_drummer - July 17, 2001  (115 days)
whoa_l_am_so_irked - July 30, 2001 (134 days)
whoa_p_o_d - August 16, 2001 (90 days)
whoa_bacon - October 22, 2001  (71 days)
whoa_r0ckie - November 4, 2001  (106 days)
whoa_lil_sweety - November 30, 2001  (189 days)
whoa_demo - December 20, 2001  (84 days)

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