My Incoherent Art

Lurking in the corners of my soul
In the deepest darkest dankest of holes
Hides a demon unquantifiable
His terror undeniable
frozen in a tower
He is beyound power

Quiet whispers of "release me"
Echo in my head
He wants me to turn the key
to let him rise from almost dead
A monster of my own making
meant to release me from my aching

to fight those I could not defeat
forged with rage's heat
to give my mind reprieve
from those who would decieve
but It was his conception
which was a deception
A lie to placate my own my mind
that this was the one and only bind
for which i would summon the infection

At the end of this fuse of rhyme
This is my two sense for your time
If you see contortions on my face
run quick broken is the demons case
Out from his tomb
this demon brings doom
to all in the room

Though I need not tell you do I?
For behind your mind's eye
someday you will fall
knowing, he awaits his call
so you see there is a demon in us all