No more blood for Oil
     I recently recieved a series of e-mails from an automated e-mail server containing this statement, "No more blood for Oil." Those  e-mails had attached pictures of an article, people demonstrating in New York, and a political cartoon. All of the pictures were about protesting the war. The United States Constitution gives every citizen the right to assemble and protest; moreover, it also give you the freedom of speech. It is your right to use those freedoms, but do so responsibly. These protests have recieved massive media attention. Such demonstrations have marginalized the United States in the eyes of the international community, and that is part of the reason, I believe, that some nations have chosen to protest this war or not lend there support, which is the same thing. American troops are over there right now fighting, and they could have more help, but they do not because we didn't present a solid front to the rest of the world. So we will lose more American lives. Those peaceful demonstrations are costing us lives even now. "No more blood for Oil?" If the people protesting the war truly believed that then why dont they give up their automobiles, lawn mowers, and other oil run luxuries in a boycott on the oil industry. Theoretically a boycott could send a clear cut message to Bush and the oil companies, but unfortunately such a boycott if it gained enough followers would devastate our  economy seeing how automotive and oil are crucial industries. So boycotting oil hurts Americans and protesting the war is hurting Americans. So stop the protests support our Boys and our President even if you dont like Bush or the war. It is the right thing to do.
