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member Biographies
complete Discography of all Malice Mizer's music
gallery of member Photos & Video Stills/Screenshots
History of Malice Mizer's career
song Lyrics
Fanart by Myself & Other, as well as Wallpapers
large collection of Malice Mizer and/or Gackt Quizzes to take
Links to other great Malice Mizer and/or Gackt sites :: Credits/Attributes to J-ROCK LEGEND
Some information on me, the one and only, WhiteWulf72 ^.^
E-mail me!
Ooh! Ooh! Please click here and sign the Guestbook, or if you want, you can simply view it.
last updated September 30, 2009
Hello! I'm WhiteWulf72, and welcome to my fansite, J-ROCK LEGEND.

I started this site for a few reasons, but the main two were because I couldn't find a complete music discography, or lyrics section, ANYWHERE. So I, being the semi-perfectionist that I love to be, decided that since I had an extra web server, and
a lot of extra time on my hands, I'd do it myself. Thusforth, J-ROCK LEGEND was born! ^_^ Now, I hold rights to ALL images on this site except those of Malice Mizer themselves.

Now then. I hope you like what you see, and please do not steal any of my original or altered images, for whatever reason. The orginals of all 'altered' images can be found in the gallery. Also, please do not steal any of the text found on this page, either, for the authors have spent much time making sure it was perfect to be put up. 


September 30, 2009 - AACK. I'm sorry the galleries got closed. T__T I reacivated them, check back tomorrow or the next day and they should all be up! Thank you to the ONE PERSON who bothered to e-mail me about it (yes, you. thank you.) By the way, the closing date is October 26th, 2009. ;_;

May 5, 2009 - I don't know if you've heard, but Geocities is closing. This means by the end of the year, my site will be DEAD. Since it is strung across multiple servers, I cannot afford, physically or financially, to set it up and pay for it monthly. I am so sorry! I don't know what to do! T___T I really appreciate all of your visits and guestbook signings (even those of you who "claim" to not speak English well). If you want any pictures that you cannot find anywhere else but here, I suggest you save them NOW.

I'll say the same thing I said last year: EVIL GEOCITIES.

- I have no idea what happened, but somehow geocities changed my "Contact" button to something from a long time ago--I do NOT have the "surfbest" e-mail any more. If anyone has tried to e-mail me there, I apologize because I have not gotten it. @_@ I have updated all of the links I think are broken, but for future reference, you are to e-mail me at:

Once again, I'm very sorry! (And a special thanks to Michelle for even bringing that to my attention @_@)

Evil geocities.

2008::03:28 - I cannot believe it's been a year since I was supposed to update those lyrics. XD I've made interesting updates to  Transylvania and Saikai no Chi to Bara (again, thank you  to those who helped). I've gotten some global correspondences lately, so I'd also like to say I really appreciate it and of course, as always, enjoy the website. ^^

Do you all realize that this is
J-ROCK LEGEND's five year anniversary? Woot! On Mana-sama's birthday, the 19th. Five years of having all of this information in one place. And for keeping the site alive. Sounds like an accomplishment! *haha* ^.~ So keep the visits coming! Use a banner! :D

2007::05:28 - I have received a suggestion for something related to Transylvania, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I'll be sure to come back and update, though, once I get it straightened out. Apparently the "mysterious" lyrics in the song come from the Interview with a Vampire movie... Much love to the guestbook signers, as always. I'm glad you guys find my compilation of MM information useful. ^^

2007::02:15 -
Hey! This is your hostess speaking. *hehe* I haven't had much to add, but I'm still alive and if any of you would like me to update something, just let me know, okay? And please report any broken.. erm.. any broken anything. o.o I'd also like to thank the dear people who have signed the guestbook (special thanks to Laura). <3 Hope everyone's year has been going good, and thank you for appreciating one of most influencial bands in J-rock.

- I've gotten several e-mails about "Ma Cherie" so you can go check the lyrics section (accessed by the discography) and see the new information if you like. ^^

- Well, my friend's computer decided it wasn't going to open Internet Explorer for me yesterday so I couldn't update. But now, I have, and the gallery is absolutely complete. \^___^/
Kozi-sama Photos Updated (136 new pictures)
Klaha-sama Photos Updated (37 new pictures)

- What, you all haven't spammed me yet for withholding Közi-sama and Klaha-sama pictures? Well after about a year of trying to get the pictures, I'm finally at my friends computer for the day so that means good news! I have them! ^____^  Look for  an update tomorrow, when I add them.
Also, I corrected any broken links in my credits section.
I'd like to take another moment, yet again, to thank everyone who has signed my guestbook; without the support and comments of the fans I probably wouldn't keep this site up. Enjoy!

- I have lyrics to Color Me Blood Red! \^o^/ But I don't know if they're accurate so I'm not posting them until I do. >.> And I appologize for not putting up pictures. >.> I'll hound my friend about them. _._

Earlier updates