Moon Herbs and Meanings
A Witch's Magickal Herbal
There are many herbs that can be used for magickal purposes; I've elected to list only those that could be found in an ordinary kitchen or can be easily found at a grocery store or nursery. I live in an apartment, but I was able to make a small herb garden that sits outside on my balcony. Herbs are wonderful for magick - they can be burned or tied up in sachets or made into amulets to wear. For a more extensive list of Herbs, Flowers and their magical meanings, visit my Herbal Grimore HERE
= Anise = purification, protection, keeps away nightmares.
= Basil = purification, protection, prosperity
= Bay Leaves = Money, home protection.
= Carraway Seed = Astral herb for Gemini, communication.
= Chamomile = prosperity, meditation, calmness.
= Cinnamon = psychic powers, protection, success, healing, quick action, prosperity.
= Dill = seeds draw money and protection, the flowers are used for love.
= Hazel = mental powers, hazelnuts are used in fertility amulets or spells.
= Lavender = Love, romance, cleansing, add to pillows for vivid dreams.
= Lemon Balm = health, success, love, cleansing.
= Mugwort = divination, clairvoyance, psychic powers, protection, strongest when picked on a full moon night.
= Nutmeg = clairvoyance, prosperity.
= Parsley = purification, protection. Brew a tea for help with "Moon time" PMS.
= Peppermint = healing, purification.
= Rosemary = protects from negativity, blessing, consecration, aids memory, protection rituals of all kinds. Rememberance of the dead at Samhain.
= Sage = Clearing, cleansing, healing, wisdom.
= Thyme = burn for purification, protection from negativity, clairvoyance.
= Yarrow = For a happy marriage, witches herb, defense, protection.
* Any of these herbs can be put in a square of Aluminum foil and worn close to the body.
The aluminum foil acts as an attractant to what ever herb you use.
Ex. place three teaspoons of basil and cinnamon to attract money to you quick.
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