Circle Casting for
Spells and Protection
A witch casts a circle to envelope her and be a barrier between what may enter and what may exit. Casting a magick circle creates sacred space and sacred time. It is literally a circle of power. You should cast a circle before any magickal workings or meditations. Circles are powerful places for doing spiritual and healing work.

We purify the space with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

This is where you will need your creative visualization. You can use a wand, or athame, or your finger, or just your mind, and cast a circle around you (this circle should be more like a bubble surrounding you "as above, so below"). I usually say:

"I conjure you, o circle of power, to be for me a boundary between the worlds of men, and the realms of the mighty spirits. A meeting place of peace and love, joy and trust. A door between the worlds, where life and death meet as one. To contain the power I will raise herein.
I call upon the protectors of the East, South, West, and North, to aid me in the construction of this circle.
In the name of the Golden Lord and Silver Lady thus do I conjure you, O circle of Power!
This circle is sealed."

You can invite the animal powers and the spirits to join you.

Anything you wish to do can be done at this point. You are inside of your powerful bubble and nothing can leave or enter. You are safe. Do magick for the occasion. Cast spells. Do Healing and Renewal rituals. When you are finished, you take down the circle-

"The circle is open but never broken. Blessed Be."

You can vary the way you cast your circle. Witchcraft encourages us to perform our own rituals and spells, as they are more powerful when created by yourself.
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