Newsletter:  Term 2 Winter 2008


We return to preschool now for a very busy and exciting term with the build up to Christmas as well as all our activities.

We extend a warm welcome to Annabelle, Reggie and Zachary who start preschool. Having been ‘twiglets’ you already know most of the staff and some of the children and we hope that you settle quickly and enjoy preschool.


Twiglet news

We also look forward to William, Annabelle and Dolly joining our Twiglets group and hope that you and your families enjoy your time with us.

Twiglets have now moved into the larger carpeted room downstairs so there is more space for play. Due to the popularity of these sessions there will now be Twiglets every Monday and Friday. See Valerie for details.


I’m Special

New this term we are introducing an ‘I’m Special’ tree to celebrate the children’s achievements, big events and special things. We are very keen for parents to get involved with sharing their children’s special moments as we only see the children for three hours and most of their learning takes place at home!! Special things may be anything from riding a bike, helping granddad in the garden, being kind to someone… you let us know.  The plan is for a box of ‘leaves’ to be available for parents, grandparents, carers and staff to note these achievements. We will read these at Apple Tree time and let the children hang them on the tree. The leaves will later find their way into the children’s record books. Please make sure you put the child’s name on the leaf.  


Topics and themes

Last term we introduced looking at a different colour each week.

This term the colours will be: black, pink, grey, white, gold and silver. Our first ‘theme’ will be rockets and planets and the big night sky.  This follows interests of children who adapted our lets pretend castle into a rocket.  If you can encourage the children to find relevant items or coloured things to bring in for group time that would be wonderful.


Record books

Also new this term, we are starting to colour code the observations in the children’s books. This is primarily so we can chart the children’s development more easily and identify areas to encourage them. You may start to see colours, particularly in books kept in chronological order. There should be an explanation of what these colours represent and if you want to know any more please speak to your child’s keyworker.


Parents evening: Wednesday 19th November 8-9pm

There will be a chance to come and see (and play with) some of our more recent resources at preschool and find out how we encourage the children to learn. The children’s books will be available to give those parents who are rarely able to visit during a session the chance to see them. It will be a very informal evening with drinks and nibbles and an opportunity to chat to staff and other parents.


Photographs: Tuesday 18th November

Mary, our regular photographer will be coming for the morning to take pictures of preschool, twiglet and toddler children (Siblings may also be brought in at the start of the morning). This time the photographs will be black and white. These stunning photographs are ideal for Christmas. If your child does not normally attend on Tuesday you are welcome to bring them in for the photograph, but unfortunately we have no spare capacity at the preschool session for extras.


Social lunch

Would anyone be interested in organizing a soup lunch or something similar one Tuesday in the hall? We have had a couple of lovely lunches that adults and children have enjoyed. Staff are very happy to help and the kitchen resources are available for use.


Storybox: 2nd Tuesday each month

Rev. Emma Langley treats toddlers, preschoolers, staff and parents to wonderful imaginative Bible stories with props and songs and stickers.  Not to be missed: 11.15 for toddlers and public including Twiglets, 11.45 for preschoolers and their families.


Dawn chorus: 1st Sunday each month

You may have seen the posters and we warmly encourage you to come to this very informal worship at Westbury Park Methodist church. These services are led by Emma, start at 9.15, are very short and are followed by a drink and biscuit. 


Outdoor play

Please come dressed for the weather.  We love going outside, especially now we have planted flowers and bulbs and we have a new slide.



Although we try to avoid too much before December we will start practicing songs very soon. As always we will be telling parents and friends the Christmas story in our own way. There will be informal performances on Sunday 7th during the church service, on  Monday 8th mainly for parents and friends and Thursday 11th mainly for the Thursday Day Centre. All children in preschool and Twiglets can be involved at their own level and are welcome at all the performances.


Christmas card making

Here’s an opportunity to join the children for an afternoon at preschool making Christmas cards and decorations. Bring a packed lunch and enjoy using our resources and save your own tables and floors from the mess that such delightful creativity generates. Fun and sociable. Details to follow.



There will be parties at the end of term for all parts of our group. There will be more details later but for now the dates are

Toddlers 16th Dec

Twiglets 15th Dec

Preschool 19th Dec


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