previous day's entry December 10,2000
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Wow, I haven't written in this journal for a while!  I planted my last few bulbs and am working on next year's new garden by layering.  It's so easy and since all my beds are raised with the clay soil, it works perfectly for me.  Without turning over the soil, I have a wonderful nutrient rich bed.  I mark out the shape of the bed and cover it with several layers of damp newspaper.  This keeps the grass from growing through.  Then I add a thick layer(6-8 inches at least) of unfinished compost and leaf mold.  It will be just about perfect by May.  I top that with a couple bags of top soil in the spring, stick my plants in and mulch.  Just be careful not to put anything on the pile that won't be broken down by the time you're ready to garden. 
I had a garden tragedy over the weekend.  My neighbor lost control of his car and went over my mailbox, through the garden, into my car and into my garage.  Of course, you know what upset me.  The car's replaceable, but I spent half the weekend crying over my favorite red maple.  It lost a big limb and looks like someone gnawled on the trunk in a big circle.  The tree experts tell me the folk remedies don't work and to leave it alone and hope it heals.
Red Maple before it was hit