My Belief in Angels

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My belief is that angels are our guides. They are each given to us for different reasons. My belief is also that we have angels here on earth as well. Our Angels on earth could be family, friends, or maybe even someone we do not know, or never have that chance of knowing.

My Belief is also that angels are one of God's most special gifts. He gives us our angels depending on our needs in this lifetime. Angels are always near us when we need them the most. They will not leave your side unless you push away. Do you believe in your angels?

I also believe that angels help us all to find our purpose in life, to find the paths in which we are directed to follow. Angels try to help us to see our spirituality, but we must be open to that. We are lead through certain stages in our lives, we can either go with it, or fight it and lose out. Through the steps in our lives, we may encounter heartache, but also we are given miracles to cherish, and memories to always remember.

Depend out your angels for your protection, for helping in making your decisions, and also to help make our paths grow clear, because that is why God gave them to us.

Floater java script courtesy of Dynamic Drive.

Midi playing:
Angels Among Us

Artwork displayed here is by Jean Monti

Content © 2008 Janie Johnson