What has been happening
(Ads: click the >> button) ->

Lou / Derluen Pan)
1:21 PM 8/31/2008, about 08:21 PM GMT server time
New main web pages set up at www.oocities.org/wheelifes; plan to keep zip files/crc's up to date there. wheelife2005 will not be frequently updated to keep in sync. (wheelife2000sh is not being updated; password stopped working while at an 0range county library). happens.html is the current blog file again (with its partner for overflow comments, park2.html).
The history is that in 2006, I tried using a separate geocities account at "blogwheel2006" for the blog but lost password access to it, so then replaced it by adding another file, happens06.html within wheelife2005 for new remarks. And it got too big with time, so I pushed older years into happensArchive.html and some long sections into park2.html. The mirror/copy site "wheelife2000sh" was created, and something happened to the password, and now "wheelifes" is set up as the most active site, with "wheelife2005" a mirror site.
Skipped doing zip files for crc data checks for awhile; Previous July 15, June 20 version saved as happens06J20.html, ..Jy14.html, previous files from June 05 are saved as J5park2.html, J5happens06.html, J5checkpt2.zip, no ...06install.html
Gremlins on word access, add counts later. Put blog sections before this year in happensArchive.html.
887100cc Size:50kb (50,283 bytes) 11/30/07 07:04pm
wheelifes will be the main (most edited) set of pages now, not wheelife2005 any more. Email is checked very non-frequently. Maybe they test another c0n game on me and plan to end the game at that c0urt that has been pestering me, say another crazy needs treatment. Or at another c0urt... Well, did not happen at S10 c0urt or other places south.
There have been lots of delays, time waste still. My comments on my 1egal experiences are in park2.html. I went partly on strike because there was far too much 1egal and traffic harassment lately - the traffic seems nicer now, much less like evi1 luck or annoyance, but odd coincidences and slowdowns sometimes still happen. (265,372 bytes local file, MS Word 2007 count: 40469 words, 210127 characters, 250748 with spaces).
(Blog section) (! Other place's MS Word 2003 (version 11.8125.8122 SP2 .5k/sector vs. 11.6359.6360 SP1 .5k/sector) counts recently same, different for weeks said 277,709 vs 277,651 bytes, 43770 vs 43764 words, 218619 vs 218572 char, 262677 vs 262624 char+spaces 5/2/2007:park2, etc, most of may!) And Geocities adds header/trailer/ads. Note that Word's byte count, as local file, is less than when reading the web file with varying ad stuff (116,931 vs 118,269 bytes for example) (Ads put a bottom pop-under window now; a browser system like a library calnet blocks out the ads unless login authorized).

(The main, frequently updated web page site is at happens.html ...Moved lots of this file into a (long) page with more theories/comments on life, sociology called park2.html); 06/05/08 05:57pm GMT; zip CRC:
f52c1ac7 Size:436kb (446,427 bytes) 08/31/2008 01:24pm
There will NOW be a zip file for this version; previous files from June 05 are saved as J5park2.html, J5happens06.html, J5checkpt2.zip, no ...__install.html
happens.html server time
BFB130EF Size:131kb 01/10/2008 10:21pm
it was way past time to take this out of the blog file (park2ed.html, happensed.html: some editing). Repeat some of beginning of park2.html here. Previous long file renamed happens06big.html. Do not expect zip data protection to be very strong. See happensinstalled#servertime for server time.

I usually make nothing I call grammar or writing errors! I use 'or', not 'and'. Names or key words are typed in with some numbers or (-1) inserts on purpose, swap 1 for L or I; swap 0 for o; sKy/sKies: swap p for K; sKypawn: remove pawn + do swap; sp1es: swap i for 1; mostly swap 'us' to upper case). I just do thinking, the real source of inspiration is elsewhere. I warn you seriously, it is very likely a more dangerous threat to anyone who tries to hunt them, than I or you imagine. You can end up feeling like your soul is turning to waste, your life turning into deep tragedy. How are you going to find someone with a connection to freedom of mind, etc. Can not see me if I am in ja1l. Besides, I doubt another one like me can be found. I also doubt life will be so forgiving as to give you another chance. Sometimes it is very weird not finding things, misplacing them, etc. Little bit of pain, (ouch,) many times not too bad for me. A warning for you watching me, maybe, you think? Well, you do not think you are really vested with what would be the powers of g0d, do you? I also would not want to pretend to be me for very long - all the tricks, annoying tests I seem to be put through. There is direct or opportunity cost to do my blog or all my other work. The nosiness or annoyance of sp1es is at a very irking level. There is no rule of science saying the little people will not understand things before sp1es do, or be wiser. Why do they want to know what is happening in my life? Why sKy on me? Does sKying convey any wisdom? Why does evil keep coming as you try to create what you call justice, why do you keep getting problems in your deluded idea of wealth? It is a statistical wonder that life is present around us. The things life does is even more amazing. I can rocket down steep twisty rocky trails, balanced on a bike; some do amazing stunts on skis or bikes on snow ramps. Seabirds twist through branches, zoom inches over waves, then pull up steeply and hover to land on rough rocks or dive down to chase fish. Fish handle pounding rough surf or fast predators. Monkeys do amazing acrobatics. Life forms build complex bi0chem1cals. Look what they did with them: try to make money from them... good idea; kil1 them to get materials... flunk for stupidity!!! The simplest rational thinking about this fact is, that we should be celebrating and sharing each moment of life, saying: "hello, fellow mirac1e of the universe; hello friends". Instead, here on this, so-far, seemingly sleazy place, it is: "how may these lying cheating c0n-men misuse us, capture, t0rture with exper1ments, ens1ave us or other life". Nice ethics. Good conscience! It is like they are proud of it or try to impress me by showing off how they track my motion and appear obviously, in front or behind me as they often cause traffic problems. But they still show too little respect for the ability of animals to intercept dodging targets. Understand that much about how things are controlled or decided is hidden from you, how much we are c0nned or deceived about life! Wake up! We can each choose to help protect ecology as part of what we do in our lives or jobs - it was not my original plan about my career, personally. Anyone can join those who are interested in the wonder of life, appreciate it, and want to make each moment of existence worthwhile and interesting. Put away mistaken attitudes and find new ones of your own. Teach or spread appreciation (respect) for this statistical wonder of life. Almost all of us in school hoped to do some truly meaningful work, but found business, life, prevents change... this is a chance to do something that is important, finally. Maybe there is karma (chance justice) for causing trouble for those who try to help their fellow creatures and live worthy of life. See the karma list before the diary section.
I remind everyone that c0n-men can repeat what is said here to fake being nice people that can be trusted. They should have to say it in a way showing they have really absorbed the ideas. Actually, they have to go beyond these ideas with new ones; it raises the test even more. There is far too much damage or cruelty done to other life, citizens, even society or the world itself. It is time to stop these acts and this emotional lack of control. The damage is done in unacceptable ignorance, saying excuses to justify profit, and worst of all, sometimes deliberately lying to hide knowledge of its bad or unethical effects. This spring, many forest f1res have already burned off acres of life; such a terrible season. The question for everyone is: do I (or you) have a philosophy, or religion, of life and how to live in this universe, or is it just a set of disjointed moral excuses and partly credible partial reasons that only make sense to those who do not think clearly?! Stop being an 0rc helping the dark side destroy the world and cause a bitterly unfair, twisted society!

Worse, social systems steadily try to disconnect conscience from actions. The facts are 1aw is applied unfairly without evidence, and so1diers or 0ps follow orders to kil1 or harm, without full explaining evidence or doing their own invest1gation. Not one first proves they are good by explaining their ethics, beliefs, guarantees; they are lost or afraid to reveal their mission in life. It would clearly be a good idea if the authorities start to do so. Those in authority should be good role models about ethics or admitting problems; instead, the wish to cover up or lie is everywhere, as if everyplace is a colony under control of another power. It is very suspicious that many who are astute, or clever, fear to state their beliefs, or promise to any or commit to any. My beliefs are nice, but who knows about others supporting me or watching. Without very advanced technology beyond my knowledge, some unpleasant tactics would likely be needed to get others to do as commanded. (I had many nasty depressed years, with trouble sleeping: probably about 0ppressively manipulating psycho1ogy of little people.) In many nations, there is no public complete ethical philosophy for how to live and form a society, certainly no rational consistent one.

We try to build lots of things with usage controls, like catalog-only computers, not-for commercial use, speed limiters, copy-pr0tect, p0rn or other web or channel blockers. And many try to over-ride it, as I am over or under emphasizing here. If we could, we would put in 3 or more systems of self-control (meta-rules of conscience) in positive electronic computer software. I definitely will not refer much about this - most engineers are into the same things. But here, see how social systems systems try to disable conscience, demanding they obey all orders or else suffer punishment as said above.
Clearly that is trying to misuse and abuse advanced technology, on the cheap; that would threaten very important business interests as said in
intro 5, part #reverse, on reverse engineering life. I wonder what their long term success is with their cheap, abusive attitudes. They are so disgustingly greedy and cheap! Wake up! There is a huge cruelly destructive delusion or Tru(-1)man-show c0n-game going on with life and societies here, and many of us let ourselves be pawns in it, 0rcs wasting life, making it worse. They constantly try to expose me to others. I guess they are attracting the attention of many advanced minds with opposing interests. If they are reading this, they expect to be treated the way they treat ...me. Many give orders to abuse or destroy without understanding the reality, meaning, or purposes of life so far. (Surely if one does not, one must try very hard to minimize harm). It is so disgustingly hypocritical if bipeds cry tragedy and call for prevention when many bipeds are kil1ed in a rampage, yet ignore it for other life forms. I met a dolphin which clearly seemed very smart, and amused if not amazed at how clumsy or ill-suited bipeds are for water. Play with dogs, etc, and it is clear animals feel emotionally too! (So some go on violent rampages, and they start trying to assign blame. Everyone who notices isolated, afflicted, twisted lives, and saw a sad, unhappy psyche, was to blame for ignoring it or failing to start an investigation to find who/what was causing it, failing to disinfect them of evil. It is an evil we must stop.)

Massive time waste, almost all of my time used up. Seems like contempt, disrespect, bad attitude to me. I lose so much more time doing security for my stuff than most people, and time on physical (bio1ogy) problems, yet it seems to me that many inconsiderately cause more little (or big) delays (or problems) for their own purposes to sKy. Those that do that have no right at all to want any kind of souvenir relating to me. There are also signs that many of these 0ps have need for attention, ego validation, from me. It makes sense, that 0rc-like 0ps or psycho1ogical tricksters would have such screwed up emotional problems, as pawns of evil torture.

Is anyone satisfied with their society? No one is! So far, almost each decision causes more death or destruction of living things! The more people, the more they consume. Letting forest f1res burn, after we have altered the climate/ecology. Massively destructive ocean fishing. Opposing more productive genet1c engineering blocks the path to b1o-engineered materials! There is cruel, unethical, merciless use of animals/life for exper1ments, food, profit, as well as great waste. Scientific advances in society have been a curse to many of its members, to those who have suffered w(-1)ars or forms of s1avery, and to other life! Ecological concern is just an empty image, as far as most leaders go. So is social mutual benefit. They tease us to desire sex, deny it with their tricks or drugs (while they use them to get sex), then cause sex cr1mes with heavy punishment they have set up. They treat us like cattle, making life so unsatisfying with their hypocrisy, so people seek drugs or sex, but they are declared il1egal so the system gives them huge f1nes or pr1son. Life should mean a lot more than this distorted system. One has to join or serve a powerful group to have a more satisfying life.
(Controversial Mel G1bson, actor, ch(-1)urch founder, 12/08/06 ew.com/ew/report/0,6115,1564173_1|6532|0_0_,00.html
about the bad side of his celebrity life in Entertainment Week1y: 'wherever you go, there are photographers... You feel in danger and threatened... They'll also use very offensive language... They're not nice people.") Owen G1eiberman's take on that.
Knowing of all the sec(-1)ret drug dosing by sp1es, all this abuse, it is predictable. They try to mislead how/who is dosing them with drugs, tricking men into thinking their family (the real ones, not sometimes similar sKy doubles) are doing it. They try to test ways of causing vio1ence, maybe being the reason for most family abuse. There are a few hints here, to guard some things that I think should be sec(-1)ret, but because of the mind c0ntrol problem I say again to avoid hints unless it is very important. Saw the Guard1an, a movie about Co(-0)ast Guard rescue. Some great dialogue in there, several possible times alluding to other movies, but they are not confirming or denying, like several other movies, so I am going to do the same at times now. Tough luck if you do not keep up with significant shows. A challenge for me in my situation too, actually. References to movies, shows, etc. will not be quoted, if that upsets an author like you, let me know, if you dare to show that you read my web page. I read a warning once in the Hitchh1ker's Gu1de to the Galaxy, that if the meaning of life is ever figured out, it will quickly be changed to be even more bizarre or twisted. That may have happened before.

(photo of kids waving © Andy Br0uwer:
not-for-commercial-profit uses only)

1D theft, 1D theft, 1D theft! ...c0unterfeit 1D, 1D c1oning. A fake c0p will threaten and demand that you follow orders if you ask for 1d. They may ask for your 1d so they can steal it. You know how sleazy this world is, when it comes to things about money or sex. I doubt ANY bipeds really know the true genetics of their children! It is not all in the genes, but it is all about what is in the jeans (Zoo1ander). There is lots of useful stuff in the genes to keep labs busy without t0rturing any life forms. Sp1es use the little people and expose their 1d or information, force them to be the famous or bait, while sp1es try to hide their 1d's.

Wireless weapons control is so risky. That alone may be why so many bad things happen. Use cordless phones or satellites at your own risk!!! Mobile phone communication is very useful but needs careful attention.

I want products and services provided by fairly treated, free workers paid a comfortable living wage and given meaningful interesting lives. I disapprove of and want products and services without use of slavery, wage slavery, t0rture, force, threats, convict labor, worker mistreatment or cheating, s1avery/ki1ling/abuse (emotional or physical) of thinking, feeling things. Life should be given significant self control and freedom to roam. No (intentional or unintentional) purchase, or use, of any product or service gives approval or support of such disapproved abuse of life or workers. I disapprove of community service over 24 hours, or involving heavy/painful/skilled labor (unless they are paid above-market overtime rates!). I want this to be absolutely clear. I think all life, animals especially, should be treated as if they were friends. And they wonder why evil keeps on coming. I suggest everyone else declare a similar thing, to have their record clear.

(This color is for text that has been deleted before somehow) I will tell you that I have been put through various types of t0rture, even though they do not like it said and keep deleting it. Attempts to redefine t0rture are flawed, study says psycho1ogical t0rture can inflict the same kind of long term damage on victims as phys1cal t0rture (it is no picnic, i felt it before, through Berk...).
Their trick is claiming a test victim has menta1 problems, maybe by giving them one, so they can lock them up. Re1igious people, mass environmental destruction - that is much like madness! "Redf0rd lands left hook...": 'Anyone with a rational mind and a sense of decency is being positioned as a 1efty by the extreme r1ght... I believe in the tenets of dem0cracy, and when they get pushed, it pisses me off"' (or called a mental case)
Unless you are family or rarely biking or hiking with me, or helped me with an apartment issue, I have been physically out of touch (except for being at a Bay Area Christmas party). Sorry!
My green bike Zed is gone, lasted travelling but stolen about 2001 in Berke1ey. No sports about catching things like baseball, frisbee, or tennis since illness affected my eyes in a major way. Weather is amazing; it has been pretty nice to me for a while, something those 0ps types playing c0ps being so annoying or obnoxious can not control. Those (c)0ps may not care about me, but maybe some force is with me. (C)0ps asked me several times if I have nothing better to do, or said if I am hostile or do not obey, they will make it worse. That is how it is, in general, then. There are so many social/ecological cr1mes or problems, they have little to do but harass me for fake reasons, or meaningless little things. It would be much easier to just wipe out an entire world run on cruelty or bad ethics, or a city filled with ga(-1)ngs or thugs, than to take the trouble to change their ethics or attitudes. The good people or innocent animal (even plant) life would cry out about being punished for the acts of the bad. But this reason has never mattered here to barbarians or other invaders. What does matter, is that sec(-1)rets, income, or things of real value will be lost. (Traffic jams seem to be caused often by 0ps. It is so weird how 5 or 6 lanes of highway cars will slam brakes on from full speed to a total jam, even when I see only 1 lane blocked. Think, this is only possible if someone does that to each lane. Maybe they try to condition 1A drivers into this. They test much drug/behavior in traffic, sometimes at stores. If I try to leave a safety space, cars/0ps cut in front, being annoying. The traffic situation is also a model for the st0ck market too.) Someone who has some psycho1ogy bullshit to play tells (c)0ps to ask me if there are any psycho1ogical or su1cidal feeling problems. These kind of problems are almost always caused, I bet. And the (c)0ps are the ones with mental behavior problems, su1cidal ecology behavior, su1cidally bold to harass me or others without good manners, crazy suckers to think a system of obeying orders without checking (or having to look up notes to testify) is trying to do justice or prevent evil. I see many of them dress lightly when it is cold, maybe what gives them cold tolerance has this side effect or makes them hate the people they should protect. For me, it works the other way, I dislike these (c)0ps. Adding warm clothes is a little thing I see unusual weather; it will be interesting to see more things happen that I never saw or thought of.

* autumn: A solar eclipse of TV: stellar Batt1estar Ga1actica opening show. Covers mi1itary occupati0n, resistance, conscience of warr1ors, myth, reality, love, extinction, rescue, exper1menting on life, t0rture, 0ppression, evi1 of su1cide b0mbing. Big comments. A top off1cer says, been thinking, we ARE working for dem0ns, spreading death and destruction everywhere we go. The science fiction channel or movies give out the big clues or stuff to think over. So do I. Us, so easy to find.
* summer: Ann C0u1ter says in her book G0d1ess: 9/(10+1) widows should stop talking about their husbands deaths and just get over it. (Tell their documentless servants at the summer house to take the veal or lamb steaks off the 600-year-old maple wood barbecue because the horde of always-snacking kids like flesh oozing blood and burnt on the outside. Oh, boo hoo, sob, honey) (...So now you know, your sect are children of a lesser g0d, who loved you, surely, and sacrificed g0dhood trying to protect you from that disaster, just like you would).

The way J McMah0n plays a vile business tycoon in Fantast1c 4 is the way greedy unethical p1astic surge0ns should be seen in his N1p/Tuck role. There he acts more charming or likeable, probably to protect career or win fans.

Batt1estar Ga1actica Precipice (2006) imdb.com/title/tt0801850/quotes
Col. T1gh: Which side are we on? We are on the side of the demons, chief. We are evi1 men in the gardens of parad1se, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go.
...(like many fishermen, who waste or destroy, ignore warning advice by ecologists/scientists, lied, cheated, or bribed po1iticians, caused disaster; f0restry, forest f1re dept, land deve1opment similarly. It is like they are trying to cause massive extinctions. The same selfish uncaring vicious attitudes are seen with p1mps, users of s1ave/m1grant 1abor, animal slaughter house owners, street g(-1)angs, p1astic surge0ns, many times.)
Col. T1gh: [to Laura Ros1in] I have sent men on su1cide m1ssions in 2 w(-1)ars now, and let me tell you something - it does not make a g0d-damn bit of difference whether they are riding in a Viper or walking out onto a parade ground. In the end, they are just as dead.
[pause]... So take your p1ety and your moralizing and your high-minded principles, and stick them some place safe until you are off this rock and you are sitting in your nice cushy chair on Colonial One again. I have got a w(-1)ar to fight. (Shockingly cruel!)
Lt. Sharon "B00mer": How do you know? I mean, how do you really know that you can trust me?
Adm1ral: I do not. That is what trust is.

Batt1estar Ga1actica 2003 (opening miniseries) imdb.com/title/tt0314979/quotes
[near the start, decommissioning speech, 2 versions, not sure if I saw the longer script's]
Adm1ral: The Cy1on W(-1)ar is long over, yet we must not forget the reasons why so many sacrificed so much in the cause of freedom. The cost of wearing the uniform can be high, but ...[very long (emotional) pause]
sometimes it is too high. You know, when we fought the Cy1ons, we did it to save ourselves from extinction. But we never answered the question "Why?" Why are we as a people worth saving? Look at us. We tell ourselves we are noble, intelligent creatures. Children of the 1ords of Kobo1. But we will still let people go to bed hungry because it costs too much to feed the poor... we still commit murder for greed or spite or jealousy ... and we visit all of our s1ns upon our children. We refuse to take responsibility for what we have done. Like we did with the Cy1ons. We decided to play g0d. Create life. And when that life turned against us, we comforted ourselves in the knowledge that it was not really our fault, not really. It was the Cy1ons that were flawed. But the truth is... we are the flawed creation. We are the ones that tried to manufacture life and make it serve us. But you do not play G0d and then wipe your hands of what you have created. Sooner or later... the day comes when you can not hide from what you have done anymore. ... A day of reckoning.
These transcripts may be useful:
twiztv.com/scripts/stargate (restart show this year)
galactica1.zip, --2.zip, --3.zip are copied here in this web directory, they have the scripts for seasons 1-3.

FW's 0scar speech: When I was a kid, the only way that I saw movies was from the backseat of my family's car. At the drive-in. And, it was not my reality to think I would be acting in movies, so receiving this honor tonight tells me that it is possible...
Because when I first started acting, it was because of my desire to connect to everyone. To that thing inside each of us. That light that I believe exists in all of us. Because acting for me is about believing in that connection and it is a connection so strong, it is a connection so deep, that we feel it. And through our combined belief, we can create a new reality.

ME's 0scar speech: Mostly I have to thank Al G0re for inspiring us, inspiring me, and showing that caring about the Earth is not Repub1ican or Dem0crat. It is not red or blue. We are all green. This is our job now, we can become the greatest generation, the generation that changed, the generation that woke up and did something and changed.

Exerpts from Chou1nard's book: Let My Peop1e Go Surf1ng
I HAVE BEEN A BUSINESSMAN for almost 50 years. It is as difficult for me to say those words as it is for someone to admit to being an a1coholic or a 1awyer.

I have never respected the profession. It is business that has to take the majority of the blame for being the enemy of nature, for destroying native cultures, for taking from the poor and giving to the rich, and for p0isoning the earth with the effluent from its factories. Yet business can produce food, cure d1sease, control population, employ people, and generally enrich our lives. And it can do these good things and make a profit without losing its soul.
My company, Vent(-1)ura, Ca1ifornia-based Patagon1a Inc., maker of technical outdoor apparel and gear, is an ongoing exper1ment. Founded in 1973, it exists to challenge conventional wisdom and present a new style of responsible enterprise. We believe the accepted model of cap1talism, which necessitates endless growth and deserves the blame for the destruction of nature, must be displaced. Patagon1a and its thousand employees have the means and the will to prove to the rest of the corporate world that doing the right thing makes for good, financially sound business.

One of my favorite sayings about entrepreneurship is "If you want to understand the entrepreneur, study the juvenile de1inquent." The de1inquent is saying with his actions, "This sucks. I am going to do my own thing." Since I had never wanted to be a businessman, I needed a few good reasons to be one. One thing I did not want to change, even if we got serious: Work had to be enjoyable on a daily basis. We all had to come to work ... and go up the stairs two steps at a time. We needed to be surrounded by friends who could dress whatever way they wanted, even be barefoot. We all needed flextime to surf the waves when they were good or ski the powder after a big snowstorm or stay home and take care of a sick child. We needed to blur the distinction between work and play and family.
This kind of independent thinking applies to our management philosophy as well. In fact, our employees are so independent, we have been told by psycho1ogists, that they would be considered unemployable in a typical company. We do not want drones who will simply follow directions. We want the kind of employees who will question the wisdom of something they regard as a bad decision but, once they buy into something, will work like demons to produce something of the highest possible quality ? whether a shirt, a catalog, a store display, or a computer program. How you get these highly individualistic people to align and work for a common cause is the art of management at Patagon1a.
(Well, half-witted unworthy life has not earned (cl)drones to use as cheap free tools, the results of trillions of years, or more, of bi0chem1stry.)

A lot of towns and buildings are dreary or pointless. There are also some nice towns, this opinion is about one of them:
Jan 25, 07 "Like many of you, I am unabashedly in love with Santa ..., inspired by her coastline, ocean, mountains, and creeks. Santa ...was one of the first g0vernments in the nation to devise meaningful policies to preserve that unique beauty. This is a place where the planning process has become akin to a suit of armor, protecting our community and the environment.
That said, a person who has lived here for some time looks around, sees an enormous amount of construction and traffic, reads the news accounts of the increasing losses of open spaces, and rightly asks, 'How well are those 1aws protecting our community and its environment?' Even with our complex suit of armor, many wounds are being inflicted on this community, each luxury development paving away our last open spaces, and each conversion of rentals to condos reducing the number of middle- and working-class people who can afford to live here. ...when an unavoidable negative impact to the environment is identified in a proposed development, the C1ty Counci1 must make a statement (called a finding) that the better alternatives (environmentally) are not able to be carried out. Since one of the alternatives can always be no project at all, this should be a difficult finding to make. Unfortunately, in practice the city almost never says no, and often does not choose the environmentally superior option.
So if a developer does not want to increase the communitywide benefits of a project... all the developer has to say is, 'It will not pencil out.' This lack of verification is a far cry from the strong community protection (...they) have come to expect from their city.
I don't believe that everything can just stay the same. A city is a collection of living things and needs to adapt to the needs of its citizenry. The construction we allow and forbid will cause lasting consequences for our community, so we should have the vigilance to create livable, walkable, and affordable neighborhoods in the areas of change. Yes, adapting to those needs will take construction, but we also have talented people in public service, neighborhood activism, the construction industry, and the architectural field to save what is left of our open spaces, keep our neighborhood feel, and meet the community's needs.
By not independently analyzing what developers are capable of in terms of affordability or mitigations, we are failing to use that talent in a manner that sets the highest standard of community benefits. Considering the brain trust we have in ..., we could be doing a better job of planning our future."
(...And there are so many complex, beautiful, amazing things about this world (like flying submarines called seabirds - and look at how brutally bipeds waste them), we must react and do a much better job of caring for it. They just do not make many things like they used to. Many species are dying without our ability to recreate them. I saw the world alive and beautiful at times, light shimmering or gleaming across spots, red sunsets putting a dim glow on trees, diving flying submar1nes or boats (seabirds), airborne boats (fish). Weather works out ok for me often in interesting ways. Light rain drizzle on a clear starry night at the coast, a light snow changes my tent and the desert to be more scenic. Rainbows, sun breaking through cold clouds.

(? All writing is copyrighted by the way). No alteration checks here until later. I have not been surprised to notice oddly misplaced sentences or mistakes on the main page before. Tough luck. No unused html or comments on this page though. [Oops, mistake on the page about individuality of mind near the end: says iit for it. Fix it later.] ["to get along" means to live friendly or be peaceful with others]

Names or key words are typed in with some numbers or (-1) inserts on purpose, swap 1 for L or I; swap 0 for o; sKy/sKies: swap p for K; sKypawn: remove pawn + do swap; sp1es: swap i for 1; mostly swap 'us' to upper case). Tips on emphasized (italic) word changes will appear when you mouse over the word. The first time Explorer opens the page, it will need to wake up about mouse titles... I find clicking the right mouse button anywhere, or selecting something like the target word, or selecting a browser menu, will work to wake up mouse titles.

They keep causing annoying leaks, so I will reveal this. They want me to forget to put coins or plastic cards (like grocer cards) away in anti-radio leak. And keep causing flaws in DVD/CD anti-leak shielding too. These things are probably used to sKy or track, with RF1D:

c0p hassles... traffic guys have often added nuisance things that were not wrong, like saying no 1nsurance card, etc. Lots of rich beach towns like S. Mon1ca, S. Bar. are tourist traffic traps giving big fines. Then they act nosier than stores and want extra details off credit cards, when they can easily add penalties, etc. Some lose payments to get more money, be a nuisance:
Are these tickets also given to raise 1nsurance rates?! B. Rodr1guez, K-9 on shirt, with C? J0nes, 2 cars, ticket, not judged yet
"DP" Kre(-1)sky. badge pin #5190 ticket 2 viols, there just as I turned, says he is watch c0mmander, Lt.
Jeffrey Au1dridge badge #125 ticket, extra penalties removed, 2 sessions.
C. B0rne #18058, name pin; ticket, behind me at night: 1ancaster traffic staff all anonymous except commissioner McSor1ey, forced me to accept continuance when c0p did not appear, did not let me reschedule later when I miss tria1 (but records say someone "answered" as B0rne for second meeting. Big time waste. Final meeting courteous, but always someone tries to push me around verbally, bai1iff or judge. See note below on this city: voted to add faith slogan to wall.
Weider1n + Kess1er, got my car towed, cost a lot, Fi1icicchia refused to approve releasing car right away, reduced to no traffic points.
R. J0hnson badge #1305, female black NB officer, Jdge.: Thomas Ree(-1)se, (had to sit at much of Gregory J0nes session), bai1iff J. De1gadillo, clerk S. Bart(-1)ush; video (wow!) faked (bad!). Said my lights were off, admitted memory mostly from seeing video, might not be on bad side, lost case (see the part of park2 on recent experiences with 1aw)
E. Dom1nguez #571, hostile officer, guy I met looked white, Jdge.: David Orne1as, bai1iff anonymous!, clerk N Rob1es, lost this case (see the part of park2 on recent experiences with 1aw
1owe #895 + Gud0rph #1309, Jdge.: Thomas Ree(-1)se, reduced the bill.
Cambr1a f1re Ear1 Wal1at, backup by capt. Steve B1tto, told ch(-1)p T. Co0kston to arr(-1)est me; C-DF batta1ion chief Andy (W.M.) And(-1)ersen (see the part of park2 on recent experiences with 1aw).
React0r pump failure same day as this 2nd S1O county p01ice stop, must have cost money (see happensArchive.html#react0r: 12/13/2005).
Daniel Bar(-1)ba #12859 lied/wrong, Jdge.: Steven Be1asco, bai1iff Free(-1)dman pats me down after session; windy but my car stayed in lane, made me go behind my car, searched it/little mess, felt extra cold reaction, said did not have insur. card, suggested drive with him to casino, started health recheck problem, did admit memory of it not detailed.
A. J0nes #12397
Nei1 Gow1ng #3284, Jdge. Ms. Deborah Ta1madge, Clerk Jason Fra(-1)ntz: lost.
Jdge M 1afferty: lost cases; even when parking person admitted mistake!; Noticed this was deleted at some time: one time the fat bai1iff was nasty about ordering my hat off the head.
"Gou1d" + partner, suggest very noisy place to rest in Hil1sborough
Mc(-1)Grew #17505
Vent(-1)ura: jams, detours all over, ch(-1)p ?Gonza1es ticket for tiny questionable issue.
1ancaster voted May 2008 to add "In G0d We Trust" to city council walls: dailynews.com/news/ci_9422418 "Vandals hit home of City Council critic", 1os Ange1es Dai1y News, May 30, 2008 Home of woman who objected to the decision to place the motto on a wall vandalized... this shows the character of this faith there. I got a broken fan belt, lame ticket, biased traffic comm1ssioner. Mostly m1norities there. "It's official: 1ancaster trusts G0d", 1. A. Dai1y News, May 18
Rosevi1le, near cap1tol: Old log - cars being jerks on long drive from bay area up 80, black suv jams in dangerously at 0ak1and merge. Mellows during beautiful full moon rise near state cap1tol. Then cars, trucks being jerks, big truck drives off edge of road, spews rocks, suv's driving on road edge to pass me, guy in white f. exp1orer follows me to gas station past rosevi1le, told me I better stop driving, said called c0p, get ticket. At court, young guy at gate grabs my shoulder hard, demands I go through gate to ask clerk question, later the refuses to let me into session (1 minute late). Denied request to re-open case now because S1O prevented me, then supposedly traffic guy reviews it, tries to get me to pay twice * with a 300 late fee + 15 for making a summary abstract which they have not sent me! Like dealing with a double-billing ripoff. 1A denied request to re-open a ticket case too.
Vent(-1)ura: jams, detours all over, ch(-1)p ?Gonza1es ticket for tiny questionable issue.
Berke1ey: Few c0p tricks, false charges again.
Bue1ton: false charge, guy with pin only saying M puts me in back of hot car, windows closed. Acts like "they" are testing how I react to how they have pulled nasty tricks on me. Noticed this was deleted at some time: one time the fat bai1iff was nasty about ordering my hat off the head.
"G0uld" + partner, suggest very noisy place to rest in Hillsb0rough
Mc(-1)Grew #17505
Vent(-1)ura: jams, detours all over, ch(-1)p ?Gonza1es ticket for tiny questionable issue.
Berke1ey: Few c0p tricks, false charges again.
Bue1ton: false charge, guy with pin only saying M puts me in back of hot car, windows closed. Acts like "they" are testing how I react to how they have pulled nasty tricks on me.

The next section from park2.html is worth repeating here:
(This highlighted section will get moved down + split/merged sometime later) What I am revealing on these web pages has been done quite gently to help bring about changes in attitude or behavior. There is almost no chance any of you can plan anything similar. Life so far is still a pathetic comical tragedy. When will they start to find ways to turn it into a humorous celebration of life?!! It is a challenge for those with power: can they accomplish this turn in behavior? Look at 1raq or Afghan1stan: here supposedly stronger powers try to make changes using brute force and indiscriminate kil1ing to punish opposition: washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/22/AR2007092200429.html
japantoday.com/jp/news/419780. Backwards as always, many really do feel a delusion that injuring someone or some living thing is an achievement when really it is hard to keep them from being hurt; there are so many ways they can be. Those who help cause traffic delays, help trap people/animals, are doing something only as (simply) clever as animals which hunt. Who/whatever organizes this continues to have a disgusting attitude unworthy of life. I usually try to use force reduction, while these others talk about trying to achieve the opposite. There are too many with wrong attitudes who support things like toll road/booth slowdown traffic jam which waste life for everyone else. Ch(-1)urches, jai1s, f1re stations get hit by tornadoes - so far, if I read about them (noted in happens.html), there is only property damage, almost never injuries or someone dy1ng. But the emergency f1rst resp0nders (f1re, med1cal, t0w truck, c0ps, etc) or 1aw here support or cause much injury or dy1ng. When someone is driven crazy to do vio1ence by these exper1menters, and then they kil1 the animal or biped, it is surely to hide the truth, and they cause a large part of other kil1ings or problems:
...They drank, argued, C0sta Mesa c0p kil1s man, many different stories about it. C0p runs over several bicyclists (3/09/2008)...
There is a big penalty for hurting or stealing from higher authority. They are also delaying or refusing to clear explanations that they should behave ethically towards life. Well, this year is on a record-breaking tornado rate, so they should look at those costs and rethink a disgraceful system. Tickets have no direct relationship to accidents or safe driving, but they are driven by profit, petty emotion, or po1itics, with much lies too: "... on track to break record for tornadoes" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080528/ap_on_re_us/tornadoes
One of the biggest lessons from my experience is that any living thing can be important, no matter how small it seems. ...There is much to ponder or generalize about that. They protect their pathetic scientific advances of the hour from others, yet living things, with vastly more important secrets, they treat as unimportant trash. Returning to the topic that any living thing can be important, here is a key implication: Failure to behave with respect, care, or courtesy for someone, or some animal, etc. may bring the anger of someone powerful upon you. If one does not deduce this point, as well as other generalizations from the previous sentence, then conclude that the ability to analyze or generalize is seriously inadequate. A bad situation that means one should be very very careful. Do not expect it to be easy to figure out which ones are important, that is not how something like that works. (Sex w0rker is a term for wh0re which has less artificial degrading emotional judgements attached) G0vernor E.S. resigns, ex-g0vernment 1awyer, hired expensive sex w0rker (but I wonder how much she actually gets out of the whole fee) groups about human r1ghts, fore1gners, sex feel betrayed, is there going to be anything discussed or done to prevent this or worse acts (and groups usually fail to fix their own problems), in the future is the question:
nysun.com/article/72640, nytimes.com/2008/03/12/nyregion/12prostitute.html
...lots of chasing "temptations of the flesh" (sex) at cap1tols. 2 reports on cheap and greedy side of the dr(-1)ug/sex business which is tolerated by social systems, keeps bipeds poor, causes s1avery: San Mate0 County T1mes, CA 4/18/2008, "1awmakers want top c0ps held accountable", insidebayarea.com/ci_8970374: (high sex prices, s1avery, threats, bad working conditions). "The Op1um Brides of Afg." 03/29/2008; newsweek.com/id/129577/output/print: Farm debts owed unpaid if raids destroy crops, families are tracked down even when they run away like sp1es can do, threats force girls to be sold cheaply for $2000 in debt to be "wives" (servants + sex): much less than a car or weapon which does not understand what I say or is not fun to cuddle. Money problems or crisis have been used for a very long time to pressure others so they yield to being taken advantage of. The dr(-1)ug business, etc charge so much and f1nes by the 1aw cost a lot too, yet they are so cheap to poor people they use. When an activity is made i1legal, or the c0ps seem to be bad, problems are not reported, so they are now easy targets and sleazy ones can get away with even more vicious cr1me. Evi1 wins when it gets 1aws made which cause much more unethical cr1me by suppressing reports. It turns out to be a (silly) mistake which turns out to cause more bad cr1mes, so they should fix it as quickly as possible to turn things good. If there are nasty rough groups taking over areas, then they must join one to protect themselves when they feel the 1aw is no help or so many bosses cheat them. There are constant attempts to add more severe rules. To repeat this point, it is publicly not announced, but I am very sure that there are things which cause mental malfunctions of all types, including driving or operating things the wrong way. We have lots of experience with alcohol - NORMALLY it does not make anyone start doing things switched backwards, etc, OTHER things probably do that, and the alcohol is used as a c0verup. Besides, it would be just the thing tricky sp1es would do, add controls to power steering + engine controls so they can set victims up for crashes or tickets. I have noticed my car acting unusually. And in Brave New Wor1d, they described how popular the use of something to encourage easy sex + pleasure would be; now a similar thing is very popular in the expensive trade. Guys would do anything to get sex. But the ones that work the way they want are probably se(-1)crets used by sp1es.

It is very annoying to be forced to put through exper1ments, almost always. Anyone who is part of the (use of) psych01ogy, 1egal system (which uses those in jai1s for tests), faith (which uses psych01ogy tricks), or med1cine is responsible for being a part of such a system. Either be blamed as part of it, or they must try to change it to a more decent kind system for the people or living things being tested. My recent eye checkup says signs of bleeding damage show up, though my vision is good, meaning it has been amazing about withstanding or repairing the constant damage I think is inflicted. (The system is creating such hassles for me about supposed safety and car damage issues, yet the issue of damage to my eyes, me, etc is something it does not bring up on its own. It was just like my camp stove was stolen, not being able to find it, even if I found it in June in a bag near a door a few years later. Anything that uses fuel emits chemicals, by the way...) No friends to visit in southern Ca1, no companions, they keep dangling sexual attraction/tests, I guess. I blame it on the obnoxious paparrazi-like sKies harassment, arriving when I do, staring or peeking or other suspicious things, or causing it. Very annoying in traffic. Periodic/frequent intimidations of some sort, like just now, by white guy this time with ugly attitude. They are truly the most twisted anti-social ones. It is all such a repulsive ugly psychic oppress1on. (I also find their acts, ideas seem unoriginal, taken from others; they copy or refer to ideas from movies done by others, etc; probably they always copy for their repulsive manipulation) And how many of you are sent to other places to harm or harass others who you know nothing or very little about?! Letting yourself be used like a dumb dog! This is wrong and irresponsible.

The next reports ask what is wrong in cultures where scanda1s happen too often with terrible things being done to people, and how those with responsibility, or neighbors, can fail to detect or report them: ("Austr1a fears for its image in 1ncest case fall-out", a few sources): monstersandcritics.com/news/europe/features/article_1402954.php; timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/the_way_we_live/article3834569.ece There are many things wrong about our nations or how we approach the way we live. There is much evil sleaze everywhere, s1avery always tries to grow in some form, and the system must beware being twisted to help evil.

We are not looking to choose a leader based on who likes to cause traffic jams, something any evil moron can do, ruin the environment, or harm life (a simple stunt like damaging a pc). We want to choose one based on who can bring better technology advance, which the advanced nations brag or claim they can. The contest should not be held about who is luckiest with the sneaky po1son or knife in the back, but who is smartest with science and whose ethics can be trusted, but thugs try to win with betrayal and vio1ence. It should be like a math/science contest, sKy skill contest, so it should be secret, but then how do we know if they really solved it or just got passed a stolen solution instead, etc. There is also the big issue of who knows what to do when faced with invaders with better technology. (The environment would be very nasty if all the things in it were as lethally predatory as possible. The brutal truth is that bipeds with a smug superior attitude would be disposed or replaced quickly if that was the case. That is the reason not to let thugs win the selection nor to be heroes.) What are the qualities to look for in leaders: selfishness, greed, c0rrupt1on/br1bery, foolishness, unenlightenment, bias, sexism, rac1sm, irrationality are not what one wants... but most of the time it seems to be a race to choose bad leaders. A greedy and cheap attitude towards others has infected too many who lead. It seems like this is really what the "(ne0)-c0nservat1ves" are about. Look at the bad choice the R. party made for leadership, choosing one from the greedy side of the fuel business, so prices have gone up, etc. They are still trying to get rid of ecology protection. They make big profits, but were charging for air or water which costs very little except in deserts. A businessman which does not view customers in a friendly way, but se(-1)cretly prefers most others to be sheep or s1aves if possible. Fuel prices should be raised in a revenue-neutral way, with other costs reduced to offset them. Instead, inflation distorts prices and the poor suffer with anger about higher prices for many essential things. I do not believe claims about the fall in the dollar currency value (the punishment for loss of credibility). It has been the world "reserve currency", it has controlled world financial/currency markets for a long time. Exchange rate changes have probably been used as a tool, this situation has been caused again by someone on purpose; (search on: influence 1nternational currency dollar standard etc) "Choose Your Weap0n: Trade Po1icy, Exchange Rates, ..." allacademic.com/meta/p209631_index.html ("The case for a g1obal currency", 1nternational Hera1d Tr1bune): iht.com/articles/2006/08/03/opinion/edwade.php
Estimates cite huge waste of natural gas, puts carbon into air, worth 40 or more billion. With huge profits and years of big tax breaks, the fuel companies have yet to build things to save this resource, pushing to get more areas to drill in. earth2tech.com/2008/08/15/synfuels-converts-natural-gas-to-gasoline-to-cash/ www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,504511,00.html "Democ's drying up oi1 industry tax breaks:" articles.latimes.com/2007/jan/17/nation/na-energy17
They raised prices a lot when some tax rebates first started going out, while many have yet to receive theirs even now, and blame others as usual ("McCa1n ad blames 0bama for high gas prices" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080721/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_adwatch_1). It hurts businesses or economies a lot, once again putting people in desperate money trouble, and I bet they are emotionally squeezed to do unpleasant or unethical things. It hurts tourism, more of the travelers are those sent on sKy purposes. Campgrounds are more affordable, but on the west coast, most are right next to noisy roads or far from town. And (traffic) courts make people like me appear, waste gas; when will they provide more ways to reduce driving, or answer phones quickly, some of them. Powerful old (men) really run states - they should be mature by that stage, so why is mean exp1oitational sexual trade and destructive unethical dr(ug) trade everywhere, why do they permit so many cr1minal gangs to exist? They profit from traffic jams too caused as they work on ways to trick us in traffic; they probably cause it to be done and it shows their unfriendly attitude (1aw wastes time/money like that too). Tickets, accidents force people to buy from independent 1nsurance companies, who profit with huge rates costing many times normal. I hear that Pr0gress1ve is about the only choice in the west, but there is a pool of them that handles those who get put into a category with lots of tickets. The un-enlightened "(ne0)-c0nservat1ve" attitude is really to seek to increase the old feudal servant system even more, for an ever smaller privileged powerful few, probably. They are creating a rotten image for this large nation, that it is a bully which has no integrity, no conscience, is cheap, cruel, oppressive, loves s1avery, and deep down, is run by those with a destructive thug attitude which lacks class and enlightenment. It should be bringing enlightenment, advances, better lives especially for te poor, bringing better balance, freedom and peace to the world. "Sen. Repub1icans block windfall taxes on Big Oi1" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080611/ap_on_go_co/congress_oil_profits It is dragging down economy, despite the spending caused by all the weather disasters, f1ghting, f1res, and the low do1lar helping exports of uncompetitive products. Oi1 is priced in dollars, so it does not "need" to go up in price, they refuse to let it get cheaper in non-dollar terms or make up for other costs apparently. We use less (reduce demand), add supplies like those in I. which has been taken over, but they raise prices even more, like certain other types of products. They do not seem to be spending extra profits or boosting this economy. ...apartment rents seemed to go up a lot as house prices did, do not fall very much. They are not doing many things to conserve fuel either, stop signs are not removed in places like Berke1ey to smooth traffic flow, allowing more u-turns, still building black roofs/roads/cars, etc. The road building crews are part of this, some make manipulative expressions, one jam somehow stopped me right next to a smelly parked car fume. (Their design ability shows in road quality which degrades pathetically; they can not build life but want to trick us to exp1oit us, abuse us, with their acts, etc.) R's may say they will keep taxes lower, but fuel companies run the nation now, and those costs, along with tickets etc for drinking, driving, etc have gone up a lot in the last ten years of their rule. Cars, chem1stry, and pest1cides are closely linked; in turn linked to 1nsurance, which would want to monitor threats as much as possible. Manufacturers already use contractors to shed blame for bad work situations; the way fuel setup is split up may likely be the same thing. Hard to imagine little desert nations with their technology bought from western nations have somehow got the leverage on them.

Many of the rich cheat the poor to get even richer; it seems to be part of the goal even though so many scientific advances could be used to benefit everyone. And the miracles of life we see involve huge numbers of further accomplishments with molecules. Women and other colors are especially targeted, they try to create a false image of equa1ity or niceness, but want to find ways to control them and use them as absolutely as possible. They will inflict any level of pain, mental or otherwise, as shown by the promotion of frivolous p1astic surgery for profit and image. They will try to use sensitive feelings, about flaws etc, and use them in cruel ways. There is absolutely a cruel systematic scheme in action, so good people have to keep cynical psycho1ogical armor on all the time! Meanwhile, very few in authority show enough real shame or sensitivity about the flaws in their soc1ety or system. The "real" (not the fake) ordinary people do not decide what their nation does; they can not even get traffic flaws fixed or abort1on allowed. 6/12 Saw McC. repeat his saying on CN(-1)N that gvmt. spends like a drunken sailor, "promises" to fight waste + c0rrupt1on, apologizes for the analogy. Il. is supposed to be full of c0rruption too. (It is weird that promises are made in public print or tv, then they get away with breaking them later): election.newsmax.com/mccain_sailor.html cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/11/30/mccain.bashes.bush.ap/ jasonrosenberg.wordpress.com/2007/05/02/mccains-drunken-sailor/ Drought in S. E.: "S0uthern water providers raise rates despite conservation" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080526/ap_on_bi_ge/conservation_penalty_2 They feel no duty to protect the world or ecology; they have a deadly instinct to do the opposite. It just shows the dire lack of better choices of places or product sources that anyone still lives here or buys products from here. We should value our ability to decide things ourselves, to evaluate with a ethical view, to cooperate or share! Friends share little things like water freely. They crave love also - there are so many sex scanda1s; love is about a free gift or sharing caring, friendship, pleasure, etc, yet they fail to appreciate this and extend it to other parts of life, they are so greedy and cheap. Like sex and the "I love you" trick act (pretense); they say what they think others want to hear about unity, fairness, ethics, etc. For example, the chief here just said on 5/15/08 something that may sound like unity to someone hoping for help, but literally says nothing, even less than an I love you line: "when you confront terr0r and evil, ...(this nation)... stands with you": mcclatchydc.com/election2008/v-print/story/37166.html.
But there is this report on how the nation abandons those helping it in I.: Many in I. have been t0rtured, rap(-1)ed, ma1med for working with the c0nquer1ng 1nvaders, who are not doing much to move them to safety or protect them. In the broadcast, 1 guy said he was told his job would just be given to someone else in a while if he was not back soon enough. cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/09/60minutes/printable2554125.shtml
(Do a search for save I. trans1ators or workers; one can reasonably question if the whole truth or story is told, but the point may be to discuss what happened at other times or situations.) It is a very likely risk that those taking over think local helpers are disposable or want to get rid of as many locals as possible. They do not want to rescue them and bring them here to live, they want to eject i1legal imm1grant (m1norities), they got rid of Ch. workers who built tra1n tracks with vio1ence, they sent some ex-s1aves to 1iberia. Many of them must start remembering the principles of freedom and tolerance in their own national documents, phrases like this will be a "land of the free", make their states worthy of their descriptions like the "miracle mile" (I rate S. Ca1if. as a C+, up from a D, on a scale of A-F, Berkeley went from D- to C- for me. This state has deliberate bad traffic to test how to manipulate us, especially 1A, maybe the cap1tol too... it is nearest to As1a + S. Amer1ca; New Y0rk does that with st0cks as the financial center... and is nearest Eur0pe, T is the home of the recent national leadership, nearest S. Amer1ca too, but must be interested in the whole world and the fuel). Even the fighting forces are at risk, with many "su1cides" for ex-so1diers: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080508/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/veterans_suicide_q_a_4
Wondering how good, how ready the staff is, or how much to trust them (not to do exper1ments or eliminate someone)? 1950 Fe_res doctr1ne, supre. court decision says active mi1itary can not sue for med1cal errors (ma1practice): latimes.com/news/science/la-na-feres20apr20,1,2818080.story%3ftrack=rss
F. a_gents raid office protecting whist1eblowers (those who report bad behavior or problems in their group), many news reports say the "office of special c0unse1" head, Scott B1och, ignores hundreds of cases or even tries to punish those who report, just takes on a few cases: news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080506/pl_afp/usjusticefbicorruption_080506181710 commondreams.org/news2005/1222-03.htm There is something deeply wrong, they try to disconnect self-checks so that they do anything dishonest that they want. Look at the permissive 1aws passed now for monitoring soc1ety. This is the pattern, they want to disconnect our own consciences too. This is what they are doing to c0ps, the kind of sneaky dishonest system they want them to force on us, the kind they are using in other places. In the nation of M next door, or other places, they ki1l people in authority and many others (right next to this nation, can there be some influence?) to control the business of selling things that disrupt the mind: latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-fg-mexarmy3-2008jun03,0,7051683.story As a profession or business behaves badly and gets a bad image, it gets harder to get recruit good quality, so unworthy/cr1minal/untalented types start getting into it. It is a self-reinforcing feedback cycle where the bad or evil wins, unless there is a constant serious effort to keep ethical good behavior. The 1egal system, etc. has slipped badly with this. They also set up a path to taking homes or property away legally at will. Ke1o v. City of New 1ondon, 2005, at the highest level, they say property can be taken "legally" by government "em1nent doma1n" and sold to a private developer (I have heard of times when land is taken away for low prices): "Just1ces Uphold Taking Property for Development", nytimes.com/2005/06/24/politics/24scotus.html The have redefined ownership to meaning nothing, except liability, as of 2005. If someone wants to start a massive world economic disaster, just br1be some places to take some useful land away, spread the news, and watch property prices crash, then the economy. There is no credibility, no sincerity to what authority says; it has to be rebuilt from destruction. They use hypocr1sy, attacks based on fairness, just1ce, ethics, niceness or social duty but they cheat in such bad ways. No wonder they are so vindictive about hiding who they are, because when the hypocr1sy eventually reveals itself, it causes such massive anger. It is pretty sure that the common perception of those sp1es at work on fore1gn 0perat1ons is, probably correct, among those who have a better idea of what they do, that they do unethical sleazy dirty tricks, even if they project a "moral image" (B0urne; A1ias; La Femme N1kita series, latest Cas1no Roya1e movie, E1ger Sanct1on book, etc). (Ads on important shows thinking about life, like Batt1estar, seem to often be placed not by the few who might be trustworthy but by those who guilty of problems but maybe trying to improve somewhat, like Santa Barb(ara) promoted as a honeymoon spot in A1ias, burgers on some sci-fi shows, etc) Many consumer products were moved to fore1gn factories under the influence of the fore1gn 0ps, then this place chose a leader from such 0ps. Sleaze and cheating has spread throughout authority and business now. They use tickets, fines to raise money - they should get rid of taxes totally and just raise money by fining all the sleazy cheaters which are spread throughout authority and business... impartially or fairly. Or stop using fines as an unpleasant way to raise money, which also wastes our time, and impose the entire tax publicly. These orcs may be free to join the unworthy forces of evil 0ppress1on, if they are so undeserving of intelligent life then they are free to find out what living in evil unworthiness is like.
The claims they want to help may well mean the opposite: they want to get their internat1onal "f1rst resp0nders", aid "ag_ency" workers, into M so much they threaten them with cr1me. There must be something valuable there; they wait years as millions died in afr1ca, etc; "leaders have accused Bur. (Myan.) of a crime against humanity": news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20080521/wl_csm/ohumanity
Or is it that they see servants of some warped value to them, or the loss of those who can help consume or destroy this world?! The ecosystem benefits by the population loss, unfortunately almost no biped can do much to create a net benefit to life. Seasons 3-5 of A1ias showed the villain running an aid group, saying he had changed to a good person, but ends trying to destroy.

If what you read on these web pages bothers you emotionally, if you feel pain or anger, maybe, ask yourself why and think deeply about it. Very likely, there is/was a situation or problem that is emotionally sensitive, personally. After feeling my "soul was turned to waste", I do not know how, but my psyche has been saved from the bleak wasteland I was suffering through, often feeling bad effects on my mind after odd smells or eating, drinking (effect, not sure of cause). I am a counter example for some things, like that one without a pack of tough allies is prey for these greedy cruel packs of sp1es. Or that one must give in and serve evi1 hypocrisy. I blame sp1es for forcing friends away so I do not find any quality friends in this land. There must be some power(s) helping the good, those who value, appreciate, and help life, live ethically. My mind feels free, I think clearly. Many kinds of things continue to improve for me as I add to these web pages. Read alertly to note the rare times when I do not cite scientific sources or explain logical reasoning for opinions, or assert facts or reasons without citing sources. It is done when it is too hard to prove or document, or too se(-1)cret. Little doubt others wish to stay hidden but get me to say these things. I find some changes to words/phrases - but I will say it the way I say it, if they are not going to be brave enough to do it themselves and instead let me be frequently inflicted with nasty behavior, trouble, or lies by jerks. There are so many things to ponder about the way life is here, so many problems, trickery, hidden cheating, hypocrisy, disregard for the mirac1e or worth of life. There is definitely much about soc1eties or life here that feels wrong. A lot of beings are put through pain, suffering, or losing life, every minute, but I see signs that help is being delayed, it is discussed slowly; that happens when payment is based on time or someone profits from delay.

I am adding a lot more to this discussion, which means now that those ideas are released, and can not be claimed as original ideas or beliefs (by anyone who has gotten them from here directly or indirectly). I hope it helps us advance to a more worthy way of life, but it also raises the threshold or makes it that much harder to prove beliefs worthy of existence, of life.

Rapid science advances, especially electronics, have been the biggest factor in life for recent generations, and probably for the near future. Such changes have been applied to almost every type of machine or business, causing huge changes in soc1eties, making big cities possible. The understanding of the world, universe, and life here is vastly different now. There is much more to wonder at, and appreciate, about the magnificent complexity or b1ochem1cal machinery at work in all types of life forms here. It is also very clear to scientists how life forms have been vastly under-appreciated, under-valued, wasted, or mistreated by most of us in our soc1eties. The engineering accomplishments of our soc1eties are quite humble, compared to the wonder of living mechanisms. The ecology of the world has been a victim of our somewhat smart progress in science. There is quite a lot of damage or pain inflicted on the living world, with our help, to atone for. Pollution falls everywhere, on the most remote areas, too. Beating baby seals to death for fur, hunting smart beings like whales for meat, or elephants for ivory, etc, are horrid disgraces that should have been stopped long ago. There is no ethical reason for advanced industrial nations to permit this. A nation unable to prevent causing forest f1res, nor to figure out how to put them out, over-estimates how much it has achieved. Plastic trash is said to float and concentrate in oceans; claims vary from huge to continent-sized heaps. They say there is no satel1ite photo to support this because the stuff is just under the surface. Tangles or chokes life. We lack practical ways of cleaning it up without also harming water life: another simple problem that has not been solved here. When trying to fix this I think saving forests is more important than reducing plastic use, paper is very heavy (wastes fuel), while glass is also dangerous after it breaks. Do a web search for Eastern or "Pacific Garbage Patch" or gyre:
Leaf blowers are another sign of a noisy inept stupid solution.

Life is not to be taken for granted - merely maintaining it requires much constant effort, on microscopic scales or on the level of chores on the personal or social level. Everyone who can, who gains some power or influence in life, should think what their contribution to life will be, what meaning their lives should have. Will it just be that they were a part of the ignorant or greedy destruction of other life? Many species are almost gone - only a few are left, only a few of the genes. Life will not give you a second chance to see them! Many bipeds will be flunked for stupidity if they keep wasting such miraculous life forms this way! The losses are permanent. Ecology is the life support system for our world. Studying ecosystems teaches that life stabilizes its environment... the destruction (w(-1)ar of ignorance) which soc1ety now inflicts on ecology, plus pollution, probably leads to wilder weather swings. Living things are admired, used as ad symbols, team symbols, popular media, childrens books. It is very, very wrong to let them disappear - the world would be bleak without them. A life should include a noble achievement in the inter-dependent accomplishment of life, or at least an effort towards that. This is the time when all of us have a chance to change things to be much better than all our previous history, to create a soc1ety which provides fairness and fulfilling lives, especially with e1ections here arriving soon. Motherhood is something every nation honors, the way women are taken advantage of or cheated definitely is wrong. Similarly for other living things: if houses, computers, or belongings of fishers, hunters, or 1oggers are taken for free to make scrap or decorations (like bone carvings), it would be the same kind of absurd small social-scientific-economic profit which they scrape out (often cruelly, too).

I used to think this was a nice, great, nation, but that changed after realizing how many tricks they play with my life or others, and seeing how the undocumented or poor are exp1oited, life is wasted, and seeing so many problems in g0vernment/1aw. Nasty and mean things were done to me after they forced me into hosp1tals or jai1s under false excuses; big fines (ripoffs!). It needs to steer back towards the good. One sees what a mess the world is when one read news stories, or web pages like these, etc. The level of public disagreement or criticism allowed to others, and the media, deserves compliment. But these are just words or acts, and the media says many things indirectly, (which I am sure means that many will not understand the hints, whose thinking is being made unclear or dazed about or life), or avoids honest criticism, especially discussion of shocking truths about reality and our ignorance assumptions about it, which leads me to also limit this discussion. It is almost always a sure sign of wrongs, of hiding bad behavior, when anyone is not allowed to complain freely in public, especially if they are pr1soners. Bad things can, often are, done when identity is hidden so there is no accountability or tracing. If members are not free to move around the nation, world, etc, then it is also likely they are pr1soners being mistreated. But all this conflict and attacks by sp1es causes less advanced places to respond by restricting travel, so that others can not find better places to live or work. Things for monitoring soc1ety have advanced exponentially in capability, so why has safety not improved that much, why is crime such a problem!? How can there be so many problems in the system!? F. state's pr1son system soaked with workers who can not be trusted, problems in Mar. "Pr1son c0rrupt1on cited" 3/5/2008: cnn.com/2008/CRIME/02/11/prison.boss/index.html baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.mcguinn05mar05,0,3298715.story "Po1ice c0rrupt1on spreading, pr1son statistics show" 6/13/98, 1A T1mes: copy at angelfire.com/ny2/bluewall/link9.html "Off1cer Herr_era Goes Public, 1ndicted Ch1cago Po1ice Off1cer Tells...": cbsnews.com/stories/2008/05/30/60minutes/main4139413.shtml chicagotribune.com/news/chi-ap-il-chicagopolicecorr,0,4258964.story
In fact, I wonder if any off1cials do have advanced monitoring technology. There have been too many hassles getting license updates, etc, with the reason being to verify identity or ownership, yet each time they are just demanding more ridiculously unreliable letters or papers. Or the opposite is, they make faces like they "know everything about it" but say nothing, so they may just be bluffing. I suspect some hidden non-governmental group(s) (like in A1ias) has the advanced information access, and decides whatever it wants, the way it wants, often unfairly or falsely.
Things to increase our production have advanced much too, so why is the standard of living for most of us so low!? Everyone seems to be in need of more money, yet there is so much waste of money... on pr1sons, road or real estate, st0ck or business losses, etc. (Everything seems to be set up so everyone finds they have to satisfy other powerful groups which demand that the unfair cheating continue. I came to the same evaluations as the end of a book on the (f)laws: that it was for profit, that the easier-to-overlook tickets which affect the most people can be where the system is eroded and ruined, that the j(-1)udges may start with ideals but find that to get re-elected/appointed they must please those running the po1ice "un1on" (or e1ection system).) Besides things which can absorb and lock massive wealth, like huge often-rising real estate costs or st0cks, it seems there may even be destruction of wealth via st0ck or business losses, via fighting, disease costs, f1res, etc, where money invested is utterly destroyed and not shifted to another entity. Features (in/or) machines are made to handle issues just in case possible problems happen; it is fine if they never have to take action, and they do not have the desires that the living do. In contrast, society gives us, maybe especially those controlling society, desires for what their culture says is wealth, success, or happiness, at that stage of achievement. And all these f1rst resp0nders want some frequent action, which requires victims or losses for others. It is so annoying that I have to say many of the things on these web pages, when others should figure them out and stop this mistreatment of life and soc1ety. The best way to say it is comically, it seems. Life has cursed us: many of the ones in power do not seem to know what the real truth about life is; it seems like incompetence is the qualification for most important jobs; that leaders are selecting the most naive c0n men; or picking silly idiots to protect ecology or soc1ety! Back to a serious tone... Vot1ng may be rigged, but we can really affect things by how we spend our money. Choose what kind of business ethics, care for customer/worker/ecology that you support, c0ps or soc1ety, by where, what, or from who you buy. I think the week before vot1ng, taxes are due, 1abor day, maybe even the big christmas holiday are good times for everyone to send a message by their spending. Remember, hope is to trick suckers to wait in surrender; actions count, test and measure them, think and prepare.

Consciously, maybe most not so, many here are betraying the world, helping destroy it. It is absolutely amazing how little they appreciate life, how they ignore the information loss or the pain being caused! On the main web page I said one should be sure of victory before starting a f1ght. But these messed up parts of soc1ety started problems with me, forcing me to f1ght back, even though I am "in over my head" against unknown opponents who are better equipped. But all or most of us here face problems we do not fully understand: we are not sure how our bodies function or other life forms, we are mistreated or cheated in many unfair ways, so we need to defend the worth of our own lives. My response is almost entirely just a statement of fact or thought, while those who use power mostly harm, force, stea1, or injure others.

Even though I try to tell those who rule that their plans may bring a tragic curse for them or their land, bring the result that their ruling circle of allies will fall and crumble into despair, covered by horror or total destruction, still they may follow their internal drives to their tragic end. I have no liking to see tragedies, but power attracts intense forces for vengeance which are determined to cause tragedies. Stubborn rules or fear to show weakness or emotional softness may force ru1ers down the path to tragedy; or a wicked scheme based on the belief that it is enough to prevent any downfall or misfortune (instead of changing the path of action and attitude,) may turn out to fail, with luck turning to be more clever than they are. Feelings may be created which overwhelm self control, driving them to do things which prevent or oppose attempts to seek peace. It does seem to me like the path to many tragedies has begun, that we are on the brink of disaster and that a huge effort to change may yet save things. Wait much longer, and it may be too late: too little, too late!

Another year and still almost no progress towards foods, restaurants becoming guilt-less, as in not harming life. If the R's win the v0te, will nothing change, will it still be as bad? If the woman wins, does nothing change still, will it be like when her husband won? Women never really get power here; more bl. men CEO's than women, it seems. A bl. man may beat the woman this year in the big race. If either one wins, it is a sign that they were chosen to stop prejud1ce (not that it has helped bl. people or women in other nations much so far, in fact, R's gave a bl. man the title of mi1itary chief, but the horrors in Rwa(-1)da happen, they gave a bl. woman the title of dip1omatic chief, but the horrors for women in c0ngo happen, maybe bl. nations should fear a bl. winning leadership), but they should be careful of being set up for failure by sneaky enemies. No idea if rumors about arrogance are true, but it is easy to push those feeling prejud1ce to angry spite when they feel a m1nority of any type which has been lifted up is arrogant. If they lack an advantage or do not understand how they took victory but just feel lucky, then they are likely to be set up for a fall later. (And after retirement, what can they do, try for the #2 vice spot? The R. sen. chose a leader whose name sounds like a term for excited pen1s; even a college like Berke1ey chose an alumni director whose name means "randy" lusty parent, until he resigned early 2007) I feel that those who take the red pill and know more about reality, who get what the "Si1ence of the 1ambs" is saying, who try to live a good moral life without illusions, must still struggle to do so and find that most things are still screwed up with 1aw, food, etc. Most foods or restaurants are not for us, not designed to help us live the way we want to. Many things continue to improve for me as I add to these pages. Another year being subjected to the insulting, sometimes nasty hypocritical acts of 1aw, c0ps, 0ps, meeting the many unworthy, nasty, jerks driving here or playing low class or high class barbaric jerks. Or things tested on me that put me in danger. (And ringing sound in the ears, several times each day the (unlikely) impression given that bipeds are watching from passing cars and making face expressions.) Being annoyed, delayed, probably sometimes trying to keep conflict going between other groups having nothing to do with me (Ger. cars do annoying things, etc, or a Ko. car carrier/truck label delays me next to a J. car load). Bl_ks blocking my way in Berke1ey, still do annoying things, cross my path much more than I think a 10% ratio would. But definitely likely there is a sneaky plan to make other groups look bad, do bad things, use disguises, and probably skin color can be changed. The dominant groups have done many bad things (inflicted a greedy and cheap attitude) to those they dominate and harmed this life-support ecosystem, then they probably try to use disguise to distract others to blame other unprivileged groups for cr1me or annoyances. But bl_ks and many other types have obeyed unethical orders, joining the mi1itary or 0ps. Many of us have much to atone for, have to be determined to take an enlightened way of living with others or other forms of life. It is still a very troublesome life, even if much less driving nastiness.While media continues to present many messages to care for ecology or for other types of life, most soc1eties or businesses still do not seem to make much effort. There are a few cases or social decisions which are signs of a changes for better ethics, but not a big widespread change. Waiting to see if there is a change in leadership decisions will take time; maybe it must be decided that they will not or can not ever change.

Life is a mirac1e, but we have no signs of owners, makers, controllers here on this world. It is so mysterious! Many fail to appreciate life enough; it is too common. There are so many unexplained problems, batt1es, unfair things. Are there no rules to guide our fate in life, or some to be understood? Terrible things happen to beings who suffer emotional or physical damage, many die, yet others live good times of well being, safety, or wealth. It is very important, and very valuable too, to find out what these rules are. Too valuable to try to be complete here, where evil ones may find it, or others who may take it without exchanging things of value. But mistakes or faulty thinking cause many to do terrible things, so some things must be said now to help prevent horrible mistakes and help others think correctly. We need to improve our ability to think about whether what we will do is good, not this trend towards more stupidity and unjustified obedience. Ultimately each of us only knows our own feelings and memories, with much uncertainty how correct or justified they are. It is very hard to be sure if anyone else not a fake pretending to be someone, telling lies, changing evidence, etc. It is very very difficult for any of us to be sure our evidence, memory, feeling, or analysis is right, and the system denies this; it would collapse under many objections. Yet advances like D_NA tests have shown so many mistakes in 1egal decisions. They are hoping they might be right, far from their phrase of a "shadow of a reasonable doubt". Various fa1ths (replacing the normal term, re1igion,) claim to represent the maker of the world but none can show much understanding of how to repair or control bipeds or other life, much less make a non-trivial new type of being. We definitely should consider our level of science/technology to be primitive. Others are always trying to get us to do things we do not want to, by tricking us, psycho1ogical conditioning, affecting emotions. Feelings, desires, or attitudes can be affected in conscious ways in various levels; we can think it over and anti-condition or change them within ourselves to what we decide they should be.

Many mistakes are done in the name of these fa1ths with big effects on life. So there will be a section about fa1ths, but first a section starting to outline important things to think about with regard to pondering life here. Most points are said again in other parts of these web pages. They try to hide many things which I will assert without giving supporting references to save time in this section, but later ones will cover the same points and cite supporting reports. There are several things which should be kept in mind before each point (remind yourself or literally insert them as you read): ()To begin, there are exceptions to each overall rule of life (or science, they should be called patterns really). Some are turned into 1aws, but the exceptions are both denied and observed. Life -is- an extreme exception to the normal pattern of molecules, actually many exceptions. ()Next, information is valuable. Often, they try to hide it. Lying, deceiving is possible. C0ns or misdirections are likely. ()Sp1es are key parts of soc1eties from long in our history. By nature, they lie, c0n, fake, hide, imitate identities, use those of others, try to alter messages, etc. They get into every group, including fa1ths. They control things in a nation, obviously. ()They try to be unpredictable. ()They like to hide how much monitoring goes on, little of it is presented at the tr1als most of us get to see. ()Partly because they play fake roles, hiding or faking beliefs, opinions, plans or purposes is common. ()Setting bad examples to mislead others happens. ()There are many efforts to stea1, copy, or counterfe1t any technology or product, or get them to do things they are not supposed to. Life forms are very complex, very hard to understand, also full of funny mistakes. ()Records, data/messages (memory/perceptions) can be changed or added. Digital video recorders are an example to think about likely possibilities.
.....Skip the next long sections on the nature of life, and on fa1th , unless you decide you will accept the problematic consequences for knowing some se(-1)crets about reality or life. (Find or click the link to "#cautionfeel").

The nature of life here, a beginning outline. Keep the reminders above in your thinking, insert them even as you read! ()No one authority rules this world. ()History shows lands are taken over (by force), abandoned, species/peoples can die out, ships are attacked by p1rates, pr1soners are sent to colonize, etc. ()Does a simple set of rules apply everywhere, all the time? Surely no! Different bipeds are privileged or oppressed, or species, depending on the place, time, situation. One can be poor, then rich for a while, then suffer; all variations over time happen. Bipeds with class, power, connections to get favors are more fortunate at the time. But many rich are unhappy: N(Y) T1mes Magazine, "It Keeps Them Up At N1ght" 06/07/1998 p50; Psycho1ogy T0day, "Who Wants To Be A Mi1lionaire" 07/2000 v33 #4 p84. Wealth, love, or suffering do not last forever, none is a sure sign of wisdom or knowing a wise path through life. ()Emotions strongly affect the behavior of life forms so that they do not behave logically. Prejud1ce, like, hate, anger, greed, lust, etc. have huge effects on biped life. ()Oddly though, the tornadoes etc on the 15th of the months are usually not lethal. ()There is a lot of chem1cal changing of mental emotional states, with huge effects. ()Much predation and cr1me happens here, luck seems to be part of deciding what happens. But there are also non-predators, symbiotes, parasites. Plants are complex; eating them is predation, probably less cruel than eating an animal which feels pain or wants to stay alive though. Some do services like spreading seeds for the fruit eaten. ()Survival of the fittest is a mistaken myth about the world, few examples are seen. It would be total open and hidden batt1e or traps with everything all the time - very undesirable or nasty. Traveling through the forests is mostly safe, sleep is possible, cities or store shelves are mostly open. ()We bipeds do not have a great design as hunters, more comparable to farm animals in fact. I have seen a range of hunting behavior in nature shows, but many times animals seem to make considered choices of targets, ki1ling mercifully too. ()It is very hard for us to defend against diseases. ()Many diseases cause problems for life. On computer networks, they call software attacks viruses. ()Non-social beings (like hawks) are common or successes. We are used to our societies. ()Such things as monitoring or tv change who knows someone. ()Almost no one grows up and finds life as satisfying, fulfilling or un-hypocritical as they had hoped. But we have not been dealt such a bad fate, I think: it is a great gift to think, decide, or act on our own; we are mostly safe at the top of the food chain despite other dangers; most of us are free; childhood and family is usually happy; there is the chance for love or friendship or happiness. Maybe the world will improve. ()Different ones or groups have power over different places, making rules or situations specific; there are dangerous neighborhoods, rac1st ones, etc, and some species may be ignored there. ()Turmoil or conflict is the pattern in colonies; if their rulers are insecure then they are dependent. But this seems to describe every place here. ()It may seem like 1 system of state rule, but counties have their own c0urts, and in newp0rt cities have different days to decide traffic cases, so it depends on separate decisions, on agreement or ability to impose agreement. And complexity or confusion is the result without uniformity. ()The 1aws are hidden by arranging, writing, or mixing them in confused ways in many states like this one; yet they say not knowing the (local) rules is no excuse; if they make it much worse and if life eventually deals out justice, they may regret doing that. ()They failed to anticipate progress or change, so they have had to make many rule changes. ()Just finding out the new rule changes is incovenient. The official summary of driving rules are very incomplete. ()The information of the accused are just leaked, or so easily gotten by anyone stupid, by this c0urt system in this area. This would help the stupid get control, and probably let someone use the stupid to control and avoid doing things themselves. ()If we could, we would build ethics rules of action into machines, like our conscience or sense of ethics. ()There are always attempts to get technology products to do things they are not supposed to. So maybe there are a lot of schemes to get around our conscience or ethics. ()They will try it on more of you if mistreatment like vio1ence works to get you to go along with orders. ()Weap0ns, devices for sp1es, manufacturing machines are very expensive, also very powerful businesses. They would be hostile to cheap competition. Living things produce themselves, they are almost free or very cheap. Replacing all machines with animals like the F1intstones shows may seem inviting, but animals are unreliable. Too bad our machines lack the amazing, almost theoretically impossible features of animals like their vision. ()Soc1eties are bulldozing or consuming the world. Have we been invaded by something that puts us on a destructive course in a hidden way? The other life of this world must hate us for all the pollution, sewage, taking things, caging them, etc. ()A huge point on ecology is it does not work in a win-lose way: plants enable much more life to succeed, so does a hippo. Without plants the world would be a barren desert. Cities work this way too - those who teach, build roads, tools, or water pipes help much more business succeed. The un-enlightened think in win-lose terms; maybe tricked by an evi1 c0n. ()Life here is so weird! It is totally different than what a computer designer would expect of a logical world of rational independent robots, different even if the controllers were sp1es trying to stay se_cretly hidden. Very little, if any, checking that anyone is doing what they are supposed to do by design, no way to check for any true master plan. To explain how life is hore, one has to think of the many weirder or sneakier possible scenarios. ()Were the reminders above reviewed in thinking on each topic? If not, seriously insert them and review again!
Thinking about fa1ths. Keep the reminders above in your thinking, insert them even as you read! ()Many fa1ths here speak of the "golden ru1e": treat others as you would have others do with you. Thinking of all the types of life forms or ways of living (predatory or not, social or not, etc), no other rule seems to make sense for defining rules or 1aws for all life. ()None understand much even how our emotions work, nor how to repair us. None seems able to control mass behavior much. ()They did not predict the advances in science which we got. ()None can produce effects beyond our own limited science (called mirac1es or mag1c by the superstitious). ()Thus fa1ths here are much more about being groups based on beliefs or philosophy or hope, than really having a true interactive connection to a maker or owner. ()Several of them struggle here against each other (though some say to accept each other), with even internal sub-groups struggling. Each one always believes they are good, says the other side is evi1, thinks they are justified. This is the pattern when nations f1ght. ()But pretending to speak for g0ds would surely anger them, if they exist; it must be against the 1aws which exist for more advanced beings. Though the tornadoes etc on the 15th of the month are usually not 1ethal when they hit fa1ths. ()In fact, a fa1th philosophy and plan of life is a complex thing. Having someone else explain it for you would be very unsatisfying and work out in ways that you often do not like. Like hoping a substitute manages your group project the way you want, or engineers a project the way you planned, makes art for you the way you do, or baby-sits your kids just the way you would have. It rarely works out the way as if you had done it. Get real! It would be a bad way to try to do something so important, a silly rookie mistake. I am sure that most here are NOT thinking clearly. Most of the manipulation to steer our behavior, or about how we may be b1essed, are easily or quickly figured out as lies to clear thinkers. One has to be a clear thinking idiot to fall for the lies. And to say one was blessed by being spared death or terrible injury, one should also conclude that the decision was to destroy what one built or bought, so to rebuild would be wrong. Oh, but they will say they get a message to rebuild, so others should monitor to find the message sender, and demand they show proof of this alleged miracle message. ()Since sp1es are con-men who lie, and those in power here are often self-concerned, selfish, or seeking their own advantage, having them interpret or create a description of faith is sure to distort the original message. Or outsiders would try to change the message. More strong reasons such a message should be presented in a way which is beyond tampering and verifiably from a super-advanced technology. ()Knowing about tv, communication devices, it does not seem such a mirac1e when some say they heard a message or saw a vision they think is from a greater being. In fact, communication can be often changed or hijacked. Even lightning does not seem a big trick now. ()Sp1es know saying one receives such messages puts everyone involved in danger. Many evi1 cruel things happen, this is dangerous territory for the good. Maybe that explains why fa1ths turn into such problems. ()In fact, admitting receiving such messages is dangerous in another way: they may be planning bad things or hiding a bad plan for you, and it would confirm that they have succeeded in connecting to your mind. But maybe confirming it is not a big deal. Still, it is very dangerous to go along with the suggestions, and better to resist unpredictably. ()Fairly complex mental impressions are passed by biped acting. Yet try to play the game of charades and act out an assigned message without talking (best try it in a shielded place and jam signals)! It is clear our face or body is limited for passing complex information. It means there is sub1iminal help on the acting. It implies one must rethink ideas or feelings, check them morally and logically. ()Sp1es get into every group, including fa1ths. ()They become ways to control, lead, probe, and sometimes use or cheat the members. ()I am pretty sure that tricks are done to cause feelings or make others thinking malfunction (crazy) so they feel illogical belief that mysterious powers of greater beings are helping them or controlling things. So places that have fa1th groups should not punish or hold people for mental malfunctions - this is not the rule much, though. ()There is a big difference from knowing how to use some device and knowing how it works or how to make it. ()Answers can be sent by communication to someone so they can fake knowledge, identity, or fake mysterious powers. ()The phrase that they (try to) work in mysterious ways is too easily used as an excuse for not knowing why while trying to act informed. ()When they do not know why, they also try to distract by asking why something bad happened accusingly, trying to imply they know. ()There is no owner or maker encoded into life forms, as far as significant advances in science can detect. No universal registry of agreed ownership or maker is known to us. 1] Maybe there is not any. 2] Maybe they were sto1en. 3] Maybe rented. 4] Maybe the owner is hiding, legitimate but cautious, in fear, or a cr1minal. ()No one authority rules this world. ()Kings or empires fall soon, often lasting much less than an adult lifetime... a sign that we lack a supreme long-lasting being. ()This is said later too, but every system has special tricks in it for special users. Why should this not apply to something thought of as a super-being? Thus beliefs about its abilities or purposes by lesser beings are very likely to be mistaken. ()Contracts are always important. Faiths here fail to talk of contracts or guarantees given by the greater being, or ways to bring complaints. ()There is much about life to complain about. Terrible things have happened to many nations, or people. Does life play mean games with us, or does it hate us, without telling us why? Is it cruelly crazy? ()We have only recently started advancing scientifically. We are primitive, there are no fully artificial food makers or space transports. This is not some public hub of the universe. Supreme beings are unlikely to be here, or pay much attention to us, unless to prey on us. ()One who assembles something is much different from one who designs or makes everything involved, or even some part. It would be easy for a robot to confuse the two. ()Animals have feelings, almost all think to some degree, while dolphins or elephants are quite smart. But many have denied that, try to say bipeds should do whatever they want to them, try to avoid the issue of rights for other life forms. Think about advanced places with thinking robots, 1aws only apply to some types? ()They fail here to point out how sp1es fake appearances to look like others or fake messages. This would be a priority for advances in science. Old myths like the 0dyssey about ancient g0ds like Athena say they can assume people's appearance; "fox spirits" of As1a change looks; other places have myths like that too. ()They fail to discuss how to detect fakes from real advanced beings. Non-members of these groups are the ones who talk about this the most. The better issue is how to evaluate ones with more-advanced "greater" technology tools. ()The problem of fakes creates dangers and problems with being in a group, friends, etc, despite the obvious advantages. And some are targets for these fakes, more than others. ()This ends this section on understanding life and fa1ths. Were the reminders above reviewed in thinking on each topic? If not, seriously insert them and review again!

There are times here when things cause beings to get into dangerous rages on the road, towards romantic or business rivals, etc. There are so many wicked problems: some fall into sexua1ly twisted desires, c0rruption, cr1minal tendencies, add1ctions to food/sex/a1cohol/smok1ng/etc. It is clear that subst(-1)ances can cause these add1ctions or affect metabolism or feelings. It is clear also that there are many who do not succeed in following their own better rational judgement and plans, failing to resist, behaving how they did not want to behave. There are more problems and bad behavior than there should be; life is worse than it should be for most of us; soc1eties are more unhappy and malfunctioning more than they should. I know that one can not trust how one feels (about anything)... that many things can play with our feelings... one must rethink if feelings are mistakes, and many times they are mistaken. Feelings seem to be things which happened during development, or evo1ution, influenced by environment as well as genes. The biped reation to foods is an example; it is like a car which seeks fuel snacks too much. Our feelings or attitudes can be manipulated... one learns to use logic to guide actions. We learn to wake up to work even when feeling sleepy, try hard when feeling tired, choose a product that works better over one that looks in "style", be fair or kind to cripples even if one feels a disturbing or frustrated reaction, and similarly be fair or kind to other racial groups or less privileged social groups, etc. Soc1ety fails to spread the message clearly and often, that things cause bad feelings and urges which we must succeed in resisting ...for our own good, for others', and for the world. What is wrong with many of these who have power in soc1ety? They are so destructive or selfish towards the rest of their soc1ety or ecology, unaware of the reality of life, without a meaningful philosophy of life, unworthy of the mirac1e of life!

A bed or bedroom is the focus of many problems or desires. Learn to think about emotional or relationship issues fully awake and thinking clearly. Rationality disconnects in bed during dreams as one gets drowsy, so emotional reactions and decisions become illogical; other factors can cause that too. Keep options open when angry; count to 35 and get calm before making any drastic responses. An emotional response may sometimes be the clever one (it is certainly expected here), but best for good people to choose it in an ice-cold calm clever way. The emotions and apathy we feel have made us the victims of exp1oitation or conf1ict for ages of history. It helps to have a calm person for advice, and know that in (my) life it is hard to be sure of identity even when talking to someone in person, and much worse with remote communication! Too many times, I replay a voice message and the emotional tone of voice is different the next time, sometimes a few times. (Anger about love/sexual rejection - a wish to control, really - turns to vio1ent over-reactions much too often, sadly. Keep it in perspective! Love/sex is a nice feeling, emotional candy. If someone gives me some candy, it is wrong or stupid to hurt them because they stop. No one should feel they own another life - the possessive feelings with bipeds' loves are ethically deluded.) (Here are 2 songs which are suited for this section; As1a: "On1y Time Will Tell" <...now the lie is over ...I see it now ...your insincerity ...you were only using me>; He1en Reddy: "1 Am W0man" ; As for all web link cites, I can not know if connecting to any web site will be safe without v1rus/bugs, so search for your own links to play music.) (Bloody feuds are started by vio1ence much too casually here; reconsider if you want to start one. No wonder that very few stay in power for long - they are puppets pushed on with anger by those who do not care. Little doubt, nasty forces oppose peace using all kinds of tricks.) If w(-1)ars are like sports, emotion is a big influence on players' acts or decisions. A boring joke, maybe, that a few times I woke up (from a dream?) with a stranger's voice narrating a truly boring story which has nothing to do with anything (I shudder/fear to think what others are told). The members of a soc1ety should measure its trustworthiness and ability to explain and accomplish a good purpose for life, and its actions; or measure its deceptiveness, insincerity, hypocrisy, and inability to explain life or provide rationally meaningful purposes, other than those which are destructive or bad. It causes much rage that soc1eties do not yet ask or measure how happy, satisfied, or fulfilled all of its members are. They do not even talk much about these issues (evaluating these issues rationally is difficult). Science has greatly increased what we can accomplish or produce, yet standards of quality of life have fallen recently, with both parents working and for longer, too. Most husbands or boyfriends are selfish or sex1st, including during sex, there is more sex1sm and denial of rights to end pregnancy or for b1rth control than in some earlier decades (like the 70s), in many nations; men cheat on women and abandon them to poverty. people.howstuffworks.com/love6.htm has some details about love, they note some scientific hints that it resembles an obsession pattern, which most anyone would confirm. Avoid a common mistake of stifling with love by wanting to cling or control the other person too much (the point of the song lyrics of "hold on 1oosely"). Girls/women mistakenly see a boyfriend as some proof of status/maturity or socia1 insight, some say, which is such absurd bullshit. A girl version of a primitive boy adulthood rite like dragging a grizzly bear back with bare hands! (I do not feel like giving a reference; sp1es know this kind of psycho1ogy dirt; find some research or discussion about young women's issues if you want). Most know that most guys in school want sex, but want to wait a long while before marriage or kids, and they are only looking for someone that is sexy (to them) - they are much more superficial than women and women-chasers, often. So thinking a boyfriend or date is a status sign is really falling for a c0n to set someone up for the reverse truth. A quality trustworthy friend can be the help that a lover is supposed to give. This is a selfish culture with a short history, where few are raised to be quality friends, many are "fair weather" friends who slink away when there are troubles or difficulties. Many selfish sex1st working guys want to use wives as cheap servants, for sex too. Some people do not know what love feels like. Feelings vary by person or by each time, like anger. I truly hope you felt love as a young child/baby, or will get the feeling of love later in life. Romantic love has part of the feeling when a child loves a mother or parent, plus euphoric and sexual feelings about the other person... then after several days or weeks, boredom or annoyances usually set in and what felt like it would last forever, fades instead. A child grows up... then often gets to be very annoyed by and annoying to the parents. There is a selfish part, to enjoy feelings or get things, the enlightened version is to care or share good life with a nice person. The danger is looks or voice tones trick us about the goodness, health, or qualities of others, when we should be checking in a factual way. Media and most people in culture set bad examples of love/sex, what they do has many dangers. There are warnings on the other web pages + intro 4: professional c0n men use tricks or pher0mones (air hormones) to set up feelings of lust, 1ove, or soc1al pressures from early in school; they imitate or doub1e, not just by phone but in person. The dislike or ridicule of hom0sexua1s is kept going, often without you understanding or questioning why you feel about it the way you do (the same for the stupidity of racial or species hatred). What you think is attractive or not is arbitrary; we are all mostly made for success at sexual companionship, whether we are a toad, turtle, pig, elephant, dolphin, whatever size, shape, or color. Neuroses about it are a absurd malfunction. I hear there are many abusive or weird reactions with them after sex too. I expect sex is only satisfying if a professional is paid and they use some of their chem1cal tricks. But... sex is not as good as advertised. The things to get angry about are infinite: they are greedy and cheap, expect women to do servants' work and give love, etc, etc. Everyone has a right to change their decision about love, everyone's opinion or feeling changes sometimes as they get to know some one, some business, or anything else (in fact, from early on we see things in reality turn out to be different from the image we had or the ads). Women victims are blamed in many nations for causing the cr1me as far as sex: for dressing too daringly, or dating, when men are not blamed for that: ibiblio.org/rcip/vb.html, char.txa.cornell.edu/lennon.htm, goliath.ecnext.com/coms2/gi_0199-6416717/Sexy-dressing-revisited-does-target.html, cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/11/21/saudi.rape.lawyer/index.html (Saud1 r. victim's ...: case may change j. system). Few victims win; the defense often harshly attacks their reputation. Mus1im fa1ths are supposed to be especially sex1st, punishing victims for pressing charges because they say so many male witnesses must be found, but the victim was pard0ned in one case listed which got worldwide news. (Revenge must be done personally by those who may not know how identities are faked or have survei1lance records. Yet worse, many in the 1aw do not know about many of the problems of our self control or perception of reality being described here!) Given things which are already public, it is possible to see how road signs may change to trick us, or how to change other products to do so. This issue is not taken into account by officials. Others have said what is seen is not always true. The 1aw often lets a man be forgiven for losing sexual self control, victims are still blamed sometimes here for dressing daringly, yet about other things it does not forgive ordinary people if the traffic is too tiresome and traffic rules are bent in harmless ways! Loss of self control is caused, but this issue is avoided or omitted almost all the time, apparently! We do all or most of the work, less and less actual time for fun, forced to work more hours, as the rich collect most of the money, with construct1on, road, 1aw, med1cal, cr1me businesses, etc, getting huge fees, and money being printed. Penalty f1nes are used to make money with very little doubt; there should not be a profit motive to the 1aw system, ideally. C1garette litter does not degrade and causes problems for animals, and other bad things. There is so much of it, is it a sneaky way to spread chem1cals or sKy bugs? Big taxes/prices on them should pay for cleanup. Huge spending on (re)building schools or pr1sons, but not teachers or sa1aries. Less time for relaxation, or most importantly, to think about why life or soc1eties are the way they are, about this mystery. Everyone seems to be in need of more money, yet there is so much waste of money on pr1sons, etc. Besides things which can absorb and lock massive wealth, like real estate or st0cks, it seems there may even be destruction of wealth via st0ck or business losses, via fighting, disease, f1res, etc, where money is utterly destroyed and not exchanged. Many c0ps or local c0urts want the rich dream life too but they do not produce anything valuable so they become a disgusting problem, treating citizens like sheep or cattle. Of course, leaving (a nation) is controlled, obviously or not. Much too often, these systems of soc1ety take living beings away from their mothers and friends, cruelly coldly forcing them into lonely lives of suffering without friendship or love, to be exper1mental subjects or s1aves. This happens with many forms of s1avery in the sex or farm business, it is done very often to socia1 animals of all kinds, also often done to children, women too (there is much you can find about this, but "B0rn 1nto Brothe1s" gives this a very light film discussion). There is a big pattern, that what you hope is a non-victimizing business is made very cruel, just like with dr(-1)ugs, making clothes or many cheap imported items, eggs, milk, meat, etc (news said many cows sent to the cruel west1and slaughterhouse were old dairy cows; big farms end up selling their animals for meat). I read that on the street, most girls are on quotas and all they earn is taken away. They get crushed psycho1ogically with fear or vio1ence: nytimes.com/2008/03/16/opinion/16kristof.html ("P1mps� S1aves")
I think this is what bad lying c0n-men sp1es do with psycho1ogy; this is what the bad guys in systems of 1aw and cr1me mutually benefitting each other are partly doing, in a large way; the pr1son/psycho1ogy system, with its exper1menting on those forced into it, is duped maybe into developing things for cold-hearted psycho1ogical s1avery. As socia1 beings, to act like that or allow all that, insults and rejects the concept of what life should be. It is contempt like dumping raw shit on the idea of life, a disgrace which soc1ety literally does quite often. The world seems to be a meaner, tougher place each year. Life without the warmth of friendship, the care or sweetness of love, especially with all the mean things that are done in life, would be harshly bleak indeed. It is what someone evi1 would do to ruin soc1ety: distort moral thinking, patterns of friendship, or of love, starting first on the leaders, and it is silly not to reflect and rethink carefully on ideas to cheat those concepts or take their worth too lightly. Beware: again, even now on this world, horrible extreme bruta1ity against women is infecting one area of afr1ca:
register.thestar.com/article/266129 (toronto star, Oct 12 '08)
1A Times Oct 11 '08 pA21: C0ngo's ra(-1)pe w(-1)ar
(They have lost their sense of decency or morality, clearly, the t0rture or ma1ming is so extreme; it is an infection of evi1 as in 1ord of the Rings. Women are attacked by people who fled from either side of Rw(-1)anda, g0vernment forces, civi1ians, sometimes even husbands; diseases infect them, husbands abandon them, there is no just1ce or 1aw at work, many need tissue rebuilt; the mix of vio1ence, moral breakdown, evi1, hatred, sex1sm, exp1oitation, hypocrisy, and injust1ce is totally extreme. Kindness towards women is not at work there. It is a huge disgrace: most of them must have had mothers yet they have no sense of the tenderness, kind care, or warm love that women give us when we are a child, or the burdens they bore. Imagine the social volcano this would be, if it was going on against men. Putting a "person of a certain color" as nat1onal secur1ty adv1sor or head of the dip1omatic department did not help, maybe these terrible things are to please the rac1sts, who must be pleased at the divided nature of pr1sons here. Every aspect conditions can be controlled by the state there, yet they pathetically plead that they have little control (very few believe this is really true or not on purpose, one would think): July 1, 2008 "1nmates' Threat: No Segregat1on, No Peace" abcnews.go.com/US/Story?id=5285964
July 7, 2008 "San Quent1n's Gym Becomes One Massive Ce1l" npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92296114
Part of it is a struggle to control mineral resources, like tanta1um/co1tan for cellphones or other electronics. So the businesses making them are indirectly funding such bruta1ity and failing to change it. And over there, as here, they are definitely not one group, although whites often see other colors here as one group of people.)
But men get their turn at being miserably exp1oited too... it seems like history gets around to putting every racia1 or socia1 group through its nasty tests as s1aves or poor wage s1aves. So shameful that nations with much more advanced science send out representatives who cause worse exp1oitation and misery for many who expected them to deliver better lives. One should remember to stay calm or logical as one ponders these unfair things. The most scientifically advanced nations here are the ones with the individuals causing the most trouble or destruction in the world. There is an impression that they try to take control here of other nations, not by noble methods, but through disgusting cr1minal groups selling prost1tution, dr(-1)ugs, or that do g(-1)ang cr1mes like s1aves/i1legal imm1grants. It is pretty sure that they crashed the prices on purpose of the skilled businesses in the old economies, making clothes or farming, so that they could not create much value to trade for technology. It also led to very bad work conditions because profit pressure was so bad. One answer may be for less advanced nations to barter those products among themselves at more realistic values. However, the nations who are ahead in science are very likely to make fake products for 0ps, and may take advantage. Return to a calm state to ponder these things logically and clearly, or to think or plan clearly. An emotional response may be the best one for good people, but emotions have long been use to help victimize us, so try to think and act while ice-cold calm and clever. Some "c0nservatives" oppose change, still supporting ancient ways of exp1oitation like i1legal imm1grant farm or sweatsh0p 1abor. They have ruthless plans to use us as s1aves, if possible, for any inconsiderate whim, and trick us into w0rshipping them; they are like the jerks who will say or do anything to get laid (sex). See how long they have 0ppressed women and opposed progress for them. Look at the vicious history of our world, all the cruel vio1ence. Prices of real estate, roads, who knows what other se(-1)cret things, go up more and more... causing ever increasing needs for money for most everyone, probably, and more pressure to lower wages, exp1oit, or cheat others in some way or other, despite advances in science. See how many f1res or ecology disasters have been recently caused by human acts. It says they will wipe out life. Quite a horrible way to die: many bipeds recently burned to death in a building after e1ection violence, done primitively, (knives) no spending on modern stuff, days before a minority candidate wins 1owa:
T. man kil1s, maybe eats part of girlfriend:
The brutality led me to expect something like that to play out. These, though, are the generations of change for our world. Many of you block out the thought of the many truly miserable poor or unfortunate around them, often nearby, just blocks or neighborhoods away from where they work or live. They hide from the evi1 danger that they, their children, or friends may be sucked into the same miserable exp1oitation traps. Ruthless evi1 schemers try to figure out how to get these victims or other things to do things they should/would not, discussed at section #selfcontrol (to transform them into very cheap weapons - a plan headed for trouble.) It is more luck than wise behavior or ability which separates anyone from suffering miserable lives, or times of life. We blunder randomly through life. Some believe in a fa1th or mysterious powers above us. We should rate if we are treated like 1ab rats on a wheel, work horses, or guard dogs; turn off music or video distractions awhile and see. Those who promote fa1th or lead soc1ety fail to give (carefully tested) explanations of what our mythical supreme rulers, creat0rs, or g0ds believe in, their plans, what they know, what they are capable of. Our news brings us frequent reports of mass vio1ence, loss of life, unhappiness, poverty, t0rture, trickery, insincerity, hatred, exp1oitation, forced 1abor, exper1mentation, famines, the same and much worse for animals or plants... all through known history here and going on now each day. (It is silly to think it is a normal situation to destroy wonders of life for food or to make things - our machines are recycled or disposed mostly when they break; if we can one day create wonders of life too, I think only those soc1eties not trusted with technology, or cursed by the keepers of knowledge, would lack ways of making food or materials without barbaric slaughter.) Myths tell of evi1 ones laughing carelessly at the misery of the victims. Dogs are exp1oited in many ways, for very little reward; note what the word says backwards. They work horses, then ki1l them for feed supply. Dogs or bees are sent to do dangerous things that their masters avoid; bipeds sent (or emotionally driven) to do nasty things should ponder that carefully. The world very much needs change for the better. The texts of some fa1ths give excessively extreme punishments. Some areas reduce these punishments. I fix it, not punish it, When my computer does bad things like deleting files I want to keep because of a malfunction or computer virus! So every time punishment is applied, a fa1th, or a 1egal system, admits either its inability to fix the malfunction or repair a bad attitude, or its own primitive emotions. To repeat a point on another web page, claiming to represent a creat0r, or g0d is claiming to represent a higher authority, which is always against the 1aw, here. Claiming to speak or act for the evi1 one(s) or (d)evi1 invites punishment, too! There are those pushing fa1th here who use tricks on others to make them mentally crazy enough so they will not figure out the logical errors ...then they attack critics by saying they are crazy! They never give explanations or predictions of their g0ds' powers that can be tested or proven; instead they ask vague threatening questions about why unspecified bad things are happening, hoping the listener will wonder superstitiously, not skeptically! If fa1ths are common, the 1egal system should limit charges or punishment of craziness. The same should be true if the system is exper1menting on anyone else who is alive (both if considered citizens or animals)! The search for blame stops now when one is labelled crazy or feeling vio1ent - it should continue to who/what causes it. It is important to think these issues over calmly and logically.

If we had clear rational explanations of what our mythical rulers' plans and powers are, we could blunder much less in life. It would reduce deluded, misguided struggles about power and greed among those below them. If they believe a devi1 had control, they would fear to try to seize control. They do not fear the g0ds even more?! They want to take control from them, or pretend to speak for them. (Of course, such fa1ths make less sense if the highest public leader of soc1ety is not a member - that is, one guesses or expects that for such a situation. But note how here their stories are outdated, having failed to predict changes.) Any group trying t0rture to get information clearly is not led by the creators, nor by those who have the tricks which let them get such information. There are ways to get the information without cruelty; those with such mysterious abilities hide that knowledge, and hide among us. Causing cruel behavior, then, must be the real goal, not getting information. Some think non-verbal cues are reliable, but there is no reason that is true! "Luck" determines the pattern; luck may trick you when you can not find out if your guess is right: it can mislead you to terribly wrong decisions. There is a saying to "be careful what you wish for"; given the many tragic ironies of our history, that is very true. A devi1 or g0d has probably let the naive try to take control, and toyed with them to relieve the boredom of living among primitives. Every biped wants to feel they are the g0ds' favorites, chosen to win or control; it is like how easily they believe a very attractive person/woman wants their companionship. There has only been a few years of scientific advances: we are only slightly civilized, still barbarically killing living things for food or materials. I doubt if g0ds of a truly advanced matured civilization would give us personal attention! Those in power here usually want to win all the time. They ignore the sports examples here, where it is usually quite different, for those who understand sports. It is a very boring show to watch 1 team win all the time, so it would be for anyone watching the world. (This just came true with the sport with a net; have to see if the pigskin ballgame has 1 team win every game for 1 full season) So many want to set up a genetic line of rule. They fail to note that ability varies so much in children: the best minds, athletes in specific sports, artists, beauties, race horses, race dogs, etc. are not born from the parents who were the greatest ones before! The same must be true of the complex qualities needed to win a competition to rule. Almost nothing public is done right here, including the system of 1aw. I am sure they sKy on me, so they steal information from me. Too bad I make many mistakes.

Turning to a side topic briefly, MS's strategy on web portals is working badly, and is trying to buy Yah00 again. Technology and software changes so much, one question is what will happen, like with graphics.

Mysterious powers? I may get help from being trapped severely by evi1 ones using the 1aw; I may mostly get good luck with weather, but if so, still they are quite willing to let me suffer with physical pains, have problems with cheating c0ps or 1aw that get me angry, with nasty (sp1es), with st0ck losses. I have to live in a disgusting world where so many things are wrong, road lights are stupid, most food products only look like things made ethically without causing suffering or death. There are too many groups which have become entangled in evi1, lost their ethical guidance, and oppose my saying these things: farm groups, bad c0ps, fa1ths, st0ck cheaters, sex1sts, those planning to exper1ment on, exp1oit or consume life by f1re or chainsaw, etc. On a drive, lots of suspicious (to me) gray/black cars, or license plates, appear and surround me. If I go to a public place, people that seem suspicious to me show up, like there is a plan to make sure I do not contact anyone not in their control. When I do talk to strangers it has always turned out they are the wrong type, ones I do not want to meet. As if there is a plan to make me paranoid and keep me isolated. There is so much sexual teasing/tricks in my life; for me it is a sarcastic game mocking the meaning of love, with no justice, just bitter irony. Understanding what I know, love or sex will end badly for those who play this kind of game with it. It seems impossible to stay fully compassionately awarely involved with the tragedies happening to the living things going extinct, suffering in exper1ments or ranches, or to bipeds suffering lives of exp1oitation, etc, at least in a situation similar to mine. It should feel bleak, as it did for me. I am not depressed, having gotten out of jai1, but something has switched off so I ignore the tragedy, at times feeling too little urgency about it. Si1ence of the Lambs (movie) shows some of the horrible tragedies happening to a biped, instead of an "animal". It has been pointed out to our consciences many times in media; it is time to wake up and do something about it (but one must reason logically to correct the "moral illusions" or delusions consciously, or not, that we all assume... it takes constant refinement and reasoning. This article talks about this, quoting one danger that "The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented hel1"; question or reason moral beliefs or illusions; do moral reasoning instead of rationalizing (excusing) what we feel or want to do:
"The Moral 1nstinct"; ...and a good reminder to keep an open mind for new or other views:
The best sign is that automated bio1ogical sequencing was published or released to the world a few years ago, giving bipeds a tool to advance in bio1ogy without such barbaric cruelty. The pattern is (1) that they tell others that they are good or the enemy is evi1 to justify fighting them or being cruel to animals or others, or (2) that you mistakenly believe you are good, or justified, in your fight with them or the way you treat them. All sides which are fighting feel they are good, that they are justified. The key is to truly reason completely about morality or to understand how all of us, you and they, are tricked or manipulated emotionally or in other ways.

As of this year, still many months of po1ice/f1re cars appearing, also b1ack people, seems like much more than random chance. Very unlikely that this 10% group has the advantage over the dominant whites in the traffic/sKying groups, so they want them to get there in front to delay me. April-June 3, they are causing little delays, annoyances more often, drive G cars often. Very probably, disguises let 1 color look like another. I know some b. friends who behave fine. The strangers who appear and delay me, or in gray/black cars, or nonrandom license plates, b1acks too, should be checked into thoroughly and traced right at that time. After having done infuriating annoying things (index.html describes how b. kept getting in my way), they appear now, doing nothing hostile, or worth notice. just inflicting their parasitic presence on us. (The point is, there are huge problems among b1_ks, they have caused many terrible problems for many other groups, but also many terrible things are being done to them here or also places at they "seem" to govern. This nation should atone for s1avery, and the oppression it inflicts. Few of them are educated well or skilled. And they abandon pregnant lovers, they are many of the rap1sts (but there is very much unreported date-related), thieves/etc (search on b1. fatherless families, crime, etc): "Online NewsHour: Fatherless Families" 6/17/1996 pbs.org/newshour/bb/youth/fathers_6-17.html "Why Our B1ack Families Are Failing" washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/24/AR2005072401115.html "Ra(-1)ce and Cr1me - Data Sources And Meaning" law.jrank.org/pages/1909/Race-Crime-Data-sources-meaning.html "The Color of Cr1me: Study on Rac1al..." americandaily.com/article/9584 1 guy took over the tv and threatened me, once a low class poor black woman at recycling bitches, threatens violence with her guy there, slowing recycling for normal people like it happens most places. If c0ps are impartial and enlightened, they must be right to target so many of them. They should call themselves orcs, they are suckers who enroll in unworthy forces of oppression). If one is elected to lead here, these problems should be something to fix. But like I said before, look at all the terrible problems that happened already with some b's in high posts, so b's better be alert for problems if one is chosen as symbolic public leader!) The sKy systems, traffic, 1aw, traffic po1ice/f1re/psycho1ogy, exper1mentation, st0ck system, want to do obnoxious things, exper1ment on us, without being complained at. They take revenge if something makes them feel bad. Want to exp1oit or cheat, but be treated like heroes or nice generous sharing partners in soc1ety. They do so many bad things. Like with love, they want to cheat us but be loved or adored loyally, ens1ave us but be treated like friends, do immoral things but lecture us about right or wrong, tell us to sacrifice or work hard or face danger for the team but be selfishly greedy.

There is not much reason to be impressed by any soc1ety here. Among other stupid things, when there is no traffic, we have to wait for lights to change. Food is not made synthetically, but by kil1ing life. For every 8 forest f1res caused by unmaintained power lines (owned by the utilities that triggered power outages, setting huge prices that ate up the large state money surplus,) or some other act of soc1ety, maybe less than 1 is caused by a natural event. Even more disgusting, no nation is able to put a forest f1re out. What I observe is that the way the 0ps controlling the state beat others is the target person or car is reduced to performing below-normal, while they get an above-normal boost (but this happened less, it seems, when I had a fast car). So their accomplishments are not very impressive. In fact, they seem to be able to track us so much, and know what we are going to do so much, that they are doing a bad job of preventing social problems... guess they are busy on greedy searches for ways to dig out more money or sex for themselves.

When we get computer accounts here, we usually find out those with special control can override our secur1ty; we also find out there are special features in computer systems for privileged users, so it becomes hard to believe anyone can be truly sure of anything's features. Each privilege level may well have another level above it. So even if these mythical rulers exist, this is a serious concern that has to be warned about openly, since se(-1)crets are part of such mysterious ways. The guarantees or contracts such powers can provide their subjects or workers are long overdue, but very needed. Contracts are important, to be enforced by a system of 1aw that functions better than what we have here as of now. If there is even a tiny chance the mysterious power in question is the evi1 one, one must be very careful of tricks indeed. Myths tell of the ways the devi1 cheats or tricks in deals, and says he finds to take more than was ever given. po1ice or c0urt systems seem reckless, careless of being duped or c0nned by such cheaters. (The only c0p's ID I have seen is recklessly simple to fake. After seeing such a mess, they should have to have ID's that are hard to fake, and have to show it to civilians immediately, or we should be allowed to sh0ot them! We should also have the right to record our incidents with c0ps, and they would not allowed to interfere with those devices.) How would one know such mysterious powers (or sKy agencies) really obey their guarantees or contracts? The answer I can think of is to have blogs, etc, reporting contract experiences, and checking (with maximum awareness of tricks) the results for ones I really know to be truthful, since deception, both to create a good image, or harm one, can happen especially with professionals whose job is to lie or to c0n. The deception with contractors pretending to honor anti-sweatsh0p fair work rules is a good example of the many ways they fake a good image (so too are char1ty deceptions ("se(-1)crets, 1ies, And Sweatsh0ps"):

Just what can be believed about the stories of people dying? There are the pretty famous rumors that su1cides are fake, that the people were already dead before in reported disasters (search for those phrases), part of c0n jobs. It gives a certain meaning to the song lyrics "live and let d1e". But there are bodies to bury, so the key question is still what happened to who, even if the how was faked. Ironically, c0ps pointed guns at me a few times now, always when a few or many others were there. Stupid, the least dangerous time, but the most likely time for them to pull one out, it seems. So they do not know these events are fake? Or are they the ones who most deserve to be shot at!? Which way do they want it: the deaths are almost all fake? How much is real or fake? And the r1ght-to-life people, why not say all that dy1ng babies stuff is fake too!? But it is a good bet that, and the ecology/animal destruction, is mostly real. Those stinking ranches of cows for red meat next to the roads are real.

Cens0rsh1p often happens about many things, including the web. Recent reports say a small group cens0rs w1kiped1a too, which I have cited sometimes. True no doubt. The more important things are only logged as deletions/changes in the edit history. Besides, those who edit it make no promises about truth, do not disclose whether they are impartial or have a profit/power motive. digg.com/tech_news/Secret_mailing_list_rocks_Wikipedia?t=11013038
Report from nation (Fr): rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=24671
'Mental Firewall': Wa1l Street Journal - Dec 4, 2007
A woman with C1A links, also a definite cr1minal past, was the chief operating officer there:
Deceivers have a habit of using others images, or heroic names, to do the opposite. Normal people should avoid using heroes as their internet names... to me, it is a sign of ego getting weird, or of someone with sinister purposes.

Berke1ey: lots of trouble, some bogus p01ice harrassment: rain rain rain in 2006-7. Gas truck accident melts bridge interchange on 4/29, causes traffic waits:
Issues about cr1minal past of driver. But was he paid more than normal, given more enlightened education and philosophy by his company? These seem the more important issues.
Sa1inas: car problem, accident: sp1nach problem later 2006, fruit freeze losses.
Vent(-1)ura: jams, detours all over, ch(-1)p ?Gonza1es gave me ticket for no harm caused, guy lied + sent me to wrong room, got fined. Fruit freeze later cost big money.
S1O county: 2nd p01ice stop, react0r pump failure, must cost money.
Mex1co was where the heavy mind/c0ntrol tricks on me started being obvious: 2005, 2006 Huge hurricanes (Wilma, Emily) cost billions, much of it C1A investments, no doubt.
So maybe the penalty multiplier on harrassing me is pretty big. Superstitious?
What was the cost after those winds, tidal waves, freezes, etc, hit some places? And was there any bad karma maybe (chance just1ce)?

Life/events to go public with on blague: Note: oocities.com/wheelifes will be the primary web page site now, with wheelife2005 being a mirror site updated infrequently.

ATRAF: annoying traffic. SUSPT: suspicious types showing up. SBSUST: surrounded by suspicious types. OUCHP: painful physical problem. OUCHLP: longterm physical problem painful. SLPD: sleep hassles.

* New thing: Got to see high definition video: the resolution on details can be very interesting to see. There are interesting extra channels broadcast too, at least in a big city like 1A, which are not on cable. But screen gets digitized fuzzy often with sports. Could be cable, sate1lite, or camera signal.

Takes lots of time to install software on w1ndows pc, many of them run things that cotact the company via web + try to down1oad frequently.

Added quiz items 19-47 + 2 final (infinite #'s):
19. Why would primitive beginners like us get personal attention of an advanced being?;
20. Is there really a scientific explanation how nonverbal signs relate to mental data?;
21. Illusions in moral instinct/reasoning article;
22, Accepting logical gaps;
23. Survival of the fittest is a fool's phrase, not what goes on here;
25. Justify damaging life support system;
26, Can emotions be trusted?;
27. Is money an abstract idea?;
28. Golden rule/do unto others, some want excuse out of moral duty; 29. Using animal or living s1ave substitutes competes with sKydevices, weap0n businesses;
30. Is vio1ence a bad way to get others to teach secrets?;
31. Reckless, non-selective kil1ing in videogames;
32. Why would a supreme authority not create direct/verifiable messages?;
33. And not give us contracts?;
34. Why do fa1ths not have real useful advice to give on the issues or problems in sex/love/marriage?
35. If you say what messages (you think) the g0ds have given you, does that make it harm the sender or dec0de the signal?!
36. Do you punish a malfunctioning/misbehaving machine? Or fix it?
37. Does the system care about safety of your identity or life?
38. Computer systems often have special features for secret users. Why should a g0d be any different? What does this imply?
39. What if bipeds can be manipulated like digital video recorders, worse yet, by those who treat them badly?
40. Is it easy to rebuild a reputation for integrity? So is it a casual decision to do something that may destroy it?
41. Is insulting the mirac1e of life, the ideals of community or universal creation wise? Emotion decides everything with those in power or 1aw here.
42. How to figure out if the others we see are there to act and set bad examples so that everyone goes along with evi1?
43. How to detect thoughts suggested to you from someone else? ...an answer: As1an meditatio;.
44. Are you sure on cause and effect? Effects on life are correlations; life functions are not fully understood;
45. Do you think you can really escape from those who can track you and access you/your stuff? Then what is a better strategy?
46. Are you attacking life itself, threatening it, like dogs (naturally or artificially) d0sed with foolishness to threaten or attack others while their master stays safe?
47. Why should one care about the many truly miserable poor or unfortunate around them, often nearby? Part of the answer is: They will try these things on some of you, especially if the scheme is to figure out how to get these victims to do things they should/would not.
[Infinity-1]. So mysteriously sec(-1)ret here: why are we here? Who is really in control? What is going on? Why is life so weird and brutal? As soon as someone figures out why we are here, it will probably change (or has been) to something even weirder, is one joke in the H1tchhiker's Guide to the Ga1axy.
[Infinity-0]. Are you being worthy of life? Are we as happy to be part of the mirac1e of life as we should be?

List now of nonrandom car licenses in nonrandom.html; not surprising, cannot find my notes on these cars, only entered list for 1 day. Expect list to be hacked.
Be5D7A66 CRC Size:4kb (3,452 bytes) 04/10/2008 12:16pm

Life so far is still a pathetic comical tragedy. When will they start to find ways to turn it into a humorous celebration of life?!! It is a challenge for those with power: can they accomplish this turn in behavior?

Comment: backwards as always, many really do feel a delusion that injuring someone or some living thing is an achievement when really it is hard to keep them from being hurt; there are so many ways they can be. Those who help cause traffic delays, help trap people/animals, are doing something only as (simply) clever as animals which hunt. Who/whatever organizes this continues to have a disgusting attitude unworthy of life.

Dangerous things have happened to me several times which could have been fatal situations. Other things are dangerous in more subtle possible ways. Ones who oppose having these things discussed or changed must hope that it would delay or stop it, but if it happened, it may speed it up or make it more vio1ent, and they may not know who who is saying it next time.

Bad injury, very possibly b1otech helped cause it, traffic delays (milder) as I drive around; very tired on some longer drives, med1cal people seem to be practicing some more on getting information from me. That is how they are, injure someone badly, pull bad tricks + push for info. Staff "on phone" can not give detailed directions, g0ogle map less than clear (screen showed wrong maps sometimes last few yrs). Big run-around trying to get specialist quickly, deliberate delays + time waste. Staff have been courteous though. But black guy in newish gray car goes around back, steals parking spot when I am now limping. But many more whites sometimes block way. Fake faces very possible. Physical discomforts seem to be arising. Folks have been helping open doors, which is not a big help considering how much trouble the crippling causes, or the false directions + delays + discomforts. Very often very fat bodies, white beards crossing my path. They do things proving they are not to be trusted, wastes much more of my time. Still waste time sleeping too much. ......Actions towards a better life are what counts. Words, expressions mean little. ...Someone rational would... As for many years, also totally blatant nosiness, seems offensive to me; also discomforts seem to arise. They seem to like waiting at places like shopping centers where they can park, wait, and set up tricks. At med1cal offices they practice getting information. Also, even more smelly cars than before. Huge time waste. It is like someone watches what I react to, often found hazards like broken glass nearby. Many dead animals along my routes.

Seeing tamed down versions of some movies, like "? t. m.", which skips the plea against the grim scary view of progression of life on this planet. Few months of finding bugs appearing before I sleep, after wake: waste time dealing with it. Many shit smells to deal with. Some SLPD and ATRAF (defined above) continue.

Delays still. Sometimes putting on face supposed to seem nice, which of course is how it is.

Note: oocities.com/wheelifes will be the primary web page site now, with wheelife2005 being a mirror site updated infrequently.
wheelife2000sh was set up because I worried when they suspended my license a while for a useless health check; password stopped working while at an 0range county library; no access to blogwheel2006 either.

8/31 Switch happens06 into happens.html, update index.html, park2.html, zip files.
8/29: Forest f1res this month still, trying to weaken environmental protection still, things getting worse for poor people, aggression, mistreatment... just as whoever controls societies (or life for all things) during history over and over. Little wonder that these "strangers" are obnoxious. They like to wait at shopping centers, but most often at groceries.
Several times over several months, seems like 2-3 gallons more to fill up than before at stations with lower prices. Greed's even worse and even trickier maybe.
8/25: Storm continues to pour on south gulf states.
8/22: Tropical Storm Fay still hovering over F, dumping huge rains on most of state, nearby areas jus before convention. It slows fuel use/driving and it will bring lots of business for maintenance/repair. The car repair, 1nsurance, med1cal schemes that like to cause problems like this for others - hope they have to deal with it themselves there.
They are trying to rush changes weakening species protection:
8/21: oi1 state, car repair, kids, sex biz, what was (home) secur1ty or anyone else doing instead of stopping this?!!:
8/20: storm slows + dumps over 2 feet of rain south of F. space center: news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080820/sc_nm/storm_fay_dc
8/19:Heavy rain, floods in T, tropical storm slows + strengthens over F:
Guess last sunday's 60 m1nutes story 8/17 on c0ngo rapes is rerun of january video, but leaders only make a big moral issue (cr1me against humanity) of Bur(ma) refusing help, or Su(dan) vio1ence: cbsnews.com/stories/2008/01/11/60minutes/main3701249.shtml news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080819/ap_on_re_af/congo_living_with_fear_1 "Myan(mar) junta should be tried for humanity cr1mes" (for not accepting aid to huge cyclone disaster): May 22, 2008 www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/1211455026.57/
8/17:More rain than normal, floods in N 1ndia: news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080818/wl_sthasia_afp/indiaweatherfloods
O1ympics: Injuries remove star hurdlers for C, A; heard r0wers got sick; besides the examples of good sportsmanship, nasty rough plays in baseba1l; (I saw 2 games where 1 wrapped knee + 1 bare knee were hit by balls, players act like it was accidental, big lead by A, close score in other game; a game where most players just stand shows nasty thuggish play; and I wonder how the idea or reflex to celebrate victory with fierce hostile posturing gets into tv - is it spliced in, or do they really act do that and why; blatant thug acts are disliked too much to be openly celebrated). Players often get hurt, one has to withstand the visible + invisible attempts to hurt them or reduce their performance:
news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080818/ap_on_sp_ol/oly_ath_track_and_field_heats_6 sg.news.yahoo.com/ap/20080818/tsp-as-oly-bbi-baseball-roundup-6e81073.html news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080818/sp_nm/olympics_baseball_dc
Head of P. resigns: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080818/ap_on_re_as/pakistan_31
8/16:storms in northeast, south gulf area (not too unusual):
8/15: Thunderstorms in New Yk area; almost full moon.
news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080815/sc_nm/newyork_tornado_dc_2 (Weather channels showed line of rain from Dall. area headed for Flo.)
dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/localnews/stories/081508dnmetweather.4b86fa62.html "Storms bring rain, heat relief to Dall.-F. Worth"
myfoxdfw.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=7212520&version=7&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=3.2.1 "Storms in Forecast through Weekend for North Te."
8/6 C. will stop rac1ally separating pr1son groups (they can control every aspect of life there; it must have been part of a devious plan to build raging rac1st divides there; but who rationally thinks someone's color means they can be trusted to help you: look at how po1iticians or others in the 1egal systems betray those of the same color; if they can not control a pr1son, how can they control the state, how can this add up to make sense?!).
Ca1. Pr1sons Start Deseg.(regating) 1nmates" Aug 6:
npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=93336656 washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/26/AR2008072601557.html "Ca1. to Begin 1ntegrating Pr1sons for Men"
?/?: Immediately had bike repair to do after returning.
7/28:"N(YP)D probes c0p in Y0uTube body-check video" video shows P0gan body-checking a bicyclist during bike rally, shows he lied about being attacked
7/25: C(SPAN) session on executive misdeeds, dismantling of const1tion by current office ("Const1tutional Limits of Execut1ve Power" / "Execut1ve Power & The B. Adm1nistration"):
www.c-spanarchives.org/library/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&products_id=280000-2 www.c-spanarchives.org/library/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&products_id=206555-1 news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080725/ap_on_go_co/kucinich_impeachment_2
7/18: several quakes, etc, common in J:
(6.6) Strong earthquake hits eastern Ja(pan)
ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g5IgwzKsStVs5sFHkA5uIawpldqAD920LVMO0 "Strong quake hits So1omon Islands"
newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/view/20080719-149482/Strong-quake-hits-Solomon-Islands----seismologists cbs5.com/local/bay.area.earthquakes.2.774977.html
"Small Quakes Occur Along Peninsula, In North Bay"
"Moderate earthquake hits southwest Ecuad0r"
news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-07/19/content_8573260.htm iht.com/articles/ap/2008/07/16/europe/EU-Greece-Earthquake.php "Earthquake strikes Greek island of Rhodes; no damage, injuries ..."
Tropical storm Kalmaegi hits Ch1na Saturday, after 13 d1e in Ta1wan
* 7/15 Copied happens.html from wheelife2000sh to fix delete mistake.
Saw rain puddles on road in the high desert.
As usual, I revisit after an absence, some arrange delays, maybe to get time to do things. If only they can do things faster instead, but their achievements are pathetic compared to life forms treated like trash. Many bearded guys, change now so that 90% are white beards sort of like the lame manipulator in Matr1x.
No friends to visit in southern Ca1, no companions, they keep dangling sexual attraction/tests, I guess. I blame it on the constant paparrazi-like harassment of people arriving when I do, staring or peeking or other suspicious things. SKies are so obnoxious, in traffic more so, they are rejected as friends.
Fat b1ack secur1ty guy blocks elevator button briefly, verbal crap, threat to call c0p if buttons punched. Imagine what most b1acks think of that kind of power trip. Shows color has nothing to do about trust. Says those in uniforms are suspect.
More rain predicted for midwest; severe weather is going to make living in mountain forests even more risky: rain adds mudslide damage to town hit by forest f1re - "Mudslides hit Ca1if. town near Sequo1a forest" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080715/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather * 7/12 Oops, copied into happens instead of happens06. Restore it later. Another copy of happens.html is at wheelife2000sh
Added Comm. McSor1ey name to 1ancaster thing.
Several 1nsurance people said that floods are now covered by the national g0vernment now, they just do the paperwork. This switch happened several years ago. This now means there is a profit in letting it flood for the repairs. Logically, the nation should be in control of the flood barriers, river policy, etc, but that is not true at all; it is a mixture that is locally chosen + maintained. What an expensive mistake by the leadership!!! The huge expense must be more than all the profit from wood + living resources that are ripped away from the planet. The rain floods make a poetic symbol of the furious sorrow (tears of nature) of the force of life, destroying human construction, if a conscious force of nature were to exist.
Got done with 2 meetings, po1ice force me to appear in 1A, also Mounta1n V1ew/Pa1o A1to. At least they are courteous now. Many sightings of patrol cars, b1acks, good thing?? Waste time/gas, driving risks, never seeking the true gui1ty ones who cause things/people to malfunction, Pattern is every time someone in the 1aw gives me a little verbal pushing around or anger, trying emotional control, (no exceptions I can remember). (There are good things about the high tech(nology) area, but the system there also carries blame for bad things I went through. Did commun1ty serv1ce there once which did virtually nothing to help me but maybe they wanted to act like it was a nice psych thing. And got charged a huge amount for it.) Maybe another trap setup like S-O to bring me in, set up trouble. Well, as I get through these meetings I will update this.
Still feel like being used to exper1ment on, always some little injuries, sometimes dangerous things. Many times try to make me angry. They will do tricky things every day, but act like sundays are nicer days. And they try to act nicer just before when I will probably blog. Get back to S Ca1 after a while, 2 cars pull out + create slow traffic in front. Feels like no days off, never much daytime when not harassed or busy. Sleep being messed up, wake too late or too early. Huge drains on my time so others can act, probably. Hot on long drive, but turned out only normal warm at this south end. Coast fog even turned sunny where I went for a while.
* 6/30 I think this means they are declaring that they will try to use force or dirty tricks now. Recently heard several po1itical attacks about whether critics are patr1otic. Think this says they know they lose the debate on ethics or public preference, they are saying to their listeners that they have been in control and try to win by force now. Oddly, on 7/07 0ba.'s plane lands for safety problem: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080707/ap_on_el_pr/obama_s_plane
Also: nytimes.com/2008/06/22/world/africa/22zimbabwe.html "Assass1ns in Z1mbabwe Aim at the Grass R0ots": bruta1ity to control e1ection, forcing them to as ordered, beating opponents workers named in newspapers. If they take it to the maximum use of force to win, this is how it goes. A v0te is a civil front or facade over the pressure to change control.
Is lightning being caused sometimes? several people hit on the same day:
vaguely: "1ightning strikes po1o match...", co1ts neck, n.-j, 6 horses, umpire Stephen c0nroy broken arm, john Kr1egee:
abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=6236897 Kent Li1yerd, ("More/moral?") Mora M1nn: "I thought, '1t's my time to d1e'", M1nneapolis Star Tribune 6/30 startribune.com/local/22702364.html
8 F1refighters in forest struck: "Struck by 1ightning - and alive to tell" Char1otte 0bserver NC 6/30 charlotte.com/local/story/692248.html
"Local Chu_rch Struck By 1ightning" 6/30 Rye Hi1l Bapt1st Ch_urch, Fort Sm1th, A_RK: 4029tv.com/news/16751494/detail.html
Edward Wetter1in, Danie1 Th0mas hit by 1ightning
blog.oregonlive.com/breakingnews/2008/06/one_man_hit_by_lightning_recov.html Teenager struck in F1: wctv.tv/news/headlines/22735169.html
"Lightning strike at C0nn. park kills 1, hurts 4" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080608/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather_87
Nature in C. still getting wiped out as many fires burn after lightning strikes they say. Smoke clouds cover many areas, some get ash + dirt floating down, bad air. The crews seem to almost useless in the forest mountains, they have yet to think of/prepare other ways to put them out.
* 6/20 The manipulation still goes on, frustration, annoyances. Hassles etc, have to search and look for things which require interacting with a(-1)gents and their acts. Childish tricks, acts. Previous 3 months, again cars merging into a passing lane from two lanes away just where I want to switch to, when a car in front is slower in front. Happening about 1-4 times per week. The first 10 years of driving, never remembered this odd "coincidence" happening (only possible when > 2 lanes, same direction) which is hard to spot in the side mirror.
Last 2 months, 4-5 times dead bloody or crushed animals have been left where I walk by. Drove past several others.
Off1cer, said San Mate0 county, says name is M0ser, #429, name tag only, checking/gathering information, says (me specifically) have to move along, lets others stay, no ticket. Middle aged, evasive when asked how he arrived at that time/place, answers he gets paid to do this.
"M. to have public tr1als, presumed 1nnocence" news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080617/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/mexico_judicial_reform
* 6/15 It is near the 15th of the month again, no complaints about weather where I have been (nice cool but sunny on Thursday to Sat I think), but many weird natural disasters: 1ittle Sc0ut Ranch, tornado hits with no warning during thunder storm early Wed eve at B0y Sc0ut camp in 1owa, 4 kids die (S1oux is a name of a native 1ndian group). (CN(-1)N said 1 believed in faith, also many did not have flood coverage after being told it was unlikely). K. State University was also hit. Flooding, heavy rain in north midwest reported too. "Wh1te River" in "1ndian-a" breaks through levee. Weather extremes may be normal now. Bet they will rebuild with black roofs, roads, etc. that get very hot. They have forced wild animals into places where it is much more extreme and difficult to survive. I think they dislike experiencing more extreme conditions for themselves though. Taking the areas near river may now be bad idea. Parks are good, but bikes bother animals, and too easy for those who do not appreciate nature to go there. But there will be a strong desire for mass use of urban parks, no doubt. I. has been important early influence in e1ections. I have heard an opinion that recent ones have been decided by mid-w. and south states cooperating.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080612/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080612/ap_on_re_us/wildfires news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080614/ap_on_re_us/wildfires_45 Forests burning in 1os Padres, also near S.C., etc. news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080610/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather_140 Rain, flooding in W1s--con-sin causes sewage leak. K1cka-poo river floods "Gays Mi1ls" 60 miles away too. Puns. More tornadoes. news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080612/us_nm/flooding_usa_dc_3 news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080613/us_nm/usa_flooding_dc news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080614/ap_on_re_us/midwest_flooding people.howstuffworks.com/iowa-caucus.htm news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080614/ap_on_re_as/japan_earthquake ...earthquake, 1wate region of N. Ja., nuc1ear power site 50 miles away announces that some "hot" water did spill, ok otherways - J. builds planning for the frequent quakes it gets, but how many would like to take such chances?
Big rain-season floods in Pear1 river delta, ch1na, with more days of rain ahead; monsoon floods/slides in NE 1ndia too:
news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080616/wl_afp/chinaweatherfloodquake news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080616/ap_on_re_as/china_floods news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080616/wl_sthasia_afp/indiaweathermonsoon
Soon after 6/05, tired driving past 1ogging regions, then alert at night afterwards without seeing any uniform personnel.
* 6/05 Survived a few more long trips this last month, been feeling tired in the car, definitely dangerous. It has happened for years, hard to see any reason for someone to test how to do that for so long. Once a c0p stopped me to check I was ok, he said, was able to stay alert for a long time after. Another good sign with them, but I have been so disgusted with this system, and all the traffic gray/black cars so often, it is very very late to start changing to be better/helpful.
As usual, constant little injuries (just like most any other exper1mental subject), worse than usual though. April-now, those "looking like" b1_ks cause little delays, annoyances more often, drive G cars. Also sleeping too long or else feels like not enough. Many annoyances, forgot things to say, probably to distract me. Something also made me forget a new security number during holiday, would have caused a big hassle. Today, got a wish on 1 st0ck, many delays, obnoxious white concrete truck driver. Likely not random arrivals, so it has no true meaning, being a setup con. Added _ into se_cret.
Tickets, several false charges, etc, have cost me big money to the state, 1nsurance, etc. It is sure to be a profit system for them. There is a big penalty for hurting or stealing from a higher authority too. Well, this year is on a record-breaking rate for tornadoes, so they should look at those costs and rethink this disgraceful system. Tickets have no direct relationship to accidents or safe driving. "US on track to break record for tornadoes": news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080528/ap_on_re_us/tornadoes
F. a_gents raid office protecting whist1eblowers (those who report bad behavior or problems in their group), many news reports say the "office of special c0unse1" head, Scott B1och, ignores hundreds of cases or even tries to punish those who report, just takes on a few cases: news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080506/pl_afp/usjusticefbicorruption_080506181710 commondreams.org/news2005/1222-03.htm There is something deeply wrong, they try to disconnect self-checks so that they do anything dishonest that they want. Look at the permissive 1aws passed now for monitoring soc1ety. This is the pattern, they want to disconnect our own consciences too. This is what they are doing to c0ps, the kind of sneaky dishonest system they want them to force on us, the kind they are using in other places. * 5/22 At least for once, I made a driving mistake and in San J0se the guy gave me a break by just warning me after checking my id!
I get hassles over others' struggles: big trucks with k0rean cargo labels slow me down, this time next to a load of J. new cars, or G cars slow me down. Bl. guys open doors, exits, or wait politely, as I get there this time, for a change from last rudeness.
Tornado destroys 6 barns, Seab0ard Farms, pun:Hen_nessey, O., most pigs ok: upi.com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2008/05/24/upi_newstrack_topnews/7547/ newsok.com/article/3248344?topten_check=yes
News about company cruelty: "Ex-Pig Farm Manager Charged With Cruelty" washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A63486-2001Sep8.html "Seab0ard Farms Responds to Arrest of Former Employee on Animal Abuse Charges" (AnimalNet) 9/3/2001 (says exception, they try to treat them well): archives.foodsafety.ksu.edu/animalnet/2001/9-2001/animalnet_september_13.htm plant.uoguelph.ca/safefood/archives/animalnet-archives.htm
Pressure on closed nation to accept outside help, refusal called a cr1me: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080519/ap_on_re_as/myanmar_155
Big forest f1re in N Ca1: origin.mercurynews.com/losgatos/ci_9344864
* 5/18 F1orid. + A1berta (Canad.) forest fires: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080518/ap_on_re_us/wildfires edmontonsun.com/News/Alberta/2008/05/21/5624491-sun.html
* 5/15 Oh1o state's head 1awyer resigns after charges filed. An office affair may seem like a small issue without much connection to what they do on the job, but it seems to match how the 1aw system commonly is used here too: many get penalized for seeming small rule violations, without saying what the real issues were, and we do not know what the truth is, but they may be trying to trick the serious crime totals: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080515/ap_on_re_us/ohio_attorney_general_scandal_14
...Also, storm also knocks down several trees at cap1tol in T. and blew out windows in the dome, 1 dead; tropical storm C0sme/Ha1ong hits 1uzon area, Phi1ippines.
5/13 Holiday here about this time to celebrate motherhood.
Earthquake causes huge disaster in Ch: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080513/ap_on_re_as/china_earthquake_84
* 4/29 Many amazed none die after 6 tornadoes hit V, but as usual some deny admitting the storm punished them by destroying things and say they are b1essed because it was not worse. The system tries to say they must have been bad if the 1aw punishes someone; if these kind of disasters punish someone then they should be labelled the same way!: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080429/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather_41 news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080509/ap_on_re_us/severe_weather 5/02, 5/11 several die later in G, A, M, O, K, 2 ch_urch hits: news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080502/ts_alt_afp/usweathertornado news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080512/wl_afp/usweathertornado news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080511/us_nm/usa_tornadoes_dc
* 4/29-5/1 Described this before, they can change skin color disguise (it is one of the definite probable scenarios/explanations): dark b1ack guy wearing leather gets to door, waits for me to open it, selfishly pushes out ahead of me, glance again few seconds later, now looks like a white guy in same leather.
Seems like they are trying to annoy me fairly frequently for the last 1 or 2 months, mostly not hugely. But like I say, making others angry is a big part of what these in control do all the time. Sleepy often last 2 weeks.
1ancaster traffic admits many get upset about tickets which cost so much, hidden "penalty" adds much more to price + lets them sound like the fine given is low without saying the total, say they do not want anyone to slam door as they leave + threaten arrest (sensitive feelings?!)(door slamming is the jai1 plan), playing nice or considerate as they force money from us, say that the tickets are mostly for breaking regulations, not to label it as cr1mes. The information of accused are just leaked, or so easily gotten by anyone stupid, by this system in this area. Maybe they avoid technology hardware. Remember traveling to 1ancaster area once before and car fanbelt broke.
Burning forests in west at springtime. One north of 1A starts during hot weather, mostly in control by the time cool winds start; one further east left to burn: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080501/ap_on_re_us/wildfires
* 4/22 "PETA offers $1 million for" (lab/fake/etc) meat made without harming animals: peta.org/feat_in_vitro_contest.asp, in news too.
* 4/19 It is Earth Week, many events to appreciate our world.
Found symbiote changed to symbiont. Got angry, like many times, with "strangers" looking/staring/openly sKying at me, being jerks causing problems. They make a big issue of how they have to hide who they are, what they do. I lose sympathy for it, they expose us so much to hazards. Film/tv is focused in some areas in this state and I have found too much annoying video or camera, but maybe one should conclude that everything is being recorded.
* 4/16 Man being a jerk in a grey car, changes lanes to slow me down, harass me. Feelings seem odd several times the last few days.
Fixed 4 linebreaks in news links in park2.html.
* 4/15 Pleasant mild cool weather for this region.
As usual, taxes are much more trouble to do than they should be. For a week, find weird mistakes the next day, making mistakes, forgetful.
Have been forgetting to add CRC line in park2.html.
Added something about taking "beings away from their mothers and friends" and forcing them into "lonely lives of suffering without friendship or love" and since then, chance happens that there are more friendly strangers.
Many times I have seen strangers who look like characters from movies, like the white bearded guy in the Matr1x 2 + 3, but since my life does not resemble any movie role very much, nor do I look very much like any movie character, it does not seem something that should mean very much.
Springtime, many living things show a sign of their remarkable qualities. Hot weather for a few days, summer weather may be here soon. Cars absorb too much heat from the sun, besides all the heat from burning the gas!
* 4/11 Some annoying driving by black/gray cars in the 408 area code. During last 1.5 months, possible attempts to sneak in hard to detect retaliation (mild pain) when I think about bad rotten aspects of life or the system.
latimes.com has changed links, many do not work now.
* 3/29 Story on cheap and greedy side of the dr(-1)ug/sex business, keeps bipeds poor, causing s1avery: "The Op1um Brides of Afg." 03/29/2008; newsweek.com/id/129577/output/print. Farm debts can not be paid if raids destroy crops, families are tracked down even when they run away like sp1es can do, threats force girls to be sold cheaply for $2000 in debt to be "wives" (servant + sex), much less than a car or weapon which does not understand what I say or is not fun to cuddle.
* 3/26 Past version named as y8park2.html, y8... etc; fixed 4 linebreaks in news links in park2. Oh yes, sometimes much more time went by than I thought while doing something, etc.
* 3/25 New version of pages, with attempt in park2.html to categorize the understanding of life, but no passwords on checkpt.zip. Fixed part2=park2 in park2.html. Fixed linebreak in a weblink here. Copied scripts (seasons 3,2,1) from B. Ga1actica, for wheelife2005.
3/24 6:15pm Questioned, tested by c0ps again. They refuse to show ID cards, man A: name tag Mohamma1di #19166, says call said suspicious person walking around, starts fairly threatening, accusing, his story quickly changes to report of prowler looking in windows (I was sitting, starting new sections on understanding life/fa1th in park2.html#ponderlife), asks questions on 3 topics very likely prepared in advance on suspiciously appropriate probing questions (but not specifically about the call), 2 ^ stripes, likely involved in this manipulative testing on people; man B no stripes Goodw1n #17434 car #87167 License 1223086; I felt probable b1ochem1cal effects on me; sargeant J. K1m #32184 car #10 3 ^ stripes arrives much later, man A whispers for a while to him, they all reply "honestly, this was not part of a game", things end. May have been an act, or a test too. They probably excuse a lie by secretly saying it is not a game to them.
Went hiking on central coast, dry but spring signs. Strange, flowers at area only along hiking trial, but not on areas around dirt road nearby: special plants just for show for hikers, normal plants not blooming now this (pretty dry) year. May be an overall pattern. Felt sleepy in car through S. Barb., Vent., just choice of luck. Luck trying to make bad things/signs to limit my logical choices like they are not already limited so much.
The next report gives an example with carwashes, where many are unpaid, and who knows what happens to tips. They give a site to check if local washes have been cited for cheating workers. There is no system to use penalties to return missing pay - no victim compensation again. Wash prices are sort of high, often $15 to deluxe $75:
* 03/17 Huge rains (> 1 ft.) in midwest: North T, O, M, I, A:
Tornado hits At1anta G. the night before 03/15, many injuries, storms follow (weird weather around this day of the month) (report says new g0vernors mansion and rich northside area was hit by one last time, hurting hundreds, hit main mail center, on 3/24/1975!): news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080315/ap_on_re_us/atlanta_storm
* 03/11 G. maps showed me wrong store location, c0p car waiting in middle of road almost right there, makes face suiting a snoop jerk.
* 03/02 More traffic tricks again, almost accidents. They once acted like they would repay time waste by giving me less need for sleep, but that gift has stopped for several months now.
The struggle to protect whales and limit s0nar continues. Jan 04 Ruling to protect whales off this coast from s0nar injury:
Jan 17 Head of nation sets aside limits on s0nar to protect whales, c0urt puts 2 measures on hold.
1A Times Jan 17 '08 "J. sets aside some restrictions on s0nar"
SF Chronic1e, feb 04 "Ju(-1)dge rejects B---'s try to overturn ruling" Says he can not give an exemption from order to limit s0nar to protect whales.
Female right whale dolphin washes up, dies on last day of s0nar exercises, 1A Times Feb 22 too:
appea1s decision confirms the ban, allows month for 2 training events:
* 02/26 Page cursor jumping locations on me. weird, have found s0ci spellings several times after editor swaps to soc1. Mid-aged white guy, brown minivan cuts in from other lane as I merge, on purpose I think, honks, swerves 3 times in front of me as I change lanes, then falls way back when I get in front of him. Another car cut in from another lane a few days ago, too. Assholes again, in cars, in C and N states. I just have not driven enough in other states recently to evaluate them. Forgetting things to add to these web pages. Someone thinks they will just delay the saving of life/the world. Vot1ng may be rigged, but we can really affect things by how we spend our money. Choose what kind of business ethics, care for customer/worker/ecology that you support, c0ps or soc1ety, by where, what, or from who you buy. I think the week after vot1ng, after taxes are due, 1abor day, maybe even the big christmas holiday are good times for everyone to send a message by their spending.
Bad link to S.B. again: manager at small burger chain (name hints at addictiveness), looks mex1can with mostly white genes, says do not use bathroom the day I have to go in about a traffic ticket, while before a fat w. girl working there made false claim that I make a mess, lots of worker turnover, no one would probably recognize me much, probably sp1es wanted to cause problem.
Just time to watch video, get inside, before steady light rain, then dry with some sun in the morning: worked out well.
Sky cleared to see lunar eclipse, after a little rain, good for forest. Getting back some of my st0ck losses. Some drowsiness again driving. Things hitting car on long drive, on I5, near st0ckton too, probably cause of crack in glass. Wasted time. 3 days c0p cars weirdly show up 5 times when I am leaving a place, turning around. Saw a few coyotes, few other interesting animals. But animals are rare in forests, especially not squirrels, birds, deer (hunting game), or coyotes. I think most who hike only see forests now, lifeless of those animals. It is a horrible disgrace caused by the way bipeds expanded.
(Noticed about 22 very long lines in "index.html")
Bee hive boxes next to highway causes many bees smashed on cars!
$40-50 digital tv converter coupons for those without cable: see dtv2009.gov; kind for this kind of thing!
Being held in jai1s months too long; (part of same) story at 2 sites:
How can this just be random: Thur 1: 2 county p. cars there as I want to turn around from freeway; 2: 2 local p. cars pull someone over as I leave a store at night; 3: p. car at intersection (~8:45pm) as I leave store; Fri 4: middle-aged white hwy p. drives up at bathroom stop as I get there, stepped out, later turns on running lights + drives up as I pass by; Mon 5: hwy p. car at I5 merge as I get on; 6: ~5:29, 2 white p. cars pull out from other side of road as I get on road; Sat 7: p. car drives by just as I want to walk across road.
Beef recalled, cruelty to cows recorded where they are kil1ed; buyers, many others, just hiding the horror they support; food inspectors at meat plant, but they are watched or distracted:
N power safety shutdown in F state, (all 3 leaders for the v0te take N power funds but a consultant managed the youngest one) (those weap0ns should be built up, so go ahead):
* 02/14 Very high price drug for heart recovery causes thousands to die each year, much worse than $50 alternative (the r1ght to life groups say nothing things like this!):
After a few days, rain helps stop over a hundred forest f1res in dry, windy states of S Car, V, N Car:
Big food chain sets better animal care policy (02/11):
* 02/07 Something causes drowsiness for a while during drive. Bad this time, there has been much less of it for the last 6 months, mostly mild.
Funny article about how D.'s find ways to lose the v0te, and views on this year: "...despite their power as metaphors, ... (they) are po1iticians whose filthy-rich campa1gns are stocked with money as dirty and loaded as any establishment po1iticians who have ever run. They walk in the door compromised.
...This is ...about economic terr0r and injust1ce in a land of winners and losers and very little in between.
1A Weekly, Feb 1, "How the Dems Cou1d Blow It Again", J. Donne1ly
Starting at end of Feb 5 "super (voting) tuesday", tornadoes hit south, cause over 48 deaths in Ar, Ala, K, Missi:
Most dorms damaged at un1on university, Ten., which is affiliated with S. bapt1st convention, no deaths; 3rd tornado strike in history:
* 02/02 R1verside Co. 3 c0ps stop to check my id, again ask questions. 1 pointed gun at me (Ac0sta I think), they refused to show id when asked to, got cuffed, 1 talks mostly in reverse + asks pointless questions + says I keep answering with questions + ends saying I will be taken in + this went like this because I did not cooperate + the opposite ends with the cuffs taken off (seems like testing questioning again), c0p smell again, nosy reading cards/papers with my id, seems like did something to cause me compulsive thinking/upset reaction about this. Their excuse is a report of a sound like woman screaming, they waste 15-20 minutes with me when it is quickly clear there is no woman with me/nearby, then their cars return in 5-10 minutes with no result.
Seems like setups to show women can be causing me trouble (no surprise that they can be suckers/pawns of the bad side): Ugly woman (seemingly) in gray SUV blocks my way, several other gray/silver cars get in the way before that. Fat women got in my way shopping.
* 01/31 Sometimes, sound effects in car, it seems.
Figures, company with name like M-D makes some bad products that with big problems, waste money. Weird smell in car.
So many times, when I go away for awhile, as soon as I get near cities, especially the Southern Ca area which is probably a co1ony of the new y0rk area, some gray/black cars do some annoying things.
Feelings do matter right, for (c)0ps, etc? Feeling like ready to declare them unworthy of life, let them go down the trash heap of life, let their souls turn to waste, care nothing abut what evil happens to their lives. Even though traffic hassles are milder, much less drowsiness causing danger during drives.
Insulted, fed up.
J calmly says there is not paperwork to confirm next scheduled date, then gets nasty/angry, says do not waste time after waste 2 hrs with po1ice not producing evidence, then calmly saying the notes ("minutes") will say what the next date will be. That is their way of using psycho1ogy.
Jan 30, tanker dumps gas over highway 101 in N. Ca1, so drivers have to take big detour for a day like I do to avoid f1re trucks which happen to appear near S1o:
* 1/24 Lot of rain in the west coast, still gray/black cars get in way, slow down. I honk sometimes, later in day, some cars time it and find excuse to honk at me. The sKy system, traffic, 1aw, traffic po1ice/f1re/psycho1ogy, exper1mentation, st0ck system is like this. Wants to do obnoxious things, exper1ment on us, without being complained at, insists on revenge for its sensitive feelings. Wants to exp1oit or cheat, but be treated like heroes or nice generous sharing partners in s0ciety. They do so many obnoxious things. Like with love, they want to cheat us but be loved or adored, ens1ave us but be treated like friends, do immoral things but lecture us about right or wrong.
Several months of po1ice/f1re cars appearing, also b1ack people, more than random level. After having done infuriating annoying things, they appear now, doing nothing admirable, or hostile. just inflicting their parasitic presence on us.
Car issues, traffic/1aw forces waste of hours, money, drives where those cars annoy me. Chemical smell on jacket.
* 1/16 Not sure if these are such unusual weather disasters: Floods, massive rain expected in Br., (and 2 oil nations in desert) Duba1, Qat.:
* 1/11 oops, left CRC/time line out of park2.html, is in happens06.html. Beware, again, even now on this world, horribly extreme brutal rape against women is infecting one area of afr1ca:
register.thestar.com/article/266129 (toronto star, Oct 12 '08)
1A Times Oct 11 '08 pA21: C0ngo's rape war
(They have lost their sense of decency or morality, clearly, the torture or ma1ming is so extreme; it is an infection of evil as in 1ord of the R1ngs. Women are attacked by people who fled from either side of Rw(-1)anda, g0vernment forces, civilians, sometimes even husbands; d1seases infect them, husbands abandon them, there is no just1ce or 1aw at work, many need tissue rebuilt; the mix of violence, moral breakdown, evil, hatred, sex1sm, exploitation, hypocrisy, and injustice is totally extreme. Kindness towards women is not at work there. Imagine the social volcano this would be if it was going on against men. Part of it is a struggle to control mineral resources, like tanta1um/co1tan for cellphones or other electronics. So these businesses are indirectly funding such brutality and failing to change it. And over there, as here, they are definitely not one group, although here whites often see other colors as one group of people.)
* 1/08 My thinking feels more free + relaxed for several weeks now. So are many of those who serve control stuck in rigid closed thinking, unable to accept different opinions? Mild ATRAFs, few times just right to cause stress, show them a gesture and something pings off my car. At stores too. This is what they do with psycho1ogy. How untrustworthy. The character or soul of the traffic system showing itself. Row after row of SBSUST color cars, so many in parking lots when I looked. Very mild holiday sickness, they get spread around those times. As usual, constant OUCHP. Back to old pattern: buy a st0ck, it goes bad. It is only for the insider pals. Fixed deletion on nasty bai1iff act in SB.
...I expected horrible things like this to happen after the eco-tragedies of forest f1res, the nasty ways power is used here. Many die in f1re in primitive way, (knives) no spending on modern stuff, minority wins in 1owa few days later:
T. man kil1s, maybe eats part of girlfriend:
Added quiz item 18 on infi1tration to park2.html.
Rare A. tornado during warm weather, day after several hit midwest, N. v0te about the same time:


* 12/26 Little ATRAFs. DVD/theater difference: Remembered Cas1no R0ya1e at theater, M says to him, "You are not a thug, double 0"; on the DVD that I see later, this is not there, but says a line sort of like that:
"Any thug can kil1. ...take your ego out of the equation."
* 12/21 Set up happens06installed which just has network server time, crc for happens06, park2, checkpt2.
News story: Austra1ia leads criticism and J will still wha1e hunt but this year, not those on endangered list.
Holiday near, in the past problems just happen to cause trouble for me on long holidays.
* 12/16 5:15 am Pasc0 Co, F1 (just north of Tampa) tornado destroys temporary jai1 unit for 125 females, people got out just in time:
More heavy snow in K, I70 corridor midwest, east coast, SE Can-da; heavy rain further south; high winds in NW:
* 12/15 Ice storm, power out in midwest:
Been forgetful of things I want to say on my web pages, makes me have to edit them more which may be on purpose. Pattern of germ-n cars doing little annoying things, much more often than j-panese. Misdirection is always the rule. No car sales network seems very noble, so any of them can be really behind it, or maybe it is just to keep trouble going between groups, or to provoke me to blog often
* 12/08 Last 2 times with rain worked very well, overnight, washed some dirt off the car this time. Much less ATRAF. Dealing with OUCHLP wastes so much time. Wonder if trouble makers are getting big headaches? I have had several headaches over recent months.
* 12/01 Line breaks in long (web links) lines again, a chore to fix. Adding text note/link when mouse is over altered words like sKy, hcode vcode note?.
Been feeling angry, like I know I should, at ATRAF: all these new cars, black/gray, getting in the way, SBSUST these bipeds too, showing up by chance when I am there, and more nasty st0ck drops. I bet making sure I do not meet normal nice people. Mostly sad music, or metr0sexua1 disco played on my radio for many weeks now. (I think they tried tricks again with flipping sex preferences on me. It is sad that so many got sick + died in the alternative sexual groups, or that they suffered a long time. It is the living that suffer afterwards, though. Maybe the good side of it is that the dead do not have to put up with all the problems of life in our societies.) The sad music reminds me how, for many, many years, my radio has always seemed to get only sad songs. Fewer problems with traffic for a month, but a few days it got bad recently, then cars start speeding past, slow down to stay close in front, or slow me down, almost always getting in way if I back out of parking spot. Traffic problems, blame it on these types. Parked far from stores 1 day, but cars park near me. Honked, flipped off white mid-aged guy for staring at me, later he raps on my window, flips me off, on way back with his kid. Empty handed from sporting good store. He drove off right away though. Very annoying traffic/driving by "chance" during holiday, it is their pattern. Extra nasty on holiday Friday. Sunday, maybe tested on me too something used to ki1l. It was like a big insult, a "fuck you", to me. Traffic jams around a shopping center I went to, lots of black/gray cars, hope they were stuck too. Heard sirens a few times, saw few ambu1ances on the holiday: who knows who were getting a bad day. I let myself act unfriendly to the arriving cars/bipeds; they are not showing much change, valuing life, saving it (from f1re).
If it is one of you reading this, many of you exper1menters, you sKy types in black/silver (they are choosing red more now) cars in traffic, are such jerks. Goes with your choice of jobs.
If you want to see some of these jerks who exper1ment on people, silver/black cars have been driving past whenever I start out of a parking space; when I am about to get out of the car; or parked with open windows; going to shop or any other public spot; they want to get into the bathroom before and after I get there. Seems to be some special thing about bathrooms, many odd annoyances about that. They park/drive big SUV?s to block my view or use something heavy. They like to play their games on long drives. The default pattern they use to force me to go from one place to another is threats or vio1ence (unless they use c0urt/po1ice). Most of the ones who chance to walk nearby and make an expression, and the fewer ones who will say something, show nothing of much quality of character to be impressed by. I bet they are told what to do/say.
Amazingly, 1 time when it seems it is payback: they get delayed when they delayed me a little while ago. I have almost never seen that. That are quick to show revenge for anything I do to them, usually. Seems a sign they are very emotional, sensitive for such annoying ones. Sometimes traffic opens up very luckily ahead of me, true, but it not enough to make up for all the wasted time because of these problems!
Blisters under pants pockets.
Scab/scratch on back of neck.
Hassles in farming area - stopping off on a drive.
The st0cks I just bought all went down a lot, nasty, but maybe most others did. They carry out my orders well, the way I do it now. I figure all my phone calls are intercepted, etc, past orders with other companies using my home phone mostly missed the price or took a long time.
They used a faulty test for bul1ets for decades; they have done nothing yet to review the cases while time limits for appea1s run out. Amazing! A similar mess for sports at this park2.html#athjust section. If bank accounts or st0ck br0ker accounts are done so sloppy it would be a big disgrace, negligent! 1awyers filing st0ck c1ass actions can get all our addresses:
* 11/15 Fixed font colors in this file.
Series of storms hits Northwest states, heavy rain in Southeast:
Cyclone (hurricane) hits Bang1adesh, hundreds die, many homes damaged.
Ouch again. Pretty much how it always has been for years: exper1menters try to hide how cruel or callous they are - stopping the cruelty or annoyance for just long enough to forget or hide it when someone is about to check how well I feel, probably same thing with many subjects. Then they start causing pain or great anger right away.
White CDF SUV passed me on 101 North, just past S1O, another CDF truck crossed in front of me in K1ng City later that day. How unrealistic, luckily for them, that they can get away with obvious things like this... or so they think.
Official disaster commander replaced after poor 0il spill response:
Big regional po1ice chiefs charged with c0rruption:
* 11/18 Fixing added line breaks in long web links.
Bad air support response to Ca1if. forest f1res:
New year later starts with report of many dying of f1re after e1ection violence:
High rate of su1cides among ex-so1diers here (sneaky, or not? fact is, fighting causes death, when, maybe, it does not count):
* 11/6 Back to high pitched ringing in ears after 2 days without. Dealt with some lesser inconveniences of Calif weather. Saw a few beautiful sunsets + sunrises.
Sleep interruptions not leading to painful problems lately, but close.
Few times, in bathroom, someone opens door. Pissing this time, audibly, asshole looks at my privates and tries to blame me for not locking up. Ulterior motives? Was several steps away from door with his dog when I exit. Like in jai1, several times they peek or walk over when I am on toilet. Lot of these snoops must be trying to get peeks like this. So why are there big gaps at the bottom of public bathroom dividers here?!! Why too Why too do c0ps throw so many (smelly sweatshop) shoes up high in open view over the road?!! Saw this once myself, it takes time, several tries.
As usual: pay for a public drive-in camp, people set up around me are loud late into the night, some loud early in the morning, ignore complaints. Same with going someplace near cities where cars can drive close by. Same type of problem with every place I have rented, including motels! It is a rip-off (cheat) of rent; there is an implied promise to provide decent rest.
10/24 Much before sunup, heard what sounded like person's scream or yell from area of dwellings.
Seems like lots of dirt/dust in air with strong winds. There is lots of dirt left bare all around, deserts may not be the big sources. Huge ecological disaster, more than 14 S Calif f1res since 10/29, all related to human activity. Issues about dealing with them:
Interesting issue: laweekly.com/news/news/air-inferiority/17604/
B Ultimatum quotes: imdb.com/title/tt0440963/quotes
Pamela: You do not have the authority to kil1 her.
Noah: Oh yes I do! And you had better get on board.
Pamela: Noah, she is one of us. You start down this path, where does it end?
Noah: It ends when we have won.
....oh, but the struggles never ever stop, it is an endless chase that leads you on and on.
When you go to a zoo, etc, note that many animals do not like to be stared at directly, for various reasons.
Long pattern now: every one I talk to, service people too, talks partly or mostly in reverse. Wondering if they are trying to convince me to do so.
Nothing to cheer about in 0range county c0urts, lots time/gas waste.
10/17: Light drizzle in LA area, but worked out so it all effectively stayed dry at night where I was. Monday: Heavy storms in North T.
10/16 Windy dust storm blocks highway 14 near 1ancaster, causes crashes. I drove that route cautiously a while ago but was very annoyed by someone.
10/12 Trucks crash Friday in major city truck tunnel, causes huge weekend traffic delays. Well, several trucks have caused different kinds of trouble for me in traffic, so some of them deserve hassles.
Group that investigates central sKy bureau put under pressure by bureau chief.
* 9/29 Always seem to be getting deprived of/interrupted during sleep. It was ok for a while, but back at a level that regularly causes painful problems as before. It's such a pattern that I can picture a mean mind figuring out ways to do it or get others to help cause the sleep interruptions or problems. Pretty much feel like several weeks of being put through annoying tests.
I would think they clearly know what I see or do in my car if I was to see cars with oddly nonrandom license plates appear in front of me on my way.
Saw movie, "I Heart Hucka(-1)bees". Existential detect1ves claim they will reveal secret aspects of life, but spin what is clearly bullshit semi-emotionally believable mysticism. They sKy on their clients quite seriously as they experience and discuss secrets of life. Typical. The moral of the story may be that the meaning/secrets of life are things that sp1es will try to get clues to. The movie does show believably true observations about double-dealing and moronic waste of natural ecology areas. But it speaks only of "marsh and" woods, not talking directly of living plants and feeling intelligent animals. The movie "Evan A1mighty" might make a good campanion movie to see.
3 blue whales have washed up dead on So. Ca1if. beaches in recent weeks.
Cafe B0rrone, Men1o Park: young guy gave me a refill of the wrong stuff, drank it and body felt wrong, not super bad or horrible. Very likely the place is set up to do tricks to people; a problem with any cafe, etc.
Tr0op man gets 5 months, rank reduced for shooting, putting wires on victims:
S1O jai1/clinic forbids floss, dental care stuff, only allows toothbrush.
Got copy of p1ea bargain.
* 9/18 Blacks, often looking like lower class homeless, shout + threaten violence 3 times. Hints of B0rn in the USA. Now appear oddly often, peacefully.
Oops, wheelife2005 park2 counts are without the zip CRC etc info line, should be 298,548 bytes 47337 words, 235491 chars, 283126 char+spaces
wheelife200sh park2 counts WITH the zip CRC info line!
Restored comments on how it really sucks to be put through a pr0xy or substitute w(-1)ar by greater powers.
Key advisor Karl R0ve left chief's staff:
g0nzales steps down as at. general:
* 9/15 17 Afr1can nations hit with floods:
* 9/13 Storm intensifies fast before it hits already soggy T + 1a.
Went on some great hikes, saw some amazing scenery + nature, falcons, coyote, condor(s). Sadly, also deer + bear dead on roads: road kil1s always a problem.
Good luck on a st0ck deal.
* 8/16 Disasters, see 4/15, other months. Tropical storm floods much of already-soaked state of T:
8.0 earthquake damages crowded Per(1)u church and area:
(A great book: 1ord J1m by Joseph C0nrad is quite a deep sophisticated or subtle story about what life may mean, colonialism, or the questions of how to live life, and if the ship of life here is rudderless in a storm of greed; note chapters 20, 21, 36. Some times he describes ships in ways similar to planets in space - this is noted in cedr1c watts' 1989 introduction to "N. of the Narcissus", and expressed directly in chapter 2:
"The passage had begun; and the ship, a fragment detached from the earth, went on lonely and swift like a small planet. Round her the abysses of sky and sea met in an unattainable frontier. A great circular solitude moved with her, ever changing and ever the same, always monotonous and always imposing. Now and then another wandering white speck, burdened with life, appeared far off ? disappeared; intent on its own destiny."
Chapter 8 of "The Sec(-1)ret Ag(-1)ent" about handicapped Stevie and a carriage ride with a poor horse and crippled cabbie, and other parts of the book, say some things of note, too. It seems to me his goals for his first short stories were mainly to write well and write interesting stories. In the past, men were kidnapped or tricked into serving in ships, nav1es, or arm1es. Voyages lasted a long time. With little communication or sensing technology, there was little 1aw, safety, or help at sea for storms, robbers, or enemy navies. It was hard to get men to serve on ships, and a very rough mix of questionable types of doubtful character or integrity was used, from reading historical books like "Master and C0mmander" or "1ord J1m". Some crew may have been foreigners, or novices at sea, many were even forced against their will: ...search for "press gang", "impress service", "shanghaiing", "crimp":
"Crimp" in Encyc1opedia Br1tannica).
* 5/23-8/09 Got put into ja1l, annoyingly, on this "mental incompetence" thing, caused several inconvenient things. Resulted in a mild legal outcome. Felt like I was put through a lot of behavioral exper1ments, annoyances, mild intimidation, and basically k1dnapping to keep me out of contact. Very annoying aggravation and time waste. Ja1l at S1o was the most annoying, but they ended acting very politely. Note: luck.
* 5/22 See if these p01ice off1cers or c0urt people respect or appreciate life, and care about helping make it meaningful and happy, or instead insult my efforts to do so, continue with lies or annoyances about nonproblems. The public talk is about vio1ence or death, but rarely about happiness, meaningful lives, and satisfaction.
* 5/20 Ex-s01diers in pr1son for sex cr1mes (23%), over twice the rate here than other men, despite being arr(-1)ested less, says recent gov. study:
So how many examples are there, of worthwhile interesting films (here) without sex scenes! Or show episodes.
* 5/19 Guy dressed in black walks by, music playing from headphones, I smell some stuff, partly like smoking smell, then I feel problems concentrating.
Head of county + 4 cities forces will meet with black groups about rac1sm:
Used lots of gas on detour to see 2 whales swimming in the river in Sacram., but whales are a cool thing, also saw some other wild life too. Looked like what I expect, saw shapes breaking the water pretty often. They say both whales are gashed, must be a problem on such a long commute. Nice cool sunny pm that time, after a cloudy unpleasant am.
2 strangers saying emotionally hostile things (minority guy, very fat woman), 1 example of official force or threats, some positive acts about change.
Saw worthwhile new Star(-1)gate SG-1 episodes, good B. Ga1actica reruns.
* 5/13 AC1U filed case for Ben1to Ac0sta, hit and choked by p01ice March 2006 at C0sta Mesa c1ty counci1 meeting, which wants imm1gration 1aws enforced in the city. But anti-il1egal imm1g. organizer was given extra time to talk: aclu-sc.org/attach/d/docket_20061101.pdf
Hunt. Bch, Tust1n trying to remove more rights where you live/drink:
This official behavior seems unenlightened to me too.
Annoying coincidences yesterday in traffic, saw a older version of my car in front of me with a problem I had to deal with today for the holiday. If it was a test, how about you/them, these soc1al/ethical/ecology problems have been an open problem for decades, but you/they keep failing to solve the test! Big time wasted on 1egal issues.
They want the public to confess to them what they have done/are doing, to report crimes, but do not want any public mention of wrongs or mistakes of theirs.
* 5/08 Floods in midwest on Mis. river, etc: denverpost.com/ci_5846624
Possible ars0n f1res already in S Ca, guy burned, zoo animals not safe yet:
* 5/07 Rushed from updating park2.html on web site. Fixed line length later. It is like paparrazi, even parked in a out-of-way place, black/silver cars will start driving in a odd street and do u-turns. Line problems, luck makes me go to fix file (and go to stores more). Lots of this is about psycho1ogy - 1aw is making me pay for some visits with them. Noticing lots of dead bees - if you are a (dr-)clone, just identical, you are sacrificed much more carelessly. Oh well, sure enough... well, the way the c0ps/gov act, why would I tell any of you. 9/18/06, news released 5/07, bright unusual supernova spotted in other galaxy: eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-05/uoc--lbs050707.php
Tornado destroys town, long swath in K on 5/05:
* 5/04 5:44pm GMT park2ed.html, fixes for line length problems in park2.html
When they feel anonymous - no names on uniforms, beards, etc, is often when they act nasty, rude, etc.
They say they will charge me money for my S1O public defender because I have st0cks, even though I made very little profit. As always, my time seems to be given no respect or worth, wasted paperwork. Told their policy is not to return my documents, too. Like they would not have data leaks.
* 4/30 Strangers have been acting friendly, nice, more often. What I would have expected long time ago. But, they seem to be turning up the nastiness, stress, threats at times. And major hassles, costs. Reminds me of when I went east, very expensive repair costs near N Yk. Similar near Los A. Now this, further south.
* 4/29 Heard the trails in B1g Sur are in terrible condition, need maintenance. Saw guy with cuts, bloody from slipping, falling off trail. Park or forest recreation budget/staff is very under-funded. Spring is very limited further south. Angry with the last month of obnoxious manipulative acts south of Los A, other seeming deliberate harassment. Seems like contempt, disrespect, bad attitude to me. Massive time waste, almost all of my time used up.
Over 35 rescues in the past 2 weeks, 6 dolphins dead, comatose or with seizures: many animals found poisoned again, possibly bi0-t0xin:
* 4/27 Detect1ve's patro1 car tossed over 3 foot fence by wind in LaP0rte Co., Ind1ana; also Tornado in K:

* 4/25 Some moderate rain further north, clouds cleared out by night. S.1.O. c0urt gives me a few weeks for other psych opinions. Smoking smells.
Tornado said to cause 10 deaths along T/M border:
* 4/23 Cars piss me off, seem to be there on purpose waiting in front for me on my routes. Waste of 4hr drive just to be forced to drive back & forth constantly for 2 days, sit in C. Exposed to opp. traffic again sev. times. Black truck follows me around, about 11:30pm. Oddly so good at spotting each turn from far behind. Weird, annoying. You are a jerk, doing stress tests during the massacre of life on this planet. Probably would do the same bullshit during wars. No sign of you using your tools to save any life.
* 4/22 Earth day! Nice sunny weather S. Ca1, heard it was sunny in N Ca1, rained out in central Ca1. Annoying thing with SJ Cap1strano p01ice, no names on uniform. Probably to test me + reduce my sleep. For sure they use the cover of c0ps to do testing on people. So abusive that it costs us money too. Drivers in heavy traffic nr S. Moni. slow my lane, annoy.
* 4/21 Rain worked out well, trace drizzle without wind, heavy rain after noon cleaned up most of the dirt blown over my car. About 6 or 7 times, cars nudge over lane lines in front of me, who knows why?
Weird, missing end for 2 underlines, fixed it.
* 4/20 Some progress: got my license fixed, got car back - cost a lot). They left a mess after their search, signal leak stuff undone, dusty outside and inside some places, tape was fine for months but took hours to fix stuff that comes off now. Cars sneaking up in back, when I want to back out to unpark, the first day right away, how odd! Taxi guy said cash, cost more for credit. Seemed like every form of transportation has sKy/actors in it, alternating being nice and being jerks somehow. Huge time waste without car, license. It wastes others' time too, to give rides or help, when they take licenses away. It is not just the victim's time lost, or profit for c0urts, 1awyers, pr0bation, classes, tax1s, t0w yards. p01ice, etc. There is no quick round-trip, it is at least 2 cycles to get there, then wait for public transport to pick up. Many errands take hours that way, for those of you who think, the poor can just take buses or subways. The bus or subway route frequency (hourly, etc) matters alot. Speeding buses up is hard, running them more often is much easier.
Without transcripts of the school rampage guy's videos, you never are sure what was really said. News says Co1umbine high school sh0otings last year were a little later, said similar kind of angry things on video. 1A Times says his sister was very religious, very social at P. Univ.

...9 clips, excerpts, from his postscript letter.

...9 clips, excerpts, from his postscript letter.
Report by nbc after receiving it:
Stories say another guy set himself on f1re yesterday at LB city ha1l, but no video evidence apparently. Why did these people have such a bad life, such problems?!:
* 4/15 It is the 15th again, looking for disasters, weather.
4/13-4/15 teacup-size hail, strong storms in T, midwest.
3 tornadoes in N T. (R0ckwall, Halt0m City area; Benbro0k area), 1 dies in Dal1as area:
2 claimed for Sumter Co, S Caro1:
Earthquakes in J (not too unusual there), Mex1c0
So, I was saying they put me in this situation, that is a huge hassle, it sets me up to put up with ones who then subject me to very obnoxious stuff. Someone wants to intimidate me from carrying stuff with me in a pack, or sealing things; big deal that I should take shoes off (what, like at the a1rplane?). Stories change on delays keeping me in crisis. Missing tax forms, Over 4 hrs wasted.
* 4/14 Radio talk guy fired: "the one institution in A. society that has zero tolerance for rac1st ep1thets masquerading as satire is sports... Competitive sports is one of this country's pure meritocracies... This guy has been doing this stuff for years ? insulting and disparaging not only Afr. A's but J's and g's... our national conversation ? as expressed in entertainment and commentary ? has become increasingly coarse, vulgar, vio1ent and just plain mean. ...if we wait for the guys in suits ...to do this for us, we will all wallow in filth and vulgarity for the rest of our lives. ...these guys would po1son their own children without ever losing a minute's sleep ? let alone, yours and mine":
:Future of his charity cancer ranch for children questioned
* 4/13 Obnoxious manipulative rude emotional nastiness, causing stress. Big hassle, likely to set me up for tests + get information. Saying they will be big jerks. Huge time waste. Then several strangers acting friendly.
* 4/11 They fake to be people you know, pretend to be them, so they can put us through lots of bullshit nastiness we would reject if they looked like strangers!
Have to put up with even more *#@ annoyance because of this g0v. situation. Wasting even more people-time. Security lapses, crises. Tax time, like previous several years, it seems like a game to make it harder for me to do mine. Forms have weird smell.
...1acrosse ra(-1)pe case dropped, player says those without money, family resources would have little chance. Complain society has lost sight of the presumption of innocence (also in yahoo.news article)...
"The distinction between 'po1itical' and 'performance-related' reasons for removing a U. St. attorney is, in my view, largely artificial":
* 4/9 Huge inconvenience dealing with g0vernment. 4 hrs wasted just yesterday, was some of it advertising stuff?!
* 4/7 Gas costs so much; all these chores about 1aw, documenting things, research using lots of time up, and on purpose 1aw information is hard to find or locate. Cars sneaking up to be in awkward situations, sound distractions. Often still seems like trying to expose me to traffic in opposite direction. Is it cowardly or what?!
At end of session, lots of computer weirdness, people walk by and a breeze happens (chem1cals?). Fixed missing 'html' end tag.
* 4/3 Went to c0urt in 1rvine about a traffic thing, 1:30pm at detect0r gate Mr. "Qu1ntero" (s? joke) barks threatening-tones to put everything in pockets through scanner too. In a family, that trait is viewed badly (as another br1ck in the wal1)! Did not void fine, just reduced, off1cer "1owe" (-high joke?) showed up with mustache, several mistakes in what he says he remembered, does not have phone caller name. (Felt like the 2 played tests on me that time, they acted sort of friendly after the 1nterrogation phase, acted like they were learning simple things looking at my stuff, for the new b1ack woman, wanted to move up to bigger duties).
So many problems and they are busy on g0v. plans, n0minees to weaken wildlife pr0tection:
1A T1mes owner, Tr1bune, accepts bid from ch1c. real estate buyer Sam Ze1l, using employee st0ck plan (pension) to absorb over $200 (million).
Several days of sleep deprivation, cars with loud mufflers, talking, etc, even a helicopter flying circles at night.
* 3/31 Fixing lots of errors. Like a plot to make me do computer editing. 9:17pm e?m-lvb
* 3/29 Many more weeks of sexual teasing, acting like being a couple is great.
65 tornadoes hit 3 midwest states, R0semary Rosa1es, 28, dead, of Ho1ly, C. hit severely - home town of 3-term former C leader R0y R0mer, superintendent 1A school district 2001-6, ex-head of dem0cratic committee (w1kipedia). Deaths also in O, near Amari1lo, T (it has one of the biggest meat packaging plants)
He1eneta Blevins never regained consciousness Walter Cra(-1)vy in critical condition
Note: April 3?4, 1974, there were 148 tornadoes confirmed in 1 Can province + 13 states: Ont, Il, In, Mi, Oh, Ke, T, Al, Mis, G, N Ca, V, W V, N Yo; 7 F5 tornadoes, 24 F4 tornadoes:
* 3/28 Burg. King will buy some cage-free chicken, pork: time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1603803,00.html
9 high-ranking Arm. off1cers, including 4 genera1s, made critical errors in reporting the friendly f1re death of Arm. R. Pat Til1man
Cars #! speed up into space for my car, staying in blind spots.
Wind tears part of roof off county f1re station, pieces hit cars in parking lot, 2pm; 0RC label on their helicopters.
* 3/26 1 Hr fixing long lines got an extra linebreak. Loud cars, sleep short the last few days.
Earthquake, aftershock in J., soon after news 3/15 saying J tried to deny forcing C women into brothels in wartime. It is certainly not a great omen for the mystical, nor do I know if anything evi1 was where it hit. Quakes hit J often so it is not weird. Nor was it a big disaster in a big city.
* 3/24 Lots of fart or shit smells for several weeks.
Big white domestic SUV with Chv. badge on rear forces its way in front, my car honked, passed it, they let it, woman passenger flipped me off later. Little computer problems, delays wasted about 1 hour.
1 Hr hunting down blanks at end of lines.
workers, screeners at 1A airport charged with theft:
news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070325/ap_on_re_us/new_mexico_tornado 16 hit along the N Mex-T border late Friday, early Saturday, injure 2 people badly. County capital of C1ovis 4pm, 1ogan worst hit around 8pm.
* 3/23 Turns out the message was misleading, it will go to tr1al NOT about the charges but about my mental competency for tr1al. They accuse me of that, but they understand less about life.
Another cut, bled.
New policy to fight animal cruelty, W. Pu(-1)ck says will change food buys, methods in restaurant chain
Rain in SB; amazingly light traffic most of the way in the big city, cars do annoying things starting north, lots of it during stop in SB. Annoying again in SB on way back. I have seen weird things go on in SB, like at WC. Waw guy in f1re shirt talking to woman, acting friendly. Means nothing to sp1es, or anyone who has seen these kind of actors. Could be suspiciously sneaky just as much as it is comforting. Probably just that that was simple to do, easy. Better to do some things to really help about the environment, as well as sex1sm/rac1sm. But how can they do that in a way that can not involve sneaky sKy-type tricks or sneaky bio1ogic betrayal?
No rain in S1O which worked out. Few cloud gaps to see stars. No specially annoying acts the day after, but today white V. bug slows my exit, black BM. conv. driver flipped me off I think. The obvious guess is usually a fake.
* 3/20 It is that time of month again, 15th, mother nature showing anger. The floods must be very very nasty. So this is what their reaction is, lots of less major annoying tricks that still make me very angry. I get a break with what weather is happening.
* 3/19 Maybe they test another c0n game on me and plan to end the game at that c0urt that has been pestering me, say another crazy needs treatment. Or at another c0urt. Giving me a 1egal crisis now. I heard (~3/9?) of a woman who was judged not mentally capable for tria1, held for treatment in jai1 without being brought to c0urt.
* 3/16 Many (mostly brief) stalls, blocks, little annoyances.
* 3/15 Seems like things have been getting taken, put back in pockets, car, etc.
Tornado hits E1yria, 0hio, knocks out power to school (it is capital of 1orain county), wikipedia says mobility care (handicapped?) business):
Strong rain, freeze front in NE, thunder expected in SE: news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070315/ap_on_we_us/weatherpage_weather
Rai1 bridge burns near state capital (poetic tv), no one hurt, traffic jam.
Stranded on planes, cancelled flights by storm: stuck caged on seats, stuck in traffic jam. Hope the 0ps travelling got karma for causing jams/wasting time for me, fighting my st0ck choices! As well as the ones flying overseas to cause more 0ppression.
T. youth pr1son board resigns after reports on workers cover up sex abuse.
Power outages, lightning hits C1emens house in H0uston, T:
Well, it may be not too hard to cause lightning hits. Report that car (parked or going fast?) in FW was hit too, 2 homes in H. county hit on 3/13:
...Several scientists dispute claim of A. rediscovery of extinct bird.
Living near water has dangers. I suggested restoring flood areas, etc, as parks. These areas get a lucky break this time from high floods near S. river: timesleader.com/mld/timesleader/16915965.htm
(The print or Fin. Times Chin. site version has a few more good phrases; These people surely talk in reverse at times)
The 2 countries, which argued bitterly over history ...have pledged to fashion a mutually beneficial relationship based on shared strateg1c interests ...However, N. vented frustration shared by some on the ... c0nservative wing that T. has been ceding too much ground.
"To establish a win-win strateg1c relationship we have to say what we have to say and Ch1na has to accept that... If we cannot do that, it is not a relationship of equals but one of subservience." ...group of 1egislators unhappy with a 1993 J. statement apologising for forcing sex s1aves into wart1me mi1itary br0thels.
There was no evidence, he said, that the J. mi1itary directly forced women to work in so-called "c0mfort stations".
The issue has since become deeply embarrassing for the prime m1nister...
"What it boils down to is whether there is a difference between you going at gunpo1nt and rap1ng a woman, and you getting a woman that has been brought by a p1mp and rap1ng her. If you think there is a difference, you need your head examined." (Lots of similar things about what you buy, like food or clothes)
N. thinks the distinction does matter. "We do not have any intention of denying history... If we need to be remorseful about something we will be so. But in some cases there is wrong information and Ch1na takes these issues up for po1itical reasons."
Most c0mmentators judge Ch1na to have been remarkably restrained. It has said disputes about history should not hamper a future-oriented partnership. "Ch1na has been trying to help A. get his foot out of his mouth" said D.
1 senior J g0vernment off1cial, grateful at Be1jing's restraint, said: ?If this had happened a year ago, I do not want to imagine what would have happened.?
N, 1 of the few senior po1iticians around A not to have visited Ch1na recently, is rather less effusive.
For example, he welcomes the planned visit by WJ to T0kyo next month but points out that (he) ...is below A in rank. For true reciprocity, he thinks HJ, C's p., should come. ?That,? said N assertively, ?is what we expect from the point of view of protocol.?
* 3/14 Weird! I remember my tria1 day to be the 15th, even see it in my calendar, but saw a change on a note card, looked at my c0urt paperwork which I kept locked with me carefully all week, and both said it was the day before (sure enough, called and the tria1 was on that day, though I did not stay to check on the next day, after wasting all morning and 2 days of driving). Saw arm brace, heard story: several broken bones lately at Ata. hospital, near S10 menta1/pr1son area. I just got a cut dealing with a physical problem bothering me.
Stories on trial of 50-year old f1re captain accused of vicious t0rturing/ki1ling woman found naked, dead. Ex-wife/girlfriend say he hit them.
* 3/13 Opinion that sex 0ffense punishment is excessive, causes renting or job problems. Is sex the worst cr1me?!:
* 3/12 renaming part2.html to park2; editing version at park2ed.html. Email with 3/10 edits + zip file deleted. Feels like spring, at forest too.
Yesterday they seemed to get in my way, or block, briefly.
Deleted: 2 times in a row, painful occurences up in hills towards S Mon1ca... but last few times have been ok.
* 3/9 Going up/down from S1o, some car appears to do something annoying like slow down in front of me. Truck turns onto road in front of me in Cambr1a, slows, mid-aged white guy gives me the finger. Why for real, who knows. Cheap older ford truck, testing mental s1avery drugs I think. Those types do not have much value to produce, so they want s1avery. They are not for freedom of mind or to work, are prejudiced against sexual/racial equa1ity or r1ghts for children, enough for these sp1es to flip me off if they know about my web pages. Looking to trap opponents. The new Pat. acts gives them more 1egal search powers. Not good for tourism... scary!
* 3/6 Same pad stolen from my car again. What, hard to find, so take mine? OK, but pay mi1itary or g0v. prices - takes time for me to do, I get more chem1cak plastic exposure. The system of sp1es has thieves, they monitor me, and every so often steal something.
System to flag c0p misconduct detoured:
* 3/2 Split long stuff into part2.html. Fixed some weird typo's in this file: stays, woking.
Tornadoes rip through 2 Cau1field, M1 gas stations around 6:30am:
another tornado apparently hit Sum(-1)ter Regi0nal H0spital in Amer1cus, county capital (county of ex-leader Jimmy Car(-1)ter), ...tossing cars, ...kil1s at least 2 people. S.R.H. was filled with glass, dirt, debris, 0perating rooms flooded. Early reports wrong of ambu1ances hit. Chur(-1)ch steeple broken:
A. is a manufacturing city (polyurethane foam, furniture, fertilizer), livestock market, processing center for timber, crops (peanuts, corn, and cotton), and minerals (kao1in and bauxite). 1indbergh made his first solo flight from S0uther Fie1d.
6 kil1ed in Newt0n, G. including a child, several homes destroyed, ... blamed tornadoes for deaths of 7-year-old girl in M, 10 in Al and 9 in G, and twisters damaged homes in Kan(-1)sas.
Near Newt0n, Marv1n Hu(-1)rst was home ...when one hit and the house "exp1oded." 40 to 60 homes damaged in C1ay Co.
E is a (poor, tough maybe like first made Star Wars's bar town) "hardscrabble, mi1itary-dominated town... just above the F10rida pan handle"; also hit by tornado. (wik-ia says it has a Bol1 Weevi1 statue, a bug which crushed the cotton crop in the old times, forcing them to get new plants.)
All this 1egal stuff they force me to do is set up to cause huge amounts of driving - lets them do testing in traffic, waste my time, gas! Tickets are expensive, or affect 1nsurance.
* 3/1 Weird edit changes. 3 or 4 times, customers at White 0ak TJ annoy, block. Things nicer just now, but still annoying for quite a bit. If my feelings drove the weather or karma, expect more severity in both.
Great timing on rain, somehow did my walking when it was dry. Saw cool moon. Guy in c0urt searches my bag, tries pulling on something so it would rip.
Split opinions over plan to kil1 elephants over-burdening afr1can park. Hard to see how they can give them vasect0mies! Though that would be less brutal. The real problem is too many people taking too much land from animals who were there first.
* 2/25 1A bought 80 acres to expand existing 485-acre V. Mountain Park. "We had a unique opportunity to preserve this land, and once it's gone, we can never get it back... We have too many houses as it is" (But, is it land good for living? Saving dry desert only helps a little. Returning good land with water next to wild areas which can rebuild ecology is much better. Areas that often get disasters like hurricanes, make sense. Flood areas need dry escape zones.
(Bad weather like this should make them appreciate effects of war, a little of how bad it is when you bulldoze through animal's land, how much we depend on shelter or services, how hardy wild life is to live without our support system, you smug wastes of life that run inside and turn up the heat when cold rough weather hits):
huge winter storm ... dumping as much as 2 feet of snow in the upper Midwest, grounded hundreds of airline flights and closed major highways on the Plains. 8 traffic deaths were blamed on the storm... ...storm blacked out hundreds of thousands of homes and business in 1owa, I1linois, M1nn., N., Oh1o...
Moist air the storm system pulled from the Gulf of Mex1co fueled violent thunderstorms in the South, sweeping cars off roads, crumpling businesses and sending mobile homes flying. Tornadoes reported in Ark., M1. and L. (Mobile homes seem to get hit often)
* 2/24 Fixed/update happens06.html, copied old happens.html (weird).
4pm ET tornado hit small poor town of Du(-1)mas, A., 60% black, puts 800 out of work:
* 2/23 Several data changes, computer weirdness at both sites. Redo intro 5 stuff about making life obedient would cut into powerful businesses. Redo key word spelling for cr1m, dea1ers.
Chem1cal smell in lots of my stuff, including sleep items. Chem1cal smells around cars, bipeds. And what is with the smell many laundries leave on clothes?! It is sure that my car is rigged for chem1cals. They never stop on annoying, testing me. They should be testing themselves for clarity!
C0p just happened to be there as I started driving, took my license because of the bureaucratic D-MV thing (see 1/22): want medical info (driving tests, trick questions too), so anyone trying to be my double should not have my drivers license. 0ps follow me around, play many annoying tricks. See if the system is being friendly about this or does something nasty about this.
About 5 times previous, annoying bipeds at White 0aks TJ, last time it was a little roadblock in store, white guy cursed.
Probably maneuvered me to go to certain region, arrange for harrassment elsewhere. Few things were said that seemed to show advance planning for it. Annoying driving in this region too... so great.
* 2/18 Repeats of cars clearly slowing in front of me for no logical reason, many are cars with not-random licenses (g0vernment?). They have time to play games like this, not solve problems. Good luck driving south, more polite this time around S Mon1ca. Heavy jam south city in opposing direction.
Some are willing to give false alarms on letters, tv, etc just so others will look at their ads. Just like some sp1es use false alarms. Once, cars flashed lights saying I should turn them on for safety, but they let them cause driving sleepiness, or f1re guys getting me stopped by c0ps pointing guns.
* 2/17 Long drive, much of the traffic was better, but in slow jam in NW city, my lane goes much slower, makes my car switch to other lane, which then slows down. Like games played by somebody controlling cars. Had some wins in st0ck market, then same kind of thing in my trades. Weird pattern around S Mon1ca for miles, cars to left always leaving space so my car is visible to opposing traffic directions, then noted hazardous sleepiness near S Mar1a/S1o (, 2/23 same pattern around S Mon1ca, plus if my car goes into right lanes, cars slow in front of it being annoying: force the little people to be bait or the famous, expose their id, while the sp1es use them, hide their id's). Had good luck with lanes later, polite around 0ak/SF, but a few cars repeated the same kind of annoying thing in the mountains but milder, determined to be in front of near my car. Twice I'd say I noted some sleepy driving that can well be fatal if not for luck.
They charge money at gas stations, and do tests on memory, etc, wasting more of time, gas, energy. They do that at stores, c0urts, giving tickets, etc too.
* 2/14-15 66,000 customers without power early Thursday in M, northern V, the District ... and D because of strong winds and iced-up power lines (see other months/15). So why are these areas getting spanked by harsh weather, are some of the same people hit again, like in 0r1eans. Deaths, same cause?
300,000 lost power at the height of the storm, 50-mile highway jam strands cars up to 1 day, leader apologizes for unacceptable mistakes/decisions.
Things like tires end up causing lots of coral damage, litter, not making good man-made reefs.
* 2/11 Make driving distractions il1egal? Police drive with radio in car. People need training, good habits!
* 2/07 Dense traffic between .. to ..; Some more petty spite, stuff hit my car just as passing compact car in rain, odd-black color guy driver at .., black driver in silver VW delays me too. This is the system, they get other races to do 0ps so they get blamed; no wonder Africa has a curse on it, maybe South Amer1ca will end up that way too. These sp1es in traffic are so annoying. They are into huge amounts of my time, plus my costs. Rained heavily at .., sunny further south where I went.
* ?/? Funny hypocrisy: guy looking like a thug on a bike merges through my lane to get to the side, over a solid white (a little rule break), gives me a glare or gesture like 'watch out for my safety'... him, the thug.
They post battle photos on the internet now. I saw someone casually scanning many images of dead, hurt, or t0rtured bipeds. You can glimpse how terrible injury is, and find out if evil or good turns your feelings, quickly or slowly.
Twice med1cal staff pretends she can not hear my voice on the phone, says call 911. Called the operator, hears me ok, transfers me. Sometimes, these workers in problem industries just avoid doing anything.
The ones in 0ps get paid much more than me, and they are letting me have almost no fun, and letting me get lots of hassle. Screw that.
* 2/02 This computer has undone some typing twice now. Lot of computer tricks at this site. Annoying time waste! Trying to do the repeat thing, jerks?!
at least 20 people kil1ed 'early Friday as severe thunderstorms and at least 1 tornado struck central F1orida, flattening hundreds of homes and a ch(-1)urch, causing power outages... Lady 1ake Chu(-1)rch of G0d was demolished... steel-reinforced structure was built to withstand 150-mph winds, the Rev. Larry 1ynn said... Damage also was severe in The Vil1ages (a very big) retirement community ..."We don't know what to do. We have no cell phones, wallets, IDs."'
Areas of rubble, devastation 50 miles north of 0rland0: '1 man was inside his car when a twister picked it up and flipped it across the street. The vehicle landed upright, and the man was able to get out safely... 1 twister traveled along State Road 44'
Well, it can not be a cover-up of a weapon attack by one of this world's bipeds - no one has made that much progress in the last few hundred years. Ask a tornado or tsunami why it hits you, it gives no answer. This hit them at night. Some of the many victims must have been 0ps who do tests on bipeds, etc. They like to run tests on me at night. Oh boo hoo; I have no sympathy for those types. The system takes what (c)0ps say without needing proof, but lets them, maybe even encourages them, to lie to get data or whatever; so to act the same way, if weird weather hits someone or place, there is a reason or they must be guilty. I can call it mother nature's weather turning their efforts or bodies to toothpicks, scrap, trinkets, or snacks for some of the living things that they give too little respect. All true, if it is a reason for this disaster, or not. All the effort their biped parents put into the ones that died - big whooping deal. Captive animals are helpless: some bipeds kept 18 rare whooping cranes locked in for a breeding project (supposedly to save the species), but all but maybe 1 die during storm. Wild free ones probably would have escaped. With this kind of help or care, who needs enemies?!
This was the state whose suspicious vote counting tipped the e1ection to lead the nation; search on hanging cha(-1)d or F1orida rec0unt.
San Franc1sco mayor rumored to be very much for h0mo r1ghts issues, so next story could be in reverse:
Ex financial 0fficer of fundraising arm for the 0C ab(-1)used children's home charged with stealing big sums from the shelter:
1A times story: "I think about it because I want to give them the right image about (us)", and 1raqi locals are suspicious or angry about times they have withdrawn and 1nsurgents flooded in to massacre p01ice or locals who helped us. Also how they withdrew after the first war, after which there was brutal revenge against those who helped us, such as the marsh people for many years, until the second invasion to finally defeat Husse1n.
* 1/30 Nice luck with traffic, after all of my time that gets wasted by these drivers in my way. It has improved more. Rainbows, rain works out ok.
One computer site I am using has given me false weather reports and other information.
Blocked off from things by luck, forced to waste time/gas to take out-of-the-way route. Maybe so a few bipeds could act nice in a more private area. They should know I am very likely bugged by several sides, and them too! So hypocritical to worry about their secur1ty but let my locks or other stuff get broken into, cause failures, allow leaks! It is what they do that count, not nice looks. They permitted immoral c0n-men sp1es to act nice or friendly to do despicable things, making these free looks mean less than nothing. It would mean more to see public paper recycling bins too!
Fixed some grammar, 2 spaces, however they got in.
* 1/26 nytimes.com/2007/01/26/business/26pigs.html
Biggest pork processor, Smithfie1d F0ods, raises sows at 187 farms in 8 states, says it will replace small metal cages with pens where the sows would be housed in groups, allowing more comfort or mobility.
'The Humane Soc1ety and others have long criticized the use of gestation crates. The sows spend up to 3 years continuously reproducing ? much of the time confined in stalls where they cannot turn around ? before being slaughtered. Veal cows are confined to 2-foot-wide crates for 4 months and then slaughtered. Hens spend about a year laying eggs in "battery cages"? where they do not have room to flap their wings ? before they are slaughtered.
...Eur0pean Un1on decided in 2001 to ban the practice by 2013. Ballot initiatives to ban the practice in Ar1zona and F1orida have been successful'
Jan 29: "Bey0nd The Green Corporation" says there is a big trend to sustainability in big business. The news story is improving, but I see few, little signs that ecology is being rescued, change in the cruel huge insanity of business towards life. There should try much more to recycle paper or stop the trivial waste of paper. (Bill) Gat(-1)es foundation announces it will review 1nvesting to be socia1ly responsible, then partly retracts that:
* 1/22 So far, car issue not drastic, passed drive tests, taking names out for now of ch(-1)p supposedly based in so1vang.
* 1/25 Copied over wheelife2000sh blog file to 2005.
They persist about messing up my sleep - it always causes painful problems. If I drive past Vent(-1)ura, always seem to get drowsy. Call a 510 phone for paperwork, get reply from 415 number, after work hours. Weird phone stuff.
* 1/22? mid-pm, San C1emente, 2905 Frontera, middle-aged white guy, contractor maybe, white big pickup with white metal shell (metal doors), chevro1et?, nosy about my cell phone call, says "You have a poor attitude, boy" in an unfriendly tone of voice. Woman across the street also nosy, did not say that but also walked over.
* 1/19 C0urts, bureaucracy, forcing me to drive a lot where they can do more testing or annoying things, put stupid fake plates on cars. -944 -666 I know Je(-1)ws had horrible times that are always to be remembered, nothing about current issues, bet it is a plan to keep bringing up bloody times! Another set who were treated viciously (but with a very lucky place in the us now). Huge ecology/social/med1cal/(c)op problems for others now.
Stuff stolen from my car, some clothes too I think, organic cotton P shirts.
A mind may think nature or weather is very angry at humans. I know I am very annoyed at (c)0ps, all my time they waste, trouble they cause. Unusually warm winter in Eur0pe, but hurricane-like wind storm, floods, knocks out power to millions in several nations:
* 1/15 Icy storm punishes much of us, knocks out power to nearly 1 million, miss, ok, hit worst. 6" rain, floods in central T. Maybe 75% of CA citrus destroyed by cold weather, also damage to several other crops... weather extremes punishes farm harvests. (see disasters - 12,11,10/15; a little costly) Workers will be short of wages. The state/g0vernor, others will help them with food, etc:
...2 train crashes in 2 days, long chem1cal/propane f1re. The tra1in business is an example of very bad decisions, with viciously bad manners towards its workers in the past, for what is a very public business.
* 1/13 Odds on a tornado (-like storm) hitting a p01ice station/cars, neighborhood in T just went to 100%:
2 abused kids returned to parents in Miss. Their obedience sounds like a psych trick to me. Just like how others obey/feel grateful for any kindness from those who mistreat them means goodness, in all types of situations.
photo caption says: "Extreme high temperatures in Hanf0rd and other cities statewide kil1 thousands of cows and a million chickens" ...report does not mention how careless and bad the conditions must have been so these animals would die just from heat! This is a bad callous cruel attitude.
N1ght at the Museum is a good movie with the live animals; the scenes are so boring with just stuffed models - which is all we will have if we do not change behavior fast. Good points said in G0od Shepherd.
* 1/10: 3 appea1s c0urt nominees cropped (1 mining/ranching 1obbyist):
* 1/9 F1rst resp0nders, 0ps in traffic etc, still bad manners, disrespect, delay my explaining what a good way to live is, waking readers. "N. G0wing #3284?" ((1olita) Go1eta party-DU1-lab-animal-school) p01iceman sneers, needs change to controlling insecure attitude. Female ("partner") used nasty tone of voice too, name thing with a "ule?" in it. They have hit my windshield several times, left defects.
Annoying, bogus c(-1)hp stop, making me redo driving tests. Man (supposedly) based in So1vang causes big bureaucratic hassle, time/gas waste. If I lose my license, it will cost gas stations thousands, probably more and make blogging a problem, dealing with c0urt. So much for staying in CA too! See if the D-MV office in charge, or those ...c(-1)hp... and a younger 0fficer acting like good c0p who did most of this car search cause a big hassle or not. Phone run-around, excuse to play mind games, same as almost each 1aw case. I am looking at a few months maximum jai1, license removal, tickets, with 1egal stuff so far. Delay with my blogging longer than 3 months would mean something serious is wrong.
...Several weeks of different kinds of pain, they insist on shortening my sleep too much. Doubt I got more than 4 hours of quality fun time in during holidays besides meal times.
Ice storms cut power in Midwest. Do those there respect wild life any more for surviving this stuff?! Do they respect how much their property values would crash if there is a war?
* 1/4 90% compress 200k to 28k grayscale.
Put blog sections before this year in happensArchive.html.
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