Individuality - Guard It!
Thoughts About Individuality
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The science of psychology is advancing and it's a braver newer world every day. But people are individuals, not a collective colony of clones like ants or bees. It's a gift of life! Keep it that way and guard against it - for your own good! Spy agencies experiment with mind control using science and the tricks of conning people (films like Conspiracy Theory and Telefon are about this topic). Conspiracy Theory also says that putting up this web page to warn you carries some real risk. Hopefully you'll see the same important parts of the films that I saw. This is copyrighted, copy permission is required, so share wisely. Tampering detection (word counts and CRC) is at the bottom of the page.

Remember how you or your agency had to fight once to win independence and how valuable it is, so fight mind control now. No god or country known to me ever says they want to control your minds. If the secret of mind control is solved, this evil is out and people everywhere are totally fucked. This problem crosses all borders. World history says it's much better to take the offensive against evil before it gets around to preying on you. These are really smug fools who must have been suckered into thinking they're so clever they can hide what they're doing. Their acts have advertised that just as it's starting a technology age, the world's dominant life form is ripe for takeover by any other force, from any place, just clever enough to spy on them. Are they looking to get vacuumed up by hostile aliens, to mention an extreme possibility? The spies and encryption from World War One or Two stand no chance against professional spies from our era. What if someone can or advances enough to crack what they are doing, and doesn't have the forgiveness to file it away or use it mercifully and temporarily. Or gets the information stolen. Watch the movies The Matrix, Jimmy Neutron, and Sneakers! Have they heard of the Enigma project? Someone's likely to be nearby using a better quality foreign videocam or stereo, or driving a low-mileage heavy-metal copy of our cars. Independence of mind is a gift of life, fools! Even if you want to help someone fight mind control, tell yourself constantly that someone may be spying to find out how to do it every time you start thinking of discussing it. It'd be a sly way to try. I'm no agent or expert on how it works, and I'm trying to follow this rule as well.

If your head is clear now, memorize how it feels (it'll be hard to remember if this ever starts). Practice and learn now how it is to think with an absolutely calm quiet mind and what your rational thoughts feel like. Giving a hint to change someone's actions to cooperate better, instead of telling them (in a friendly or helpful way when you're upset), is silly and unreliable. Only take or give hints if it's clear it's a secret, like this stuff, and say so, like now. Tell people to say things right out, not by hints.

Superstitious, crazy people who feel spirits or powers urging them, emotionally uncontrolled, or people feeling unassertive and sensitive are more at risk for mind control. Keep an eye on them. But DEA, CIA or any other agents, medical actors, or members of drug cartels, no matter how callous or strong minded, better not be sure at all that it isn't or won't happen to them. You can all be influenced and feel strong emotions.

Many technology businesses are ridiculously tough as it is. Look at what's happened in the clothing or food business. A weasel-ly expense in technology (in the Dilbert cartoon's meaning of weasel) might create a collective colony society if mind control is possible, and do the same thing to technology (and other businesses). I'm not even going to say what grim possibilities are likely if they get what they wish for, but that kind slashes living standards. These people can't build a robot as complex as a person or spider, but somehow think they can secretly try to learn how to do mind-control on people. Warning! Developing such technology is incredibly dangerous, like I already said, and you're seriously unaware to try to and not understand why. Or you're a homo sapiens and a smug straight male of white European descent who thinks it will just go your way and don't think about history. Or you are just inhuman. Be careful what you work on can't be transformed for mind control. Why? Watch the movies Lost in Space, or "Dude, Where's My Car?". Stop working on mind control. Anything that seems like it should be immediately investigated and slammed. Why? Whoever's doing it must have information, resources, and stuff worth capturing. It's an inhuman way to treat any species, like in the Animatrix or Matrix Reloaded. The image of altruistic Star Wars Jedi mind tricks is imaginary. Look at how things are around here and on the news. When you and 4 other trusted Jedi can defeat evil empires from a thousand other galaxies across the universe for a few trillion years and create multiplanetary societies safe from all future evil of fairness, happiness, peace, and fulfillment for everyone and everything then you can start thinking about Jedi mind tricks. Until then, the dark side is going to end up getting ahold of it. See how bees and ants are manipulated by people who figure out how their control system works. Do they think they have a secure system?

These jerks in the spy agencies and stock markets have been conned into thinking they're so clever they can keep mind control their secret. Every widely used technology is eventually copied. I can't imagine any way people here can keep technology totally secure forever. Stop those experiments! There's no market or chance in this era for improvements instead?! They can pick something else like that to work on! If you do detect some mind control going on in your territory, then there's a range of possibilities. Maybe you're not figuring out how to get this warning to them so they stop. Otherwise someone is deliberately operating there and doing something very threatening. The professionals should imagine what the possibilities are. If they got the warning and continue, then it's a major shot across the bow at best, even if this force is merciful and friendly. Now matter how friendly they are, I can't think an agent can trust this secret won't be stolen or eventually sold to a hostile force someplace else. It must be a formidable smart force and an excellent challenge and test for the home agency.

It's absolutely valuable to distribute films and works on this topic so this threat is understood, but I wouldn't even send them over satellite or wireless any more (and hope that's safe enough).

Wage slavery makes enemies and does not make a nation great. Most people oppose it. Stop causing it. I suggest certified product labels meaning it was made by free workers with fair wages and good workplaces, including all indirect parts. It can be in a company's ethics promise too. Political change has to have a strong agency backing it. An ideal has to get this support or it fails.

Condolences to you if you're being subjected to mind control or have been. I expect it's painful. They spy on you and scramble your mental logic so that you think irrationally of course. Sleep's probably a riddle for you. Try to keep plans secret from spying and make them cover multiple options and travel routes so it takes more people and effort and make those cheapskates buy a missile or computerized weapon instead. Again, it can be a triple sly con so you say it and help them know what tricks work, but you can help agencies detect mind control by saying aloud things like, "Why did I turn left onto Main St. at Lower Ave. at 11am, Friday?" or "Why did I do that ... for Joe Smith at noon Friday?". It's absolutely sanely normal to say things like that. Ignore special phrases that begin to seem like hints to you. Once you notice repeated manipulations of your actions, they've likely figured out that technique works anyways. Maybe say it as you stop by an airport, car rental agency, high target government office, water reservoir, bridge (toll gate), etc, which should be monitored for suicide bombings. Maybe at a hardware store selling fertilizer, bank, internetted computer/electronics store, supermarket or other cash register, or watching TV too. Via email, web page, or blog (web diary) also. I'm unsure if a homeless service or food handout is safely monitored. So someone who's given useful advice to fight mind control or strong arguments why it's dangerous is likely to be against it, for real, but nothing's sure. Don't expect immediate relief, but now they'll wonder if they're being spied on too. False alarms are very risky, ok?! Expect them to be punished somehow.

What I suggest is to re-examine every kind of decision, whether it's logical, especially involving travel or any kind of violence. Repeat and paraphrase my tips here 100 times. Write them down someplace out of sight, burn them safely, then flush them. Repeat a different one (a-i) every few minutes each day.
a) Distrust every hunch or strong emotion.
b) Make your own decisions and continuously check if your mind is clear when deciding. Teach yourself this when you think of getting your (car) keys, wallet, checks, etc (if not sooner). Reconsider new thoughts that pop into mind after you wake up (again, sleep's probably a riddle to you). Could it be mind control? What purpose could there be?
c) Trust no one else too much.
d) TV and stereo are dangerous.
e) Tell yourself everyone's probably lying or acting. Ignore hints and facial expressions. Teach yourself to take everything you hear, read (on a letter, sign, or paper), or see on a computer as a lie, fake, and illegal trap for someone made more gullible and unwary. Even with a badge or government seal, even from cops. Now check if it's true. Some places the laws do mean something. Even if not, keep track of the laws they break. It may be useful someday.
f) Always have a complete explanation for what you're doing that makes satisfying rational sense to you in a complete way.
They will give just enough positive reinforcement to your temporary irrational beliefs to keep them going so you ignore the times they are wrong. Review your behavior in view of priorities.
g) Taper off drinking completely and any kind of mood or mind altering thing. Your mind is at stake. It makes it easier to cover how they alter your mind. Withdraw money from drug firms who dose and manipulate you. When you think of a likely way they do it, think of some more unlikely ways. They'll try to mislead you! They may try to keep you addicted, so fight it. I really hope you stay out of the "Valley of the Dolls". My theory is it only takes 4 to 6 weeks to drop a drug with very powerful effects, less otherwise.
h) Do NOT commit any crimes! Do what a normal law-abiding person would do. (They probably want someone to do a crime for them and think this method can't be traced to them) Bad as it is now, you'll be powerless and vulnerable to whatever goes on in whatever is used as a prison. They'll probably take major money too, probably. You may want to smell and look unattractive and frumpy (but try to be likable) and stay fully covered/clothed, in jail, because badges don't prevent crazy urges to extend sexual voyeurism. There's all types and sexes in jails. Imprisoned, you can't defend your actions no matter what ethics you had if you have been breaking the law. Spies are in a similar situation. Be wary of situations turning into a setup where you get framed for crime or insanity, but don't waste too much effort because there's no way to prevent getting framed. Too bad they can't use you for good instead of this evil.
i) True family and true friends are very unlikely to do this to you, unless forced to. They'll try to mislead you to attack what support you do have. Think of every bizarre alternative, check your logic 50 times and be 150% sure before you reject them.

Decisions made if you are relaxed, clear headed, and logical are most probably safe. This will be a big challenge because your mind is likely very unclear. Constantly remind yourself to be serious about this. Taking it lightly is a big mistake. Review what you did at various times and wonder if it was what you planned. Again, remind yourself to repeat those suggestions.

Here's 6 other kinds of mind control I can imagine.
1) Notice if you feel weird desires to please someone (who's not helping you). Including love, unfortunately. Ask if you overlook past cheating or mistreatment too much and respond uncautiously to current niceness (which you should encourage though). You're in trouble if you can't remember and be very cautious.
2) (Overheard) thoughts dominate your mind, can't block it out or think of something else even with meditation to blank the mind.
3) Weak or wimpy in decisions. Easily talked/bossed into changing views.
4) Not brave but scared and wimpy about your acts displeasing someone bossy. Especially if scared of them as they show up.
5) Uncontrollable emotions overriding logic.
6) Uncontrolled muscle tics or movements. Not exactly mind control, but a risk still to all people.

Keep it hidden to your own mind if it only happens once and just notice it. They want to know what a drug does. But if a pattern above repeats, you may want to start telling yourself 6 things over and over:
j) misunderstand or don't hear questions and suggestions,
k) make mistakes and disobey,
l) break their things and spill things on them,
m) trip them,
n) think of safe ways to shout at or be nasty to them in general.
o) repeat continuously to yourself what you originally want to do to block outside suggestions,
What fun! This is where accidental "passive aggressiveness" is a safer plan. Again, it may be a triple sly trick so you'll do this, though. In case of reverse psychology, choose a third or other alternative, and 1/3 or 1/5 times do what's expected.

When an agency is pressuring you, it's hard to keep track of things. Be super sure on money exchanges etc, have final confirmation first. So there are some looking to rip off people under agency pressure without actually robbing them illegally. Are they really part of the government system or are they an ugly problem and scummy vultures?

Science, secrets, and lies are fundamental parts of this tricky world. Don't fall for believing in magic, it's better to think it's science you don't know about. You are just one of many many others in this big vast region. Don't think you have special powers unless you have overwhelming proof. And remember, someone with great power would have you serve them, not be serving you. When you do reach a clear-headed rational time, then you can accept that there are obvious things that you weren't keeping in mind. Someone can have advanced spy equipment and ways to communicate, even to you. Distinguish between what can be faked by spying and:
- having information
- understanding knowledge enough to applyy iit versus taking credit for it
- smartness to get to new levels of knowlleddge
- being the designer of the system versuss aan operator.

You could go someplace far from other people to make it as inconvenient as possible, and stop doing anything so you're not useful to them, but that means they have stolen your use to yourself probably (plan ahead, professionals have tactics for responses like that). It can even be a sly trick to get you to do that. Or get you to initiate a self destruct sequence. Look, does that punish someone abusing a dog or car? Only if it's got something they need. Of course it wouldn't be useful anymore if everyone did that. So then you think of how to punish the abusers. Watch out, spies are amazing at disguises and imitation. It's kind of like a Mission Impossible movie kind of thing, so it's better to punish them before you lose sight of them. Next time it may be someone else. They'll be ready for attacks and have backup, and they might get vicious or violent, so it's best to not get caught and remember to stay out of prison. Make sure your conclusions are absolutely correct and you have the probabilities figured out right. It's absolutely legal to vote with your dollars! It creates consequences! Spend with those who wouldn't do this to you. Deprive money from areas which mistreat you.

I suspect it'll feel very sad, painful, and embittering. This mind control stuff is such a betrayal it definitely changes your perspective. It gets you saying what total cheaters and abusers this agency can be. What I can offer is to tell you that you are more of a complex, sophisticated creation than I can ever understand. Read some biology or artificial intelligence works if you don't think so, but remember, they may use anything as a tool. Believe cautiously, there's different motives at work: for example, skim the different diet plans being promoted. Thinking about what life in this world really means, just from a logical point of view, is always useful and leads to goodness, I think, if you observe how interdependent the ecosystem is and that there are predators and nonpredators. If you lean towards selfishness and tricks, think more of the fundamental requirements for civilized society, family, education, and business - like trying to buy and sell technology goods like a used car. What happens if theft, lying, violence or predation is the way all the time!? If you lean towards cooperation, think more about crime, theft, lies, and ecology. I know, using logic alone you start wondering why you do anything, besides survive mostly, and what meaning there is to life. It's funny. Good luck and I hope it ends well.

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