Gay rabbit sammurai


Garyuu Usagi


Hair: brown

Body: peach

Eyes: blue

Age: 23

Occupation: SHUSH Agent, Assistant to the Director of Agent Training, Sensei of Orchid clan


Tokyo, Japan

Time Period: 2040’s

Weapon: Unknown (he is very extemparaneous when it comes to weapons) sais? Kitana?

Powers: Really great singing voice


Ryu means Dragon son. He is the son of Usagi Fukionna, the famous geisha and Billy Bunny (Babs Bunny’s son)

He gets a little over board with the whole sammuari schtick.

Not much is known about his life, but his grandparents are both very famous. His mother was a geisha. So she instilled in him a great respect for his culture.His father was in the army.

On one side he is descended of the Great Yojimbo, the greatest sammurai ever to live. His bloodlines go back to the Heian period.

On the other side he is the grandson of Babs Bunny the great American movie star. So he is pretty screwed up, torn between the modern world and his past.

Ryujiro is very polite, and teaches kendo and martial arts at SHUSH. He pours a mean tea.

Common clothes: he wears traditional robes.

Formal: He prefers Japanese style clothes.

Uniform: Sometime Ryu-chan is going to get out his sammurai gear, complete with bamboo armor and helmet