Name: Brian Owens


Species: Bandar-Luhn (bear hybrid)

Age: 21

Eyes: Green

Hair: Red

Body: orangish brown

Position: Communications Officer of the Star Vulture


Birthplace: Cape Suzzette, 1943

Time Period: 1950’s


Regular clothes: white tank top, boot cut khakis, boots, his father’s mustang fighter jacket.

Formal: pale blue suit, Purple shirt , salmon tie, grey fedora with salmon stripe.

Uniform: The standard blue spandex with a black stripe shirt, khakis, his father’s fighter jacket and his war belt.

Weapon: a blaster rifle

Power: none. He can speak 38 languages, including Pokemon. He also knows Quack Fu.

Greatest Fear: Heights especially flying

Quick Parents

Kit Owens (Aka Cloudkicker)
Species: Bear
Body: red brown
Hair: red brown
Eyes: brown
Occupation: Pilot

Gosalyn Mallard (aka Daffodil Duck) Species: duck
Body: yellowish
Hair: red
Eyes: Green
Occupation: ?


Brian is the only son of Gosalyn Mallard and Kit Cloudkicker as a result of a accident with a time traveling device.

In one of the many attempts to kill Don Karnage, Quiverwing Quack was conscripted (kidnapped) by Coloumbe Sputterspark, drugged and was sent back in time to the 1930’s by a tachyportation ray against her will,. As a result, she lost her memory. In his universe he never got it back and married Kit.

He is Bandar-luhn (bear-hybrid,half duck), but appears bear, except for his duck legs. Scared of flying and heights (ironic? yes) He grew up in the 1950’s. He (in his own words) "sports a ‘tude the size a Kentucky and I’m not afraid to use it". He is fluent in 38 different languages, and despite the fact he comes from the armpit of the 20th century, was the only scholar who could figure out the etymological structure of three of the major alien languages known to mankind (Commorant, Pokemon and Labatrossian Languages)

on to the next biography

or are ya L7?