If you're interested in sea otters (and woe betide you if you're not!), you're in the right place! Welcome to the newly-improved version of Amy's Sea Otter Page, THE place for sea otter facts, info, pictures, and more...

ATTENTION! Okay, I am soooo p*ssed at Geocities right now - the ads are terrible - they weren't this bad when I first signed up, because they just started charging for hosting services. Bear with me here, the ads ARE closable. Just hit the little up arrow on the far upper right corner. Then hit the "X" to close it. Annoying, I know, but I'm going to look into switching hosts. The URL will remain the same: http://seaotters.vze.com - thanks for your patience!

Updates - November 2001
Well, let's see...I've updated, oh just the entire site! The layout is new, and there's a lot more information! I've also got a new URL: http://www.seaotters.vze.com!